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Mission: Corporate Administration

Area: Financial Services (FS)

Activity: Cashiering (FS-CS)

Title: Cash with Procurement Disbursing Officers

Date Approved/Issued: 05/13/88

Date Effective: 06/01/88


This is designed to serve as a guide to the personnel involved in the handling and disposition
of the Cereal Procurement Fund under the accountability of the Procurement Disbursing

This includes policies on CPF ceiling of disbursing officers, limitations on cash and check
payments of disbursing officers, stale and lost checks, encashment of checks at NFA Office,
replenishment/liquidation of CPF utilization. The accounting entries relative to the CPF
transactions are also included herein.

Policies on grains purchases from farmers' groups accredited under the Institutionalized
Procurement Program (pilot test area) are excluded from this SOP (refer to Implementing
Guidelines on the Pilot-Implementation of the Institutionalized Procurement Program).

A. Disbursements Under the Cereal Procurement Fund

1. The Cereal Procurement Fund (CPF) shall be utilized for procurement purposes only. The
disbursements chargeable under the CPF shall be as follows:

a. Basic cost of cereals as per NFA Buying Price Bulletins

b. Procurement Incentives

i. Cooperative Incentive Fees (CIF) which include the Cooperative Post-Harvest

Facility Build-up Incentive Fees (CFI) and the Cooperative Management Fees
(CMI); and
ii. Farmers' Group Insurance Incentives (FGII) premiums.

2. Other expenses relative to procurement operations such as cost of empty sacks

purchased, travelling expenses of the procurement teams, incentives granted to the
procurement teams, gas and oil expenses for vehicles used in procurement operations
and other incidental expenses shall be charged under the General Operating Fund.

B. Fund Allocation and Remittance

1. The Regional Office shall furnish the Directorate for Marketing Operations (Attn.:
Operations Coordination Division) with the CPF Budget Allocation Per Province (Exhibit 1).
This shall reflect the procurement targets of the provinces and the corresponding costs. A
break-down of the allocation as to when a particular amount is to be remitted (1st, 2nd,
3rd, or 4th week) shall also be reflected therein. The budget allocation shall be evaluated
by the OCD,

2. After evaluation, DMO shall request for a budget allotment from the Directorate for
Accounting and Budget (Attn: Budget and Fiscal Division) thru the Cereal Procurement
Fund Request (Exhibit 2). The CPF budget request shall constitute the two-week
requirement of the province (the amount to be remitted during the current week and for the
succeeding week). The Directorate for Treasury and Fund Management (Cash Division)
shall be furnished with a copy of the request.

3. Based on the approved request, DAB (BFD) shall allot the budget required and send an
advice (Exhibit 3) to DTFM (Attn: Cash Division) for a fund transfer.

4. Funds shall be remitted by DTFM (Cash Division) to the provincial offices per DAB's
advice. The DTFM shall send radio messages to the receiving provinces (copy furnished
the Regional Office) for information purposes. After remittance had been effected, DTFM
shall prepare a Memorandum (Exhibit 4) informing DAB of the funds remitted. A copy of
the memo shall be forwarded to DMO for information purposes.

C. Imprest Fund

1. The imprest fund out of the CPF remittance shall be established for every Procurement
Disbursing Officer.

2. This shall be in cash form, checking account, or a combination of both. The cash account
shall be used under the cash payment scheme, whereas, the checking account shall be for
the check payment scheme.

A current account shall be opened in the name of the Procurement Disbursing Officer with
an authorized depository bank (PNB/LBP/accredited rural bank). This shall be done under
the direction of the Provincial Manager/Officer-in-Charge.

3. The maximum CPF cash advance which the Provincial Manager can grant to a regular
employee without a need for a Regional Office clearance shall be P500,000.00. The
ceiling to be authorized by the Regional Director shall not exceed P750,000.00. Any
amount in excess thereof shall necessitate COA-Central Office clearance.

As a policy, only regular employees shall be designated as Procurement Disbursing

Officers. However, the Regional Director may authorize the designation of casual
employees in justifiable cases are requested by the Provincial Manager. The designation
shall also include the CPF ceiling authorization of the casual employee which is limited to
P200,000.00. The cash on hand portion of casual employees ceiling shall in no case
exceed P50,000.00 (COA-restriction).

