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All that is holding everyone back is limiting beliefs.

You could make $1M this year if you

went for it. If you knew you had two minutes left to live, what would you give for an extra
60 seconds? And why not value your entire life this way.

People are unhappy only when they wish to control things that can not be controlled.

Only 0.01 of an entire normal mind is conscious. The other 99.99 is subconscious. This
means that any given moment all your feelings and beliefs have a disproportionate edge
over what you are going to do next. We are on autopilot an overwhelming share of our
time here. Naturally, counterproductive feelings lead to counterproductive actions. This is
why most of your actions are not right.

If your goal is to be successful with women, ask yourself why. The answer you come up
with is your limiting belief. What is the feeling that comes up when you are supposed to go
talk to a girl but you don't? That is the feeling that is going to continue keeping you from
taking action unless you change your belief. Bad beliefs lead to bad feelings lead to bad

If you have negative associations a good action, you will not take that action without
enormous resistance. Learn to change your state in order to change your beliefs and
emotions. Your brain will create new feelings based on the state that you are in. As a plan
B, take action before your time has time to react with a useless / harmful feeling. Become
resourceful about being resourceful, rather than resourceful about being unresourceful.

The main ingredient of confidence is comfort. Believe as strongly in your success as if you
were seeing yourself from the future, once you are at the peak of your accumplishments.

In communication, simplify everything. In all communication, LESS IS MORE. All good

communication begins with RELAXATION.

The reason so many people consider their first love the greatest is as they get older, they
have more and more fear. Learn to let go of the fear, learn to put down your defenses
around another person. The sooner you can do that, the bigger you will love. Get your
partner to let go of that fear as well.

Communicate your goals to as many people as you can, in all the right ways. You will be
amazed what it will lead to. How you practice communication is by communicating as
much as possible. Do it all the time, and you will become incredible at it.

First thing we ask when we meet someone new is whether that person is safe. Second, we
ask what is their value, 'what can they do for me.' Be aware of this process, and learn to
talk to absolutely everyone from this perspective, even if it is only a few seconds. It will
lead to amazing things both in those moments and even more so down the road. Want to
be the most confident person of all time? Make a real connection with just 15-20 people
every day. That is 10,000 per year. Learn to kill it, go out every night. When you don't, you
will inevitably feel like you did not use the day to the fullest. Also, you will somehow
magically begin being 'at the right place at the right time. This is the power of networking.
Your #1 resource in life is communication. Be great at it. This is why this will be the best
course of all time, past present and future. You will be controlling your own state to a
shocking degree and be able to bounce around everyone else's state. You will also learn
to control your state in work, to the point where it will make no difference to you whether
you are working or at leisure. All of it, both work and play, will feel like a light trance,
including the times you are doing the scariest thing of all, speaking to the public.

Becoming a legend means first and foremost figuring out what you are good at. On the flip
side of the coin, detect and isloate the things that are leeching off of you. Then, you take
proper action in regard to both sides of whatever equation you have come up with.

The first key to free association is lateral thinking. Most people have no clue what that is,
they have been robbed of it completely. The second key is extreme force: You cut out
every bit of self doubt and self hate. That is the power at the tip of the spear. The third key,
as you let go of the spear, is complete release: You do not care about the outcome at all.
This is called the 'process oriented trance'. Your entire reward is in your own actions.

Notice Tyler's ability to make one neutral statement over and over with small variations—it
is based solely on conviction, and anticipation of great results. Key: You don't need
techniques if you just believe in your own power. Divorce the emotion from the content.
Get rid of your boring drone. Make it a point to express neutral statements with passion.

The reason people get better and better and better and better and then suddenly crash is
because they start identifying with the great results they started getting. Your dopamine is
released as you get increasingly positive results, so you begin actively anticipating only
whatever released the dopamine. The solution to this is simply presence: presence will
supply you with a steady flow of dopamine regardless of the reactions. Both in public
speaking and approaching, seeking to control the interaction is the kiss of death. The
audience can see when you are not in presence. When you are with a very attractive
person, release control completely, stop trying altogether, and you are much more likely to
win. Look your audience in the eye, look the girl you are speaking with in the eye, try to
notice what she is experiencing and respond accordingly. This is going to make you the
most exciting person they met all night, you will be dating 100% 'out of your league'
because of this. Never identify with the voice in your head, at most observe it with
complete neutrality.

