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New Advanced Coordinated Controller for Once-Through Boiler

and Turbine of Coal-Fired Power Plant


Research engineer Research engineer
6 Quai Watier, 78401 Chatou, France 6 Quai Watier, 78401 Chatou, France


Research engineer Process engineer
EDF R&D EDF Cordemais Power Plant
6 Quai Watier, 78401 Chatou, France 44360 Cordemais, France

Ancillary services, advanced control, fossil plant.

This article presents the new advanced coordinated controller implemented at Cordemais Fossil Power
Plant – France.
Cordemais Power Plant – Unit 5 is a 600 MW once-through coal-fired plant. The boiler, which is very
sensitive to load transients, is mainly operated in low ramp rate load-following mode or at base load. In
particular, non linear increases in waterwall temperature are frequently observed at the bottom of the
boiler even during slow load drops. This is the main reason why the existing controller that coordinates
the boiler and the turbine aims at protecting the boiler to the detriment of turbine performance (this
control strategy is generally called turbine-following strategy). As a consequence, the plant does not
provide ancillary services to the grid.
From a fleet optimization point of view, this inability strongly penalizes EDF. Therefore, EDF launched
a project in order to allow Cordemais 5 to provide ancillary services, in spite of its boiler sensitivity.
The first stage of the project consisted in retuning the existing controller. However, the results of this
optimization were unsatisfactory. Indeed, the boiler-turbine system is a very complex non-linear and
multivariable process that is hard to control with PID-based controllers. As a result, EDF decided to
develop and implement a new advanced controller (NAC).
The NAC could not be implemented in the existing DCS (MicroZ – YOKOGAWA), for it is essentially
matrix-based. As a consequence, it was implemented in an industrial PC dedicated to the NAC. The
operators can switch from the existing controller to the NAC thanks to a bumpless transfer system that
was developed.
This document describes the stages that led to the implementation of the NAC at Cordemais 5. The first
part deals with the principles of the NAC and presents simulation results :

Copyright 2006 ISA. All rights reserved.

Presented at the 16th Annual Joint POWID/EPRI Controls and Instrumentation Conference
49th Annual ISA POWID Symposium, 4-9 June 2006, San Jose, California
- Limitations of the turbine-following strategy at Cordemais 5
- Process modeling.
- Innovative principles of the NAC – How to cope with boiler sensitivity.
- ISO criteria for load response.
- Comparison between existing controller and NAC in simulation.
The second part sums up the principles of the interconnection between MicroZ and the industrial PC.
The final part shows the results obtained on-site with the NAC, and details the economic benefits
achieved. Cordemais 5 now has an ancillary services mode, which is compatible with a safe operation of
the process (in particular regarding boiler sensitivity) and opens new perspectives for EDF’s once-
through coal-fired fleet.

Cordemais is an EDF power plant made up of three operating units:
- Unit 2 (700 MW oil-fired unit) started operation in 1976.
- Unit 4 (600 MW coal-fired unit) started operation in 1983.
- Unit 5 (600 MW coal-fired unit) started operation in 1984.
In October 2005, EDF and the French independent system operator (ISO) known as RTE signed a new
protocol regarding the ancillary services supply. EDF undertook the task of reporting each of its units
performance (in regard to ancillary services) to RTE before June 2006. This declared performance will
be officially registered as part of an additional clause to the protocol.
Cordemais – Unit 5 is part of RTE’s grid and as such, falls under the new protocol. However, Cordemais
5 does not provide ancillary services, which particularly penalizes EDF’s fleet optimization. This poor
performance is due to a very conservative control strategy that was designed in order to protect
Cordemais 5 highly sensitive boiler. To improve the load ramp rate, tests performed in 2004 at
Cordemais 5 highlighted the necessity for modifying the existing controller that coordinates the boiler-
turbine system.
Plant staff first tried to optimize the existing controller. However, retuning the parameters in the DCS
(MicroZ, YOKOGAWA) did not provide any improvement. EDF’s experience since 1998 in advanced
control applications [1] led plant personnel to decide to change the control strategy used at Cordemais 5.
A new project started up in September 2005 with the aim of developing and implementing the NAC in a
dedicated industrial PC.
This paper begins by going over the principles of the NAC and details the results obtained in simulation
before implementation. The project is particularly innovative since a new multivariable anticipation
technique was used in order to better Cordemais 5 load-following performance while taking into account
boiler sensitivity. Next, the article describes the interconnection between the MicroZ DCS and the
industrial PC. Finally, it shows the technical improvements and economic benefits obtained from the
implementation of the NAC.

