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 I always knew that God is all powerful and also knew that if we pray for
anything He will surely give us but the problem with me was that part of my
everything included some of the things the which the bible calls slothfulness
and laziness, so I thought that God will make life more easier for me by doing
what I'm supposed to do for myself. After my first biology exam I understood
that God will surely not transmit knowledge into my head the same knowledge
which I can find in a textbook which I already had. The same day after the
exam I told everybody that I now understand God will not bless laziness
because I had suffered in that exam room but some of my friends told me to
have faith and God will make it well, so I ignored the truth which I had
understood in that exam room because I wanted to pass so I could even sell
the truth as long as I could get God to make me pass that biology paper which
I understood that I had failed. So everytime afterwards when I thought about
that  experience these two thoughts wrestled in my mind will God change my
failer into a pass by some sought of Devine intervention. But today I fully
understand that God blesses us with strength and ability to work, but will not
surely move our hands to work. In conclusion He did not change my failer into
a pass but rather He made it a way for me to understand more of His
unchanging Character, He is fair to all men surely He will give to each man
according to his labor, Heb 11:6 But without faith [it is] impossible to please
[Him]: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and [that] He is a
rewarder of them that diligently seek him. So I loved the reward part not the
diligent part of it.
So that time when my friends told me to have faith, I can now say they were
unknowingly saying be presumptuous God will bless every foolish action you
take. God only rewards the diligent even Christ also gave the same example in
the parable of the talents, children of God be diligent in what ever you do, no
perfect outcome can be as a result of an accident. Trust in God by obeying
His ways only then can He become your shelter and your trust, lastly trust not
in thine own understanding God will never change because you have a strong
feeling what you think is right especially when you know the truth. Obey His
laws so that everything goes well with you, Deu 4:40 Thou shalt keep
therefore His statutes, and His commandments, which I command thee this
day, that it may go well with thee, and with thy children after thee, and that
thou mayest prolong [thy] days upon the earth, which the LORD thy God giveth
thee, for ever. Please I beg you brothers and sisters do not be presumptuous
because you will only deprive your souls of good.

But it will be a sin for me not to mention how greatly He helps those who
diligently labor with their given abilities because I've clearly seen His touch in
all my efforts to prepare for my exam, especially when we pray we are sure  of
His help in abundance, He enjoys helping the weak and those who know
where their strength ends and boldly ask of the Merciful Father who gives
freely without reproach to all that ask of Him in faith knowing they will receive.
Be blessed as you apply knowledge and increase in godly wisdom everyday.

FIXED is His Character forever. Amen.

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