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Name: _________________________ LUYỆN THI LỚP 10 7

GV. Nguyễn Văn Hải – 0905 922 782 – Trung tâm Hoàng nhiên 510/39 Ông Ích khiêm
I. Circle the best word or phrase to complete the following sentences or do as directed. (2.5pts)
1. Mr. Jones often takes his children to school by car (A. on / B. in /C. at /D. for) the morning.
2. Today young generation is still fond (A. of / B. at / C. in / D. on) wearing jeans.
3. How many hours a day do you (A. see / B. look/ C. watch/D. turn) TV?
4. Would you like (A. little /B. a lot of/ C. many / D. some ) more tea?
5. Her hobbies are playing football (A. and /B. or / C. but /D. as ) collecting stamps.
6. The beautiful girl (A. whom /B. which/C. what /D. who ) met you at my party last week can speak English
7. I like Sundays (A. although/B. therefore/C. because/D. so ) I don’t have to do my homework.
8. This film is (A. interesting / B. more interesting/C. most interesting/D. interesting more) than the one we
saw last week.
9. Mary can’t go out with us tonight because she is very (A. excited/B. interested/C. amused/D. tired)
10. Did you enjoy (A. traveling/ B. to travel/C. traveled / D. travel) to Ha Noi last week?
11. It usually (A. drives/B. brings/C. spends/ D. takes) my father thirty minutes to go to work every day.
12. Malaysia (A. divides /B. divided/ C. is divided /D. is dividing )into two regions, known as West Malaysia
and East Malaysia.
13. Your sister can play the piano, (A. can she/B. can’t she/C. is she/D. doesn’t she)?
14. It’s really hot in here. Could you (A. turn on/B. go on /C. look for/D. turn off) the air conditioner?
15. Hoa: “Your new dress is so beautiful!”
Jane: “(A. It’s nice of you to say so/ B. I think so/ C. It’s expensive/ D. I like a red one.)”
16. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
A. hard B. hour C. homework D. house
17. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
A. washed B. typed C. visited D. knocked
18. Choose the word with the different stress pattern.
A. birthday B. website C. design D. fashion
19. Choose the incorrect part indicated by A, B, C or D in the following sentence.
Thank you (A) for the book (B) which (C) you have given (D) me last week.
20. Choose the incorrect part indicated by A, B, C or D in the following sentence.
Be carefully (A) ! You shouldn’t (B) go out alone (C) at (D) night.
II. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the sentences. (1.5pts)
1. Mrs. Jones is going to ……………..…..…………….. all the rubbish. (collection)
2. How about ……………..……………...…….. for a picnic this weekend? (go)
3. It was difficult for me to tell the ……………………..…. between the two houses. (different)
4. Smoking is very ......................................... to our health. (harm)
5. She found it …………………….………….. difficult to get a job. (extreme)
6. The ......................................... of the floods this year has been very terrible. (destroy)
III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses. (1.5pts)
1. Jess always ……………………..…….….. glasses when he goes out. (wear)
2. She wishes she ………………………….…… the answer now. (know)
3. My grandparents ……………….……….…. flowers in the garden when I came in. (water)
4. Look! Danny ……………….…….… to a newcomer. Where is she from, Jane? (talk)
5. I ……………………… three different teachers since I started learning English. (have)
6. We ………………………….……… you when we get there. (phone)
IV. Fill in the numbered blank in the passage with ONE suitable word from the box. (1.5pts)
flight from shows physical take do

If you decide to (1)………………. a space trip, you will have to get ready a few months before the
(2)……..……… . You must be in excellent (3)…………….…. condition. You should run a lot, swim every
day, and (4) ……….…….. aerobics and push-ups. You must get a letter (5)…………..….. the doctor that
(6)……………… you are in perfect health.
V. Read the passage and answer the questions. (1.5pts)
Last October, I went to Vietnam for the first time to visit my penfriend Mai and her family. Mai and I
started emailing each other three years ago, thanks to my teacher, Mr. Brown. He set up a link with a
Vietnamese school because we were learning about Vietnam in our classes that term. Mr. Brown felt that
we would find out more about the country if we had contact with Vietnamese people and he was right.
In our first few weeks of exchanging emails, Mai told me lots of interesting things about Vietnam.
Then, she described the city where she was living and what she did at school each week. We really enjoyed
learning Vietnamese and when other students at our school heard how much fun we had, they asked to join
the class.
When our headteacher, Mrs. Smith realized that Vietnamese became more and more popular in her
school, she suggested developing a full exchanging program with the school in Vietnam. That’s how I finally
got the chance to go to Vietnam and meet Mai.
( Written by Peter )
1. When did Peter go to Vietnam? …………………………………………………………………………………
2. What did he go to Vietnam for? ……………………………………..…………………………………………..
3. Did Mr. Brown set up a link with a school in Vietnam? ……….………………………………………………
4. How did Peter and Mai exchange information?
5. What did Mai tell Peter in their first emails?
6. Why did Mrs. Smith suggest developing a full exchanging program with the school in Vietnam?
VI. Write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence, using the
words given or combine the sentences as directed. (1.5pts)
1. Do you know Bill Gates? He is the co-founder and chairman of Microsoft. (Use a relative clause)
2. It is raining heavily, so I don’t want to go out now.
………………………………………………because …………………………………………………….
