Big Questions:: Coughing, Damaged Lungs, Struggling To Breathe

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Big questions:

 What do you know about COVID-19? It’s a lethal virus

 Do you know basic prevention rules? Uses a mask,

distantion, clean hands
 What are the symptoms of this illness? coughing,
damaged lungs, struggling to breathe

Link to the video and PDF version.

Green for timings.

Part 00:00 – 00:58


1. COVID-19 - is a new name for a new disease, coined as an abbreviated

form of coronavirus disease 2019.
2. Coronavirus - is the broader name for the family of viruses that
includes COVID-19.
3. Social distancing - the avoidance of close contact with other people
during the outbreak of a contagious disease.
4. Exaggeration - overstatement of the truth.
5. Disease - illness of people, animals, plants, etc., caused by infection
or a failure of health rather than by an accident.

00:00 These last few months it’s been impossible to escape news and updates
about (1)__Covid 19________, also known as the Novel Coronavirus.
While it’s incredibly important to stay informed, maintain
(2)____Coronavirus______ _________, and wash your hands, there’s
also been plenty of fear mongering, exaggeration, (3)______ Social
distancing ________, and sensationalism around the disease.

Today, we’re going to discuss what it’s actually like to have the disease in
terms of cold, hard facts – no spin or editorialising. All the information in
this video is current as of March 21st, (4)_ Exaggeration _____, and
because this is a situation developing extremely quickly, we also encourage
independent research.

All the information we’re presenting in this video comes directly from the
US Center for Disease Control, the UK National Health Service, and the
World (5)__ Disease _____ Organization, as well as official scientific
studies. We recommend also using these reliable sources if you wish to stay

COVID-19 is a respiratory illness, meaning it attacks the lungs and airways.

If you’ve caught COVID-19, it’ll be as a result of contact with another
00:58 infected

Part 00:58 – 02:02


1. Infection - an infection is a disease caused by germs or bacteria.

2. Symptom - a symptom of an illness is something wrong with your
body or mind that is a sign of the illness.
3. Asymptomatic - if someone with a disease is asymptomatic, it
means that they do not show any symptoms of the disease.
4. Health complication - is a medical problem that occurs as a result
of another illness or disease.
5. Hygiene - the practice of keeping yourself and your surroundings
clean, especially in order to prevent illness or the spread of diseases.

For your first week to two weeks of (1)__ Infection______, you may not
display any symptoms whatsoever, which is why exercising caution is so
extremely (2)___ Symptom _____ during this period of time.
Some people will actually remain asymptomatic - meaning they display no
actual symptoms - throughout the course of their infection. Two studies –
one published in the journal Emerging Infectious (3)__
Asymptomatic______, and another that was a collaboration between
Kyoto, Oxford, and Georgia State University – settled on the possibility that
around (4)__ Health complication_______ of people suffering from
COVID-19 will remain completely asymptomatic.

If you happen to fall within this category, you’re at the least risk of
developing the more severe form of the disease or undergoing serious (5)_
Health complication_____ __________. However, it’s worth noting
that being asymptomatic actually puts you at far greater risk of infecting
others through a lack of caution.

This is why, even if you think you’re not infected, it’s positively vital to
maintain (6)__ Hygiene ____ ________ and social distancing.

Interestingly, the majority of asymptomatic cases appear to be in children,

with 90% of the cases of paediatric Coronavirus in China being
asymptomatic to mild.
Part 02:02 – 03:01


1. Flu - an illness which is similar to a bad cold but more serious.

2. Fever - any of various diseases, such as yellow fever or scarlet fever,
characterized by a high temperature.
3. Cough - is an illness in which you cough often and your chest or
throat hurts.
4. Incubation period - the period between infection and the
appearance of signs of a disease.
5. Recover - when you recover from an illness or an injury, you become
well again.

02:02 While the grand majority of people who contract COVID-19 will display
symptoms, a large chunk of those people will only experience a mild cold or
flu-like virus.

According to data sets from China, around 80.9% of their cases were mild.
If you are lucky enough to fall into this category – and statistically, you’re
likely to be relatively young and healthy, with little to no chronic underlying
health conditions – you’re most likely to experience fever and a severe
It definitely won’t feel good, but you won’t be under any serious threat of
death from what you’re experiencing.
In a lot of cases, the disease tends to run its course within a three-week
period – from an incubation period that tends to last from five days to two
weeks, and symptoms that present for around five to seven days before the
sufferer begins to recover.

Once again, if you find yourself in this position, the generally accepted
advice is to contact and inform your doctor (if possible), remain isolated,
maintain good hygiene, eat and stay hydrated, and treat issues like pain
symptomatically with safe, over-the-counter medication.

Part 03:01 – 04:01


1. Outbreak - something unpleasant, such as violence or a disease, it

suddenly starts to happen.
2. Sufferer - a person who is affected by the illness or condition.
3. Respiratory disease – a type of illness that affects the lungs and
other parts of the respiratory system.
4. Diabetes - a medical condition in which someone has too much
sugar in their blood.
5. Cancer - a serious disease in which cells in a person's body increase
rapidly in an uncontrolled way, producing abnormal growths.
6. Cardiac - relating to the heart.

