Impacto Covid en Ortodoncistas

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J Orthodontics
D Impact of COVID 19 upon Orthodontists: An Opinion Study
A Saptarshi Roy1, Kuldeep Dmello2, Atul Singh3

Brief Background
As there have been 15,785,641 confirmed cases of
COVID-19 Pandemic, including 640,016 deaths around
the world till 26 July 2020, and Lockdown has been
implemented in most of the nations, the Orthodontic
specialty is affected extensively due to this. So a study
was conducted to determine the impact of the COVID-19
outbreak on the specialty of Orthodontics and how the
situation was being managed around the globe.

Materials and Methods

An anonymous questionnaire containing 24 questions
was developed in google form which was posted on
various online platforms and also sent to Orthodontists
around the globe using Social media. The questionnaire
asked for information about the effect of the pandemic in
their workplace, and about the changes they were facing
1. P. G. Student in their clinical practices, and how they are handling it at
the time of the pandemic.
2. HOD
3 Professor Results
Department of Orthodontics and A total of 226 responses were acquired. 96.46% of all
Dentofacial Orthopaedics respondents believed that this Pandemic has affected their
routine Orthodontic practice. Although almost 47.79%
KD Dental College
of respondents opined that most of their patients are well
Mathura, Uttar Pradesh
aware of this emergency but the most common complaint
from patients was broken brackets and molar bands.
Access this article online Although 51.59 % of respondents are aware of WHO
Quick Response Code: guidelines for health workers regarding COVID-19 but a
majority of Orthodontists are under stress as they believe
Website: that there will be a decline in Orthodontic treatment need with the declined global economy.

DOI: 10.33882/jida.15.28786 Anticipating the situation that how this lockdown has
affected the Orthodontic practice, the results revealed
that most Orthodontists are bearing the repression and
repercussions together at the same time.

How to cite this article: Saptarshi Roy, Kuldeep Dmello, Atul

Summary and Conclusions
Singh. Impact of COVID 19 upon Orthodontists: An Opinion Study. The survey shows that COVID-19 has affected Orthodontic
JIDA 2021; XV; 31-41.
practice in various aspects. We need to modify and adapt
ourselves for each and every orthodontic procedure to be
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons done in the future.
Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix,
tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as the author is credited
and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms Key Words
Corona Virus, COVID 19, Impact, Orthodontic Practice,
J I D A - Jou rn al of I n d i an D ent al Asso ciatio n - Vo l 15 - Issue 6 - June 2021
Impact of COVID 19 upon Orthodontists: An Opinion Study

Introduction falling on Orthodontic instruments that Orthodontists

contact later. Though according to the American Dental
The whole world had witnessed the disastrous effects
Association6 Orthodontic procedures other than acute
of various epidemics like H1N1, H5N1, SARS, Avian
issues (e.g. pain, infection, trauma) or other situations,
Influenza, Ebola, Zika, and Nipah in the previous time,
critically necessary to prevent harm to the patient are
and they were successfully intercepted with appropriate
considered as Non-emergency dental procedures, but Pain
management and research1. But the outbreak of life-
due to impingement of wire because of bracket breakage
threatening coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused
or other causes, needs emergency appointments in this
by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus2,3,
time also.
which is rapidly destroying the healthcare system and
economy across the world, is of prime concern because This study aimed to determine the impact of the COVID-19
till now no effective measures has been invented for outbreak on the specialty of Orthodontics and how the
management of this disease. The novel coronavirus situation was being managed around the globe. For
is a single-stranded RNA virus, that comes under the achieving this goal, a questionnaire was developed which
family called Coronaviridae. This family includes two was uploaded on various online platforms and also sent to
prime disease causative viruses named as- severe acute Orthodontists around the world, using Social media. The
respiratory syndrome corona virus (SARS-CoV), which was questionnaire was asked for getting information about
first identified in 2002, and the Middle East respiratory the COVID-19 effect in their workplace, and what hurdles
syndrome corona virus (MERS-CoV), which was first they were facing in their practices in the testing time.
identified in 2012. Globally, as of 2:31 pm CEST, 26 July The objective was to emphasize the situation that the
2020, there have been 15,785,641 confirmed cases of specialty is facing and how it is being handled. The study
COVID-19, including 640,016 deaths, reported to WHO4. was done aiming that the information and results will be
Almost every nation and their respective governments are a useful reference in the future, not only for Orthodontics
literally battling to combat the rapid spread of the disease but also for other specialties, against COVID- 19 or if any
by taking some strong decisions. similar Pandemic arises again.