3. "Why don't we make a big cake for Lan’s birthday?" he asked.
He suggested ……………………………………………………………………………………….………
4. Don’t worry. We can help you to improve your English.
If you want ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Số 1011tp
I. Circle the best word or phrase to complete the following sentences or do as directed. (3 pts)
1. He can’t go to see his friends. He hasn’t got (A. a /B. many /C. much /D. a lot ) time.
2. My sister loves to watch the stars (A. on / B. in /C. at /D. for) night.
3. Plastic bags will cause pollution (A. so/B. but/ C. or/ D. because)they are very hard to dissolve.
4. My father tells me that Ha Noi is different (A. from/ B. in/ C. with/ D. at ) Kuala Lumpur.
5. Tony is going to (A. get /B. take/C. make /D. turn) us to Hue on Sunday. Do you want to come?
6. “I can’t find my wallet, Tom.”
- “Don’t worry. I’ll help you to (A. look for/B. take care of/C. put on/D. turn off ) it.”
7. These students take part in charity activities in their town, (A. do they/B. don’t they/C. did they/D. didn’t
8. We are really (A. happy/B. proud/C. disappointed/D. excited ) that people have spoiled this area.
9. What would you like to drink? -(A. Yes, please/B. Milk, please/C. No, thanks/D. OK)
10. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
A. bills B. plumbers C. cracks D. showers
11. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
A. predict B. report C. erupt D. get
12. Choose the incorrect part indicated by A, B, C or D in the following sentence.
They wish there was (A) many (B) rivers and lakes (C) in their hometown (D).
II. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the sentences. (1pt)
1. This fashion ……..………..….. wants to modernize the traditional Ao dai. ( design )
2. The forecast says the weather will be ………..…………… but cold. ( sun )
3. Their children are playing …………………………… on the beach. ( happy )
4. We are looking forward to ……………………. from you. ( hear )
III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses. (1pt)
1. If your child .................................. speaking English everyday, he will soon improve it. ( practise )
2. Listen! I think someone …………………………….. at the door. ( knock )
3. We ……….……………….…... Mr. and Mrs. Smith for ten years. ( know )
4. Mr. Dennis ………………….……to New York in 1982. ( go )
IV. Read the passage and answer the questions. (2pts)
Malaysia is one of the countries of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). It is divided
into two regions, known as West Malaysia and East Malaysia. The capital of Malaysia is Kuala Lumpur. The
population in 2001 was over 22 million. Islam is the country’s official religion. In addition, there are other
religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism. The national language is Bahasa Malaysia. English, Chinese,
and Tamil are also widely spoken. Bahasa Malaysia is the primary language of instruction in all secondary
schools, although some students may continue learning in Chinese or Tamil.
1. How many regions is Malaysia divided into?
2. What is the capital of Malaysia?
3. In which year did Malaysia have a population of over 22 million?
4. Is Bahasa Malaysia the national language of Malaysia?
V. Fill in the numbered blank in the passage with ONE suitable word from the box. (1pt)
who what love best but
You ask me what I think about my dad. Great! Great! I must tell you my dad is the (1)……….……
person in the world. Do you know what I mean? He is a considerate and generous man (2) ……….……. is
loved not only by his family (3)…………..……. also by all his friends. His priority is always his family. His
sense of humor distinguishes him from others. In a word, my dad’s terrific! I’m so proud of him and (4)
…………………. him so much. Happy Father’s Day, Daddy!
VI. Write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence, using the
words given or combine the sentences as directed. (2pts)
1. People speak English in almost every corner of the world.
2. This watch is a gift. The watch was given to me on my 15th birthday. (Use Relative clause)
3. Nam is 17 years old. Lan is 15 years old.
4. “Are you having a wonderful time here?”, the teacher asked me.
The teacher asked me …………………………………………………………………………………….... .
Read the following text and do the exercise below.
It is often very difficult these days to find someone to come and fix your television set, or your washing
machine, or any other household appliance if it breaks. Everybody wants to sell you new products, but
nobody wants to fix them when they stop working.
One day Mrs Harris discovered that her bathroom faucet was leaking, so she phoned her plumber.
Three days later he arrived. Mrs Harris was unhappy about the delay, which caused her a lot of trouble. “
Well, you’ve finally arrived !” she said to the plumber, “ I called you three days ago”. The plumber was not at
all disturbed by this. He simply took a piece of paper out of his pocket and looked at it, “ Three days ago ?”,
he said. “ That was 21st, wasn’t it ? Well, I’m sorry, but I’ve come to the wrong place. I was looking for Mrs
Smith’s house not yours. She phoned me on the 20th”.
