White Paper

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This white paper is an informational document that highlights

Texcash decentralized peer to peer token and its Ecosystem


This white paper will continue to be used and maintained

because it serves as a relevant reference and representation of
texcash and its vision. To learn more about us visit texcash.org
Contents provided on this document are for general information
purposes only and cannot be used or relied on for legal,
financial or personal advice. Relying on the information
provided in this document is at your own risk; Make proper
research before relying on them.

In the case of any inconsistency on the document, please refer

to our terms and condition at www.texbank.org as the terms
and condition shall prevail over this document.

There is no assurance, indemnity or guaranty promised for this

document. The information here is for public consumption
a. Digital Era
b. Texcash
c. Uniqueness
a. Methodology
b. Best practices
i. Educational Framework
ii. Entrepreneurial framework
iii. Autonomous Demand
a. Use Case
b. Smart introducers
c. Providers and Business
a. Allocation
11. TEAM
The first decentralized money, Bitcoin in fact has become a bank
and currency with higher value than all country’s single fiat currency
(only that it is a bank without an office), causing competition for the
brick and mortar banks , since Bitcoin still assures same security,
fiat banks promise their customers and users.

Although, the concept of decentralized digital currency, as well as

alternative applications has been around for decades, it is no
surprise why its success is established. In the 1980s and the 1990s
the anonymous e-cash protocols mostly dependent on a
cryptographic primitive known as Chaumian blinding, provided a
currency with a high degree of privacy, but the protocols failed to
gain grip because of their reliance on a centralized intermediary.

In 1998, Wei Dai's b-money became the first proposal to introduce

the idea of creating money through solving computational puzzles as
well as decentralized consensus, but the proposal was limited on
details as to how decentralized consensus could actually be

In 2005, Hal Finney introduced a concept of reusable proof of work, a

system which uses ideas from b-money together with Adam Back's
computationally difficult Hashcash puzzles to create a concept for a
cryptocurrency, but once again fell short of the ideal by relying on
trusted computing as a backend. In 2009, a decentralized currency
was for the first time implemented in practice by Satoshi Nakamoto,
combining established primitives for managing ownership through
public key cryptography with a consensus algorithm for keeping
track of who owns coins, known as "proof of work".
The mechanism behind proof of work was a breakthrough in
the space because it simultaneously solved two problems.

First, it provided a simple and moderately effective consensus

algorithm, allowing nodes in the network to collectively agree
on a set of canonical updates to the state of the Bitcoin ledger.

Second, it provided a mechanism for allowing free entry into

the consensus process, solving the political problem of deciding
who gets to influence the consensus, while simultaneously
preventing sybil attacks. It does this by substituting a formal
barrier to participation, such as the requirement to be
registered as a unique entity on a particular list, with an
economic barrier - the weight of a single node in the consensus
voting process is directly proportional to the computing power
that the node brings.

Since then, an alternative approach has been proposed called

proof of stake, calculating the weight of a node as being
proportional to its currency holdings and not computational
resources; the discussion of the relative merits of the two
approaches is beyond the scope of this paper but it should be
noted that both approaches can be used to serve as the
backbone of a crypto currency.
Texcash is a decentralized digital currency with intent to
produce solutions around varieties of sectors and industries,
providing a different set of tradeoffs that we believe will be very
useful for a large class of applications.

With emphasis on rapid, consistent development and

advancement of the globe weighing on Pan- Africa concept, the
goal is to facilitate financial solutions alleviating problems
pertaining to wealth creation and management.

Records prove that major African countries like Nigeria, South

Africa and Ghana floats on the top list of users of digital
currencies globally, as this is due to the opportunity of wealth
creation it provides.

Looking at the financial difficulties Africa is facing recently,

participating in the digital currency era has now become a
notable recommendation, and this is where TEXCASH peer to
peer decentralized currency and assets comes in.
The project was curbed out of the need to build people
financially, by depending on the digital functions to improve
Africans digital finance, knowledge and intelligence. This need
has further lead into the interconnection of a feasible and
seamless profitable ecosystem piercing into different industries
and sectors and serving as an efficient protocol of accessibility.

