Fetotomy Indication and Instrumentation, Application of Fetotomical Instruments On Calf

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Fetotomy indication and

instrumentation, Application of
fetotomical instruments on calf
Dr. Aijaz Ali Channa
Assistant Professor
Theriogenology, UVAS
Fetotomy indications
• Fetotomy or Embryotomy: Those operations
performed on the fetus for the purpose
reducing its size by either its division or the
removal of certain of its parts, In most cases
these operations are performed within the
uterus of the dam.
• Reference Roberts Book Veterinary Obstetrics
and genital disease page 255- 262
Advantages and Disadvantages
• The Advantages of a correctly performed fetotomy are
– Rapid reduction in the size of the fetus facilitates safe delivery
per vaginum
– Exposure of the dam to major abdominal surgery is avoided
– The dam is spared inhumane treatment and possible trauma
associated with application of excessive force to extractive
devices (fetal extractor)
– Less after care is generally required
– Recovery time is shorter
– The general condition of the dam tends to remain more stable,
as compare to c - section.
– The monetary return is more as compare to that from c-section.
• Some commonly cited are:
– May require more time to perform than a c-
– May be exhausting to the obstetrician.
– The obstetrician is subjected to the risk of wound
from the instrument or from a sharp fragment of
fetal bone.
– Dangerous to the dam.
Most of the unsatisfactory results of
fetotomy are attributable to

– The operator's lack of experience

– Poorly designed instruments
– Improper fetotomy technique, and
– Use of fetotomy only as a last resort.
Fetotomy operation in Anterior
• Indication: It is indicated when one or both
forelimbs are retained and the head has
passed through the vulva and become
swollen, emphysematous, or edematous so
that it cannot be repelled. In such case fetus is
usually dead.

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