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Rhena C.

Instructor: Angelo Bautista

Reaction Paper: Analysis of Pigafetta Chronicles

The chronicle of Pigafetta was one of the most cited documents by historians who
wished to study the pre-colonial Philippines. As one of the earliest written accounts, Pigafetta
was seen as a credible source for a period, which was prior unchronicled and undocumented.
Moreover, being the earliest detailed documentation, it was believed that Pigafetta’s writings
account for the “purest” pre-colonial society. Indeed, Pigafetta’s work is of great importance in
the study and writing of Philippines history. Nevertheless, there needs to have a more nuanced
reading of the source within a contextual backdrop. A student of history should recognize certain
biases accompanying the author and his identity, loyalties, and the circumstances that he was
in; and how it affected the text that he produced. In the case of Pigafetta, the reader needs to
understand that he was a chronicler commissioned by the King of Spain to accompany and
document a voyage intended to expand the Spanish empire. The purpose of Antonio Pigafetta
also describes how to take the altitude of the pole star to determine latitude, know the wind
direction and other minor navigation problems. Mistakenly believed that the direction of the
compass coincided with the meridian of Iron Island. Pigafetta kept a detailed journal, the original
of which is lost. ... Pigafetta's work is important not only as a source of information about the
voyage itself, but also includes an early Western description of the people and languages of the

Reaction Paper: First Voyage around the World by Ferdinand Magellan

Ferdinand Magellan began a historic journey to circumnavigate the globe. His explorer
and his voyage are a study in contradiction. Magellan was Portuguese, but sailed on behalf of
Spain. He was a formidable captain, but his crew hated him. His expedition was the first to sail
around the world, but he didn’t end up circling the globe himself. His name wasn’t even
Magellan. Magellan became a page to the Portuguese queen. This allowed him to learn about
the various Portuguese expeditions. After he lost his offers of employment from the Portuguese,
Magellan went to the Spanish. The Spanish were willing to sponsor Magellan's voyage and
gave him 5 ships and approximately 250 men. Ferdinand Magellan's reasons for exploring were
to circumnavigate the world (sail completely around the world), and conquer and become king of
the Philippines. While on his voyage, Ferdinand Magellan explored places such as what is
known today as Rio de Janeiro, the coast of South America, Guam, and the Philippines where
he later died. On his voyage, Magellan personally didn't accomplish anything. However,
Ferdinand Magellan is often credited with the first circumnavigation of the earth as he originally
led the voyage. While at sea, Magellan and his men overcame many difficulties, some without
even knowing it. Magellan and his men overcame starvation, putrid water, scurvy, and then
Magellan personally had his own life threatened by Spanish captains on the ships in the
expedition who wanted to kill him. The voyage was technically considered successful because
Magellan's men did circumnavigate the world. Although, I believe that the voyage was
unsuccessful because Magellan died in the Philippines, and thus was never able to completely
circumnavigate the world and complete his goal.
Reaction Paper: Analysis of the “Proclamation of the Philippine Independence”

It was on June 12, 1898, when the “Act of the Proclamation of Independence of the
Filipino People” was read at General Emilio Aguinaldo’s ancestral house in Kawit, Cavite. The
country’s independence, however, was not achieved quickly. Independence Day also serves as
an apt moment for Filipinos to reflect on who they are in light of all these, and of what they could
give in return as benefactors of this emancipation which took pains to be attained. It is fitting that
as we commemorate the anniversary of the declaration of our independence and as we recall
the glorious events surrounding it,” the late statesman said, “we should examine ourselves and
ask if we have been worthy of the heritage of freedom which our heroes bequeathed to us and
for which thousands of our patriots so willingly shed their blood. Let independence day therefore
be an occasion not only for commemoration, but for spiritual self-examination.”
For President Macapagal, the heroes have a right to ask of Filipinos how strong their
Republic is today. This evokes a sense of responsibility left for us to be productive and truthful
citizens. These heroes, he added, might well ask the businessman if he did his best to improve
his methods of production and to increase his marketing efficiency. They also might well ask
students if they have been diligently studying “not only for high marks, but for the sake of
learning,” in order to fully contribute to the nation’s overall progress.

Reaction Paper: Philippine KKK

Katipunan is an association called Kataastaasang Kagalang-galang na Katipunan nang mga
Anak ng Bayan or Katipunan was founded on July 7, 1892 after the arrest of Dr. Jose Rizal due
to his establishment of Liga Filipina. Rizal’s arrest was a shock to the Filipino people because
he was the symbol of freedom to them. The members performed blood compact and used their
blood to sign their membership papers.
Katipunan is a secret organization which had three aims: political, moral and civic.
Politically, independence from Spain; morally, to teach moral values among the members; and
civic, to help other members of the association. Katipunan had three kinds of members: Katipon,
Kawal and Bayan. The highest member of the association was called Bayani and their
password was Rizal. Dr. Jose Rizal was recognized as honorary chairman. The Kawal used
GOMBURZA as their password while the Katipon used Anak ng Bayan. The passwords were
used to keep the Katipunan in secret from the Spanish authorities.
The Kartilya was about the thirteen lessons that serve as the Katipuneros’ guide in living
with morals and good values. It was like a code of conduct that shows how to be a true Filipino
in words and action. I believe that this Kartilya ng Katipuan shows the path on how to live a
meaningful life for every Filipino. Each lesson is unique in such a way that it tackles different
aspects of person’s life. Many of us may have different explanation and understanding about it
but it is appropriate to have a better understanding or explanation to its contents. Kartilya ng
Katipunan is a set of principles that shows the path on how each and every one of us must live
of lives by living to the fullest through good values. I believe that this Kartilya ng Katipunan was
made to change the thoughts of every Filipino’s unacceptable behaviour. Katipunan was not just
an organization working towards the freedom of the Filipinos. They built on the ideological and
political foundation constructed by men and women who sacrificed themselves because of their
love for the country and for the people. Just like Rizal who pushed Filipinos to think critically with
full understanding, this code of conduct was made to inform people of what they deserve to
know for making their lives better.

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