The 2 main steps for controlling the situation are Materials and Methods
to limit the spread of the infection and improve the
The survey was conducted from April 23rd, 2020 to May
healthcare system of each country. On January 30, the
06, 2020. The questionnaire was formed using Google
World Health Organization (WHO) announced that this
Forms because this platform is free and easy to use for
outbreak constituted a global public health emergency
both the researchers & respondents. The questionnaire
and declared it a pandemic. By declaring a nationwide
was created in English which consisted of 24 questions,
lockdown, India has retrenched the spread of this virus to
both close-ended and open-ended.
a certain extent. However, the total number of reported
cases as of 2:31 pm CEST, 26 July 2020, has crossed The first section was asked for general information
14,36,019 with approximately 32,812 deaths and these about the respondent like their Email address and work
numbers continue to rise. Because of the widespread area. In the second section, the respondents were asked
transmission of SARS-CoV-2, healthcare providers are at about their situation of practicing during the pandemic,
a high risk of getting affected by the virus and becoming how they are handling patients, and also the level of
potential carriers of the disease. awareness about WHO guidelines among Orthodontists.
The third section contained some questions related to
According to Occupational Safety and Health
mediclaim and life insurance they have if accidentally
Administration (OSHA), Dentists, including Orthodontists,
they get exposed. The fourth Section includes the
are placed in a very high exposure risk category because
involvements and mental condition during the outbreak
they work in close proximity to the patient’s oral cavity5.
and most importantly what they are expecting about
The routes of transmission may include, respiratory
post-pandemic economic crisis.
droplets coming from coughing and sneezing during any
Orthodontic Procedure, aerosol created while using an air The online link of the questionnaire was distributed
rotor during de-bonding, indirect contact such as droplets by e-mail via personal invitation, posted on Facebook,

J I D A - Jou rn al of I n d i an D ent al Asso ciatio n - Vo l 15 - Issue 6 - June 2021
Impact of COVID 19 upon Orthodontists: An Opinion Study

WhatsApp, and Instagram. Moreover, the authors asked

the respondents to share the questionnaire link with their
colleagues and contacts in the field of Orthodontics.

The Questions and their responses to the Survey are
illustrated in the tables and the figures (1-5).

Fig.1: Percentage Distribution of Respondents by their opinion

on impact of COVID-19 on routine orthodontic practice and on
Awareness level of Patients on this emergency situation

Fig.3: Percentage Distribution of opinion of Respondents by

appliance system required maximum assistance during the lockdown
and Percentage Distribution of opinion of Respondents by no. of
Orthodontic patients have attended in this lockdown.

Fig.4: How quickly you feel the need to open your clinic?

Fig.2: Percentage distribution of opinion of Respondents by getting

calls on a daily basis for Orthodontic emergencies during lockdown
and Percentage Distribution of Opinion of Respondents by expecting
a decline in orthodontic requirement in the World

Fig.5: Sequence of Removal of PPE and Sequence of Putting on PPE (Source- CDC)

J I D A - Jou rn al of I n d i an D ent al Asso ciatio n - Vo l 15 - Issue 6 - June 2021
Impact of COVID 19 upon Orthodontists: An Opinion Study

A total of 226 responses to the study were acquired practice. As 37.17% of respondents have rented clinics,
from all over India and 3 other countries. The invitation 50% of them opined that they are unable to pay the rent
was mainly sent to different WhatsApp groups of both of their clinic. Almost 47.79% of respondents opined
clinicians and PG students. The response rate was good. that more than 80% of their patients are well aware
Only complete responses were received, as most of the of this emergency and 46.02% have opined that they
questions were mandatory. receive only less than 2 calls a day from their patients for
orthodontic emergencies.
Table 1 shows that most of the respondents (38.94%)
were PG students. And 96.46% of all respondents believe The majority of the respondents (56.64%) expressed
that this Pandemic has affected their routine Orthodontic their opinion that they have not attended a single patient

