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College of Forestry
University of Minnesota
St. Paul, MN 55108

Cost of Aerial Photography *

Small scale aerial photography may have a cost advantage
over medium scale aerial photography.

INTRODUCTION length, small scale photography usually im-

plies higher altitudes.
W ITH INCREASING demands on natural
resource land managers to provide
goods and services, because of increased
• Broad classification of resources can be
more readily interpreted because a large
area is covered by one photograph. This
population and increased per capita con- continuity of observation enables an in-
sumption, there is a need to intensify the terpreter better to judge the significance of
management of natural resource lands. Once various patterns or trends.
management information needs are defined, • Topographic displacement will be less of
the initial step toward rational use of natural a problem because the higher altitude will
resources requires an inventory - usually show objects in a more vertical perspective
and therefore more to their true plan posi-
accomplished with the aid of aerial photo-
tion; also, problems of topographic shadow
graphs. Even with the use of present day aer- will be lessened.
ial photography, usually at scales of 1: 12,000 • Tone and contrast will remain more un-
to 1:25,000, much of the world's natural re- iform over a larger area.
sources have not been adequately inven- • There will be fewer prints to handle. For

ABSTRACT: The costs for obtaining small scale resource aerial photog-
raphy compared to those for obtaining medium scale resource aerial
photography are analyzed. Given the assumption that certain infor-
mation needs are met, it can he demonstrated that high-altitude
aerial photography has a cost advantage for some large projects.

toried. That which should be inventoried is example, Table I shows the number of
beyond the budgets of many agencies and prints required, using a 9 x 9-inch format,
countries, even using medium scale aerial 60 per cent endlap, and 30 per cent sidelap
for the listed scales.
photography. With the advent of improved
• The time involved in preparing photo-
equipment, and changing cost relationships, graphs, outlining effective areas, tying in
there appears to be an ability, for some situa- resource type boundaries between photo-
tions, to obtain adequate information at less graphs, or vegetation overlays for transfer-
cost using high altitude - small scale aerial ring of detail or mapping will be reduced
photography for natural resource inventory. because of the decreased number of prints.
Where applicable, small scale photography • Photographic flights will require less time
appears to offer the following advantages to cover the s'ame area, a great advantage on
over medium scale resource aerial photog- large projects where poor weather condi-
raphy. Depending upon the camera focal tions provide little flying time.
• As a sampling tool, small scale photography
can provide a means for selecting critical
* Published as Paper No. 8771, Scientific Jour- areas for closer examination by larger scale
nal Series, Minn. Agr. Expt. Sta., St. Paul, MN aerial photographs or ground methods.
55108. • Costs should be reduced because of sig-
nificant reductions in flying time, film
t Now with College of Forestry, Wildlife, and quantity, processing time and material,
Range Sciences; University ofIdaho; Moscow, IO number of prints, storage space, and man-
83843. hours of handling and interpretation.