The Regional Director shall utilize all available regular employees within the region prior to
making any authorization for the designation of casual employees.

4. It shall be the responsibility of the PM/OIC to determine the individual cash and check
requirement (two week requirement) of the disbursing officer subject to the above
limitations. The Provincial Operations Officer and Accountant shall make the necessary
recommendation based on the projected procurement activities of the area, distance of the
buying stations with the depository bank/NFA Office, peace and order condition of the
place, and other factors.

D. Procurement Disbursing Officer

1. The Procurement Disbursing Officer shall be anyone of the following:

a. Provincial Cashier and Senior Disbursing Officer - Regular Disbursing Officer

b. Regular or casual (as authorized by the Regional Director) employee other than the
Provincial Cashier and Sr. Disbursing Officer designated as a special disbursing officer
on a temporary basis - Special Disbursing Officer designated as a special disbursing
officer on a temporary basis - Special Disbursing Officer.

Supply Officers and accounting personnel shall not be designated as special disbursing
officers considering their access to accountable forms and accounting records.

2. The disbursing officer shall be designated by the PM/OIC thru an Office Order or by the
Central Office/Regional Officer thru a Special Order.

The Order shall relieve the employees designated as special disbursing officers of their
regular functions and duties while acting as such.

3. The disbursing officer shall be properly bonded in accordance with law (Fidelity Bond)
before assumption to duty. Subsequent cancellation of the bond shall be made when the
disbursing officer ceases to act as one. The pertinent policies provided in SOP No. HR-
PB08 "Revised SOP on Fidelity Bond Application/Cancellation of NFA Accountable
Officers and Employees" shall be implemented.

E. Cash and Check Payments by Procurement Disbursing Officer

1. Payments to be made by the Procurement Disbursing Officer shall cover only grains
purchases amounting to not more than P50,000.00 (the seller shall be an individual
farmer not an institution).

Grains purchases over P50,000.00 shall be paid at the Provincial Office thru the usual
disbursement voucher system.

Splitting of purchases to circumvent the above limitations shall be subject to administrative


2. Payments by the Procurement Disbursing Officer may be made in cash, check or

combination thereof depending on the amount of grains purchases.

2.1 Full cash payment shall be applied to payment of purchases worth P6,200.00 and
2.2 A combination of cash and check payment arises when purchases are worth over
P6,200.00, wherein a maximum of P6,000.00 can be paid in cash and the balance in

2.3 Full check payment shall be allowed when the farmer-seller opted or requested to be
paid in check.

2.4 Adoption of other schemes of payment such as increase in cash portion or full cash
payment shall be authorized by the Regional Director whenever feasible under the
quota system (per IDM'87 DMO ES A 065, January 15, 1987 "Check Payment
Scheme" approved by the Administrator).

3. The following shall be imprinted on the face of the check.

"Valid up to P50,000.00 only within 30 days

and negotiable only with the (name of the
drawee bank) and/or Rural Bank of _______
and/or NFA Cashier.

4. Encashment of checks shall be made only with the authorized drawee bank/accredited
rural bank/NFA Cashier. Endorsement of checks to the NFA Cashier shall be authorized
by the PM/OIC as guided by the policy provided in II.I.

5. It shall be the responsibility of the PM/OIC to negotiate with the drawee bank and rural
bank duly accredited under the NFA/PNB/LBP Check Payment Tie-Up (with Central Bank
clearance) regarding the implementation of the imprest fund and encashment of CPF
checks issued by the Procurement Disbursing Officer.

A sample of the memorandum of agreement with the drawee bank is shown in Exhibit 5,
whereas, Exhibit 6 shows the sample memorandum with rural banks.

6. In compliance with the provision of the memo agreement with the bank, each
Procurement Disbursing Officer shall furnish the drawee bank with a list of checks (serial
numbers indicated) to be used in the ensuing week.

7. The number of the Purchase Receipt corresponding to the check issued shall be reflected
at the back of the check.

PR NO. _______________

The above phrase shall be initialled by the disbursing officer for purposes of counter
verification of the check as against the Purchase Receipt.