Notice also how leaving a silence for the other person to fill is what attracts people.
Jumping in to fill, rather thane being present, is what kills attraction. Switch from your
current '95% in mind' to 5%. Don't let your mind be using you, begin using your mind.

For a successful close, find out the person's values. You can get to those with just a few
questions. Learn to use the words 'hire us for your project' in a sentence to subtly influence
them. Learn to feed back the person's values to them to make them fall in love with you.
('You seem really powerful to me'.) Make them feel they are everything they want to be.

Get comfortable with the power of takeaways. ('I am most likely not available'). Understand
that you can dictate the energy in any environment you enter. Do not go for the highest
view count in environments like Youtube, go for a deep connection. The same goes for a

The first key to confidence is to maintain conviction even when your thought is trailing off.
The second key is to just let your next thought some to you. Third, cease any attempts to
control the interaction—it is the absolute biggest trap. Even low value individuals can
100% sense you are overinvested. It is literally impossible to be in that gear and not have
it be completely obvious. This is why free association is the key to attraction.

Accept the path from initially feeling like the biggest creep in the entire world to being the
most amazing person in the club. Everyone who is now great has taken that same path.

Learn what you can get away with saying and simply do not say what is 'not allowed'. You
will be destroyed for saying the wrong thing every time. In this new world, we must all think
the same thoughts and be very harmonious. Always look out for potential liabilities in your
speech and actions. Be aware of toxic situations and partnerships, especially ones that are
not initially so—the first three months of anything will be blissful.

Realize that you are not doing anyone any favors by not aggressively closing them. You
are the best thing that could have happened to them, admit it to yourself and take it from
there. Furthermore, learn to suggest that you are the one doing the person you're closing a
favor, and they will be fighting over your time.

Being 'all in' on a person or a deal, counterintuitively, is never good or makes anything
better. It is, however, guaranteed make any bad situation worse.

Get on the scale every day to measure body fat. Only eat 'cheat' foods when you are
exceeding your marks. When you are not meeting them, simply skip meals / cut down.

Identify all 'honey traps' in your life, that get to act like a fly on the paper, sucking the
honey but not able to fly, permanently stuck.

Become aware of 'Addiction to Approval': focusing excessively on people that do not like
you. Put more attention on people that already like you. Fuck the ones that don't. All you
are doing when you are out at a club is generating leads. Anything beyond that is simply a
bonus. 20% of people will love you, 40% will be neutral, 40% will think you're a weirdo—
this means you are doing really well. Also be aware that many very attractive girls have
severe success barriers of their own and only date much less attractive people.

Even when you are seeing somebody, still keep up the parties and get-togethers, and
definitely keep getting the IGs. This will keep the relationship very physical, which in turn
fuels the other interested parties when they see you in a great relationship. This also
applies to business.

With a person you just met, whether club or street, avoidasking any questions at all. Only
make statements. Text messaging follows the same rule: keep giving value first, do not go
for compliance on the front end.

When you really learn to drill down on what the other parties want, your success rate will
become scary. If you can explain their problems and concerns better than they can
themselves, they will assume you have the answer without even questioning.

Realize the the actual reason you do things like vary your pitch and cadence in speech is
never to entertain other people in the club on in your presence—the purpose is to entertain
yourself. Basically you stop existing—your essence, your entire life will only become the
words that you speak. You are no longer there; you are only in what you express. Even at
lower volumes, keep this in mind. Shoot your consciousness out, stroke the words that
want to be stroked, "Heey, I just gooooooooo". Treat your speech like it's a fire that
captivates with its eternal mutations. When you yourself believe every word, you can
literally speak nonsense: "Afterparty, we're gonna go." This is not even about being a
dominant person, lording it over the others: it is the considerate and useful thing to do.