There are a few significant disadvantages COSTS FOR OBTAI 'ING AERIAL
of small scale aerial photography, some of PHOTOGRAPHY
which can be corrected and others not. Cost comparisons for obtaining aerial
• Altitudes above 16,000 feet require more photography are very difficult, because there
powerful aircraft and special equipment. is little published data and commercial firms
With improved technology, this obstacle is are reluctant to release data they hold as
being overcome, especially for large proj-
ects (Bock, 1968). confidential in their determination of bids.
• At higher altitudes, there is a greater pro- Since there are no exact figures, the following
portion of the atmosphere between the guidelines will be used: reference data from
camera and the earth. At 30,000 feet, almost Avery and Meyer (1962), and the American
70 per cent of the atmosphere is below the Society of Photogrammetry (1966); and the
camera. This problem is partly alleviated by author's knowledge and experience in rela-
requiring aerial photography on days with tions with commercial aerial survey firms.
little atmospheric attenuation and by the There are generally three ways in which
use of higher cutoff haze filters. costs of obtaining aerial photography could
• As scale decreases, it is more difficult to
locate oneself exactly on the ground using be compared: (1) in contracts with commer-
the photographs as a guide. In most situa- cial firms; (2) purchasing existing photog-
tions, it is necessary to make ground checks, raphy; or (3) obtaining one's own photog-
and with small scale photos this is even raphy by the best means available. Because
more evident. the last method depends greatly on experi-
• Delineating the same amount of informa- ence, availability of equipment, and need of
tion on small scale photographs as on the users, costs are so variable that they will
medium scale photographs increases the not be discussed separately in this analysis.
data clutter per unit photo area. Symboliz-
ing for very small areas may be very difficult But given one person's or group's ability to do
unless the symbols are very simple or writ- aerial photography, the same analysis as for
ten very small. "Contracting for Photography" will apply.
• There is one final disadvantage which can
override all the advantages of small scale PURCHASING EXISTING PHOTOGRAPHY
aerial photography. If resolution or contrast Purchasing existing photography is one of
differences do not satisfy information the cheapest means of obtaining aerial
needs, then it is best to use a more appro- photography. For example, three agencies of
priate scale. Such a situation requires test-
ingof numerous scales of photography for a the federal government offer individual
multitude of purposes. Axelson (1956), Eyre prints of 1:20,000 scale aerial photographs for
(1971), Howard (1967), Paijmans (1966), Ul- $1.75 per print. Commercial firms charge ap-
liman and Meyer (1971), Young, et at. proximately ten dollars for the first print in
(1963), and many more recent investiga- obtainingaerial photographs, with decreasing
tions (the American Society of Photogram- costs for an increased number of prints. One
me try, 1972) show that interpretation on firm having small scale (1:90,000) photog-
small scale photography is feasible for cer- raphy for a large area indicates the following
tain studies. prices (MHAS, 1969):
In many areas throughout the world natural
First ext Next All over Duplicates
resources can be directly photo-interpreted print 2-10 11-100 100 same order
only on the basis of characteristics of tone, $10.00 $6.00 ea $4.00 ea $3.00 ea $2.50 ea
texture, site, etc. Where they cannot, ground The minimum order charge is $25.00.
checks can provide sufficient information for
interpretation. This is a key point in the use of Prices for all other conventional photog-
aerial photography. Since the interpretation raphy from the same firm (excluding cus-
of aerial photos is basically a sampling tech- tomer re-ordering contracted photography)