General glossary
Peb : Electrical load.
Ps : Superheat pressure.
Hsep : Steam enthalpy at separator.
Psep : Pressure at separator.
Tsep : Temperature at separator.
Copyright 2006 ISA. All rights reserved.
Presented at the 16th Annual Joint POWID/EPRI Controls and Instrumentation Conference
49th Annual ISA POWID Symposium, 4-9 June 2006, San Jose, California
TSBT : Low temperature superheater output temperature.
Qv : Steam flow.
Ts : Superheat temperature.
Tr : Reheat temperature.
Qis : Desuperheater water flow.
Qis/Qea : Desuperheater water flow ratio.
P0 : Base load demand.
N.Pr : Secondary reserve demand.
K.∆f : Primary reserve demand.
ref Peb : Electrical load setpoint.
ref Ps : Superheat pressure setpoint.
ref Hsep : Setpoint of steam enthalpy at separator.
ref Qc : Coal flow setpoint.
ref Qea : Feedwater flow setpoint.
ref OHP : High pressure throttle valves opening setpoint.
ref Qis : Desuperheater water flow setpoint.
ref Ib : Burner tilting.
NAC : New advanced controller.
MBA : Model-based anticipation.
DCS : Distributed control system.
PID : Proportional integral derivative.
GF : Function generator.

Design and performance of the NAC

Principles and limitations of the existing controller
The existing controller that coordinates the boiler and the turbine at Cordemais 5 uses a turbine-
following strategy. In other words, electrical load (Peb) is mainly controlled by coal flow setpoint (ref
Qc), whereas superheat pressure (Ps) is controlled by high pressure throttle valves opening setpoint (ref
OHP). To complement the description of the classical controller, it is important to notice that feedwater
flow setpoint (ref Qea) controls steam enthalpy at separator (Hsep).
This strategy aims at handling a compromise between boiler constraints (such as waterwall temperature
increases) and turbine performance. This compromise is essentially based on the enthalpy at separator
control loop that has an impact both on boiler thermal conditions (through temperature at separator Tsep)
and superheater hydraulic conditions (through pressure at separator Psep). The controller uses ref Qea
both to anticipate Ps variations, and synchronize steam flow (Qv) with heat flow in order to reduce
occurrence of waterwall temperature increases.
However, this strategy is not compatible with the dynamic behavior of other control loops :
- Ps control loop is too reactive due to high pressure throttle valves efficiency.
- Peb control loop is too slow due to slow milling and vaporization dynamics.
Consequently, the control strategy does not allow to reach a compromise between turbine performance
and boiler sensitivity.
Copyright 2006 ISA. All rights reserved.
Presented at the 16th Annual Joint POWID/EPRI Controls and Instrumentation Conference
49th Annual ISA POWID Symposium, 4-9 June 2006, San Jose, California
On top of this, other disturbing phenomena are not taken into account by the existing controller. For
example, superheat and reheat temperatures (Ts and Tr) control loops lead to important variations of
burner tilting (ref Ib) and desuperheater water flow setpoint (ref Qis). It turns out that these variations
have a great impact on Ps and Qv, leading to significant and uncontrolled excursions of Peb.
Finally, the loop that controls the ratio Qis/Qea also disturbs the coordinated existing controller. Indeed,
it desynchronizes Qv from heat flow, resulting in increases in waterwall temperature.
The existing control strategy relies on good knowledge of physical phenomena in order to coordinate the
boiler and the turbine. However, it remains particularly sensitive to other control loops due to PID
technological limitations. Also, the fact that Cordemais 5 does not have a water drum strengthens
dramatically the couplings between the boiler and the turbine. This confirms that the dynamic behavior
of plant variables are strongly intercorrelated and need a real multivariable strategy to be controlled
Figure 1 and 2 show a simplified diagram of the process and the existing control strategy.

Figure 1 : Schematic representation of the process

Copyright 2006 ISA. All rights reserved.

Presented at the 16th Annual Joint POWID/EPRI Controls and Instrumentation Conference
49th Annual ISA POWID Symposium, 4-9 June 2006, San Jose, California
Figure 2 : Existing control strategy

Process modeling
In order to develop the NAC, a dynamic model of Cordemais 5 boiler and turbine was necessary. The
model to be built is a process-only model and as such, does not include any controller. Open-loop tests
were performed on-site to identify the process behavior.
The tests performed in open loop (Peb, Ps, Hsep, Ts and Tr existing controllers disconnected) consisted
in applying steps to ref Qc, ref OHP, ref Qea, ref Ib and ref Qis (see Figure 3).