Become the person that you are. Half of society's messages to you are continually saying
that you suck. Be stronger than all those messages, be louder, be psycho.

I have four different responses to anything a girl might say. In all preparation, excercise
even for the things that you can and will not out in the field, you can simply allow
what is right. Prepared scripts make it possbible for you to leave the house initially. As you
get better, you will abandon them.

Levels of Expression:
Higher Observer
Inner Emotions Practice all of these in separate excrcises,
Intellect so that in the field they can work in seamless
Kinesthetic combinations with zero tensions.

Structuring These are the different types of exercising.

Understand the difference between judgment (both general and anticipatory), and
discernment, which allows you to make smarter decisions.

The cumulative sense of powerlessness you experience is much worse than any
perceived 'losses' in the field. The first step off the path you have been on will be the most
difficult. Some people can't even make themselves speak gibberish for a few seconds
because they are so afraid they will be doing it 'wrong'. Obviously in those situations there
is NO right or wrong, and that is exacty the thing fucking people that have an overpowering
need to always do the right thing. Fuck doing the right thing, it does not exist.

In communication, the more 'range' you are able to do the more confidence you project.
LeBron's state of rest is infinitely more powerful than someone's who does not do sports.
NO TENSION CAN BE JUSTIFIED. There is no confusing tension with intensity. Your
vocal, kinesthetic and facial expression can get entangled in entire triangles of tension.

When you judge your 'mistakes' in the moment, there can be a cascading effect. Rather,
once you are out there, let your intuition be in charge. Do not let your intellect insert any
non-useful messages at all; learn to edit them all out. Learn to aim for a feeling of
uninterrupted flow throughout the interaction. Your entire encounter should feel like a
bubble you two are in together. The clearest expression of this is eye contact. You are
using your faculty of concentration to do this. This is actually the main component of
charisma—being 100% present with the person.
You can't fake presence, you can't fake paying attention. People can sense the change in
a millisecond and it is insulting. This is the only thing you can be sure of—everything else
about an individiual person (how much pushiness do they like etc) you are going to have to
find out for yourself as you interact. Express passion in your communication to absolutely
everyone—never just stand there staring at them—visualizing the perfect audience, not
whoever is actually there and may not be responding as astutely as they could. If you are
expecting them to act shocked, for example, or sceptical, act like they did: stay on your
message, let nothing throw you off. Develop a sense of the likely reactions and at the
same time be ready for anything else under the sun that occurs.

EXCERCISE 1: Speak Gibberish

EXCERCISE 2: Gibberish with Attitudes (contempt, pompous, etc)

Moving the interaction in a sexual direction requires skill and attitudes that most people
don't have. This is where you come in. Try on these very 'strong' ways of being while
viewing it all as a play, not a chore. (Could something like this not actually be the most fun
you ever had?) The purpose of the excercises is to expand into the unknown; then in
actual practice, you are 'imploding' the experimentations down to situation-appropriate new
characteristics you have adopted.

In beginners, there is often a large gap between how they perceive themselves and the
person they think they should be. So how do you cross over? The second-best way is to
incessantly practice. The actual best way is to first make up a character, then imagine how
they would act, and simply begin being that character. All ways of being are highly stylized
—even your current person. It just took forever to create. The principle is the same.

EXCERCISE 3: Alternate between two different characters (accents, dialects, attitudes) as

you are telling a simple story.

The best way to connect is to be in the other person's head. The presence you want to go
for is total domination. The way you acccomplish that is by in NO WAY acting in reaction to
the other person. Your general idea always is that you are the best option for any girl at
any time. This is your only thought 24-7-365.

Do not ever come from the frame of being afraid to get 'ostracized'—the frame you want to
merge into from here out is 'we are all one'. The frame is 'separation is an illusion'. Anyone
giving you a hard time is just busting your balls. Your frame of mind in a club from now on
is this—we are all friends, and we are all one. No insult, no diss, nothing possibly gets to
you. Worst case, your friend is having a bad day, and they will get better.