nique, ground checks will be required to cor- are:
relate what is seen on the ground with what is First Next Next All over Duplicates
seen on the photograph and, depending on print 2-50 51-100 100 same order
the accuracy required, more or fewer ground $10.00 $4.75 ea $3.50 ea Special $2.50 ea
checks may be required or a greater or lesser consideration
resolution will be required. All of these al-
ternatives will be weighed by economic con- This suggests that small scale aerial photo
siderations. prints, depending on the number ordered,
The purpose of this investigation was to are generally no more expensive than
define and enumerate some of the cost differ- medium scale aerial photo prints. In fact, on a
entials of acquisition between medium scale per acre or square mile basis, they are far'
and small scale aerial photography. more favorably priced. The low cost for the
TABLE 1. AERIAL PHOTO PRINTS REQUIRED FOR cost of30,000 foot altitude aerial photography
VARIOUS SCALES. is twice that of 20,000 foot altitude aerial
photography. The reasons stated for this in-
Photos per 10 Photos per 100 creased cost are larger aircraft, increased
Scale lineal miles square miles maintenance and down time, and the need
1:5,000 35 700
for more ideal atmospheric conditions.
1:15,840 11 77 Approximate costs for various types of air-
1:63,360 3 6 craft which may be used in obtaining high-
1:90,000 2 4 altitude aerial photography are given in
Table 2 (Flying Annual and Pilot's Guide,
Aviation Division, 1968). Indicated in the
table are the types ofaircraft, service ceilings,
small scale in this case can be partly attrib- top speeds and basic costs, not including av-
uted to the fact that the entire State of Min- ionics or modification of aircraft for aerial
nesota was flown at 1:90,000 scale. Even photography.
though resolution capabilities may be satis- Some single-engine piston aircraft can at-
factory for many users, the film-filter combi- tain an altitude of 30,000 feet, with a few
nation or the time of year of the overflight turbocharged single-engine aircraft attaining
may not be suitable. In purchasing existing as high as 32,000 feet; their cost range is
photography, one is limited to what is availa- under $50,000. Normally though, most aerial
ble. But based on what is presently available, survey finns use a twin-engine aircraft for
small scale is less expensive per unit area altitudes above 18,000 feet for reasons of
than medium scale aerial photographs. safety, speed, range of aircraft, and comfort of
crew. T\ovin-engine aircraft may vary in cost
CONTRACTING FOR PHOTOGRAPHY between $30,000 and $260,000. Turbo-prop
Contracting for aerial photography in- aircraft, although generally more expensive,
volves many considerations, (Avery and cannot attain altitudes much above 30,000
Meyer, 1962; American Society of Photo- feet. To attain much more than a 30,OOO-foot
grammetry, 1966). The variables used for de- altitude requires the use of a turbo-jet aircraft
termining costs are very complicated. Two of which costs more than $600,000. The
the most important are the scale ofthe photog- 1:90,000 scale high altitude photography dis-
raphy and the size of the area to be photo- cussed previously was flown with a Lear Jet.
graphed. Avery and Meyer (1962) indicate In contracting for aerial photography there
that as scale increases (becomes larger), or as are many factors involved, but most will be
the size of the area decreases, costs per unit considered constant between the larger and
area increase. This may not necessarily hold smaller scales. The cost factors remaining
true for high altitude photography because constant for both scales and together defined
higher altitudes require more powerful, more asC"are:
expensive aircraft. The Manual of Photo- 1. Internal to the firm
gramme try (American Society of Photogram- a. Business activity
metry, 1966) indicates that the cost of produc- b. Depreciation
ing high altitude aerial photography in- c. Insurance
creases geometrically with altitude; that the d. Facilities available