Table 1
Govt Combination
Q. No/ Type of Academician Consultancy PG Student Private Total
Responses hospital/ of any of the
Respondents (4) (14) (88) clinic (44) (226)
college(12) above(64)
Q1. What is your
of 1.77 6.19 5.31 38.94 19.47 28.32 100.00
area of work?
Q2. Do you think Yes 75.00 100.00 100.00 97.73 95.45 95.31 96.46
Covid-19 has No 25.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.69 1.77
affected your
routine orthodontic Can’t Say 0.00 0.000 0.00 2.27 4.55 0.00 1.77
Q3. What is your Own 25.00 0.00 0.00 9.10 36.37 53.13 26.10
practice type if Rented 25.00 71.43 25.00 20.45 52.27 45.31 37.17
you are a private Not
practitioner? 50.00 28.57 75.00 70.45 11.36 1.56 36.73
Q4. Are you able Able 100.00 40.00 0.00 16.67 26.09 20.69 27.38
to pay the rent of Not Able 0.00 40.00 66.67 66.67 69.57 77.33 50.00
your clinic, if you
practice in a rented May Be 0.00 20.00 33.33 16.67 30.43 9.05 22.62
Q5. What <20% 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.14 4.55 4.69 2.65
percentage of your <25% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.56 0.44
patients are aware 20%-40% 0.00 14.29 33.33 15.91 31.82 7.81 17.26
of the emergency
40%-80% 0.00 14.29 16.67 39.77 25.00 34.38 31.86
situation and
understand that
their treatment will >80% 100.00 71.42 50.00 43.18 38.64 51.56 47.79
be delayed due to
this pandemic?
0 0.00 7.14 0.00 3.41 4.55 4.69 3.98
Q6. From how
many patients <2 25.00 21.43 33.33 50.00 38.64 54.69 46.02
you get calls 2-5 75.00 28.57 58.34 34.09 43.18 21.88 34.07
on a daily basis 6-10 0.00 35.71 8.33 9.09 4.55 12.50 10.62
for Orthodontic 11-20 0.00 7.14 0.00 3.41 9.09 3.13 4.42
>20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.13 0.89

J I D A - Jou rn al of I n d i an D ent al Asso ciatio n - Vo l 15 - Issue 6 - June 2021
Impact of COVID 19 upon Orthodontists: An Opinion Study

during this lockdown (Table 2) and 65.7% complaints want to imply every possible method for protecting their
from patients in an emergency are with Broken brackets clinical practices from COVID-19. Maximum responses
and molar tube or bands. were for updating knowledge by watching Webinars and
reading books when they were asked about how they
Table 3 shows that 59.29% of assistance is being required
were engaging themselves during this lockdown. There
for the conventional Labial Bracket system. The majority
was a short answer type question in Q. no. 17 that,
of respondents believe that it would take 3-6 months
what are you going to do if you come across a COVID 19
for Orthodontic practice to be normalized. 91.59 % of
susceptible case accidentally? And Majority have replied
respondents are aware of WHO guidelines for health
that they will refer the patient to the COVID hospital
workers regarding COVID-19 but only 34.96% of
immediately and quarantine himself for 14 days.
respondents are certified for any online course by WHO.
38.50% of respondents do not want to burden the extra From Table 5 we could know that majority of respondents
cost of PPE to patients. don’t know the dosage of Hydroxychloroquine. The
majority of respondents want a financial package from
Table 4 tells that, 95.13% of respondents feel the need
Govt. and Major Orthodontists are scared of the situation.
for PPE for their assistants. About 63% of respondents

Table 2
Q. No/ Type of Academician Govt hospital/ PG Private
Responses Consultancy of any of the Total
Respondents (4) college Student clinic
0 75.00 42.86 25.00 69.32 38.64 59.38 56.64
Q7. How many
emergency <5 25.00 28.57 66.67 23.86 27.27 26.56 27.88
Orthodontic 6-10 0.00 14.29 8.33 4.55 27.27 7.81 10.62
patients have 11-15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
you attended in 16-20 0.00 14.29 0.00 2.27 2.27 4.69 3.54
this lockdown?
>20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.55 1.56 1.33
Q8. Select the Loose Ligatures
options for (Elastomeric or 27.5%
which you are Metallic)
receiving most
number of Broken/loose
calls from your brackets, bands 65.7%
Orthodontic or molar t…
patients in this
Lockdown. Impinging wire 52.2%
Loose TADS
options can be
or any such 2.8%
Functional 6.7%
Loose Retainers 12.4%
Swelling or
Soft tissue
None 9%

J I D A - Jou rn al of I n d i an D ent al Asso ciatio n - Vo l 15 - Issue 6 - June 2021
Impact of COVID 19 upon Orthodontists: An Opinion Study