Understand that, regardless of the front they have on, at the end of the day absolutely
everyone in the world is bored. Just be good. The key is, when you are enacting your
character, make sure to sound super chill, normal, and basicaly boss. The single best
manifestation of this attitude actually is people seeing you genuinely cracking up at
something that is occurring unexpectedly.

100% of level 10 alphas use lots of BR. When they even attempt TR or NR, it comes off as
sarcastic, clowning. The biggest flaw of most aspiring public speakers is that they appear
to be in a character, a shtick. Be the one that is real. People sense instantly when you
become incongruent, and realize that you want something from them. 'Try-hard' kills the
interaction every time. 'This guys does not believe his own bullshit' is what fucks most of
the guys when they are out trying to have 'a good time'.
Get out of the habit of saying 'you guys'. Always 'YOU'. It's all about RAS-sucking, and that
address is crucial. The greatest at it was Mystery—all attention was on him at all times. Do
not try to sound the way you think someone should sound; find your congruence and lock
in on it. Take so much action that the thinking mind shuts down. You could literally talk to
every single person you meet from here out—you are the only one keeping you from it.

People love range more than anything. Do powerful, but also do sad, do confused, do
thoughtful when those are appropriate. Once you get the feel for your range, and any
single element in your range, you can begin to move around in it effortlessly.

In all your presentations, including in pickup, identify what your current energy supply is
and come up with a pace that you can sustain throughout the interaction / evening.

EXERCISE 4: Begin speaking as you normally would talk, then after 30 seconds begin
adding volume, then cadence, then emotions etc.; build your final result in layers.

'Riding the Primal Highway'—Trump got into the office by hitting on the most primitive
levels in the audience. People have no attention span, and basically only care about who
is the leader. When out on a date, you can try to convince the girl logically and fail, or stop
paying attention to the facade everyone puts on and go for who humans really are. Always
be fearless, keep hitting the message hard, never back down.

Under stress, in the public eye, you never want to show it. You never break a sweat;
nothing fucking affects you. No matter what occurs, God has a grand purpose for you, and
is simply testing his greatest soldier. Keep the childlike gleam in your eye through all
situations. Everything that happens is just another crazy, fun episode that will eventually
pass. Most adults have piles upon piles of trauma—this is why from here out nothing gets
to you. Emulate the blank slate: the trauma is done running you.


PERSONA, AND HAVE IT ALWAYS ON. Speak always like you are talking to your 200
million viewers.

The single greatest source of power is letting go of resistance. Learn to be in an utter state
of release and indifference, yet completely honed in on your target.

'Being motivated' begins with the ability to sell yourself on your own dreams. This skill will
in turn teach you how to influence others. Learn well the buttons that you did not even
know you had.

To lock in on your primal self, make your existence a win-win for both your dick DNA and
your higher being, all the while taking acceptable care of the everyday self. You actually
break your diet not when you have the pizza—you break it when you fail to make a plan to
assure a proper meal. Begin applying this now.

Look at every problem you have on all three levels: higher self, day-to-day self, and primal
self. Find a substitute for that icecream that satisfies the same need in your ego; find vices
you can live with that meet those lower needs. Understand that the horse needs a carrot to
run after; again, aim for a win-win in everything. Align your three selves to proceed in one
directionat all times, and you will be unstoppable; your power will be compounded not just
multiplied. Make the limiting disadvatages into a blunt unfair advantage.
Creating the Web: make all things connect throughout the levels. Do both a positive web
and negative web, and memorize both. Let it become the prism through which you see all
parts of your life, finally working together.

Pressure builds a savageness and killer instinct that you would otherwise never have: No
one tells you this. The pressure can either 'burst your pipe' or create a diamond. Once you
learn to sell yourself on your own dreams, you can turn the principle loose on other people
—appeal to all their three levels, while showing authority over the problems they are
facing. Ask your prospective clients what it is worth for them to retain the mental capital
they would otherwise waste in not solving the problem.

