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Soils and Foundations 2015;55(2):437–446

HOSTED BY The Japanese Geotechnical Society

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Reliability-based analysis of combined installation damage and creep for the

tensile rupture limit state of geogrid reinforcement in Japan
Richard J. Bathursta,1, Yoshihisa Miyatab,n
Geo-Engineering Centre at Queen's-RMC, Department of Civil Engineering, Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7K 7B4
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National Defense Academy, 1-10-20 Hashirimizu, Yokosuka 239-8686, Japan
Received 12 May 2014; received in revised form 29 September 2014; accepted 21 December 2014
Available online 16 March 2015


The paper uses statistical data for the prediction of installation damage and creep-reduced strength collected by the writers in earlier
investigations to estimate the probability of failure of tensile rupture of geogrid reinforcement products. The original data were compiled from
Public Works Research Center (PWRC) geogrid product certification reports issued in Japan. The paper develops the formulation for the ultimate
tensile rupture limit state equation and links it to allowable stress design (ASD) practice currently used in Japan and reliability theory-based load
and resistance factor design (LRFD) used in North America. The paper shows that variability in the prediction of creep-reduced strength is largely
captured by the inherent variability in strength of the materials at the time of manufacture. Combined variability due to creep and installation
damage is typically dominated by variability in the prediction of strength after installation damage. Where this is not the case the combined
variability is very low (less than 5%). The variability in the estimate of strength reduction due to combined installation damage and creep is
demonstrated to be less than the variability in the estimates of reinforcement load even for the case of a load model judged to give relatively
accurate load predictions. For poorer load models the under-prediction of reinforcement loads provides an additional margin of safety. The paper
provides a framework for future rigorous reliability theory-based LRFD calibration for the ultimate tensile rupture of geogrid reinforcement in
reinforced soil applications in Japan and elsewhere, and provides the necessary bias statistics for the resistance side in the ultimate tensile rupture
limit state equation.
& 2015 The Japanese Geotechnical Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Geogrid; Installation damage; Creep; Reliability; Load and resistance factor design; LRFD; Factor of safety; Tensile rupture; Limit state

1. Introduction

Abbreviations: AASHTO, American Association of State Highway and An allowable stress design (ASD) approach is currently used
Transportation Officials (USA); ASD, allowable stress design; ASTM,
American Society for Testing and Materials (USA); COV, coefficient of
in Japan to calculate the long-term design strength of geosyn-
variation ( ¼standard deviation/mean); HDPE, high-density polyethylene; thetic reinforcement layers in reinforced soil walls, slopes and
PWRC, Public Works Research Center (Japan); LRFD, load and resistance embankments (Public Works Research Center  PWRC,
factor design; PET, polyester; POM, polyoxymethylene; PP, polypropylene 2013). The design tensile load is calculated as Tdes ¼ FTmax
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ81 468 41 3810; fax: þ 81 468 44 5913. where the maximum tensile load in a layer (Tmax) is multiplied
E-mail addresses: (R.J. Bathurst), (Y. Miyata).
by a minimum specified factor of safety (F) for each limit state
Tel.: þ1 613 541 6000x6479/6347/6391; fax: þ1 613 541 6218. (e.g. F ¼ 1 and 1.5 for tensile rupture in walls and embank-
Peer review under responsibility of The Japanese Geotechnical Society. ments, respectively, and F ¼ 2 for pullout). The design tensile
0038-0806/& 2015 The Japanese Geotechnical Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
438 R.J. Bathurst, Y. Miyata / Soils and Foundations 55 (2015) 437–446

