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10. TRUE

Assemble a few pictures about the history of arnis. Provide a brief description of each
Arnis already existed in the Philippines before the colonization of the Spaniards in 1500s. The
Natives living in the Philippines used to practice martial arts with different types of weapons,
lerge, swords, daggers, spears, and other types of edged weaponry.
Since Philippines, different regions of the country have different form and warms for the stick
fighting styles Kali and Escrima are also the terms used to refer to this style of martial arts.
Lately on, The primary weapon is the rattan stick, called a cane or baston (baton)
Modern Arnis is the system of Filipino martial arts founded by the late Remy Prasas as a self-
defense system. Arnis is the Philippines National Martial Art as sport.

Give a few points of interest in the history of Modern Arnis. Can understudies expound the
history of Arnis?

Modern Arnis is the system of Filipino fighting arts founded by Remy Presas as a self-defense
system. His goal was to create an injury-free training method as well as an effective self-defense
system in order to preserve the older Arnis systems. Arnis, as a martial art, was spawned in the
Philippines soil. It was known in ancient Philippines as Kali, an ancient Malayan word that
implies a large bladed weapon longer than a knife. The important of arnis is to preserve life.
They are not used to bully or intimidate innocent and weak people. The importance of Arnis in
our culture as previously mentioned Arnis was developed by the native people as a tool for
combat against foreign enemies.
Today, Arnis in the Philippines serves as a reminder of the struggles and hardships that the
Philippines faced during the time where they were colonized by Spain. A good martial art
discipline for self-defense is Arnis. This martial art teaches the use of stick weapons. The stick
used are generally made of wood and approximately 26 inches long. The difference between
Arnis and old traditional warfare and its modern interpretation of Modern Arnis. Modern Arnis
deals with the transmission of the old art to sticks and everyday objects whereas the classical
Arnis is about warfare with blades.
These are the advantages of Arnis
 Exercise for better health.
 Enhances Cardivascular endurance
 Enhances Flexibility
 Self- Protection
 Self-defense
 Provides recreation as well as purpose in life
 Improves reflexes
 Can teach self control

Based on the discussion about the modern history of arnis, what are the things you have found
around learning contemporary arnis’ record? Type in your ideas through Microsoft Word.
We have learned from Arnis the major lesson you’ll learn in arnis, and any other martial art, is
discipline and self-control. You’ll learn to discipline yourself in actually showing up to class and
practicing to learn and perfect the drills and movements so you can execute them seamlessly.
Arnis can be originally traced back to native combat techniques during battles among the
different pre-Hispanic Filipino kingdoms of tribes, though the present form has one Spanish
influence from fencing which originally was practiced in Spain. When the Spanish colonizers
first came to the Philippines, they observed weapons-based combat arts practiced by the Filipino
natives, which are likely not related to the modern-day Arnis. The earliest written records of the
Philippines and the Filipino life and culture were documented by the first Spanish explorers.
Learning self-defense is one of the best way to keep yourself safe. Instead of learning kung fu or
some other foreign martial art, consider learning our very own art of arnis. Arnis also called Kali
and Eskrima, is a traditional martail art that uses stick, bladed weapons, knives, and improvised
weapons when fighting. It also includes hand-to-hand combat, grappling, joint locks, and weapon
disarming techniques. Although the art has an emphasis on weapons, some schools focus on
hand-to-hand combat.

DIRECTION; Answer the following in 5 sentences through Microsoft Word.
1. Write a short detail or discussion about the values of arnis.

Values of Arnis consists of discipline, strength, agility, accuracy and coordination. Arnis
requires one to be quick and accurate to be most effective. The coordination of the
individual allows them to make decisions without thinking making its instinctual. Arnis
teaches us discipline and control. It provides a full body workout.

2. What are the benefits of arnis?

Benefits of Arnis:
 It can be used as self-defense
 You can use your stick as weapon
 Arnis teaches us discipline and control
 It provides a full body workout
 It gives you a healthy lifestyle
 It gives you positive encouragement and respect for values in martial arts

3. Give three advantages and three disadvantages of arnis.

(3) Advantages of Arnis

1. Exercise for better health

2. Enhance Flexibility
3. Self-defense

(3) Disadvantages of Arnis

1. Chance of risk of getting hurt

2. People not responsible enough might use it in a wrong
way such as hurting other people
3. It could lure children into a false sense of security

4. Cite the purpose of arnis.

Arnis is the national art sport of Philippines. It is also known as Eskrima and Kali. This
sport actually emphasizes weapon based fighting which is done using knives, bladed weapons,
sticks and various improvised weapons. It also includes hand to hand combat, grappling and
weapon disarming methods. The primary weapon used in this traditional martial art sport of
Philippines is called a cane or baton. The can or baron varies in sizes but the original length of it
is 28 inches.This sport was known as the defensing sport in the past by the practitioners. The
Philippines is also known all around the world for its blade culture has originated from this sport.

5. In your own opinion, how does arnis help you in your life?

Arnis js said to develop self-discipline and control because arnis is a simple martial art and
it is defending of oneself by only using sticks. You will learn to discipline yourself and it will
develops self control. The ability tro discipline yourself and focus on realistic goals is a great
benefit of martial arts training that helps you succeed in every aspect of life. Discipline creates
habits, habits make routines, and routines become who you are daily.

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