Figure 3 : Open-loop tests (data centered around zero)

Copyright 2006 ISA. All rights reserved.
Presented at the 16th Annual Joint POWID/EPRI Controls and Instrumentation Conference
49th Annual ISA POWID Symposium, 4-9 June 2006, San Jose, California
The data collected in open loop was used to identify two linear dynamic models of the boiler and the
turbine. They describe the dynamic behavior of the process at two different loads (350 MW and 550
MW), in dry separator configuration.
The output/input structure of the models result from the NAC’s inputs and outputs (see below). The
process variables to be controlled are Peb, Ps and the low temperature superheater output temperature
(TSBT). The control signals are ref Qc, ref OHP and ref Qea. The measured anticipations are ref Ib and
ref Qis. The measured tendency is Psep.
The output/input structure for either model is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 : Model I/O structure

The structure to be identified is a linear system defined by 4 matrixes A, B, C and D as follows :

x& = Ax + Bu
y = Cx + Du
with :
- x state vector
- u model inputs
- y model outputs
High load model (550 MW)
As described above, the high load model (550 MW) was built from open-loop tests. The model was
identified using the ARX algorithm in Matlab-Simulink simulation environment (the identification
algorithm adjusts the parameters of matrices A, B, C and D). The number of states of the obtained model
(size of matrix A) is equal to 12, which is quite reasonable. Indeed, the less complex the model, the
easier the controller design.
In order to validate the identified high load model, on-site inputs are applied to the model. The
comparison of process outputs and model outputs gives a good idea of model representativeness. A
second level of validation consists in analyzing open-loop step responses to make sure that they are
coherent (gains, time constants, etc.).
Figure 5 presents the process outputs and the model outputs (data centered around zero) for an open-loop
scenario performed around 550 MW on November 15th 2005.
High load model behavior is similar to real process behavior. Plant dynamics and gains are correctly

Copyright 2006 ISA. All rights reserved.

Presented at the 16th Annual Joint POWID/EPRI Controls and Instrumentation Conference
49th Annual ISA POWID Symposium, 4-9 June 2006, San Jose, California
High load model step responses are shown in Figure 6 (data centered around zero). Inputs are in x-
coordinate and ouput in y-coordinate. For example, the effect on Ps of a 1%-step of ref OHP is
represented in the square formed by intersection of 3rd column (ref OHP) and 2nd row (Ps).
These step responses are consistent with the process dynamics.

Figure 5 : Process outputs and model outputs Figure 6 : Model step responses

Low load model (350 MW)

The low load model (350 MW) was also built from open-loop tests. It was identified using the ARX
algorithm. The number of states of the obtained model is equal to 13, which is also reasonable.
Figure 7 presents the process outputs and the model outputs (data centered around zero) for an open-loop
scenario performed around 350 MW on November 16th 2005.
Low load model behavior is similar to real process behavior. Plant dynamics and gains are correctly
Low load model step responses are shown in Figure 8 (data centered around zero).
These step responses are consistent with the process dynamics.

Copyright 2006 ISA. All rights reserved.

Presented at the 16th Annual Joint POWID/EPRI Controls and Instrumentation Conference
49th Annual ISA POWID Symposium, 4-9 June 2006, San Jose, California
Figure 7 : Process outputs and model outputs Figure 8 : Model step responses

Comparison between low load and high load model step responses
Figure 9 presents a comparison between low load and high load model step responses (data centered
around zero). This figure allows to assess process behavior differences according to the load. The effect
of ref Qea on TSBT as well as the effect of ref Qc on all outputs seem to be particularly sensitive to the
electric load.

