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Individual Presentation

and Written Report

Business 200
2 Individual Presentation and
Written Report
´ Assignment is worth 12% of overall course
´ Objectives
´ Communications skills
´ Critical Thinking Skills
´ Persuasion Skills
´ Understand and apply Business concepts
´ Individual Presentation (10 marks)
´ 5 minutes
´ Written Report (10 marks)
´ Title page, 2 pages and reference page
3 Individual Presentation
´ 5 minutes (min 4:30 and max 5:30)
´Content – please choose 1 option
´Entrepreneur! What type of company would you
like to open and why?
´What position would you like to hold? Why? What
type of company would you like to hold this
position in?
´Critical Thinking Skills
• Who, What, When, Where, Why and How
´Professional Business Attire
4 Presentation Evaluation
´ Content (5 marks)
´ Relevant topic and meets assignment requirements
´ Content is comprehensive, accurate, and supported with examples
´ Key points noted and adequate research
´ Organization/Structure (2 marks)
´ Well organized, clear and effective structure
´ Introduction-clear purpose and gains audience’s attention
´ Strong conclusion
´ Style/Presentation Appearance (2 marks)
´ Appropriate dress and grooming
´ Non-verbal cues, confidence, persuasive
´ Time used well and questions effectively addressed
´ Use of Visual Aids (1 mark)
´ Professional, effective and appropriate use
´ References APA format
5 PowerPoint Slides
´ Agenda
´ Powerful introduction
´ Key points to support your topic
´ Conclusion
´ Reference page

´ Background – no black
´ Font size should be larger than 20
´ Cite your sources using APA format
6 Individual Presentation

´PowerPoint Slides
´Written Report
´Email a final version of the
PowerPoint Slides and report to
before 6:00 pm the night before
your presentation date
7 Written Report
´ Summarize the key findings of your presentation into the written report
´ 4 pages (2 page report, a title page and reference page)
´ Typed and double spaced with Times New Roman font (11 or 12)
´ Title page-date, course name and number, your name and student number
´ Grading Criteria
´ Quality of ideas
´ Quality of writing (Introduction, Body, Conclusion)
´ References (minimum 2)
´ Use American Psychological Association (APA) Format
´ In text citations and Reference page
´ Due 6:00 pm before day of your presentation
´ Email
´ No Late Reports accepted

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