Service Top Speed Basic Cost

Type Aircraft Ceiling (ft) (MPH) (Thousands $)

Cessna 180, single engine piston 19,500 170 18

Single-engine pistons (class) 19,000-24,500 130-216 10-25
Single-engine pistons (class) 25,000-30,000 200-255 28-30
Riley Turborocket twin-
engine piston 32,000 302 74
Twin-engine pistons (class) 18,000-34,500 168-310 30-260
Turbo-props (class) 16,500-30,400 250-357 159-1,300
Lear turbo-jet 45,000 553 650
Turbo-jets (class) 37,000-45,000 495-553 600-823
Turbo-jets (class) 42,000-48,000 515-570 1,000-1,590
Turbo-jets (class) 35,000-46,500 550-600 2,525-3,600
2. Personnel Total photography cost (C yp ) will be deter-
a. Management mined by:
b. Crew
c. Lab personnel C A + C p + C L + Co = C TP (2)

3. Equipment where: C A , C F and C L equal those costs which

vary significantly between different scales of
a. Aircraft available (would consider firms al-
ready having desired capabilities) photography, and Co represents those other
b. Cameras, lenses, filters, etc. costs which remain relatively constant be-
tween different scales of photography.
4. Specifications of contract
By determining the relative cost change
a. Area coverage between different scales and multiplying it
b. Type photos (vertical, oblique)
c. Camera and lens specifications times the per cent of the total cost for that
d. Film type factor, the total relative change in cost can be
e. Stereo coverage (overlap) determined and hence the total cost. The rel-
f. Standards of accuracy (crab, tilt, drift, ative factor (') can be stated as:
flight line positioning and orientation)
g. Final product (negatives, prints, mosaics C ~ (CAIC TP ) + C; (CFIC TP )
furnished) + C ~ (CL!C TP ) + C ~ (CoIC TP) = C;p (3)
5. Physical elements
a. Weather where: CAIC TP , Cple-fP , CLICTP, and COIC TP
b. Season (ground conditions) equal the per cent of the total cost for that
c. Condition of vegetation factor.
6. Flying The factors which change cost significantly
Distance to project area between the different scales will be analyzed
to determine the influence of scale on them.
7. Processing Aircraft Cost (C A ). For purposes of this
Distance film shipped for processing analysis, the first factor, hourly cost of air-
craft, will be based on the hourly rate of air-
Actually some of these factors may vary: craft stated in ASP (1966) and listed in Table
(a) at higher altitudes, a higher haze cutoff 3.
filter may be required; if the firm does not These rates are grouped by type of aircraft
have the filter on hand, purchasing it would and have surely risen si nce origi nally deter-
be an additional expense; (b) at higher al- mined, but they can be used if, as assumed,
titudes, flight line positioning, orientation, the relative differences between types has
and altitude determination may be more of a remained relatively constant. A relative cost
problem, but this could be handled through fador is determined between each of the air-
more experience by the pilot and crew; at craft and is shown in Table 4.
higher altitudes, there is usually less turbu-
As altitude for obtaining photography is in-
lence, therefore tilt may be less of a problem;
creased and more powerful aircraft are used,
(c) by using more powerful aircraft at high
total flying time may be decreased because of
altitudes, aerial photography may be more
greater flying speeds. This factor can have a
quickly accomplished between times of
significant influence on costs for large proj-
poorer weather; disadvantageously, higher
clouds may interfere with higher altitude ects. Using the average aerial photo cruising
speed from Table 3, the speed factor is de-
The principal cost differentials between a termined and is also listed in Table 4. The
larger and smaller scale of photography will
be affected by the following factors: (1) Air-
craft cost (C A ) which includes the hourly cost
ofthe aircraft(A), the speed of the aircraft(S),
and total aircraft miles (M); (2) umber of Average Aerial
exposures or total film and print cost(C p~, and Hourly Photo Cruising
(3) Cost of lab personnel time in processing Type Aircraft Rate Speed (mph)
and drying offilm and prints, titling, inspect-
ing and indexing (C L ). Single-engine $ 17 135
The hourly cost of the aircraft (A) times the Light twin-engine $ 45 160
total aircraft miles (M) divided by the speed Large twin-engine $ 90 185
of the aircraft(S) will determine the total cost Four-engine $260 200
Lear Jet $500* 540
(C A ) of the aircraft for the project, so that:
.d (M) = C * J. Ward, Mark Hurd Aerial Surveys, personal
S A (1) communications, 1969.

Hourly cost Speed

factor (A) factor (S) NS

Light twin-engine vs. a single-engine 2.65 1.19 2.22

Large twin-engine vs. a single-engine 5.29 1.37 3.86
Four-engine vs. a single-engine 15.29 1.47 10.40
Lear Jet vs. a single-engine 29.41 4.00 7.35
Large twin-engine vs. a light twin-engine 2.00 1.16 1.72
Four-engine vs. a light twin engine 5.78 1.25 4.62
Lear Jet vs. a light twin-engine 11.11 3.33 3.34
Four-engine vs. a large twin-engine 2.89 1.09 2.65
Lear Jet vs. a large twin-engine 5.56 2.94 1.89
Lear Jet vs. a four-engine 1.92 2.70 0.71