Paid PRs and WSRs shall be marked "PAID" for control purposes.
8. The disbursing officer shall not prepare a check payable to himself or to cash. All checks
issued shall be payable to legitimate farmer-sellers/farmers' groups based on authentic
and properly accomplished Purchase Receipts (all members of the Procurement Team
(Team Leader, Disbursing Officer, Classifier, Warehouse Supervisor) have affixed their
signatures on the document).

9. Post-dating and anti-dating of checks shall not be allowed.

10. A "One Check for One Purchase Receipt" policy shall be adopted. Issuance of two or
more checks for a single Purchase Receipt shall not be allowed.

F. Purchase Receipt

1. The Purchase Receipt (Exhibit 7) is an accountable form used to evidence the receipt of
payment by the farmer for the cereals sold to the NFA. It shall support all payments
made by the Procurement Disbursing Officer. This shall be issued by the Supply Officer
to the Procurement Disbursing Officer and shall form part of the accountability of the
disbursing officer.

2. The basis for its preparation shall be the Warehouse Stock Receipt. The PR shall be
issued sequentially and distributed as follows:

Copy 1 - Accounting Section

2 - Procurement Disbursing Officer
3 - COA
4 - Farmer

3. The Supply Officer shall issue two (2) sets of PR to the Procurement Disbursing Officer:
one set for grains purchases not exceeding P50,000.00 (to be paid by the Procurement
Disbursing Officer) and another set for grains purchases above P50,000.00/purchases
from institutions (to be paid at the P.O. thru the usual disbursement voucher system).

G. Replenishment of the Imprest Fund

1. The imprest fund shall be replenished whenever the cash and current account balances
are low and every end of the month (mandatory requirement to establish monthly

2. Replenishment shall be made at the Provincial Office thru the usual voucher processing

H. Custodian of Blank Checks

1. Accountability and custody of the blank checks for the current account of the Procurement
Disbursing Officer shall be vested upon the Provincial Cashier.
2. Requisitions of blank checks shall be approved by the Cashier. A request (Exhibit 8) shall
be prepared by the disbursing officer whenever the blank checks on hand are no longer

3. The acknowledgement portion (check number/pieces) shall be accomplished by the

Cashier and signed by the disbursing officer.

I. Encashment of Checks at the NFA Office

1. All checks issued by the Procurement Disbursing Officer may be encashed with the NFA
Cashier subject to the approval of the PM/OIC as recommended by the Provincial
Accountant. They shall affix their signatures at the back of the check.

The serial number of the check shall be verified from the check accountability of the
disbursing officer.

2. The conditions for the encashment shall be as follows:

a. During off-banking hours and days.

b. When from the place where the check was originally issued by the disbursing officer,
the NFA Office is more accessible than the drawee bank.

c. Other conditions which warrant the encashment as deemed necessary by the

Provincial Manager/OIC.

3. The Cashier shall make the payment out of his cash accountability (cash from

4. Endorsed/encashed checks shall be deposited by the Cashier with the depository banks
of the NFA for clearing. Deposits shall be made on the collection account where the cash
was drawn.

The Cashier shall not encash the endorsed check with the P.O. depository bank.

J. Lost Check by Farmer-Payee

1. Lost check shall be reported immediately to the Provincial Office. A replacement check
shall only be prepared after compliance with all the conditions stated hereunder:

i. Submission of a duly notarized Affidavit of Loss executed by the farmer-payee;

ii. The loss check is still outstanding (not yet presented to the bank for payment); and
iii. Formal notification of the loss ("Request for Stop-Payment") tot he bank had been
made by the PM/OIC.
2. If these conditions had been fully complied with, a replacement check shall be issued as
authorized by the PM/OIC. "Replacement for a lost check" (indicating its serial number)
shall be noted on the duplicate copy of the check voucher for easy reference.

K. Stale Checks

1. For purposes of control and effecting early liquidation of the accountabilities of the
Procurement Disbursing Officers, a check issued from the procurement funds of the
disbursing officer shall only be valid within thirty (30) days from the date of issuance. Non-
presentation of the check to the bank within the thirty days period shall render the check

The payee as well as the different banks involved shall be informed/reminded of this policy
thru the impression reflected on the face of the check as provided in II.E.3. This policy
shall also be provided as one of the terms of the Memo-Agreement with the bank.