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Presented at the 16th Annual Joint POWID/EPRI Controls and Instrumentation Conference
49th Annual ISA POWID Symposium, 4-9 June 2006, San Jose, California
Figure 9 : High load and low load model step responses

P.S. : A low load model in humid separator configuration was build from the low load model in dry
separator configuration. It was used in simulation in order to test NAC’s robustness at low load (the
plant never operates in humid separator configuration at high load).
Innovative principles of the NAC
Overall structure of the NAC
The analysis of the existing controller as well as the strong couplings observed between the boiler and
the turbine at Cordemais 5 led EDF to propose a new multivariable controller that :
- takes explicitly into account physical coupling of the process.
- uses multivariable control methods in order to efficiently coordinate the main actuators.
- elaborates appropriate setpoints in order to “accompany” the actuators during load transients.
The main feature of the NAC is that it is fundamentally multivariable. Three actuators – ref Qea, ref Qc
and ref OHP – simultaneously control three process variables – Peb, Ps and TSBT. In the new controller
structure, the Hsep loop is replaced by the TSBT loop. This change allows to indirectly control Tsep and
secures a margin regarding saturation temperature. In other words, it explicitly guarantees that Tsep will
always be above saturation temperature, and consequently avoids transition to humid separator.
The other important characteristic of the NAC lies in the use of anticipation signals (ref Ib and ref Qis)
in order to better control the electric load.
The three setpoints of the NAC are :
- ref TSBT that replaces the enthalpy at separator setpoint (ref Hsep) and varies according to P0
+ N.Pr. The TSBT load-varying setpoint is deduced from the existing Hsep load-varying
Copyright 2006 ISA. All rights reserved.
Presented at the 16th Annual Joint POWID/EPRI Controls and Instrumentation Conference
49th Annual ISA POWID Symposium, 4-9 June 2006, San Jose, California
setpoint. The margin between Tsep and saturation temperature is approximately 10°C and
theoretically guarantees operation in dry separator configuration.
- ref Peb = P0 + N.Pr – K.∆f where :
ƒ P0 is the base load demand.
ƒ N is the secondary reserve signal (see below “ISO criteria for load response”).
ƒ Pr is the secondary reserve of the plant (in MW) declared to the ISO.
ƒ K is the frequency characteristic of the plant (in MW/Hz).
ƒ ∆f = F – F0 is the instantaneous deviation from 50 Hz, or frequency error (in Hz).
- ref Ps that varies according to P0 + N.Pr.
With the NAC, the control of Qis/Qea is no more ensured. Indeed, the interest of this control loop is
rather limited considering that it only aims at guaranteeing a non-zero Qis. Since it unnecessarily
disturbs the boiler, it was simply removed. In fact, on-site tests show that the process naturally
guarantees – on average – a non-zero Qis.
As far as the existing Ts and Tr control loops are concerned, they were not replaced since :
- they provide satisfactory dynamic behavior to Ts and Tr.
- ref Ib and ref Qis (actuators of Ts and Tr control loops) are measured as anticipation signals in
the NAC.
To conclude with the overall structure of the multivariable controller, Psep is measured by the NAC (but
not controlled) as a tendency signal in order to better control Ps variations.
Internal structure of the NAC
The model used in order to synthesize the controller is called “synthesis model”. In this advanced control
application, the synthesis model is a ponderated mean model obtained from the low load and high load
identified models.
A model-based advanced controller was built from the synthesis model using Easy H∞ software
(commercial product developed by EDF and IPSIS). The Easy H∞ user can specify dynamic performance
for the controller, and the software calculates the parameters of controller matrixes A, B, C and D.
Moreover, the H∞ technique can desensitize the system to changes in operating conditions (to a certain
extent) and guarantees stability and performance in face of uncertainties such as unmodeled dynamics
[2]-[4]. For instance, in this application, uncertainties on ref Qc were introduced so as to model process
dynamics variations caused by coal quality variations.
The boiler sensitivity was implicitly taken into account in the controller synthesis. Indeed, one of the
controller synthesis objectives is based on a combination of ref Qc and ref Qe. To be more accurate, the
objective was defined so that ref Qc/(1 + Tc.p) and ref Qea/(1 + Tea.p) cancel each other most of the
time. Tc = 150 seconds represents the theoretical time effect of ref Qc on waterwall temperature, whereas
Tea = 15 seconds stands for the approximate time effect of ref Qea on waterwall temperature. By tending
to cancel [ref Qc/(1 + Tc.p) – ref Qea/(1 + Tea.p)], the controller implicitly tends to lower stress on
The most innovative part of the project lies in a model-based anticipation (MBA) that was developed
specifically for this application using H∞-like methods. The MBA elaborates an additive control signal
from the primary and secondary reserve demand. As a consequence, the MBA is activated on ancillary
services demand only. The additive control signal generated by the MBA is distributed in a coordinated
way on P0, ref Ps, ref TSBT, ref Qc, ref Qea and ref OHP according to the model dynamics. In other
words, the MBA “helps” the H∞ controller by anticipating the ancillary services demand directly on
actuators : the MBA is at the heart of the performance provided to the process.
Figure 10 shows a schematic representation of the NAC including the H∞ controller and the MBA.