load is assumed to act for the life of the structure and cannot 2. LRFD tensile rupture limit state equation incorporating
exceed the long-term allowable strength of the reinforcement variability in strength reduction contributions
(Tal). Hence, in ASD practice the ultimate tensile rupture limit
state of a reinforcement layer is The limit state equation (performance function) for the long-
term tensile rupture of a reinforcement layer is expressed as
T al Z FT max ð1Þ
g ¼ T al;meas –T max ;meas ð4Þ
An alternative method for design against rupture in rein-
forced soil wall structures is the load and resistance factor where Tal,meas is a random variable representing the measured
design (LRFD) framework used in North America (AASHTO, long-term tensile strength of a reinforcement layer and Tmax,
2012; CSA, 2006). The equivalent design equation for the meas is a random variable representing the maximum measured
ultimate (tensile) rupture limit state of a reinforcement layer tensile load in the same layer. As examples, the layer could be
subjected to a single load term (e.g. load due to soil self-weight a reinforcement layer in a geosynthetic reinforced soil wall or
in a reinforced soil wall application) can be expressed as embankment. The probability that this limit state is less than
zero, denoting failure due to long-term rupture (i.e. random
φT al Z γ Q T max ð2Þ variable g o 0), can be equated to variability in measured load
and measured resistance (strength) values. In the developments
Here φ is the resistance factor and γQ is the load factor. The to follow this variability is quantified by the mean and spread
expectation is that design outcomes will have a probability of of bias values, where bias is defined as the ratio of measured
failure that is acceptable (i.e. small) when the inequality is value to predicted (nominal) value (Allen et al., 2005; Bathurst
satisfied. An important constraint on the factors in Eq. (2) is et al., 2008, 2011a, 2011b, 2011c; Bathurst, 2014). In this
that φ r 1 and γQ Z 1 to be consistent with LRFD practice. paper the following nomenclature is used for the load bias:
Regardless of the design approach (ASD or LRFD), the
computation of the (nominal) long-term allowable strength X Q ¼ T max ;meas =T max ð5Þ
available at the end of design life is computed as

T ult T ult In the context of geotechnical soil-structure design, the

T al ¼ ¼ ð3Þ
RF RFCR  RFID  RFD  RFJ magnitude of load bias values will depend on model accuracy
(the intrinsic accuracy of the deterministic theoretical, semi-
Here, Tult is the in-isolation ultimate tensile (reference) empirical or empirical model representing the mechanics of the
strength of the reinforcing geosynthetic expressed in units of limit state under investigation), random variation in input
force per unit width of material. RF is the product of reduction parameter values, spatial variation in input values, quality of
factors to account for potential strength loss over the design data and, consistency in interpretation of data when data are
life of the structure due to installation damage (RFID), creep gathered from multiple sources, which is the typical case
(RFCR), chemical/biological degradation processes (i.e. dur- (Allen et al., 2005).
ability) (RFD), and connections (junctions) (RFJ). The resistance bias is expressed as
The focus of this paper is the influence of variability in the
prediction of installation damage and creep-reduced strength of X R ¼ T al;meas =T al ð6Þ
geogrid reinforcement products on the probability of failure for
Here Tal,meas is measured tensile rupture strength and Tal is the
the ultimate tensile rupture limit state. The limit state is
predicted value using Eq. (3).
expressed in a load and resistance factor design (LRFD)
In the context of reinforced soil structures, resistance bias is
format. The data for the current study have been taken from
a measure of the variability of actual available strength with
two complementary investigations by the writers (Miyata et al.,
respect to the nominal value used in the limit state design
2014; Miyata and Bathurst, 2015). They reviewed PWRC
equation (i.e. Eqs. (1) and (2)).
product certification reports to calculate statistical variations in
Substituting bias terms into Eq. (4) gives
the predictions of strength loss due to installation damage and
creep for geogrid products used in Japan. The general g ¼ T al X R –T max X Q ð7Þ
approach used in this paper to estimate probability of failure
of the ultimate tensile rupture limit state follows that described An important condition to allow this substitution to be made
by Bathurst et al. (2011c). However, in this prior work, creep is that bias ratios and predicted (nominal) values in the
bias statistics were not available and bias values for installation denominator are independent (uncorrelated) (e.g. Bathurst
damage were computed using data from western installation et al., 2008, 2011a; Bathurst, 2014). Strategies to remove
damage testing protocols which are different from the Japanese hidden dependences (correlations) include assigning different
methodology (Miyata and Bathurst, 2015). Another unique load or resistance factors to different ranges of bias values or to
feature of the current investigation is a quantitative assessment modify the underlying load or resistance model to ensure that
of the influence of under-estimation of the reference tensile bias values do not vary with magnitude of the nominal value to
strength (Tult) of a geogrid reinforcement material on prob- an acceptable significance level (Bathurst et al., 2008, 2012b;
ability of failure of the tensile rupture limit state. Huang and Bathurst, 2009).
R.J. Bathurst, Y. Miyata / Soils and Foundations 55 (2015) 437–446 439