Texcash protocol is built on efficiency and simplicity, giving

users the best experiences, protecting their integrity and privacy
while providing features that are feasible and seamless. Since
Africa’s rate of poverty has long ago become a major concern
Texcash features and protocol will focus majorly on Africa
thereby bringing to light solutions around this demands.

Many Africa based protagonists and business proponents have

emerged with the same intent and have made credible impacts
that need to be advanced on. The journey began with sacrifice
and self-denial; it is set to continue as TEXCASH drift the state of
the art progress to the digital sector.

Most recognizably, we are set to establish a state of the art in

the standards of the internet sector by really producing and
maintaining products that solves the rising challenges of
poverty in Africa. The Texcash team is bent on achieving this and
many as they keep producing products and services that
surround this quest.
Remember, texcash will be a peer to peer asset with sustained
high level security. This is advantageous because there will be
no sort of obstructions due to impediment from centralization
as stated above during the course of our systemized quest.

TEXCASH decentralized currency and ecosystem development

and management team is lead and sponsored by CLANEFY
Researches have it that there is an overall rise in the demand
for digital currencies, its impending and present opportunities.
The radical poverty eradication opportunity that digital
currencies offer will make room for the emergence of the
Texcash currency and its ecosystem.

As the execution and the administration of the recent world

financial transactions have moved progressively into the
digital/ internet era, it is recommended to provide services
surrounding the financial technology and market industry as a
form of industrialization and remedy to tackle poverty rate
within Africa.

The inclusive texcash confederation and ecosystem is based on

a structure that can reliably yield progressive effect within its
preeminent scope by advancing conventional coexistence. The
Texcash Confederation is fashioned with the instrument of
diligence, competence and foregrounded intelligence creating a
well-tailored proficient system that implements the strong
vision of wealth creation. Texcash Ecosytem constituent
employs methods that are globally appraised and embraced
due to the success in trial.

Creating a reliable digital product like ours will entail the

implementation of methods which end solves real life problems
for people every day.

Popularly employed methods of other digital currencies

concentrate only on acquiring continuous inflow of investors
and holders to cause a rally on their digital currencies thereby
obeying the principle of supply and demand, the disadvantage
of this method is that, there may be an unrecoverable decline
on the currency’s market if the large scale investors’ loose
interest by dumping the currency.

At the other hand, texcash confederation well-structured

methods will concentrate exclusively on real time high yield
businesses thereby creating real tangible wealth and asset for
members and users without neglecting the principles of supply
and demand. This businesses will cut across variety of industries
like Financial Technology and Market, Ecommerce, Agriculture,
Real Estate, marketing, Association, amongst others and at the
end a rise in price of Texcash.

We will engage an synthetic autonomous demand method were

profits made from our vast industries will be pumped back in
part into texcash ledger by buying tokens back to impel a
steady rise in price of texcash. This method has been proven
and workable as the system will not have to depend solely on
speculators to survive.
According to statistics from the United Nations 736 million
people in Africa out of 1.2 billion lived below the international
poverty line of US$ 1.90 a day in 2015. African youth population
is estimated to be around 226 million and an average 72% of
that youth population lives below two dollars daily. This
disturbing numbers must be alleviated.

We aim to create sound proceeding frameworks at

international levels & standard, based on development
strategies to ensure that by 2030 most Africans have access to
wealth knowledge and assets, as well as access to basic services,
ownership and control over businesses, land and other forms of
property, natural resources, appropriate new technology and
financial services.

Institutional framework: By largely encouraging and educating

Africans on how to participate in digital asset and create wealth
doing so, we will achieve our projections of poverty eradication
and sensitization. Presently, the texcash ecosystem have
sensitized and trained over 1000 Africans in 4 different African
nations on the viable systems and empowerment opportunity
the digital era have to offer.