Copyright 2006 ISA. All rights reserved.

Presented at the 16th Annual Joint POWID/EPRI Controls and Instrumentation Conference
49th Annual ISA POWID Symposium, 4-9 June 2006, San Jose, California
Figure 10 : Internal structure of the NAC

Closed-loop simulator
A closed-loop simulator was developed in Matlab-Simulink simulation environment. It consists of a full
range model [300 MW-600 MW] interconnected with either the existing controller or the NAC.
The full range model was obtained from the low load and high load identified models. In fact, it is a
continuous family of interpolated models that covers a large scope of operating conditions. For example,
in a simulation of a typical load ramp from 350 MW to 550 MW, the full range model continuously
switches from the low load identified model to the high load identified model.
Furthermore, the existing controller and the NAC were programmed in the simulator and interconnected
to the full range model, which allows the user to simulate scenarios with either controller.
P.S. : In order to interconnect the existing controller, the dynamic behavior of Hsep was identified and
added as an output of the full range model.
To validate the simulator with the existing controller, various transients were tested in closed-loop. The
most validating transient is an on-site frequency step applied to Cordemais 5 in 2004. Figure 11 shows a
process output and a simulator output (electric load) for this transient.

Copyright 2006 ISA. All rights reserved.

Presented at the 16th Annual Joint POWID/EPRI Controls and Instrumentation Conference
49th Annual ISA POWID Symposium, 4-9 June 2006, San Jose, California
Figure 11 : Electric load – Comparison between simulator and process

The simulator is rather representative of the closed-loop behavior of the process operated with the
existing controller.
ISO criteria for load response
Primary reserve
• Primary reserve : The portion of a generating unit’s unloaded capability which can be “immediately”
loaded, or loaded capability which can be “immediately” unloaded in response to K.∆f where :
- K is the frequency characteristic of the plant (in MW/Hz).
- ∆f is an increase or drop in grid frequency.
The criteria that precisely define the notion of “immediately” are detailed below.
• 1st criterion for primary reserve release : For a 50 mHz grid frequency ramp in 10 seconds, the plant
is in accordance with ISO rules if :
- 50% of the expected load variation is released in 20 seconds (see Figure 12).
- 90% of the expected load variation is released in 60 seconds (see Figure 12).

Copyright 2006 ISA. All rights reserved.

Presented at the 16th Annual Joint POWID/EPRI Controls and Instrumentation Conference
49th Annual ISA POWID Symposium, 4-9 June 2006, San Jose, California

10 s



Measured electric load

tini tini + 20 tini + 60

Figure 12 : 1st criterion for primary reserve release

• 2nd criterion for primary reserve release : For a 50 mHz grid frequency decreasing ramp in 10
seconds, the plant is in accordance with ISO rules if plant load response is above [K.(F(t)-
F(tini))/(1+Tf.p) – q] for at least 75% of observation window (see Figure 13) with :
- F = grid frequency in Hz.
- tini = beginning instant of the ramp.
- tini < t < tini + 900.
- Tf = 20 seconds.
- Observation window : [tini ; tini + 900].
- q is the frequency measurement quantification.

MW K.(F(t)-F(tini)) Measured electric load

10 s



tini t1 t2 t3 t4 tini + 900

Figure 13 : 2nd criterion for primary reserve release

Copyright 2006 ISA. All rights reserved.

Presented at the 16th Annual Joint POWID/EPRI Controls and Instrumentation Conference
49th Annual ISA POWID Symposium, 4-9 June 2006, San Jose, California
P.S. : The hatched zone between [K.(F(t)-F(tini)) + q] and [K.(F(t)-F(tini))/(1+Tf.p) – q] represents
an indicative aimed area for load response. However, there is no criterion regarding the upper limit
[K.(F(t)-F(tini)) + q]. In figure 13, the plant respects the ISO criterion if (t2 – t1) + (t4 – t3) < 225
Secondary reserve
• Secondary reserve : Portion of a generating unit’s unloaded capability which can be loaded, or
loaded capability which can be unloaded in response to N.Pr, where :
- N ∈ [–1 ; +1] is a signal permanently generated and transmitted to the plant by the ISO.
- Pr is the secondary reserve of the plant (in MW) declared to the ISO.
The secondary reserve mainly contributes to restoring the primary reserve as well as reducing
frequency imbalance. The criterion for secondary reserve release is defined below.
• Criterion for secondary reserve release : For a 120 seconds steady state period followed by a ramp
of N from –1 to +1 with a ramp rate equal to 2/800 second-1, the plant is in accordance with ISO
rules if [(P0 + N.Pr) – measured electric load] is less than 0.25.Pr during 80% of the whole transient
(see Figure 14).