From Eq. (3) it follows that (Bathurst et al., 2011c) is related to the reliability index β as follows:
T ult Pf ¼ 1  ΦðβÞ ð14Þ
T al X R ¼ XR
RF D  RFJ   
Here, Φ is the standard normal cumulative distribution func-
T ult 1 1 1
¼ X ID X CR XD XJ ð8Þ tion (NORM.DIST in Excel). A useful closed-form solution for
RFID RFCR RFD RFJ the calculation of the reliability index is
 r ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
The bias of the long-term tensile strength of the reinforce- 
ment, XR, is expressed as a product of four bias values: ln ðγ Q =φÞðμR =μQ Þ 1 þ COV 2Q = 1 þ COV 2R
β¼ rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
h  ð15Þ
X R ¼ X ID X CR X D X J ð9Þ i
ln 1þ COV 2Q 1 þ COV 2R
where XID is bias of tensile strength after installation damage,
XCR is bias of tensile strength after creep, and XD and XJ are
For any trial combination of load and resistance factor, and
bias of strength values after degradation processes and due to
knowing the mean (μQ and μR) and coefficient of variation
any connections (junctions), respectively. Assuming that XID,
(COVQ and COVR) of the load and resistance bias values, the
XCR, XD and XJ are uncorrelated, the mean and coefficient of
probability of failure can be computed. An alternative and
variation (COV) of XR values are given by Eqs. (10) and (11),
more robust strategy to compute the probability of failure is to
respectively (Ang and Tang, 1975):
use Monte Carlo simulation. The advantage of Monte Carlo
μR ¼ μX ID μX CR μX D μX J ð10Þ simulation is that assumed distributions for bias values are
and unrestricted. The advantage of Eq. (15) is that it can be used to
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi quickly generate smooth distributions of β (or Pf) versus γQ/φ
COV R ¼ COV 2X ID þ COV 2X CR þ COV 2X D þ COV 2X J ð11Þ which are useful for sensitivity analysis and presentation of
results (Bathurst et al., 2011c). In the next section the
Here, the subscripts for each of the mean and COV terms can methodology to compute the bias statistics for installation
be matched to installation damage, creep, degradation and damage and creep-reduced strength is outlined.
junction reduction factors. In theory, Eqs. (10) and (11) are
valid only for uncorrelated log-normal distributions of the four
3. Calculation of bias statistics
random variables. However, for uncorrelated normal distribu-
tions with small coefficients of variation these expressions are
The variability of reinforcement strength immediately after
sufficiently accurate for reliability analyses (Ang and Tang,
installation can be quantified by the bias value XID introduced
1975). In the current study, the contribution of variability in
previously and computed as (Bathurst et al., 2011c; Miyata
the prediction of reduced strength due to durability and
and Bathurst, 2015)
junctions to XR is ignored since these data are not available.
Therefore, μX D ¼ μX J ¼ 1 and COVX D ¼ COVX J ¼ 0: X ID ¼ T ID;meas =T ID ð16Þ
The minimum value of Tal to satisfy Eq. (2) is Here, TID,meas is measured tensile strength of a damaged
γQ specimen and TID=T ult;meas /RFID is predicted (nominal)
T al ¼ T max ð12Þ
φ strength after reduction for installation damage. The quantity
This condition corresponds to g ¼ 0 in Eq. (7) and delineates T ult;meas is the average of tensile strengths (Tult,meas) from
between safe and unsafe outcomes. In fact, the factor of safety multiple undamaged specimens. For example, the PWRC
used in ASD practice can be understood to be F ¼ γQ/φ. (2013) guidance document requires a minimum of five tests
Substituting into Eq. (7) gives to compute the mean strength of undamaged specimens. RFID
γQ is the installation damage reduction factor computed as
g¼ XR  XQ ð13Þ
φ T ult;meas
RFID ¼ ð17Þ
However, recall that Tal includes four reduction factors T ID;meas
(RF ¼ RFCR  RFID  RFD  RFJ ) which results in the (nom- Here, the denominator (T ID;meas ) is the mean value of the
inal) long-term allowable strength (Tal) at the end of design life tensile strengths of damaged test specimens (a minimum of
being (typically) much lower than the reference tensile strength five tests).
(Tult) of the reinforcement. Hence, the use of the terms Variability in undamaged tensile strength is expressed in the
“failure”, “unsafe”, and “probability of failure” does not imply same manner using the undamaged bias value computed as
structure collapse; rather, failure means Tal in Eq. (3) is less
X ult ¼ T ult;meas =T ult;meas ð18Þ
than the factored load (FTmax) applied to the reinforcement
layer. An example of the calculation of bias statistics for tensile
LRFD calibration for the limit state for long-term tensile strengths for undamaged and damaged specimens is given by
rupture of a geosynthetic reinforcement layer can be under- Miyata and Bathurst (2015).
stood to be the selection of load and resistance factors so that Miyata et al. (2014) quantified variability in the prediction
the probability that g is less than zero [Pf(g o 0)] in Eq. (13) of creep-reduced strength using the creep bias value XCR.
does not exceed a prescribed value. The probability of failure Creep bias values were computed as the ratio of measured
440 R.J. Bathurst, Y. Miyata / Soils and Foundations 55 (2015) 437–446

Table 1
Summary of PWRC database for installation and creep testing.