Table 3
Q. No/ Type of Academician Govt hospital/ PG Private
Responses Consultancy of any of the Total
Respondents (4) college Student clinic
Aligners 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 0.00 50.00 100.00
Q9. What 1.49 6.72 2.99 41.04 23.13 24.63 100.00
labial braces
appliance system
is requiring 0.00 4.55 22.73 27.27 27.27 18.18 100.00
Lingual braces 7.69 3.85 3.85 50.00 3.85 30.77 100.00
assistance during
the lockdown? Removable
0.00 0.00 25.00 50.00 25.00 0.00 100.00
None 0.00 9.38 3.13 25.00 15.63 46.88 100.00
0-1 Month 0.0 14.29 16.67 3.41 13.64 3.13 6.64
Q10. According
1-3 Month 25.00 35.71 16.67 38.64 18.18 29.69 30.53
to you how much
time will it take 3-6 Month 75.00 14.29 58.33 28.41 29.55 42.19 34.07
to normalize >6 Month 0.00 35.71 0.00 25.00 36.36 21.88 25.22
orthodontic Can’t Say 0.00 0.00 8.33 4.55 2.27 3.13 3.54
practice once the
pandemic COVID
19 is over?

Q11. Are you

Aware 100.00 100.00 100.00 89.77 86.36 93.75 91.59
aware of WHO
guidelines for Somewhat
0.00 0.00 0.00 7.95 2.27 3.12 4.42
Healthcare Aware
COVID-19? Not Aware 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.27 11.36 2.00 3.98

Q12. Have you

certified yourself Yes 0.00 21.43 50.00 31.82 34.09 42.19 34.96
for any of the
online courses
by the WHO
No 100.00 78.57 50.00 68.18 65.91 57.81 65.04
regarding COVID

Q13. Do you think

Yes 50.00 57.14 16.67 32.95 29.55 34.38 33.63
it will be feasible
to transfer the No 50.00 21.43 33.33 35.23 43.18 43.75 38.50
cost of extra safety
requirement (PPE
kit) to the patient? Can’t Say 0.00 21.43 50.00 31.82 27.27 21.88 27.87

J I D A - Jou rn al of I n d i an D ent al Asso ciatio n - Vo l 15 - Issue 6 - June 2021
Impact of COVID 19 upon Orthodontists: An Opinion Study

Table 4
Q. No/ Type of Academician Govt hospital/ PG Private
Responses Consultancy of any of the Total
Respondents (4) college Student clinic
Q14. Do you Yes 100.00 92.86 100.00 93.18 95.45 96.88 95.13
feel need of No 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.41 4.55 0.00 2.21
PPE for your
Assistant? Can’t Say 0.00 7.14 0.00 3.41 0.00 3.13 2.65
Q15. What Aerosol aspirator 10.1%
are other PPE 18.5%
Fumigation 11.8%
you are going to
apply for your HEPA Filter 5.1%
practice in post Ultraviolet
COVID era? Germicidal 6.2%


Face Shield 18%


waterlines using 9.6%
0.01% NaOCL
All of the Above 63.5%
None of above 2.8%
Q22. How
did you keep
yourself 78.7 %
by attending
occupied during
this lockdown
Exploring old
(Multiple 44.4%
options can be
selected) Doing Yoga or
home fitness

Watching movies

Totally Stressed
out or depressed

Learning a new
technique or 33.1%

Other 15.7%

J I D A - Jou rn al of I n d i an D ent al Asso ciatio n - Vo l 15 - Issue 6 - June 2021
Impact of COVID 19 upon Orthodontists: An Opinion Study

Table 5
Govt Combination
Q. No/ Type of Academician PG Private
Responses Consultancy hospital/ of any of the Total
Respondents (4) Student clinic
college above
Q16. Do you Yes 25.00 35.71 8.33 31.82 36.36 20.31 28.32
think that the No 25.00 28.58 33.33 29.55 29.55 32.81 30.53
dose of hydroxyl-
applicable to Can’t Say 50.00 35.71 58.33 38.64 34.09 46.88 41.15
treating a
susceptible case?
Q18. Do you feel Yes 25.00 42.86 50.00 69.32 63.64 68.75 64.60
that the Govt. No 0.00 21.43 8.33 11.36 13.64 17.19 13.72
should give a
package for May Be 75.00 35.71 41.67 19.32 22.73 14.06 21.68
Orthodontists to
come out of this
crisis situation?
Q19. Do you feel
Yes 100.00 100.00 83.33 93.18 72.73 82.81 86.28
scared for you and
your family with No 0.00 0.00 8.33 2.27 15.91 7.81 6.64
regards to COVID
19? Can’t Say 0.00 0.00 8.33 4.55 11.36 9.38 7.08
Q20. Do you Yes 50.00 35.71 16.67 25.00 25.00 39.06 29.65
have sufficient
Mediclaim No 0.00 57.14 50.00 62.50 54.55 43.75 53.54
insurance to cover
yourself for any
unwanted health
Can’t Say 50.00 7.14 33.33 12.50 20.45 17.19 16.81
situation including
Q21. Do you have
Yes 100.00 50.00 41.67 44.32 68.18 65.63 56.19
any Life insurance
for yourself to
No 0.00 50.00 33.33 50.00 29.55 32.81 39.38
safeguard and
cover your family? Can’t Say 0.00 0.00 25.00 5.68 2.27 1.56 4.42
Q23. How quickly Open clinic as
you feel the need soon as this 25.00 21.43 8.33 2.27 31.82 23.44 15.93
to open your Lockdown ends
clinic? Take all the risks
and open clinic
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.27 3.13 1.33
very soon even if
lockdown extends
Can't take any
risk and will wait
till the situation
75.00 71.43 41.67 57.95 52.27 67.19 59.73
goes to normal
and then open
my clinic
CAN'T SAY 0.00 7.14 50.00 39.77 13.64 6.25 23.01