Measured electric load

P0 + Pr
P0 + N.Pr

P0 - Pr

tini tini + 120 t1 t2 tini + 920 tf

Figure 14 : Criterion for secondary reserve release

P.S. : In figure 14, the plant respects the ISO criterion if (t2 – t1) < 0.2.(tf – tini).
Results in simulation
The closed loop simulator is used in order to assess NAC’s performance in relation to ISO criteria.
Simulation of ISO criteria transients
ISO criteria transients were simulated both with the existing controller and the NAC. The important
parameters of the simulations are :
- Pr = 36 MW.
- K = 200 MW/Hz.
- q = 5 mHz.

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Presented at the 16th Annual Joint POWID/EPRI Controls and Instrumentation Conference
49th Annual ISA POWID Symposium, 4-9 June 2006, San Jose, California
Figures 15 to 17 present load behavior in response to ISO criteria transients (obtained in simulation).
Figures features are as follows :
- The hatched blue area is the indicative aimed area for load response.
- The purple dotted line represents the electrical load setpoint.
- The blue dashed-dotted line represents the load response with the existing controller.
- The red solid line represents the load response with the NAC.
Figures 15 to 17 show that the NAC allows the plant to roughly respect the ISO criteria in simulation,
whereas the existing controller does not provide enough performance to the plant.

Figure 15 : Simulation of 1st criterion for primary reserve release

Figure 16 : Simulation of 2nd criterion for primary reserve release

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Presented at the 16th Annual Joint POWID/EPRI Controls and Instrumentation Conference
49th Annual ISA POWID Symposium, 4-9 June 2006, San Jose, California
Figure 17 : Simulation of criterion for secondary reserve release

Other process variables dynamic behavior and actuator use in simulation

The NAC mainly aims at providing performance in load response to the plant. However, this restored
performance shall not excessively deteriorate other variables dynamic behavior. In particular, Ps and
TSBT must be controlled correctly in order to operate the process in good conditions.
Figures 18 through 20 present other process variables behavior in response to two ISO criteria transients,
and a classical N.Pr and K.∆f transient (obtained in simulation). Figures features are as follows :
- The hatched blue area is the indicative aimed area for load response.
- The green dotted line represents the electrical load setpoint.
- The blue dashed-dotted line represents the load response with the existing controller.
- The red solid line represents the load response with the NAC.
Figures 18 through 20 highlight the higher use of actuators (ref Qc, ref Qea and ref OHP). This result is
not a surprise since the load-following performance of the plant was enhanced. However the higher
stress on actuators (ramp rate as well as peak-to-peak amplitude) is not particularly damaging to the
plant. Besides, Ps and TSBT are controlled correctly even if they are not stuck to their setpoint.

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49th Annual ISA POWID Symposium, 4-9 June 2006, San Jose, California
Figure 18 : Simulation of 2nd criterion for primary reserve release – Other process variables

Figure 19 : Simulation of criterion for secondary reserve release – Other process variables

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49th Annual ISA POWID Symposium, 4-9 June 2006, San Jose, California
Figure 20 : Classical N.Pr and K.∆f transient – Other process variables

Increases in waterwall temperature issue

Since waterwall temperature cannot be explicitly modeled (as it is a highly non-linear phenomenon), an
indicator was developed in Matlab-Simulink in order to predict waterwall temperature increases. In other
words, it anticipates stress on waterwall. This indicator uses ref Qea and ref Qc as inputs and was
validated on real transients data, i.e. transients that led to temperatures increases. The indicator
prediction is rather efficient since it anticipates 95% of on-site waterwall temperature increases. Thus it
was implemented in the simulator.
Figure 21 and 22 present the indicator behavior obtained in simulation for the following two transients
(NAC in red, existing controller in blue) :
- Normal operation load-following transient : 550 MW to 350 MW decrease in load at a 5
MW/min ramp rate (Figure 21).
- Secondary reserve release transients : 550 MW to 450 MW decrease in load at a 10 MW/min
ramp rate (Figure 22).