Data Geosynthetic Number Manufacturer Range of undamaged Computed range of RFID (all Creep reduction factor PWRC Certification
group type of identification tensile strength Tulta values; Miyata and Bathurst, RFCRb (Miyata et al., report numberc
products (kN/m) 2015) 2014) year

1 Uniaxial 1 Mitsui Sanshi 38 1.19–1.74 2.19 2006 0901

2 Uniaxial 3 Mitsui Sanshi 43–89 1.12–1.43 1.98 2006 0901
3 Uniaxial 4 Mitsui Sanshi 115–192 1.08–1.26 1.80 2006 0901
4 Uniaxial 3 Geosystem Co. 45–108 1.05–1.17 2.10 2004b 0413
5 Uniaxial 1 Bridgestone Co. 69 1.28–1.61 2.73 2000b 1110
6 Uniaxial 2 Bridgestone Co. 91–107 1.00–1.09 2.73 2000b 1110
7 Uniaxial PP 1 Takiron Co. and 268 1.00–1.11 1.46 2007a 0214
taped Asahi-Kasei Co.
8 Woven and 2 Toyobo Co. and 44–84 1.04–1.11 1.62 2008b 0808
knitted PETe Daika Co.
9 Woven and 1 Toyobo Co. and 159 1.04–1.10 1.62 2008b 0808
knitted PETe Daika Co.
10 Aramidf 1 Maeda Co. and 150 1.04–1.10 1.67 2002b 0120
Zeon Co.
11 Aramid 3 Maeda Co. and 37–196 1.03–1.05 1.51 2008a 0804
Zeon Co.
12 POMg 4 Kuraray Co. and 57–113 1.03–1.15 2.18 2004a 0412
Taiyokogyo Co.
Σ¼ 26

Using data from PWRC reports. T ult ¼ T ult;meas ¼ average rupture strength of five test specimens. Test specimen width¼200 mm and tests run at 1% strain/

Applied to reference tensile tests run at 1% strain/minute. Assuming design life of 120 years.
Certification number is used here to identify the matching PWRC report in the reference list.
Heat-bonded junctions and coated with Vinylon.
Polypropylene (PP) coating.
Aramid filament bundles coated with polyethylene.
Polyoxymethylene fibers coated with ethylene–vinyl acetate polymer (Akagi et al., 2004).

creep-reduced strength to nominal value. The nominal 4.2. Undamaged and damaged bias statistics
value was computed from an equation fitted to the master
stress  rupture curve for geogrid products taken from the same A summary of bias statistics for tensile strength before and
product line using the method by Bathurst et al. (2012a). after installation damage for different data groups is presented
Finally, it should be noted that the formulation for calcula- in Table 2. A detailed discussion of the results in this table can
tion of bias values results in the mean bias value equal to one. be found in the companion paper by Miyata and Bathurst
(2015) and for brevity is not repeated here. They concluded
4. Database of installation and creep tests that differences in COV values less than 1% are at the limit of
practical measurement. When all test data from the installation
4.1. General damage testing were considered as a single population, there
was a positive correlation between COVX ID and RFID. How-
Table 1 gives a summary of available test data from PWRC ever, correlations varied widely between data groups. Max-
product certification reports. Only data available for both imum computed COV values for installation damage bias (XID)
installation damage and creep testing on the same products are shown in Table 3. These values correspond to the largest
were used in the current study. The writers were given access computed value of COVX ID from any of the products in the
to PWRC archives to find any missing data. The same series data group.
of PWRC product certification reports have been used by Fig. 1a shows the values of COVX ID computed for each
the writers for statistical analysis of the accuracy of current product in the installation damage database plotted against the
and proposed models for geogrid-soil pullout (Miyata and corresponding COVX ult using the database compiled by Miyata
Bathurst, 2012), geogrid creep (Miyata et al., 2014) and and Bathurst (2015). The data show that in most cases the
installation damage (Miyata and Bathurst, 2015). variability in tensile strength after installation damage for
R.J. Bathurst, Y. Miyata / Soils and Foundations 55 (2015) 437–446 441

Table 2
Bias values from tensile testing of undamaged and damaged samples (Miyata and Bathurst, 2015).