J I D A - Jou rn al of I n d i an D ent al Asso ciatio n - Vo l 15 - Issue 6 - June 2021
Impact of COVID 19 upon Orthodontists: An Opinion Study

Q24. With the Yes 50.00 66.67 66.67 63.64 75.00 76.56 69.03
decline in income
of the people No 0.00 41.67 8.33 14.77 6.82 14.06 13.72
and fall of Global
economy, do you
expect a decline
in orthodontic Can’t Say 50.00 8.33 25.00 21.59 18.18 9.38 17.25
requirement in the

Although a major portion of respondents (53.54%) don’t and equipment, rent of clinics, salary to staffs, the bill
have any Mediclaim and but 56.19% have life insurance for water, phone, electricity, internet, etc. And now this
to safeguard their family from any unwanted condition. Pandemic added some extra expenditure that includes
Most of the respondents (59.73%) don’t want to take newer personal protective equipment (PPE), N95 masks,
any risk and wanted to open a clinic when the situation face shields, head, and shoe covers, alcohol-based hand
goes to normal. Maximum respondents (69.03%) believe rubs, additional disinfectants, chemomechanical agents,
that there will be a decline in Orthodontic treatment need aerosol reduction measures such as HEPA filter, HVAC,
around the world, with a decline in the global economy. and newer antiretraction hand-pieces.

Discussion The majority of respondents opined that awareness of

this emergency is quite high among patients and calls
Anticipating the situation that how this lockdown has
per day for assistance are also very low and maximum
affected the Orthodontic practice, the results revealed
respondents have not treated any patients during
that most Orthodontists are bearing the repression
this lockdown. This suggests that the patients are also
and repercussions together at the same time. To our
understanding the condition of their doctors through this
knowledge, so many studies have been addressed
lockdown and cooperating by keeping patience though
regarding newer protocols for Orthodontic practice and
they have not got appointments for a long time.
the risk of the pandemic to our specialty. But there are
no or very few studies that surveyed the difficulties faced Rajesh Gyawali et al7 studied that the most common cause
by orthodontists and their mental status in such testing for orthodontic emergencies was the debonded brackets
times. The pandemic has caused a huge change in the or bondable buccal tubes, followed by the loosening of
work environment of orthodontists, and it is essential to bands. The other reasons for frequent appointments were
adapt to the change in the world of orthodontic practice loosening of ligature ties, impinging of the mucosa by the
and adopt the newer protocols. overextension of the wire distally, detachment of buccal
tubes from the molar band, breakage of acrylic plates, and
As 50% of the respondents who have rented clinics
tearing of elastomeric chains. This study also suggests the
opined that they are not able to pay the rent. 64.60%
same. The procedure that is needed the most care in this
of respondents believe that Govt. should give a financial
pandemic is Bracket breakages and it is most prevalent
package to the orthodontists to battle the situation
with PG students.
because a major portion of respondents (53.54%) don’t
have any Mediclaim. Moreover, most of the respondents And also a major portion of respondents are aware of
(69.03%) believe that there will be a decline in Orthodontic WHO guidelines. So the majority of respondents are well
treatment need around the world, with a decline in the aware and taking proper precautions and following all
global economy. So financial impact upon Orthodontists Govt. measures. Although they are not pretty much aware
to a great extent led them towards a psychologically of Hydroxychloriquine dosage but if they come across
stressed-out condition. The new orthodontists who have COVID positive patients, the majority of them opined
less than 10 years of experience are facing the economic that they will refer them to hospital and will quarantine
crisis most as they are bearing EMIs for clinical setup themselves.