Copyright 2006 ISA. All rights reserved.

Presented at the 16th Annual Joint POWID/EPRI Controls and Instrumentation Conference
49th Annual ISA POWID Symposium, 4-9 June 2006, San Jose, California
Figure 21 : 550 to 350 MW, 5 MW/min ramp rate Figure 22 : 550 to 450 MW, 10 MW/min ramp rate

Cordemais 5 is known to be particularly “waterwall-sensitive” to load drop transients. Figure 21 shows

that the NAC generates less stress on waterwall than the existing controller during a normal operation
load drop. However, the load following performance is rather similar with both controller. Thus, if the
simulations carried out are representative, the use of the NAC should result in lower occurrence of on-
site waterwall temperature increases during normal operation load transients.
In figure 22, we can see that the NAC creates a little more stress on the waterwall. This observation
results from the higher use of actuators in order to improve secondary reserve release time. However,
this gain in load-following performance is essential compared to the relatively low increase in stress on

Industrial PC solution
Since the NAC cannot be implemented in the existing DCS (MicroZ – YOKOGAWA), EDF decided to
integrate it in an industrial PC connected to the MicroZ DCS through a local network. The existing
operation modes were conserved (“Classical automatic mode” and “Manual mode”). The activation of
the NAC constitutes a 3rd operation mode (“NAC automatic mode” or “Ancillary services mode”). The
NAC automatic mode can only be activated when plant staff already operates the process in Classical
automatic mode.
The operators can switch either from the Classical automatic mode to the NAC automatic mode or from
the NAC automatic mode to the Classical automatic mode thanks to a bumpless transfer system
implemented in the existing DCS and the PC.
The interconnection between MicroZ DCS and industrial PC was done by using standard modules.
These modules allow to concentrate and convert each MicroZ card TTY physical protocol toward only
one Ethernet port. A driver integrated in the industrial PC platform interprets MicroZ data and updates
cyclically a real time database. This data feeds the NAC integrated in this same platform.
The implementation of the whole system is easy and reliable. The C code corresponding to the NAC
block diagrams developed in Matlab-Simulink is generated automatically using a specific toolbox. The C
code is then compiled using the “control module” of the industrial PC.
The industrial PC platform that accommodates the NAC is made of three modules :
- A real time server.
Copyright 2006 ISA. All rights reserved.
Presented at the 16th Annual Joint POWID/EPRI Controls and Instrumentation Conference
49th Annual ISA POWID Symposium, 4-9 June 2006, San Jose, California
- A control module in which NAC algorithms are embedded.
- A communication driver that interprets MicroZ data through an Ethernet interface.
Every MicroZ card is connected to the Ethernet interface through two standard conversion modules :
- Module 1 : Current loop to RS232.
- Module 2 : RS232 to Ethernet.
The driver simultaneously collects data from many MicroZ cards. The NAC cyclically processes this
data in order to calculate control signals (such as ref Qc, ref Qea and ref OHP). The driver then
simultaneously feeds the appropriate MicroZ cards with the signals generated.
PC platform material
The PC platform must be compatible with an industrial environment. As a consequence, there are no
integrated moving parts in the PC :
- Cooling is performed without ventilation fan.
- Hard disks are Compact Flash or Flash IDE
The operating system is Windows 2000 Pro or
Windows XP Embedded.
The PC that was used in order to implement the NAC is
a Wincomm WPC-651-P1G (see Figure 23). It is high
pressure and high temperature resistant. The main
technical features of the PC are :
- Processor : VIA Eden 1 GHz.
- SDRAM : 256 MB. Figure 23 : Industrial PC
- Graphic Card : VIA VT8606 AGP 4x.
- Size : L150 mm – W177 mm – H66 mm.
- Power supply : 85~264V AC, 5V/12V DC