More so, this efficient framework has been producing results

within our scope placing the learned on course for financial
Industrial framework: The texcash ecosystem is coated to cut
across several industries and business sector with the financial
industry as major; we are focused on numerous creations of
autonomous Jobs and income to alleviate the high rate of
poverty within Africa. We believe that job creation cannot be
limited if people have the proper skills and techniques to create
jobs for themselves in the new digital era and our ecosystem will
provide that.

For example, a person can decide to participate in our social

exchange network, exchange value and skills seamlessly without
constrains and difficulty, because our ecosystem is structured to
avail forms of access to value at no cost , at the same time make
profits from the constant rise of the texcash price due to that
reason. Also this whitepaper holds a brief explanation of our
profitable industrial sectors.


principle of supply and demand pertaining to digital
decentralized currency network, the larger the network, the
more valuable the currency. Therefore, we intend to synthesize
demand process to fuse in value on the currency as to achieve
consistent rise in currency value and price. This will work by
gaining profit on the businesses in the ecosystem and creating
synthesized population in the network ledger. As the price of the
currency rallies, the ecosystem gets richer and stronger. This
method is popularly expressed as “Coin burning or Coin
repurchase in reputable Decentralized Exchanges
1. Low cost for users: With no middlemen to impose
uncompetitive fees and a purely decentralized system of
communication. Fees are based on a reward mechanism
built into the protocol, resulting to transfers, exchange to
require very little fees.

2. Immutable process: The transactions and ledger is open

and policed by every member of our network and
ecosystem, while its integrity is checked and agreed by
members, submitting to a high form of transparency as a
whole, moving forward. Any contrary changes effected by
any party can be ejected by the rest of the members.

3. Transparency: The immutability of our ledger supports a

transparent framework within the ecosystem since
everything that takes place in the ledger is seen by
everyone. Every activity is seen and decided by the
members. It is not possible to stockpile assets on a
decentralized peer to peer system like ours.

4. Irreversibility: Because the ledger is immutable, a

transaction or transfer that has been accepted into the
network cannot be reversed. With no trusted
intermediaries to act on behalf of users or control the
movement of their funds, texcash is immune to
chargebacks and are like paying in physical cash but online.

5. Security: Because the ledger is maintained by a large

network of members, no one can easily gain sufficient
influence to submit a fraudulent transaction or alter
recorded data. Although possible in theory with enough
resources, it will be prohibitively expensive in practice. The
larger the network, the more valuable the token and the
more resources will be required to override. That means
the cost to override will always outpace the benefit.

6. Pseudonym and privacy: Since our ledger and currency is

on the blockchain network, blockchain addresses and
nomenclature are effectively just strings of random
characters that cannot intrinsically be associated with a
specific individual. While it is easy for the owner to prove
he controls a particular address if they wish, and it is often
possible to build up a picture of transaction relationships
due to the transparent nature of the blockchain, the
address itself does not contain the owners PII. Assuming
best practices, this enables a high degree of privacy when

7. Simplicity: participating in our network is easy and

affordable. It takes just an affordable smartphone to join
our network.
One of the major considerations will be the plan of
sustaining and maintaining the network ecosystem from
obliteration over time. We have a well-planned automated
strategy to mitigate the risk of obliteration or nonexistence
of the system long term. The strategy will help to manage
the network and keep it afloat regardless of factors and
unseen impediment that may hamper continuity. This will
avoid incessant crash in network value.

1. Our ecosystem consist of businesses, products and

services that will always be globally in demand, we
intend to provide this services to targeted market for a
high yield profit over time.
This generated profit will be pushed into the network
and ledger thereby keeping the network, ecosystem and
currency afloat. Although, there will always be a
fluctuating price in currency, we intend to maintain the
fluctuation by this method.
2. Population and network increase: Considering the
opportunity our network provides, we intend to train
thousands of Africans on the benefits of joining our
network; with more sensitization we will be able to
populate the network thereby increasing the value of the
network token. Since African untapped market is
gradually drifting to the internet era by just owning an
affordable smartphone, over 300 million Africans will be
on the internet before the end of 2022. The amount of
unique mobile subscribers is projected to hit 600 Million
by 2025 with Nigeria and Ethiopia registering the fastest
growth rate. This broadens our target market and
opportunity to populate our network.
Texcash (TXC) decentralized peer to peer digital currency
will be used within our ecosystem as an asset of settlement
and investment instrument. It will be used as a form of
settlement between participant in our network and
ecosystem to an identity-related transaction.