J I D A - Jou rn al of I n d i an D ent al Asso ciatio n - Vo l 15 - Issue 6 - June 2021
Impact of COVID 19 upon Orthodontists: An Opinion Study

Most of the respondents want to imply every possible vaccine against coronavirus among several other Vaccine
method for protecting their clinical practices from candidates those are in trials, as it goes for phase III. And
COVID-19 because a majority of them are scared of the Phase I & II had shown commendable results as claimed
situation according to this study and for this, they don’t by the co-authors. Serum Institute of India (SII), which
want to open their clinic until all situation goes normal. had a partnership with AstraZeneca for manufacturing
Universal precautions are crucial to minimize the spread the University of Oxford vaccine candidate, has got
of this virus and its associated disease. That includes 1) permission from the Drugs Controller General of India
Taking of proper History of the patient before starting (DCGI) for conducting Phase II and III human clinical trials,
treatment, 2) Use of PPE, Face mask or N95 respirators, which will be named as Covishield in India.
face shield, Goggles, 3) Must use of HVAC, 4) Keeping air
Covaxin, which is Developed by Bharat Biotech in
in and air out system in clinics whether its AC or combined
collaboration with ICMR and the National Institute of
with exhaust. 5) Using Disposable covering for chairs and
Virology (NIV), has started its Phase I trial in AIIMS and
panels, 6) Proper donning and doffing of PPE, face mask
PGI Rohtak recently.
and face shield, 7) Proper Hand sanitization[8,9].
Proper hand hygiene practices play an important role
in preventing the spread of infection. “Five Moments Collected data of the survey shows that COVID-19 has
of hand hygiene” by WHO, defines key moments that affected Orthodontic practice in various aspects. We
Orthodontists must carry out before and after each need to modify and adapt ourselves for each and every
procedure. The CDC recommended alcohol-based hand orthodontic procedure to be done in the future. From
rub or handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 Diagnosis and treatment planning to Leveling &Alignment,
seconds. Space closure, Finishing & detailing, Debonding, and
Retention phase we need to update all our practice
All respondents were well aware of using personal procedures. We need to implement a huge modification
protective equipment (PPE) for post-COVID-19 in the clinical setup, sterilization protocols, personal
Orthodontic practice. The CDC has provided Interim hygiene & safety, safety for staff and receptionists.
Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations Several challenging situations may arise constantly for
and sequence for “donning and doffing” PPE10(Fig. 5). the Orthodontists regarding economic constrain, treating
The N95 respirator should be preferred over a normal patients, and many more. But there is a phrase: “Even the
surgical face mask while performing aerosol-generating darkest night will end and the sun will rise.” So we must
procedures on patients, otherwise, a normal Surgical face keep in our mind that this period is not the end, it is just
mask is enough. Disposable face shields and gloves must a pause, which is to reform ourselves with positivity and
be used while performing clinical procedures. Proper wisdom.
disposal of the used masks and gloves must be learned
and maintained. Acknowledgments

A special Thanks to the Indian Orthodontic Society, We are really grateful to all 226 Orthodontists who
Dental Council of India and so many Dental colleges for responded to the survey. We respect the valuable time
conducting a lot of webinars and keeping all Orthodontists paid for the questionnaire by all of them. We salute them.
occupied in this lockdown period as told by the majority A special Thanks to Dr. Asesh Chakrabarti who have
of respondents. Physical and mental health improvement done the statistical analysis and helped us in every step
by doing yoga, meditation, and consuming fresh air for this article to be framed.
is essential for the Orthodontists in this testing time to Ethical Apology
relieve the psychological stress.
The episode of this pandemic & this Lockdown is totally
Although a ray of hope is seen as a team of scientists new for our generation and society, so, there might be
at Oxford Vaccine Group (Department of Paediatrics) and a biasedness or intuition among the respondents while
Oxford University’s Jenner Institute are at the doorstep responding and so, a scientific logical analysis might not
for the discovery of a safe, effective, and accessible justify the results.

J I D A - Jou rn al of I n d i an D ent al Asso ciatio n - Vo l 15 - Issue 6 - June 2021
Impact of COVID 19 upon Orthodontists: An Opinion Study

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J I D A - Jou rn al of I n d i an D ent al Asso ciatio n - Vo l 15 - Issue 6 - June 2021
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