On-site implementation and results

The NAC was implemented on-site between December 21st and December 27th 2005.
Changes in control room
The state of the NAC is defined by two press buttons and two lights that were installed on the control
desk :
- The light “NAC available” indicates that all conditions required to switch to NAC automatic
mode are valid.
- The press button “Activate NAC” enables operators to activate the NAC automatic mode when
the light “NAC available” is on.
- The light “NAC activated” indicates that NAC automatic mode is activated.
- The press button “Deactivate NAC” enables operators to deactivate the NAC automatic mode,
which activates the Classical automatic mode.
So as to materialize the new TSBT control loop, a new TSBT setpoint station was integrated in the
control desk.
The NAC automatic mode is automatically deactivated on :
- industrial PC default.
Copyright 2006 ISA. All rights reserved.
Presented at the 16th Annual Joint POWID/EPRI Controls and Instrumentation Conference
49th Annual ISA POWID Symposium, 4-9 June 2006, San Jose, California
- communication default between industrial PC and MicroZ DCS.
- transition from automatic mode to manual mode of the following control stations (CS) : ref
Qea CS, ref Qc CS and ref OHP CS.
A specific alarm was added to the control board in order to inform operators in case of automatic
deactivation of NAC automatic mode.
On-site results
Transition from the existing controller to the NAC
On March 14th 2006, plant staff switched to NAC automatic mode. The bumpless transfer system
allowed a smoothed switch from the existing controller to the NAC.
Cordemais 5 performance
On March 15th and 16th 2006, tests were performed in order to assess Cordemais 5 performance with :
- Pr = 40 MW.
- K = 250 MW/Hz.
- q = 5 mHz.
Figures 24 and 25 present load behavior in response to ISO criteria transients. Figures features are as
follows :
- The hatched blue area is the indicative aimed area for load response.
- The purple dotted line represents the electrical load setpoint.
- The red solid line represents the load response with the NAC.

Figure 24 : 2nd criterion for primary reserve release

P.S. : The overshoot is due to an uneven distribution of ref OHP signal on high pressure throttle valves.
This non-linear phenomenon (that was not observed during the open-loop tests) will be removed by plant

Copyright 2006 ISA. All rights reserved.

Presented at the 16th Annual Joint POWID/EPRI Controls and Instrumentation Conference
49th Annual ISA POWID Symposium, 4-9 June 2006, San Jose, California
Figure 25 : Criterion for secondary reserve release

Figures 24 and 25 show that the NAC allows the plant to roughly respect the ISO criteria.
Figures 26 through 28 present other process variables behavior in response to two ISO criteria transients,
and a classical N.Pr and K.∆f transient. Figures features are as follows :
- The green dotted line represents the electrical load setpoint.
- The red solid line represents the load response with the NAC.

Figure 26 : 2nd criterion for primary reserve release – Other process variables
Copyright 2006 ISA. All rights reserved.
Presented at the 16th Annual Joint POWID/EPRI Controls and Instrumentation Conference
49th Annual ISA POWID Symposium, 4-9 June 2006, San Jose, California
Figure 27 : Criterion for secondary reserve release – Other process variables

Figure 28 : Classical N.Pr and K.∆f transient – Other process variables

No increase in waterwall temperatures was observed during the tests. However, a long term statistical
study will be carried out in order to assess waterwall stress when the plant is operated with the NAC.
Copyright 2006 ISA. All rights reserved.
Presented at the 16th Annual Joint POWID/EPRI Controls and Instrumentation Conference
49th Annual ISA POWID Symposium, 4-9 June 2006, San Jose, California
This paper briefly presents an advanced control application in a fossil plant. The results of this project
show that advanced control techniques noticeably improved Cordemais 5 performance. The new MBA
designed using H∞-like techniques is at the heart of this performance.
The immediate benefits for the plant were :
- A new Ancillary services mode, which is compatible with a safe operation of the process (in
particular regarding boiler sensitivity). This new mode is a valuable asset for EDF from a fleet
optimization point of view.
- A lower occurrence of waterwall temperature increases in normal operation.
The net present value (difference between the sum of the discounted cash flows which are expected from
the investment and the amount which is initially invested) of the project, estimated from 2006 through
2008, approximately comes at 20 M$.
The following step will consist in applying this innovative solution to EDF’s Q600 fleet.

[1] L. Deprugney, J.B. Liters, « New excess air controller at Le Havre Power Plant », 14th Annual Joint
ISA/POWID/EPRI Controls and Instrumentation Conference, 2003.
[2] J. Doyle, K. Glover, P. Khargonekar and B. Francis, « State-space solutions to standard H2 and H∞
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[4] G.J. Balas, J.C. Doyle, K. Glover, A. Packard and R. Smith, « µ-analysis and Synthesis Toolbox »,
The Math Works Inc, 1993.

Copyright 2006 ISA. All rights reserved.

Presented at the 16th Annual Joint POWID/EPRI Controls and Instrumentation Conference
49th Annual ISA POWID Symposium, 4-9 June 2006, San Jose, California

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