2. The stale check shall be surrendered to the NFA by the payee for replacement. The check
shall be marked "STALE" and shall be perforated.

3. In case the bank account of the disbursing officer is already closed, replacement of stale
checks shall be authorized by the PM/OIC.

4. Stale checks shall be reverted back to the account of the NFA. Subsequent adjustment
shall be made upon issuance of replacement checks.

L. Bank Statement/Cashbook/Subsidiary Ledger/Reconciliation

1. The monthly bank statement for the current account of the disbursing officer shall be
forwarded to the Provincial Accountant together with its attachments (debit/credit
memorandum and paid checks).

The usual monthly bank reconciliation statement shall be prepared. The disbursing officer
shall have no access in its preparation, however, a copy thereof may be furnished the
disbursing officer.

2. The disbursing officer shall maintain an official cashbook for the imprest fund (cash and
checking account) handled. Recording of transactions as well as comparing of the
cashbook balance with that of the cash on hand and in bank shall be made daily. The
cashbook entries shall be closed and ruled at the end of the month and the balance
forwarded to the succeeding month.

The cashbook shall be subject to examination and inspection by the Provincial Accountant,
IAD/COA Auditors and/or any of their authorized representatives.

3. A subsidiary ledger per Procurement Disbursing Officer shall be maintained by the

Accounting Section. In order to establish the monthly accountability of the disbursing
officer, the Provincial Accountant shall require at least a once a month reconciliation of the
subsidiary ledger balance with that of the cashbook.

4. While on the process of verification of the sources documents, the Accounting Section may
discover that there may be unpaid WSRs (stocks received by the NFA with no payment
effected yet). A set-up of the inventory and liability accounts shall be made.
Corresponding debit adjustment of the payable account shall be recorded when payment
had been made.

M. Grains Purchases above P50,000.00 and from Institutions

1, Grains purchases amounting to more than P50,000.00 and rains purchases from institutions
regardless of amount shall be paid at the Provincial Office thru the usual disbursement
voucher system.

2. The disbursing officer shall issue the PR out of the set intended for such purchase based on
the WSR. All copies of the PR (copy 1: Accounting Section; copy 2: Cashier; and copy 3:
COA) except for copy 4 (Farmer's copy) shall be given to the farmer together with copy 1 of
the WSR. These documents shall be attached to the disbursement voucher to be
processed at the Provincial Office.

Additional supporting documents may be required from the farmer or authorized


Copy 4 shall be withheld by the disbursing officer pending clearance of payment by the
Provincial Office.

N. Reporting System

1. The Abstract of Grains Purchases (Exhibit 9) shall be prepared by the disbursing officer
when replenishing/liquidating the cash advances. This is a listing of grains purchases paid
by the disbursing officer.

2. The Summary of Grains Purchases above P50,000.00 and from Institutions (Exhibit 10)
shall be submitted together with the Abstract of Grains Purchases. This shall summarized
grains purchases to be paid thru the usual voucher system.

In case there are no PRs issued from this type of purchases, the disbursing officer shall
certify that no such transactions were handled during the period.

3. Compliance to the submission of the following reports shall still be required:

a. Daily Procurement Report

b. Statement of Remittance and Disposition of Funds
c. Weekly Report of Fund Balance
4. A Monthly Report of Accountability for Accountable Forms (Exhibit 11) shall be required
from the Procurement Disbursing Officer. This shall reflect the accountable forms (PRs and
checks) handled during the month.

O. Liquidation of Cash Advance

1. The accountability (cash and check) of the Special Disbursing Officer (designated on a
temporary basis) shall be liquidated in full at the end of the procurement period. This shall
be directed by the Provincial Manager/OIC in consultation with the Provincial Operations
Officer and Accountant.

2. The Provincial Accountant shall recommend to the PM/OIC the closure of the bank account
of the Special Disbursing Officer (SDO) upon payment of all outstanding checks or after the
lapse of one month from the date of issue of the last check whichever comes earlier.

