Verb Tenses

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Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Momboy Valle University

Monsignor Permanent Formation Center
Jesús Manuel Jauregui Moreno

Verb tenses

Reiner Yondeiker Zambrano Ríos
C.I 29674815
Genessis Alejandra Zambrano Ramírez
C.I 29888628
San juan de Colón, march 2021
Simple present (verb to be)

 Mr lucas is a good doctor

 Burgers, french fries and pizzas are full saturated fats
 Mr oliver is a Brazilian businessman
 I am in the zoo
 France is in Europe

Simple past (verb to be)

 Was she making cookies?

 Alejandra wasn´t in the garden
 This sofa was on the living room
 The chair was in the kitchen
 Andres was a good soccer player at school

Simple present (all verb)

 Do you study history?

 Does Any play tennis on weekends?
 David goes to the stadium on Sundays
 He doesn't eat chocolate cake
 She doesn´t accept my apologies
Simple past (all verb)

 The didn´t go to the city las week

 Did that girl study spain in that university?
 I didn´t go to the movie today
 He worked in that factory
 She ate pizza last night

Present continuous

 The children are playing in the park

 We are playing tennis
 Alejandra is making breakfast
 Is she eating in class?
 They aren´t playing soccer

Continuous past

 Paola was reading an anatomy book

 He was sleeping when you arrived
 The phone was ringing when you were away
 We weren't playing soccer in the park
 Was Maria looking for a job?
Present perfect

 They haven't played tennis

 Bryan has never traveled to Canada
 Kevin has lost the keys to his new car
 Have you enjoyed your welcome to Venezuela?
 Pedro has come from Australia

Perfect past

 I had opened the door

 We had salad and sandwich for lunch
 I had bought a new shoes last month
 Had you estudied the new lessons?
 Mary had closed the windows

Simple future

 I will clean my bedroom

 They will write a new poem
 Will that man live in france nex year?
 They won´t go to the stadium next week
 My sister will visit her boyfriend tonight

 I would be happy if I had a big house

 I would buy a new car if I had money
 Would you like to be a psychologidt?
 She would buy a burger if she wasn't in the gym
 He wouldn't change his phone if it broke

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