combined cost and speed factors indicate the Any fractional numbers are rounded to the
relative increase in cost for using a more next highest whole number and four photos
powerful aircraft. These are average figures are added per flight line to insure complete
for a broad range of aircraft in most cases and coverage. Again, note that by doubling PSR,
must be conditioned on this fact. N E per line is halved. (This is not exact for
The third factor to consider under aircraft short flight lines because of the addition of
costs is the total aircraft miles, which is de- four photos, which would be a relatively
pendent on the number of flight lines. The greater amou nt in the case of the small scale
number offlight lines N L for a project area is photography.) It can be shown then, that if
determined by: PSR is doubled, the total number of expos-
ures required for the project is reduced to
N _ width of project area (W)
approximately one-fourth the original.
L - net side gain in ground distance (NSG) (4) Lab Labor Cost (C L ). Finally, the lab per-
sonnel time for processing and drying the
where: NSG = per cent side gain (PSG) x photo dis-
tance (PD) x photo scale reciprocal
film and prints, and for titling, inspecting and
(PSR) indexing is considered. Personnel will be
handling and processing one-fourth the ma-
W terials for each doubling of the photo scale
or: N L =
PG x PD x PSR (5) reciprocal. Because of basic set-up times for
various procedures, total cost may not be re-
Any fi-actionalnumber is rounded to the next duced one-fourth, but for large projects, it
highest whole number. By keeping constant will approach this figure.
W, PC, and PD, it will be noted that as PSR is In any analysis of cost between large or
doubled, N L is halved. For a large project medium scale and small scale aerial photo
area over 1,000 square miles, the total aircraft conh'acts, it will be assumed that only rela-
miles also will be halved if the cross-country tively large aerial survey firms with experi-
aircraft mileage is disregarded. ence and expertise will be considered, and
Film and Print Cost (C F ). The second major that the project area will be larger than 1,000
factor is the number of exposures or resultant square miles.
amount of film and print material used in the
project. The total number of exposures for a
project area is the number of exposures per c.asT EXAMPLE
flight line times the number of flight lines.
The number of exposures per flight line (N E ) The cost for a change in scale and type of
is determined by: aircraft can be estimated if cost relationships
are known for a larger scale of photography.
N _ length of area (L) For example, given the following informa-
E - net forward gain in ground distance (NFG) tion, the costs for small scale photography can
(6) be determined:
where: NFG = per cent forward gain (PFG) x PD Former scale - 1:20,000
x PSR Former aircraft - Cessna 180
Desired scale - 1:80,000
L Total cost for obtaining 1:20,000 scale photog-
or: N E = PFG x PD x PSR (7) raphy - $50,000.

Scale 1:70,000 1:40,000 1:20,000 1:10,000

Flying 40 (87) 110 (85) 270 (79) 605 (68)

Photography 2.5 ( 5) 7.5 ( 6) 30 ( 9) 120 (13)
Interpretation 3.5 ( 8) 10 ( 8) 42 (12) 171 (19)