TXC paid in a transaction is distributed to a validator and

the users as a reward for sharing information. We are in a
flight to make TXC one of the top transactional token by
introducing numerous use case scenario and topnotch

As explained above, you have discovered that the major

strength of a token is in its use cases. The cause of failure
of most token’s network out there who promised success is
due to negligence of improving and increasing their token
use cases, they have weak effort invested in growing the
network and the rate of use cases globally.

Our principal concern and focus will be to ever broaden our

use cases to drive our ecosystem’s operation; this can be
achieved by creating a framework that surrounds
progressive improvement strategy as listed above.
That is the reason why we began the process of creating
autonomous demand internal products that will be used to
facilitate transactions.

Purchases of everyday used product and services will be

with our token thereby creating demand within our
network. Texcash ecosystem will also serve as an escrow
for popular tokens like bitcoin and ethereum.

The 2020 Digital Payment Report by Openway gave a lot of

insights when it comes to payments. It has been predicted
that spending on new payment infrastructure over the next
two years would be on the increase.

1. Texcash can be used across any number of jurisdictions,

retaining a single uniform method of settlement

2. Using Blockchain-based token makes it possible to perform

settlement automatically and irrefutably within a smart

3. Having a unique specialized token for accessing services

provides stability and shields the ecosystem from extraneous
considerations that can make other crypto currencies volatile

4. It makes it possible to manage incentives in a way that

drive the ecosystem.

The Smart Introducers & rep or SIR are individuals or

organizations keen in network building and contact development,
they help introduce people into the ecosystem and in turn they
get an excellent commission. SIRs will participate in online and
offline community development campaigns and activities, in turn
they have a commission in tokens added to their portfolio. Anyone
who wants to be earning commission, prices and awards referring
people to our ecosystem can join the SIR.

The SIR is a perfect way to make residual income as participants of

the SIR team can generate up to $30,000 in assets and $10,000 in
cash price. The introduction of the SIR is vital because we will use
that medium to train many Africans on the opportunity of our
ecosystem and at the same time empowers them to strengthen
our community. Also, handling crypto currency requires an ideal
user experience with an essential operational strategy, with this in
mind, it would be easier to rapidly build products that meet the
needs of the market around profitability.

Considering our vision of common African income boosting and

poverty eradication, this is a perfect move to achieve that, as it
will sensitize Africans on the opportunities of digital currency and
employ them into a life changing financial paymaster.

In the long run, we intend to power up startups and ventures

within Africa through the juncture of the SIR thereby
strengthening businesses in Africa and at the same time
increasing our use cases.

TEXR is a smart Social & exchange networking and Institutional

system that connect and financial market/industry constituent
tools to facilitate financial related services and learning. TEXR is
here to help its users connect to top exchangers, traders, bankers,
realtors and other financial market players to exchange, ideas,
Assets, Knowledge, Intellectual property, portfolio, financial
interests, while cognitively engaging in financial related functions.

Find the business plan for more details (www.texr.io)

What happens in texr is, participant in the financial industry can

share their interest and gain information to boost their
competence in the financial & Exchange market. Texr also provide
tools to other financial market providers like Banks, Exchanges
and brokers to facilitate rendering of their services.

Texr provide tools to create and manage assets both partial

centralization and Decentralized pattern

Texr provide tools to create, manage or join communities and

exchange media.