Data Geosynthetic Undamaged samples Damaged samples

group type
Number of Xult range COVX ult Number of Computed range of RFID XID range COVX ID
specimens specimens (all values)
Soil Type 1 Soil Type 2 Soil Type 3
D50 ¼21 mm D50 ¼ 11 mm D50 ¼ 1 mm

1 Uniaxial HDPE 5 0.99–1.01 0.006 15 1.19–1.74 0.87–1.10 0.095 0.049 0.062

2 Uniaxial HDPE 15 0.97–1.02 0.012 45 1.12–1.43 0.84–1.18 0.094 0.040 0.069
3 Uniaxial HDPE 20 0.98–1.01 0.008 60 1.08–1.26 0.92–1.09 0.043 0.042 0.023
4 Uniaxial HDPE 15 0.98–1.02 0.010 45 1.05–1.17 0.84–1.14 0.080 0.067 0.024
5 Uniaxial HDPE 5 0.99–1.01 0.007 15 1.28–1.61 0.88–1.17 0.111 0.051 0.015
6 Uniaxial HDPE 10 0.99–1.01 0.007 30 1.00–1.09 0.90–1.07 0.065 0.012 0.017
7 Uniaxial PP tape 5 0.97–1.02 0.023 15 1.00–1.11 0.96–1.07 0.033 0.051 0.023
8 Woven and 10 0.98–1.02 0.012 30 1.04–1.11 0.99–1.01 0.006 0.006 0.010
knitted PET
9 Woven and 5 0.98–1.02 0.015 15 1.04–1.10 0.99–1.01 0.007 0.007 0.007
knitted PET
10 Aramid 5 0.97–1.04 0.027 15 1.04–1.10 0.94–1.04 0.017 0.026 0.019
11 Aramid 15 0.94–1.05 0.026 45 1.03–1.05 0.92–1.06 0.017 0.034 0.018
12 POM 20 0.98–1.02 0.009 60 1.03–1.15 0.90–1.10 0.063 0.032 0.026
Σ ¼ 130 390

Notes: Mean of undamaged and damaged bias values μX ult ¼ μX ID ¼ 1.

Table 3
Combined COV of bias values XR ¼XIDXCR.

Data Geosynthetic type Range of tensile strength (kN/m)b Coefficient of variation of bias values
Adjusted from 1% From T ult;meas Tult recommended by Installation Creepc Combinedd
strain/mina database manufacturer damage
10% strain/min 1% strain/min Maximum Maximum COVR ¼ COV2X ID þ COV2X CR

1 Uniaxial HDPE 45 38 36 0.095 0.006 0.095

2 Uniaxial HDPE 51–105 43–89 40–80 0.137 0.006 0.138
3 Uniaxial HDPE 135–224 115–192 100–160 0.063 0.006 0.063
4 Uniaxial HDPE 52–132 45–108 36–94 0.124 0.006 0.124
5 Uniaxial HDPE 77 69 55 0.111 0.006 0.111
6 Uniaxial HDPE 115–135 91–107 85–101 0.086 0.006 0.086
7 Uniaxial PP tape 273 268 220 0.011 0.034 0.036
8 Woven and 46–88 44–84 38–74 0.011 0.048 0.049
knitted PET
9 Woven and 165 159 144 0.007 0.048 0.049
knitted PET
10 Aramid 151 150 140 0.026 0.035 0.043
11 Aramid 39–202 37–196 34–185 0.052 0.023 0.057
12 POM 58–114 57–113 53–102 0.095 0.070 0.118
See Miyata and Bathurst (2007).
Test specimen width¼ 200 mm.
Data from Miyata et al. (2014).
Mean of undamaged and damaged bias values μX ult ¼ μX ID ¼1.

HDPE, PP and POM products is greater than for the prescribed in the field installation damage test protocol
undamaged samples. Hence, installation damage adds to the (PWRC, 2013).
spread in strength values beyond the variability in virgin
strength values that occurs at the time of manufacture. For the 4.3. Creep bias statistics
PET and Aramid materials there is no visual difference,
suggesting that the spread in strength values for these materials Maximum computed COV values for creep bias (XCR) are
is less affected by damage, at least under the test conditions shown in Table 3 using the compiled database reported in the
442 R.J. Bathurst, Y. Miyata / Soils and Foundations 55 (2015) 437–446

Fig. 1. Variability in installation damage bias and creep bias versus strength bias of undamaged (virgin) test samples. Note: Geosynthetic product types are the same
in both figures but data are from different products or samples and the number of data points for each product is different in each database. (a) Installation damage
(data from Miyata and Bathurst, 2015). (b) Creep (data from Miyata et al., 2014).