1. Why is it very difficult to find someone to fix our household appliances these days ? (Answer )
2. Why did Mrs Harris phone her plumber ? ( Answer the question )
3. When the plumber arrived at her house, she_____ ( finish the sentence )
4. The plumber was not at all disturbed by Mrs Harris’s complaints because……
5.He simply took a piece of paper out of his pocket. ( Rewrite beginning with A piece of paper….)
6. The plumber said that he was so sorry_____ (finish..)
7. Who phoned the plumber on 20th ? ( Answer the question )
I. Underline the most suitable word or group of words.
1. Foreigners are always impressed by the (friendship/ friendly/ friendliness) of Vietnamese people.
2. Going swimming in the summer is never boring, (isn’t it/ is it/ aren’t they/ are they)?
3. Some students think wearing casual clothes make them (feeling/ to feel/ feel) comfortable.
4. My father often (takes/ gets/ makes) a lot of photos when he goes on a trip to the seaside.
5. I’ve worked here (when/ until/ since) I left college.
6. What (details/ information/ aspect) of learning English do you find most interesting?
7. I want to learn at that school, but it (loses/ costs/ spends) much many.
8. What were you doing when the mailman (comes/ will come/ came) to your house?
9. Richard is a write. He (writes/ is writing/ has written) a lot of good novels so far.
10. Ann’ birthday is (in/ at/on) February 15th.
11. If you (won’t try/ don’t try/ haven’t tried) harder, you won’t succeed.

12. She likes (learn/ learning/ learnt) English, so she attends the evening English class after school.
13.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others (teacher/bear/
14. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.( bags/cars/ plans/
15. It’s (fashionable/ fashion/ fashioned/ fashions).to wear short skirts and faded jeans now.
16. Maths and Literature are (famous/ compulsory/ favorite/free)subjects in Vietnamese schools.
17. My father (was traveling/ has traveled/ used to travel/ was used to traveling) a lot when he was young.
18. She sings very (. Beautiful/ beauty/ beautifully/ beautify)
19. Choose the incorrect part indicated by A, B, C or D in the following sentence.
a/ I’m (A) looking forward (B) in (C) hearing (D) from you.
b/ The children (A) enjoyed to watch (B) the performing (C) animals (D).
20. You won’t tell anyone about this, ( will you/ don’t you / won’t you/ do you)?
21. I’d like some ( informs/ informations/ information/inform)about your school.
22. We wish we ( visit/ will visit/ would visit/ visited)more places in Malaysia next time.
23. She asked me why I ( am learning/ was learning/ has learnt/ learn)English.
24. Choose the underlined word or phrase that is incorrect
Lan’s friend (A) and her (B) went for (C) a picnic yesterday afternoon (D).
25. The examiner asked me (how/ what/ whose/ why) aspect of learning English she found most difficult.
26. Mary needs (to improve/ improve/ improving/ to be improved) her writing skill or she will fail in the
coming written examination.
27. Take this road and you will (arrive/ come / find / reach ) at the hotel in five minutes.
28. Minh told me he was busy and he would ring me (tomorrow/. the following day/ the day before/ the
previous day)
29. Paola said that she was very (fond on/ keen at/ interested in/ good in) learning Vietnamese.
30. My aunt has three children to look after, so she is looking for a (part-time/. full-time/ skilled/ low-paid)
31. Get a loaf of bread for me, (do you/ have you/ are you/ will you)?
32. Everyone felt tired and hungry, (so that/ so/ because/ but) they sat down under the tree and had a
33. (Campus/ Hall/ Institute/ Dormitory) is a large building in a college or university where students live.
34. The word whose ending-ed is pronounced differently from the rest is:(packed/ pushed/
35. Choose the word which is stressed on 1st syllable: (exchange/ dormitory/ reputation/ deposit)
II. Read the passage and then fill in each blank with ONE suitable word.
The Internet has rapidly developed and become a part of our daily life. It’s a very fast and convenient
(1)_________________ to get information. People use the Internet for many purposes: education,
communication, (2)__________________ and commerce. The Internet helps people communicate
(3)__________________ friends and relatives by (4) __________________ of email or chatting.
III. There is one mistake in each of the following sentence. Underline and correct it:
1. He has just taken an examination at chemistry.
2. We walked for half an hour to reach to the waterfall.
3. The new camera didn’t work, but Mrs. Robinson took it back to the shop.
4. I can complete a speaking English test.
IV. Complete the following sentences, ONE word for each blank:
1. I turned on the air ________________ because it was hot.
2. They walked up the mountain to visit the ________________ of a Vietnamese hero.
3. You can take the exam at intermediate or ________________ level.
4. “Shall we go now?” “No, let’s wait ________________ it stops raining.
V. Read the following letter and fill in each blank with one suitable word:
Dear Sir,
I saw your Institute’s advertisement (1) ____________ today’s TV program. I am very (2) _____________
in learning English and I (3) _____________ like some more (4) _____________ about your Institute.
I can speak a little English but I (5) _____________ it very slowly and my writing is bad. So I want to
improve my reading and writing.
Could you please provide more information about the (6) _____________ of the courses and (7)
_____________ for beginners? I can supply my record of English study if necessary.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Your (8) _____________,
Thu Ha

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