You can swipe your credit card all day, and it will be such a great day; however, it also will
be followed by a $30K bill. See how this basic principle applies to other areas of your life.

What are the areas of your life where you are fucking it up? Do whatever it takes to fix it,
otherwise all your efforts will remain in vain. Look at everything in terms of what it does for
you, rather than how it feels in the moment when you are giving in to excuses.

If you don't know or don't continuously assert your value, people will push and push and
push unless you show your willingness to walk. It's never about the actual value you offer;
it's only about the buyer-seller dynamic. Get the girl to actively plot how to get you, not just
invest, and you will be golden. Conversely, once someone has no respect for you, they will
never suddenly have it; do not allow this dynamic to get skewed.

Learn also that just because you wouldn't do some specific thing to other people (while
you might actually do something a lot worse), it does not mean that they would not do it to
you. Again, this says nothing about who is 'better'—think about everything that has gone
into making you the way you are.

EXCERCISE: Write down your boundaries in different areas of life. Examine them, and
begin asserting them from day one, rather than once you are in trouble.

Want to be savage? Know where you are going, be insistent on your boundaries, know
you are on top of your shit in all ways at all times. For each item, ask what it is giving you,
what it is taking from you, how much taking is too much, how much giving is not enough.
Charity bin: what percentage of your total are you willing to just write off?









Another major benefit of the audit is that you can be the 50, 60, 70 and 80 year old that is
cool. People will want to 'grow up to be you' and overall spend time with you.

Most people are abysmal, clueless clowns when it comes to marketing. They are
brainwashed with social conditioning to only thinking about themselves and their needs:
how they look and what they can get out of you. Then they go out evenings and weekends
to poison themselves with alcohol and drugs just to feel ok and act normal. They are in
contractive awareness: they wait for their turn to talk to bring the conversation back around
to themselves. That awareness is what makes most people terrible at communication
whether it is in dating or otherwise. They either grab at girls or act scared out of their wits.
Learn to be outside of yourself, learn to sense the vibes at all times and act appropriately.

The first quality you must acquire, before you can build these incredible skills, is not caring
about yourself at all. This is how you can offer value on the front end without fearing loss of
any kind. Because the masses are naturally lazy, it is assumed that everyone is lazy.
Consequently everyone sees themselves as being at the effect, not the cause. Convincing
someone they are a victim is the surest way to destroy them. In that mindset, anyone who
is successful is 'gaming the system' or simply cheating.

1 Begin with an outrageous hook: This will buy you the first ten seconds of attention.
The idea is to then keep buying the attention ten more seconds, one minute, ten minutes
at a time. You keep doing that until the dynamic shifts and they begin buying your time.

2 Establish authority over their problem: Describe their problem better than they can
themselves. Describe the walls they are hitting and the suffering they experience, let them
know that they are not crazy and alone.

3 Features and Benefits: Don't forget to include an immediate benefit for taking action
that very moment. Great selling should never be annoying. Just get good at it.
Another sales point: Everyone likes to lord it over their neighbor. Make them feel like they
can. ('But you wouldn't care about that'). Then create the web of benefits for them. Go
balls to the wall because if they don't hire you, they're fucked.

As a general tip in motivation, if you want a bunch a cool stuff, get a bunch of cool stuff. If
you want to be happy, be happy; cool stuff does not help you in that at all.

Smoking and nasty food are nothing else other than low vibration energy feeding your
already existing low vibration energy. We are surrounded by LVE, and when you feed it
inside of you, the pervasive mass rewards you briefly by backing off for a second. It only
gives you relief for the tiny bit of time that you are consuming it, and then puts you back
into hell again, all the more deeper this time. It is even not so much that giving in to it is
bad, it's pointless—it is a waste of your life, on top of bashing yourself in the face with a
hammer. LVE attacks you first through your thoughts, then through scattering our focus
and facilitating your pain-body attacks in pursuit of approval, safety, control, self-attack and
maintaining attachments.

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