English B1 - Task 2

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Task 2 - writing production


Student 1: Jorge Enrrique Lombana Suarez

Code: 80500712

Student 2: Edgar Chitiva


Student 3: Nelson Leonidas Pinzon


Student 4


Student 5


Group: 900003_#


Sandra Milena Manchola

Universidad Nacional Abierta Y A Distancia – UNAD


July- 2021
Individual activity
Step 1 – Reading activity

Student #1: Jorge Enrique Lombana Suarez

Pre-reading activities

I. Answer the following questions before you read the text.

1. Write the meaning of the following words:
 Employer:
 Job openings: Employer: Empleador
 Join: entrar a algún lado o unirse a algo
 Behavior: comportamiento
 Team-oriented: equipo de trabajo Job openings: vacantes-convocatoria laboral
 Resumé: Hoja de vida
 Self-motivated: auto- motivado
 Hire: (Hiring): contratar- alquilar

2. Write complete sentences using the words studied in the previous exercise.
A. The employer is responsible for paying its employees
B. My sister joined that company
C. Your bad behavior will get you fired from the company
D. You are committed, interested in technology, team-oriented, and flexible?
E. That company is no longer making job openings
F. You can send your resumé to this address
G. Self-motivated is important to be happy
H. This company is hiring friendly and responsible people
I. Write 3 qualities and skills you think employers look for.
3. Write 3 qualities and skills you think employers look for.
II. After reading the text complete the following chart:
Word Classification
Classify 5 words from the text in verbs, adjectives, and prepositions.
Verbs Adjectives Prepositions
ell Motivated In
Join Organized On
Look for Hard-working For
Post Proactive With
Demostrate Successful But

III. After reading the text answer the following questions:

a. Where can you post your resumé? I can post my resumé in some websites
b. What are employers looking for? They place a lot of emphasis on finding people with
the correct skills and competencies for their organizations
c. What are the skills candidates should have? In general, employers look for someone
who is proficient in a particular function and who has the right personality and behaviors,
essential for successful working.
d. What will you do if you want to get a job? If I get this job it is because I meet all the
expectations of employers and for this reason, I would take advantage of the time to learn
and give my best.
e. In this point you are invited to discuss about the text with your classmates in the
forum. Check your classmates’ answers and make 2 comments about the text, about
the sentences your classmates did not understand.

You can write about:

➢ What do you think about the text?

➢ Is it interesting for you? Why? Why not?

Include information that needs to be

considered, point out mistakes.
Screenshot of the participation in the forum
Jorge Lombana Suarez

Student #2: Edgar Chitiva

Pre-reading activities

I. Answer the following questions before you read the text.

1. Write the meaning of the following words: Employer:
 Behavior: Comportamiento
 Self-motivate: Auto Motivado
 Employer: Empleador
 Job openings: Vacantes- Ofertas de trabajo
 Join: Entrar
 Resume: Hoja de vida
 Team-oriented: Equipo de trabajo
 Hire: (Hiring): Contratar- Alquilar
2. Write complete sentences using the words studied in the previous exercise.
a. All employers pay statutory benefits
b. My cousin works with a great employer
c. You can send the curriculum to my personal email
d. The company requires employees to arrive early
e. Here we hire very attentive employees with the public
f. A very pleasant work environment in this company
g. Bad behavior is grounds for dismissal
h. After nine o'clock the company takes active breaks
i. This company has no job offers
h. Today you can leave before two in the afternoon
3. Write 3 qualities and skills you think employers look for.
Those workers have values such as: responsibility, love, punctuality, teamwork, efficiency
and many more.
II. After reading the text complete the following chart:
Word Classification
Classify 5 words from the text in verbs, adjectives, and prepositions.
Verbs Adjectives Prepositions
ook for Organized in order to

Come Do not worry for

to ask Different on

III. After reading the text answer the following questions:
a. Where can you post your resumé? On wed pages, job portals, job offers, job
b. What are employers looking for? A suitable person for the position being offered,
who meets the required profile.
c. What are the skills candidates should have? The skills required are those
specified in the contractual obligations of the profile of the position to which the
candidate aspires.
d. What will you do if you want to get a job? Comply with the obligations for which
I was hired giving 100% in my position5.

In this point you are invited to discuss about the text with your classmates in the forum.
Check your classmates’ answers and make 2 comments about the text, about the
sentences your classmates did not understand.

You can write about:

➢ What do you think about the text?

➢ Is it interesting for you? Why? Why not?

Include information that needs to be

considered, point out mistakes.

Screenshot of the participation in the forum

Student #3: Nelson Leonidas Pinzon
Pre-reading activities

I. Answer the following questions before you read the text.

1. Write the meaning of the following words:
 Employer: Empleador/a
 Join: Participar / entrar
 Behavior: Comportamiento / conducta / funcionamiento
 Team-oriented: Orientado/a al equipo
 Job openings: Ofertas del trabajo
 Resume: Hoja de vida
 Self-motivated: Auto motivado/a
 Hire: (Hiring): Contratar (Contratación)
2. Write complete sentences using the words studied in the previous exercise.