03:01 According to data gathered from the Chinese ___ Outbreak_____, that
appears to have remained consistent for the world at large, around 13.8% of
the cases appear to present severe ____ Respiratory disease__
________ for the sufferer. These sufferers are likely to be older than _
Cancer_____, and suffer from underlying health conditions like severe
respiratory issues, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and cardiac

However, it’s important to note that there are always outliers – young
people and people without underlying health issues can occasionally
experience severe symptoms, so don’t use your _ Diabetes____ and
health as an excuse to throw caution to the wind.

Initially, people who experience a more severe case of COVID-19 will run
the gamut of standard symptoms – high fever, ___ Respiratory
disease______, shortness of breath, chest pains, breathing difficulties,
and in some cases even headaches and digestive issues.

However, the ____ Outbreak__________ between mild and severe

cases is that severe cases are more likely to develop into a more serious
infection of the lungs. Most commonly, people are at risk of developing
pneumonia. Pneumonia is a dangerous form of bacterial lung-tissue __

Part 04:01 – 05:05


1. Bronchus (plural bronchi) - any of the major air passageways of the

2. Lungs - the two organs inside your chest which you use for
3. Inflame – to produce a painful redness or swelling of a part of your
body that results from an infection, injury, or illness.
4. Pneumonia - a serious disease which affects your lungs and makes
it difficult for you to breathe.
5. Heartbeat - the regular movement of your heart as it pumps blood
around your body.
6. Remain hydrated – drink water regularly.

04:01 The tiny air sacs in the primary bronchi, which are the __
Bronchus_____ that connect the lungs to your trachea, become inflamed
through infection and swell, causing severe breathing difficulties in ___

If you’ve been suffering from COVID-19 and the symptoms actually appear
to worsen after five to _ Lungs______ days of experiencing them, watch
out for the tell-tale signs of pneumonia. These include rapid heartbeat,
sweating and shivering, loss of appetite, ___ Inflame___ ______,
fatigue, joint pain, and in some severe cases coughing up blood in one’s

If you believe you have pneumonia, do not hesitate to contact a healthcare

professional and get yourself to a hospital immediately. ____
Pneumonia_______ is a severe and life-threatening ailment, and must
be treated as quickly as possible to ensure best results.

To avoid developing pneumonia from a case of COVID-19, same rules


 Prevention is more effective than treatment.

 Maintain social distance and good hygiene.
 Eat well.
 Remain _____ Remain hydrated______.
 And take extra precautions if you know yourself to be in one of the
high-risk groups.

Finally, according to the ___ Pneumonia______ data, around 4.7% of

the cases of COVID-19 develop into critically dangerous illnesses for the
sufferers. While these cases are relatively rare, that’s no reason to be any
less cautious. People with __ Pneumonia______ conditions are the
most likely to die from the illness. Death can occur from untreated
pneumonia, severe acute respiratory disease, and sometimes even kidney

Part 05:05 – 06:06


1. Panic buying - the buying up of large quantities of a commodity

which, it is feared, is likely to be in short supply.
2. Follow guidelines - act according to official advice about how to
do it.
3. Vigilance - more careful attention, especially in order to notice
possible danger.

05:05 While, like the severe symptoms, this is most common for people in the
disease’s risk groups, this can (1)____ Follow guidelines_____ happen
to anyone. This is not an excuse to (2)_ Panic buying______ and do
anything irresponsible or dangerous, just to maintain vigilance and caution.

COVID-19 is still an incredibly new disease. Information evolves quickly as

(3)__ Vigilance_______ learn more about the condition and its
processes. It may feel scary, like we have no control over this situation, but
the fact is that we have a lot of control over an extremely important factor
here: Our own (4)__ Follow guidelines_____.

To do your part in both helping yourself and society (5)___ Panic

buying_____ this illness, maintain good hygiene and social distancing,
don’t buy into or (6) spread misinformation about the disease, follow
government guidelines, and avoid things like panic buying.

We, as a society, can get through COVID-19, but only if we’re all sensible
06:06* and ___ Follow guidelines______ (7)_responsible__
Vigilance____ in our actions.

*This is the end of the main part.

Discussion After Watching:
 What rules do you need to follow to avoid developing pneumonia
from COVID-19?

 Can you name symptoms of COVID-19?

 What activities people can do while self-isolated?


Part 00:00 – 00:58 Part 00:58 – 02:02 Part 03:01 – 04:01

1) COVID-19 1) infection 1) outbreak
2) social distancing 2) important 2) health issues
3) misinformation 3) Disease 3) 50
4) 2020 4) 17.9% 4) age
5) Health 5) health 5) coughing
complications 6) key
6) good hygiene difference
7) inflammation
Part 04:01 – 05:05 Part 05:05 – 06:06
1) tubes 1) technically
2) sufferers 2) panic
3) seven 3) scientists
4) chest pain 4) actions
5) Pneumonia 5) combat
6) hydrated 6) spread
7) Chinese 7) responsible
8) critical

Vocabulary I learned:


Link to the video and PDF version.

Video and text by The Infographic Show.

Exercises and time codes by English Ear Booster - created for educational purposes.
Word definitions from Merriam-Webster online dictionary, Collins Online Dictionary,
Cambridge Online Dictionary.

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