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(Introduction part)

Biodiversity is the variety of living organisms, that is, life on Earth.

Bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms, bryophytes and various plants, birds,
insects, fish and humans are a fundamental part of biodiversity.
What are the Importance of Biodiversity?
Biodiversity contains many factors such as temperature, food availability,
climate, seasons, species, etc., it helps you maintain your population through
Biodiversity is very important for balancing our terrestrial environment and
our ecosystem. It helps maintain the food chain, gives aesthetic value to the land,
provides medicinal resources, etc.
What are the Types of Biodiversity?
There are three main types of biodiversity, namely genetic biodiversity,
species biodiversity and habitat / ecosystem biodiversity.
Genetic biodiversity is linked to the genes of living organisms and is
diversity within specific species.
Species biodiversity occurs between different types of species (more than
one different species) in an area or location
The ecosystem is the interaction and interrelation between different living
organisms and their non-living environment.
How does the Biodiversity loss?
There are certain threats such as the high population, pollution, natural
disasters, deforestation, exotic species, etc. biodiversity responsible for the
extinction of certain species and ecosystems.
These are some examples of threats to biodiversity.
 The spread of hostile plants and animal species from one ecosystem to
 Loss of population due to climate change, degradation and destruction
caused by humans or other dominant species in a particular
 Uncontrolled use of natural resources by humans for energy.
 Destruction of water bodies, migration of species, disturbance of
water flows and changes in aquatic environment.
Let us Conserve Biodiversity:
The protection, management and preservation of the 3 types of diversity is
the conservation of biodiversity. We must protect flora and fauna for the
sustainable growth of individual species and all kinds of ecosystems. As there is a
strong interaction and relationship between the varieties of species, the ecosystem
and the environment, they are interdependent.
Around the world, biodiversity loss is observed due to habitat loss, global
warming, climate change, over-exploitation of resources, illegal poaching of farm
animals, deadly diseases, environmental pollution, industrialization, urbanization,
deforestation, etc., the need to take strict measures against the causes of
biodiversity loss and to preserve it by preserving it through legal obligations of
government and d other social organizations.
The main objective of conserving biodiversity is to save life on earth,
preserve all species, maintain the ecosystem and a healthy environment forever so
that it also remains healthy for the next generation.
Conserving biodiversity is very important for maintaining the food chain,
providing a healthy environment for varieties of species, including humans, and
gaining support for our sustainable development.
Most biodiversity resources are consumed by humans, so it is their primary
responsibility to preserve and protect biodiversity to protect the earth. The richness
of the species, the ecosystem, the environment and the sustainable growth of life
on earth is important. Biodiversity conservation is very important for the
sustainability of a healthier land by preserving and protecting species, ecosystems
and natural resources. Enforcement of law can help to save some rare species.

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