 In a job employer must be responsible with their functions.

 On Monday I join in an interview process.
 Behavior for a job is an important quality.
 A characteristic in a job is team-oriented work.
 In the newspaper there are many job openings.
 Peter can post his resume on the internet.
 I feel self-motivated in my work every day.
 I need to make a resume for the hiring process.

3. Write 3 qualities and skills you think employers look for.

 Responsable
 Teamwork
 Honesty

II. After reading the text complete the following chart:

Word Classification
Classify 5 words from the text in verbs, adjectives, and prepositions.
Verbs Adjectives Prepositions
Can post Right personality For
Choose Leadership In
Want Hard workers To
Demonstrate Self-motivated But
Need Team-oriented With

III. After reading the text answer the following questions:

a. Where can you post your resume?  I can post my resume on websites.

b. What are employers looking for? Employers are looking for people with the correct
skills and competencies for their organizations.

c. What are the skills candidates should have? The skills that people should have are:
right personality and behaviors, essential for successful working. Candidates must be
effective to demonstrate they can adapt quickly, solve problems and motivated people.

d. What will you do if you want to get a job? I must publish the resume on a website and
meet the characteristics required by the organization.

5. In this point you are invited to discuss about the text with your classmates in the
forum. Check your classmates’ answers and make 2 comments about the text, about
the sentences your classmates did not understand.
You can write about:

➢ What do you think about the text?

➢ Is it interesting for you? Why? Why not?

Include information that needs to be

considered, point out mistakes.

Screenshot of the participation in the forum

Student #4
Pre-reading activities

I. Answer the following questions before you read the text.

1. Write the meaning of the following words:
 Employer:
 Job openings:
 Join:
 Resume:
 Behavior:
 Self-motivated:
 Team-oriented:
 Hire: (Hiring):

2. Write complete sentences using the words studied in the previous exercise.
3. Write 3 qualities and skills you think employers look for.

II. After reading the text complete the following chart:

Word Classification
Classify 5 words from the text in verbs, adjectives, and prepositions.
Verbs Adjectives Prepositions
III. After reading the text answer the following questions:
a. Where can you post your resumé?
b. What are employers looking for?
c. What are the skills candidates should have?
d. What will you do if you want to get a job?
5. In this point you are invited to discuss about the text with your classmates in the
forum. Check your classmates’ answers and make 2 comments about the text, about
the sentences your classmates did not understand.

You can write about:

➢ What do you think about the text?

➢ Is it interesting for you? Why? Why not?

Include information that needs to be

considered, point out mistakes.

Screenshot of the participation in the forum

Student #5
Pre-reading activities

I. Answer the following questions before you read the text.

1. Write the meaning of the following words:
 Employer:
 Job openings:
 Join:
 Resume:
 Behavior:
 Self-motivated:
 Team-oriented:
 Hire: (Hiring):
2. Write complete sentences using the words studied in the previous exercise.
3. Write 3 qualities and skills you think employers look for.

II. After reading the text complete the following chart:

Word Classification
Classify 5 words from the text in verbs, adjectives, and prepositions.
Verbs Adjectives Prepositions

III. After reading the text answer the following questions:

a. Where can you post your resumé?
b. What are employers looking for?
c. What are the skills candidates should have?
d. What will you do if you want to get a job?

5. In this point you are invited to discuss about the text with your classmates in the
forum. Check your classmates’ answers and make 2 comments about the text, about
the sentences your classmates did not understand.

You can write about:

➢ What do you think about the text?

➢ Is it interesting for you? Why? Why not?

Include information that needs to be

considered, point out mistakes.

Screenshot of the participation in the forum: Jorge Lombana Suarez

Collaborative activity
Step 2 – Looking for a job offer

Advertisement chosen: Jorge Lombana Suarez

Position -Job title Teacher assistant

Salary Salary: £70 - £80 per annum
Job level Graduate
Responsibilities The successful English graduates will
be working within the schools high
achieving English department and will
be supporting students solely within
their subject area.
Qualifications/Skills needed: Recent experience in youth work is
required and command of English to
100 percent and graduated
Company information-Location High East London secondary school
Tower Hamlets.
Contact James Wyles
Industry Schools, Secondary teaching, English,
Teaching assistant
Hours Full time
Education level Undergraduate degree (or equivalent)
Step 3 – Writing a cover letter.
Cover letter for the job offer chosen. (One paragraph per student)

James Wyles
Principal and Human Resources Manager
Optimal workplace inc. t5456445
High East London secondary school Tower Hamlets.
London, England
4 July, 2021
Dear Mr. Wyles
As a highly qualified language teacher with 5 years of experience, I am writing to express
my interest in being a teacher assistant in your company or school, my experience aligns
well with what is requested in the job offer since I have had the opportunity of not only
being an assistant in teaching and teaching English but I have also coordinated bilingual
academic projects with students from other countries.

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