companion paper by Miyata et al. (2014). The data are for the statistics. However, the reference strength Tult used in design
same or similar products in the installation damage database (Eq. (1)) is based on the same tensile test method but from tests
(Miyata and Bathurst, 2015). Bias values were computed as the run at 1% strain/minute (PWRC, 2013). Many geosynthetic
ratio of measured strength to predicted strength for each data reinforcement materials have mechanical properties that are
point. The predicted (nominal) strength was computed using strain-rate dependent, particularly polyolefin-based (HDPE and
the equation for the creep-rupture curve fitted to all data points PP) geogrids (e.g. Bathurst and Cai, 1994; Walters et al., 2002;
in each data group for times to rupture up to 1000  10,000 h. Hirakawa et al., 2003; Kongkitkul et al., 2004, 2007a; Shinoda
Individual COVX CR values for different products are plotted et al., 2002; Shinoda and Bathurst, 2004a, 2004b). Miyata and
against COVX ult in Fig. 1b. Miyata et al. (2014) concluded that Bathurst (2007) calculated a set of factors for the product types
for those data with multiple data points there is no practical used in the current study that can be used to convert rupture
systematic difference in spread of bias values for creep- loads (Tult) between tests carried out at strain rates of 1%, 10%
reduced strength and virgin strength of these materials. The and 20% strain/minute. Table 3 also shows rupture strengths
exception is the HDPE data; however, the COV values for for the data groups in this study assuming that reference tensile
creep and virgin strength bias in this case are very low and strengths are from tests run at 10% strain/minute, which is the
difficult to detect. Taken together the spreads in creep-reduced rate used in North American practice (ASTM D6637, 2001).
strength are low and can be assumed to be due to inherent Hence, this table can be used to select COV values for
variability in the strength of the virgin materials at time of installation damage bias for probabilistic analysis of geogrid
manufacture. As a point of reference, consider that the COV of reinforced structures where reference design strengths are
the rupture strength of SS400 reinforcement steel in Japan is based on the faster ASTM tensile test protocol.
5% (Tanaka and Sakai, 1979). The creep-reduced strength bias Another practical consideration for both ASD and LRFD is
values in Fig. 1b are 7% or less (and most often less than 5%) that manufacturers do not always use reference strengths
which is very small when compared to the prediction accuracy computed from an average of tests as was done in the previous
of load-side contributions to the tensile rupture limit state related analyses by the writers (Miyata et al., 2014; Miyata and
function discussed in Section 5. Bathurst, 2015). Typically, a manufacturer will report a lower
ultimate tensile strength value in order to a) position the
4.4. Influence of tensile test strain rate and other factors product in the market, b) consider variation in reported results
between laboratories, or c) to be cautious (Bathurst et al.,
Also presented in Table 3 are reference tensile strength 2012a). The manufacturer recommended Tult values for design
ranges for the data groups used in the current study. that appear in the PWRC certification reports are shown in
In Japanese practice, undamaged and installation damaged Table 3. The ratio of the true mean value (T ult;meas ) computed
specimens are tested in air at 20% strain/minute. The calcula- for the same product (or product line) to the recommended Tult
tions of RFID and bias statistics are based on a ratio of strength value for design (Eq. (1)) ranges from 1.05 to 1.35 but varies
values so the rate of testing does not influence damage bias widely between product types and even within product lines.
R.J. Bathurst, Y. Miyata / Soils and Foundations 55 (2015) 437–446 443