Total 46.0 127.5 342 896

Per cent of total cost for the factors used in photography would be cheaper to procure
obtaining the 1:20,000 scale photography: ($44,825) than the medium (1:20,000) scale
Aircraft cost CA/C TP = 10 per cent photography ($50,000).
Film cost CF/C TP = 10 per cent Stelli ngwerf(1969) also provides some cost
Lab cost CL/C TP = 10 per cent comparisons between scales of photography.
Other cost CO/C TP = 70 per cent The source or situation under which the
These cost percentages are general figures photography was obtained is not known ex-
and vary with each project. (Personal com- cept that it was obtained primarily for map-
munication: Mr. Robert Sporrong, Mark pi ng. These cost are listed in Table 5.
Hurd Aerial Surveys, Inc. 1971) The use of any aircraft less expensive than
A more powerful aircraft is required to at- a Lear Jet will further reduce costs for the
tain the 40,000-foot altitude desired for this small scale photography. This was probably
example if a 6-inch focal length camera is the case for the costs offlying stated by Stel-
used. In this case, a Lear Jet, which is 29.41 lingwerf, whereby a doubling in the photo
times the cost of a Cessna 180 but has four scale reciprocal reduced flying costs by an
times the photographing speed, will be used. average of 2.3x (605/270,270/110, etc.). His
The cost for the Lear Jet then is 7.35 ti mes the photo costs are reduced 4.0x (120/30,3017.5,
single-engine aircraft (refer to Table 4, col- etc.) for each doubling of the photo scale re-
umn A/S). The total aircraft miles for a four- ciprocal, which is in agreement with those
times scale change (1:20,000 to 1:80,000) is, stated here.
using formula (5), one-fourth the number for Kummer (1964) describes a project in
the larger scale which used the Cessna 180. Washington in which three million acres
The factor cost of the aircraft C;.. = 7.35 x were photographed at a scale of 1:56,000
0.25 or 1.84. using a supercharged single-engine aircraft.
Using formula (7), it is determined that the In comparison to photography at a scale of
number of exposures is reduced 1I16th and 1: 12,000, flying cost was reduced by a ratio of
therefore: 5: 1, mainly due to the reduced flying time.
the factor cost of film material and prints Lab cost for contact prints was reduced by a
C ~ = 0.0625, and the factor cost for lab factor of 20: 1; this is considerably more than
personnel time C L = 0.0625. might be expected.
If all other factors are considered equal, Precedent does indicate potential cost sav-
i.e., C (, = 1.0, between the two scales of ings for higher altitude aerial photography.
photography, then the total relative cost fac-
tor, using formula (3) and substituting the
appropriate values, is: SUMMARY
C1;P = 1.84(0.10) + 0.0625(0.10) The costs for obtaining small scale re-
+ 0.0625 (0.10) + 1.0 (0.70) source aerial photography compared to those
C;P = 0.184 + 0.00625 + 0.00625 + 0.7 for obtaining medium scale resource aerial
C -ip = 0.8965. photography have been analyzed. The factors
The total relative cost factor times the total involved in obtaining aerial photography are
cost ofthe 1:20,000-scale photography equals quite variable and therefore will differ with
the total cost for obtaining the 1:80,000-scale each project depending on the conditions ex-
photography. isting at the time. But given the fact that
certain information needs can be met, and
Cn = 0.8965 x $50,000 = $44,825. under the assumptions used in this study,
high-altitude aerial photography can have a
For this example, the small (1:80,000) scale cost advantage for some large projects.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Eyre, L. A. 1971. "High-altitude color photos."
Photogrammetric Engineering 37( 11): 1149-
I would like to acknowledge the assistance
of many personnel of Mark Hurd Aerial Sur- Howard, W. J. 1967. "Vegetation surveys of
veys, Inc. who contributed through the years savanna forest reserves in Northern Nigeria
the assistance and ideas for this alticle, espe- based on aerial photographs." The Common-
cially Mr. Robert Sporrong; and of my col- wealth Forestry Review 46(1):36-50.
leagues Dr. Merle P. Meyer and Robert Kummer, R. H. 1964. "A use for small scale photo-
Latham for their assistance and review of the graphy in forest management." Photo-
article. grammetric Engineering 30(5):727-732.
MHAS (Mark Hurd Aerial Surveys, Inc.) 1969.
Ultra-high-altitude photographs of the State of
REFERENCES 1innesota 1968-1969. Descriptive brochure
and price list.
American Society of Photogrammetry. 1966.
Paijmans, K. 1966. "Typi ng of tropical vegetation
Manual of Photogrammetry. Third Edition.
by aerial photographs and field sampling in
American Society of Photogram me try. 1972. Semi- northern Papua." Photogrammetria 21( 1):
nar on Operational Remote Sensing. 1-25.
Avery, G. and M. P. Meyer, 1962. "Contracting for Stellingwerf, D. A. 1969. "Vegetation mapping
forest aerial photography in the United from aerial photographs." East African Ag-
States." Lake States Forest Experiment Sta- ricultural and Forestry Journal, pp. 80-86.
tion, Paper No. 96. Ulliman, J. J. and M. P. Meyer. 1971. "The feasi-
Aviation Division. 1968. Flying Annual and Pilots' bility offorest cover type interpretation using
Guide. small scale aerial photographs." Proceedings
Axelson, H. 1956. "Effect of photo scale on the use of the Seventh International Symposium of
of aerial photographs in Swedish forestry." Remote Sensing of Environment, 17-21 May,
Commission VII, International Archives of pp. 1219-1230.
Photogrammetry, Vol. XII:4. Young, H. E., F. M. Call, and T. C. Tryon. 1963.
Bock, A. C. 1968. "A breakthrough in high-altitude "Multimillion acre forest inventories based on
photographs from jet aircraft." Photo- airphotos." Photogrammetric Engineering
grammetric Engineering 34(7):634, 636. 29(4):641-644.

Articles for Next Month

A. O. Quinn, Professor Earl Church.
Dr. Kam W. Wong, Geometric and Cartographic Accuracy of ERTS-l Imagery.
B. Shmutter, Connecting Adjacent Models.
Lanny Yeske, Frank Scarpace, Paul Wolf, and Theodore Green, Measurement of Lake
Franz Leberl, Photogrammetric Interpolation.
Shin-yi Hsu, Automated Pattern Recognition with Thermal IR Imagery.
George]. Edwards, Tom Schehl, and E. P. DuCharme, Multispectral Sensing of Citrus Young
Tree Decline.

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