3. The SDO shall issue a check payable to the National Food Authority for the bank balance in
the checking account. The check and the excess cash shall be receipted (Official Receipt)
at the Provincial Office as art of the liquidation process. The SDO shall submit the required
reports and the unused PRs and checks to the Accounting Section for liquidation purposes.

4. The refunded CPF of the SDO shall be deposited to the CPF account of the Provincial

5. Liquidation of the accountability of the Regular Disbursing Officer (RDO: Cashier/Senior

Disbursing Officer) shall also be effected. However, instead of closing the CPF account,
only a reduction in the fund ceiling shall be made. The amount to be retained in the
checking account of the RDO shall be determined by the Provincial Management based on
procurement projections (estimated stocks that still have to be purchased by the NFA).

6. All unused CPF except for the amount retained under the RDO's accounts shall be remitted
back to the Central Office.

7. The following policies re: idle CPF (amount remitted is excessive since actual procurement
is much lower than projections made) shall be adopted to ensure maximum utilization of
the CPF.

7.1 The Provincial Manager shall inform the Regional Director of any idle CPF of the

7.2 The Regional Director shall evaluate the CPF requirement of other provinces (within
the region). If there are other provinces that need additional CPF, fund transfers to
those provincial offices shall be authorized (DAB, DTFM and DMO shall be informed of
the fund transfer). Otherwise, the Regional Director shall instruct the Provincial
Manager to return the idle CPF to the Central Office for CPF requirements of other
7.3 Failure of the Provincial Manager to comply with the foregoing policies shall render him
responsible and accountable for the idle CPF.

7.4 The Regional Director shall be responsible for monitoring and ensuring the maximum
utilization of the CPF by all provincial offices.

P. Accounting Entries

1. Receipt of CPF by the Provincial Office

DR: Cash - Other Banks, Current Account xxx

CR: ROA - Cash xxx

2. Transfer of CPF to Procurement Disbursing Officer's Account

DR: Cash - RDO/SDO xxx

CR: Cash - Other Banks, Current Account xxx

3. Replenishment of CPF by the disbursing officer:

DR: Inventory Account/Payable - Trade/

Business, Grains Direct Procurement * xxx
DR/CR: Vouchers Payable xxx xxx
DR/CR: Cash - RDO/SDO * xxx xxx
CR: Cash - Other Banks, Current Account xxx

4. Liquidation of Accountabilities by the disbursing officer:

i. Submission of Abstract of Grains Purchases together with paid PRs and WSRs

DR: Inventory Account/Payable-Trade/

Business, Grains Direct Procurement xxx
DR/CR:Vouchers Payable xxx xxx
CR: Cash - RDO/SDO xxx

ii. Refund of excess fund (cash and check)

DR: Cash - Collecting Officer xxx

CR: Cash - RDO/SDO xxx

5. Reversion of Stale Checks (Journal Voucer):

DR: Vouchers Payable (xxx)

CR: Cash - RDO/SDO (xxx)
6. Issusance of Replacement for Stale Checks in case an entry was made for the reversion of
the stale check (Journal Voucher)

DR: Vouchers Payable xxx

CR: Cash - RDO/SDO xxx

7. Issuance of Replacement for Lost Checks in case for checking account is already closed
and the lost check has been considered as stale check:

General Journal

DR: Vouchers Payable (xxx)

CR: Cash - RDO/SDO (xxx)

Cancellation of previous entry made.

Cash and Check Register Journal

DR: Vouchers Payable xxx

CR: Cash - Other Banks, Current Account xxx

8. Payment of grains purchases thru the usual disbursement voucher system (above
P50,000.00 and from institutions):

DR: Inventory Account/Payable - Trade/

Business, Grains Direct Procurement xxx
CR: Vouchers Payable xxx

DR: Vouchers Payable xxx

CR: Cash - Other Banks, Current Account xxx

9. Remittance to Central Office of Unused/Idle CPF:

DR: ROA - Cash xxx

CR: Cash - Other Banks, Current Account xxx

A. Chief, Operations Coordiantion Division

1. Evaluates the CPF Budget Allocation Per Province submitted by the Regional
2, Prepares the Cereal Procurement Fund Request to be signed by the Director for
Marketing Operations.
3. Monitors procurement operations thru the Daily Procurement Reports.
B. Chief, Budget and Fiscal Division

1. Allots budget based on CPF approved by the Director for Accounting and Budget
2. Forwards Memorandum signed by the Director for Accounting and Budget to DTFM
(Cash Division) regarding transfer of funds to the provincial offices for cereal
3. Evaluates the Statement of Remittance and Disposition of Funds/Determines funds to
be remitted to provincial offices.