The practice of using a conservative estimate of Tult for design in combined bias value X R ¼ X ID X CR (Eq. (9)) is
will reduce the probability of tensile rupture failure as COVR ¼ COV2X ID þ COV2X CR (Eq. (11)). Combined values
illustrated quantitatively in the next section.
are given in Table 3 using maximum bias values for the two
5. Calculation of probability of failure due to tensile contributing quantities (random variables). In most cases the
rupture installation damage bias term dominates. Where this is not the
case, the combined COV remains very small.
In the analyses to follow, the probability of failure for the Greenwood (2002) also reported the coefficient of varia-
limit state function expressed by Eq. (13) is calculated for the bility of tensile strength (bias) values for undamaged and
case of variability in the prediction of installation damage and damaged specimens as COVX ult ¼ 0.03 and COVX ID ¼ 0.07,
variability in the prediction of creep-reduced strength. As respectively. The spread in creep bias values for initially
noted earlier, biases in the prediction of strength reductions undamaged specimens is COVX CR ¼ 0:02 using the data in his
related to geogrid durability and junctions in the allowable paper corresponding to times to rupture between 1000 and
load design equation (Eq. (1)) are not considered. Indeed these 106 h (i.e. the range recommended by Bathurst et al. (2012a)).
statistics are unlikely to be available even if the potential for Greenwood (2002) reported COVR ¼ 0.04 for the creep-
these strength loss mechanisms exists. In practice the magni- reduced strength of initially damaged specimens which is less
tudes of both durability and junction strength reduction factors than the value of COVR ¼ 0.07 computed using Eq. (11).
should be project specific, but are most often taken as Hence, based on this limited testing it may be expected that the
RFD ¼ RFJ ¼ 1. In the calculations to follow μX D ¼ μX J ¼ 1 and combined variability due to creep and installation damage may
COVX D ¼ COVX J ¼ 0. be over-estimated using Eq. (11) but this error is on the safe
In current design practice the losses of strength in reinforce- side for design. More research is required to better understand
ment geosynthetics due to installation damage and creep are the synergistic effects of damage and creep on available tensile
treated as independent mechanisms. This allows the installa- strength at the end of design life.
tion and creep-reduced strength factors RFID and RFCR to be The probability of failure [Pf(g o 0)] as a function of the
multiplied together as shown in Eq. (3). Allen and Bathurst ratio F ¼ γQ/φ is plotted in Fig. 2 for the case of two sets of
(1996) concluded that the multiplication of creep and installa- load bias statistics and a range of COV values for the
tion damage reduction factors together (i.e. the conventional combined bias value XR. Fig. 2a is the case of an idealized
ASD approach) is generally conservative for PET and HDPE good load model for which μQ ¼ 1 and COVQ ¼ 0.30. The
materials and hence results in error on the safe side for design. value of COVQ ¼ 0.30 is selected because the load bias
Greenwood (2002) carried out stepped isothermal method variability cannot be less than the combined variabilities in
(SIM) tests on virgin and damaged geotextile specimens with the input parameters which are used in the calculation of Tmax
exposed polyester fibers. The specimens were damaged by (e.g. friction angle of the soil and unit weight in the calculation
mechanical abrasion in the laboratory. The “installation” of maximum reinforcement load in a reinforced soil wall
damage factor was RFID ¼ 1.42 and the creep reduction factor application). The second case is for a load model which is less
for undamaged specimens was RFCR ¼ 1.70. Hence the con- accurate with respect to prediction accuracy and has greater
ventional multiplication of these two values yields RFID  variability in input parameters (average measured to predicted
RFCR ¼ 2.41. This value is judged to be reasonably close but load μQ ¼ 0.30 and COVQ ¼ 0.50). These bias statistics are
greater than the (combined) creep reduction factor from close to those reported by Miyata and Bathurst (2007). They
damaged specimens of 2.26. computed bias values using measured reinforcement loads
Kongkitkul et al. (2007b) used a non-linear three-component from reinforced soil walls in Japan and matching predicted
model for geosynthetic reinforcement to simulate concurrent loads using the PWRC (2000a) method in use at that time.
degradation and creep mechanisms. Their model showed that Similar values have been reported by Bathurst et al. (2012b)
the product RFCR  RFD under-estimates the available tensile using the AASHTO (2012) Simplified Method. Superimposed
strength of geosynthetic reinforcement after combined creep on the two plots are values of F ¼ γQ/φ representing the
and installation damage. minimum values of factor of safety of 1.0 and 1.5 permitted
Jeon and Bouazza (2010) investigated the combined effect in Japan (PWRC, 2013) and in the USA (AASHTO, 2012) for
of installation damage and creep on 12 different geogrids the reinforcement rupture limit state in reinforced soil wall
(woven PET and uniaxial HDPE). The field damage tests were structures. For a reinforcement layer designed with F ¼ 1 and a
carried out in Korea. For the woven geogrids the separate good model, the probability of tensile failure is very large
multiplication of factors resulted in an overestimation of the (  50%) (Fig. 2a). The same F ¼ 1 but using the poorer
combined effect by about 4 20%, and up to about 2% for the model gives lower probabilities of failure because the under-
uniaxial HDPE geogrids. estimation of the actual loads provides an additional margin of
Based on the above prior work the treatment of damage and safety (Fig. 2b).
creep as independent mechanisms is a practical assumption and Both plots show that as the factor of safety goes up, the
any error is likely small and conservative (i.e. safe) for design. probability of failure for any set of resistance bias statistics
Assuming that damage and creep bias distributions (XR and goes down. However, the influence of magnitude of spread in
XQ) are lognormal distributed and uncorrelated, the variability installation damage estimates (bias values) is less critical for
444 R.J. Bathurst, Y. Miyata / Soils and Foundations 55 (2015) 437–446