Texr will also help users and providers create, manage and
promote a profile and portfolio view for easy business
relationships. Texcash will be a payment method on texr social
networking media

Texbank is a digital financial service and technology,
Investment management, crypto trading and proprietary
investment company that facilitate transactions online.
Bringing all financial services at your fingertips just got easier.

Coated with managerial and analytical competence, our

financial gurus are on the journey to create and manage
wealth for Nigerians. We will be one of the top digital
companies to provide topnotch technology and algorithm for
best results in funds management, Stock, Currency trading
and risk & asset management

Security is a priority with texbank

We intend to list texcash as the major currency for texbank

transaction and services.
Also Known as the SHOP AND GET RICH AGENDA is an
ecommerce business with intent to render solutions in the
online mall industry while creating wealth at the same time.
Gem elites which is an acronym for Grand Eagles Mall Elite
was curbed out of the intention to build people financially to
a point that they have quality life and financial independence

Gemelites present 14 different ways to earn with 3 currently

active while going about doing your daily shopping. On
gemelites, you get rewarded in points while you or your
friends shop, and these points can accumulate up to a value
of $5000. GEM ELITES is presently in Nigeria.

E-commerce has seen large growth over the past few years
and as mobile phone usage has also exploded, Nigeria, South
Africa and Kenya dominate the ecommerce space in Africa.

The African e-commerce market is expected to reach $29

billion by 2022.Gemelites will be part of the ecosystem of the
texcash network. Texcash token will also be accepted as
payment method on gemelites. Transactions would be
regulated with a bond system that ensures that all parties
involved in any trade get their desired value.

Incentives will be paid to users on gemelites for using texcash

for purchases
ITEC is a community of reputable, prestigious and profitable
traders with a goal of connecting and raising wealthy people
within the Stock and Forex market.

According to statistics, over 35% of the $5trillion financial

markets are mobile users. We have intent to train Africans on
how their phone can be their money value.

ITEC community was founded on February 2019 and since

then has trained thousands of people for free.

ITEC has been able to meet up with the state of the art of the
financial market. Now we are set to move the vision beyond
the present state

With the TEXCASH, transactions will now be seamless,

autonomous within the network range. ITEC will be on the
ECOSYSTEM of Texcash.
Access the financial markets with an account gratified to your
needs and benefit from competitive conditions and
exceptional execution speeds.

Stay ahead of the markets with world-leading market analysis

acknowledged by mainstream financial media, and access live
education through daily webinars hosted by industry experts.

You can make your deposits and withdrawal with texcash,

easily and instantly.

VISIT WWW.TEXCASH.ORG to see full ecosystem products &


20% of the total supply will be available for sale in ICO to

investors, Traders, individuals, and VCs who want to buy and
own our token asset, while 30% will be locked for 3 years.

% %
Assets available
HODL for 3 years
for purchase

Asset symbol TXC

Total supply

Locked supply TXC


Texcash/USD (presale) USD

Soft Cap USD

Hard Cap USD

Minimum purchase USD

Accepted Exchange Currencies (BTC, ETH, LTC, USD, NGN)




% Best practices
% Assurance &

% % %
Legal & Advisory Public & ICO

Q1 2019
The launching of traders and
entrepreneur community.

Q2 2019

Texcash births the idea

Q3 2019

Commenced online training

center for forex, stocks and
Q4 2019

Successfully gathered over

500 trainees
Q1 2020
Clanefy Projects
commence development

Q2 2020
Development of Texr and
texcash begins

Q3 2020
Development continues

Q4 2020
Optimizing texcash
ecosystem for deployment
Q1 2021
Texr launches Beta version,
TexBank project begins

Q2 2021
Texcash Presale and
Airdrops commences

Q3 2021

Listing of texcash on major


Q4 2021

Texcash Ecosystem Expands

to 5 different countries.
Q1 2022

Texcash listing,
restructuring plan of
Texbank, texr Alpha V. Q2 2022
Global Charity and Love

Q3 2022
Launching of texbank
Loans and grants

Q4 2022
Texcash estimates to hit
5,000,000 ecosystem members

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