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8:40-9:40AM C406 JANUARY 21, 2018

Philosophy 1000: Bridging Course

Midterm Assignment
ESSAY QUESTIONS. 5-6 sentences ONLY.
1. Write a past personal experience that you were able to say that reflection happened.
2. Identify the primary and secondary reflection. State why they are primary and/or
secondary reflection.
3. Elaborate on the importance of personal living experiences (phenomena) and reflection in
your experience.

1. My personal experience that I could say that reflection really happened was last semester.
It was midterms and I was expecting that my grades will be a little better than the last
time because I know that I was giving it my all, but then it turns out instead of having
bigger grades it got low to the point that I got an F. I was really disappointed with myself,
I asked God and myself why I was a loser, I cried for almost a week straight, maybe I
was depressed at some point. But then one day I was really tired of crying and being
disappointed that I was just thinking and reflecting on the past things that I did, on where
did I lacked, can I still do better, do I still have a chance, am I a loser, and the questioning
goes on. Turns out I know where I lacked, I know that I could still do better, and there is
a chance, and I’m definitely not a loser. Therefore, I am not giving up, I’m going to
continue working hard, and that is all thanks to reflection, it helps me to see things clearly
and to weigh things out to come up with the best action that I could take.
2. The primary and secondary reflection in my experience is that in that time where I was
crying my brains out I was definitely thinking and trying to ask questions on why did it
happened and why did it ended that way, it was not that clear yet but I was taking my
time to identify and remember the things that I did before. In short I was breaking down
the things in which I lack and then I found out soon after on what point in that time that I
did wrong. And that was my primary reflection, the identifying and breaking down of
past experiences to come up with a solution or answer. My secondary reflection is my
realization that I still have a chance only if I am willing to act on it, and luckily I did, and
for that I am thankful that I did reflect on that in some point of my life, because it teaches
me that I sometimes need to stop, think, and reflect on the things that matter is what I
should do to come up with a solution.
3. The importance of personal living experiences is that it teaches and reminds us that we
are not perfect. Thus, we are limited and just a spec of this massive universe. Though, we
are capable of thinking, producing, surviving and thriving, we are still limited. But the
most unique thing about us that separates us from the rest is our power to change,
question and to take action, and it is through reflecting; Reflection is not just about
thinking deeply, for me reflection also requires admission, admission that I sometimes
failed, that I am incapable. Therefore, I need to do something to at least help myself to do
and be better. As a human being I know that everything that is happening to me including
the things that I struggled and thrive is part of my journey in finding the truth and
reflection is one of the things that I could use as my tool to see things clearly, and to
make the best decisions in life.

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