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Process Number : 1.

Process Name : Validate Id and password
Process Description : Validate the id and password input by the user

Input Data Flow :  User Id and password.

 Validated id and password.

Output Data Flow :  Verified id and password to D1.

Type of Process : Online

Process Logic :

This process will receive the input id and password from the user.

IF (Id and password is correct and valid)

The system will display the system main page.

ELSE IF (chooses the forget password option)

Forget password interface is display and process 1.2 is executed.

ELSE (The Id and password input is incorrect or invalid)

The system keeps on demand the user to input the correct Id and password and display the
login interface.

Refer to name:

Decision Table Decision Tree Structured English

Unresolved Issues:
Process Number : 1.2
Process Name : Change password
Process Description : Allow the user to input “reset password code” hence the
user can change the password.
Input Data Flow :  New user password
 Reset password code.
 Validated reset password code
Output Data Flow :  Verified Id and password

Type of Process : Online

Process Logic :

This process will display the “reset password code” interface and demand the user to input
the correct code.

IF (the reset password code is correct and valid)

Display the reset password interface and demand the user to input the new user password.
After that the user log in the system.

Else (the reset password code is incorrect and invalid)

The system keeps on display the code interface and demand the user to input the correct reset
password code.

Refer to name:

Decision Table Decision Tree Structured English

Unresolved Issues:
Process Number : 2
Process Name : Record customer’s order detail
Process Description : The owner will enter customer’s order details into the
Input Data Flow :
 Customer’s order detail from the owner.

Output Data Flow :  Updated Customer data store, D2.

 Updated Order data store, D3,

Type of Process : Online

Process Logic : The customer’s order was added by the owner. This order
should be edited for correct information. Customer and
order data store is updated.

Refer to name:

Decision Table Decision Tree Structured English

Unresolved Issues:
Process Number : 3.1
Process Name : Register New Item information
Process Description : System will receives new item details

Input Data Flow :

 New item detail from owner.

Output Data Flow :  Updated data store stock,D4.

Type of Process : Online

Process Logic : The owner will registers new item details into the system.

Refer to name:

Decision Table Decision Tree Structured English

Unresolved Issues:
Process Number : 3.2
Process Name : Delete item information
Process Description : The system will remove item from system by the owner.

Input Data Flow :

 The owner makes selection for the item that needs to be
 The owner gets the Item’s details from data store stock,

Output Data Flow :  Updated item information in data store stock, D4.

Type of Process : Online

Process Logic : The owner will delete any item detail that is not
necessarily needed for the system.

Refer to name:

Decision Table Decision Tree Structured English

Unresolved Issues:
Process Number : 3.3
Process Name : Updated stock status
Process Description : When logging into the system for the first time or anytime
a new item is added, the owner must update the stock
Input Data Flow :  The owner will enter stock status information for each
new item into the system.

Output Data Flow :  The stock status will be updated in data store stock, D4.

Type of Process : Online

Process Logic : The owner will have to update the stock status when
log in to the system for the first time or whenever there
is new item added.

Refer to name:

Decision Table Decision Tree Structured English

Unresolved Issues:
Process Number : 3.4
Process Name : Set stock limit
Process Description : Every item in the system will have its stock limit

Input Data Flow :  The owner will set a limit in the system for every item.

Output Data Flow :  Updated stock limit will be stored in data store stock,

Type of Process : Online

Process Logic :

Each stock status for each item in the system will be needed to have a limit, for the owner to keep
track of every item and to avoid a shortage of stock.

Refer to name:

Decision Table Decision Tree Structured English

Unresolved Issues:
Process Number : 3.5
Process Name : Generate refill notification
Process Description :
The owner will be notified to refill any item that
already reaches the limit.

Input Data Flow :  The system will get the information about stock status
from data store stock, D4.

Output Data Flow :  The owner will get notification.

Type of Process : Online

Process Logic :

Any item that has already reached its limit, will be notified to the owner to stock-up. hence, the
system will notify owner whenever there is shortage of stock.

Refer to name:

Decision Table Decision Tree Structured English

Unresolved Issues:
Process Number : 4.1
Process Name : Calculate sales
Process Description : The process obtains the detail about the previous sales and
the sales obtain from the order and calculate the newest
Input Data Flow :  Price of the order from the Order data store, D3
 Sales detail from the Sales data store, D5

Output Data Flow :  Updated sales detail to process 4.2.

Type of Process : Online

Process Logic :

The system will calculate the sales for (week, month, and year) and display the information of
the sales to the owner.

Refer to name:

Decision Table Decision Tree Structured English

Unresolved Issues:
Process Number : 4.2
Process Name : Record Sales
Process Description : The process will update the sales detail in the sales data
store D5.
Input Data Flow :  Updated sales detail from process 4.1.
Output Data Flow :  Updated sales detail to Sales data store, D5

Type of Process : Online

Process Logic :

The system will obtain the newest sales and update the sales to the Sales data store, D5.

Refer to name:

Decision Table Decision Tree Structured English

Unresolved Issues:
Process Number : 5.1
Process Name : Determine receipt style
Process Description : This process will obtain the selection for the style of the
receipt and provided the detail about the selection to
process 5.2.
Input Data Flow :  Receipt style selection

Output Data Flow :  Updated receipt style to process 5.2.

Type of Process : Online

Process Logic :

The system will display the style selection interface to the user. The selection for the style of
the receipt is retrieved and provide to process 5.2.

IF (receipt style is without logo)

The information about the selection will be provide to the process 5.2.

ELSE (the receipt style is with logo)

The information about the will be provided to process 5.2.

Refer to name:

Decision Table Decision Tree Structured English

Unresolved Issues:
Process Number : 5.2
Process Name : Create receipt
Process Description : This process obtain the information needed to create the
Input Data Flow :  Selection of the Customer’s order to make receipt
from the project owner
 Updated receipt style from process 5.1

Output Data Flow :  Receipt to user

Type of Process : Online

Process Logic :

This process receives information about the style of the receipt from process 5.1 and the info
about the Customer’s order to make receipt. The system will create the receipt and send to the
owner for printing or downloading.

Refer to name:

Decision Table Decision Tree Structured English

Unresolved Issues:

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