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Sin is the transgression of the law of God(1John3.4)

The Law of God is as Sacred, Holy and Important as God Himself because it
defines the Character of God, disobeying His Law is the same as rejecting
Him and His character as well as His authority, so what can repay this kind of
action to a man who rejects God either than the death of that man, because if
a man given life rejects his source of Life isn't he claiming to be greater than
He who giveth life so the life Giver should humbly take His life so as to remove
rebellion and unease.
When Satan despised the Law of God in Heaven He could not find pardon
because He understood exactly what he was doing and was ready to defend
his choice with his life, so what could make him want to go back to heaven
besides his remorse (the realisation of his loss) he had seen the Love of God
and yet decided to leave it, so he could find nothing new to show him the Love
of God and nothing could change him because he had seen everything but
still chose rebellion and wanted to be like God (Isaiah 14.12).
In God's law the penalty for sin is death(Ezekiel 18.20 and Rom 6.23).
So sin began with Satan, Eze 28:15 you were perfect in your ways from the
day that you wast created, till iniquity was found in you[Satan] says God.
So a time was set for Satan to be destroyed until all of God's creation was
certain that God is just with His judgement towards the devil and sin.
So when Adam sinned he and all humanity in him had to die as all humanity
was present in him and the wages of sin is death. so when he sinned he fell
from his holy nature and became weak now having a propensity to sin(break
the law of God), so as a sinner he could only pass to his  children a propensity
to sin (Rom 3.23 for all have sinned). 
But God was passionate with humanity but at the same time His Law could
not be excused Mat 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass,
one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Question: Where were we when Adam sinned? we were in his bosom or in his
body as sperms but not yet born so we have what he left us, so if he had died
the penalty for sin would have been paid and the whole of humanity would
have been lost. So God in His mercy sought a say to save humanity and yet
meet justice. 
Question: Where was Adam before he was created? in God because Adam is
a son of God(Luke 3.38). So there were only two people who by dying could
pay the penalty for death that is "Adam and Eve" or God Himself so God gave
His life because all was once in Him before creation, so when He died He paid
the penalty for sin for all humanity as all was once in Him. So everyone's sin
was paid for but for all to be saved they first have to realise that they are
sinner's by nature as they inherited the propensity from our first parents and
see the need for God to work His goodness in us as He alone is Good (Mat

All verses here are quoted from the KJV and NKJV

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