rigorous LRFD calibration of simple linear state functions of

the type used here, the load factor is selected first based on an
acceptable probability of load exceedance. The resistance
factor is then selected so that Pf(g o0) (Eq. (13)) does not
exceed an acceptable value determined by the developers of
the LRFD code.
The effect of using Tult o T ult;meas at design time (e.g.
manufacturer recommended reference strength value that is
lower than the true mean value) is equivalent to using a mean
of resistance bias μR 41 in Eq. (15). The result is a decrease in
the probability of failure for the same design factor of safety
F ¼ γQ/φ. This can be appreciated from the dashed lines
superimposed in Fig. 2a and b corresponding to μR ¼ 1.35
which is the upper limit of the ratio of T ult;meas /Tult as noted
earlier using the manufacturer recommended strength values in
the study database (Table 3). Using lower reference strength
values reduces the probability of failure associated with the
same COVR value.

6. Conclusions and discussion

The current study has focused on the influence of variability

in the prediction of reduced tensile strength in geogrid
reinforcement products due to installation damage and creep
on the probability of tensile rupture. Variability has been
quantified by bias values computed as the ratio of measured
strength to predicted (nominal) strength values. Bias statistics
have been computed from data reported in PWRC product
certification reports issued in Japan.
Fig. 2. Influence of combined installation damage and creep bias variability.
The data show that variability in the prediction of tensile
(COVR ¼ COV2X ID þ COV2X CR ) on probability of failure (Pf) of the reinforce- strengths after installation damage is low (less than 14%) for the
ment tensile rupture limit state equation. (a) Reinforcement loads calculated 26 geogrid products investigated. The variability in prediction of
using good load model (μQ ¼ 1 and COVQ ¼ 0.30). (b) Reinforcement loads creep-reduced strength is even lower (7% or less and most often
calculated using poor load model (μQ ¼ 0.3 and COVQ ¼0.50). less than 5%). As-manufactured strength bias values for the
same products are less than 7% and most often less than 3%. It
the poor (i.e. conservative) load model. To achieve Pf ¼ 0.001 can be concluded that variability in creep-reduced strength
(0.1% or 1/1000) using the good load model and combined predictions is largely due to the inherent variability in the
COV of resistance bias values COVR ¼ 0.10 requires that the undamaged strength of the material at time of manufacture.
minimum factor of safety for design must be F ¼ 2.50. For the The maximum combined variability on the resistance side of
poor model case, and the same combined resistance bias COV, the limit state function for tensile rupture is less than 14%
a lower factor safety F¼ 1.2 is satisfactory. The practical using all data and ignoring other strength reduction factors
implication of these analyses is that installation damage (regard- (durability and junctions). However, the estimate of variability
less of additional uncertainty in predicted creep-reduced in bias values for the case of combined installation damage and
strength) is less likely to be a practical issue for poor load creep is likely conservative (i.e. on the safe side for design), at
models because these models include a margin of safety due to least for PET reinforcement geosynthetics, based on limited
conservative load estimates. However, as load model accuracy available testing by Greenwood (2002). The bias statistics
improves, the magnitude of installation damage factor becomes show that in most cases the combined variability due to
more important to achieve the same margin of safety. installation and creep is dominated by installation damage.
The horizontal axis in the two plots of Fig. 2 is expressed as When this is not the case the combined variability is less than
F ¼ γQ/φ and thus provides a link between ASD and LRFD 5% and from a practical point of view the resistance side in the
approaches for the tensile rupture limit state. In US practice tensile rupture limit state could be treated as deterministic (i.e.
(AASHTO, 2012) the load factor for calculation of maximum μR ¼ 1, COVR ¼ 0).
load in a reinforcement layer in a geogrid reinforced soil wall On the load side it is reasonable to assume that for an
due to soil self-weight is γQ ¼ 1.35 and the resistance factor accurate load model the mean load bias is one and the
is taken as φ ¼ 0.90; this yields F ¼ 1.5. In fact, the choice of coefficient of variability (COVQ) in the prediction of the
load and resistance factors in LRFD calibration is influenced maximum tensile load cannot be less than 30%. For a poor
by fitting to past practice as demonstrated here. Ideally, for load model the mean of load bias values can be as low as
R.J. Bathurst, Y. Miyata / Soils and Foundations 55 (2015) 437–446 445

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