C. Chief, Cash Division

1. Remits CPF to the provincial offices as authorized by the Director for Treasury and
Fund Management based on DAB's requests for fund transfer.
2. Informs provincial offices through wires of the remittances made.
3. Informs DAB and DMO of the remittance made.
4. Evaluates the Weekly Report of Fund Balance.

D. Regional Director

1. Determines in coordination with the PM/OIC the provincial CPF allocation.

2. Advises DMO (Attention: OCD) re: CPF allocation of the Provincial Offices.
3. Authorizes the designation of casual employees as special disbursing officers under
extremely justifiable cases/Sets the imprest fund ceiling of the casual employees up to
P200,000.00, (the cash portion of which shall in no case exceed P50,000.00).
4. Authorizes increase in imprest fund ceiling per recommendation of the Provincial
Manager subject to the P750,000.00 limitation.
5. Authorizes schemes of payment for procurement other than those herein provided.
6. Authorizes fund transfer from the account of the provincial office with idle CPF to the
accounts of other provinces that need additional CPF/Informs DAB, DTFM and DMO of
such transfer.
7. Sees to it that unused/idle CPF of the provincial offices are remitted back to the Central
8. Responsible for monitoring and ensuring maximum utilization of athe CPF by all
provincial offices.

E. Provincial Manager/Officer-In-Charge

1. Supervises the handling and disposition of the CPF.

2. Designates regular employees as Procurement Disbursing Officers as herein
provided/Recommends to the Regional Director the designation of casual employees
as special disbursing officers on extremely justifiable cases/Ensures compliance to the
bonding policies particularly those covering applilcations for bonding and subsequent
cancellation of bonds.
3. Approves the imprest fund ceiling (limits within his authority; otherwise; otherwise,
requests authority from the Regional Director for increase in ceiling subject to
limitations set herein) per Procurement Disbursing Officer (D.O.) in coordination with
the Provincial Operations Officer and Accountant.
4. Authorizes the granting of cash advances (cash and current accounts)/Negotiates with
authorized banks regarding current accounts of Procurement Disbursing Officers/Signs
the corresponding memorandum of agreement with PNB/LBP/accredited rural banks.
5. Approves replenishment of CPF of the Procurement Disbursing Officers.
6. Notes the Abstract of Grains Purchases and Summary of Grains Purchases above
P50,000.00 and from Institutions.
7. Authorizes issuance of replacement checks for lost and stale checks.
8. Ensures prompt liquidation of the accountabilities of the disbursing officer at the end of
the procurement operation/Directs the closure of current accounts of the Special
Disbursing Officers or reduction of fund ceiling of Regular Disbursing Officers.
9. Informs Regional Director of idle CPF.
10. Effects authorized fund transfer to other provinces or remittance to the Central Office of
unused /idle CPF.
11. Responsible and accountable for the idle CPF in case of failure to comply with the
policies re: maximum utilization of CPF.
12. Submits the Daily Procurement Report, Statement of Remittances and Disposition of
Funds, and Weekly Report of Fund Balances as required.
13. Ensures compliance to the herein policies.

F. Provincial Operations Officer

1. Supervises the activities of the procurement teams.

2. Recommends jointly with the Provincial Accountant the CPF ceiling of the Procurement
Disbursing Officer and the opening/closure of the bank account of the disbursing officer
for approval by the PM/OIC.

G. Provincial Accountant

1. Checks compliance by the Procurement Disbursing Officer to the herein policies.

2. Recommends jointly with the POO the CPF ceiling of the disbursing officer and the
opening/closure of the bank account of the disbursing officer.
3. Verifies the Abstract of Grains Purchases and Summary of Grains Purchases above
P50,000.00 and from Institutions.
4. Effects replenishment/liquidation of disbursing officers accountabilities.
5. Records CPF transactions in the books of accounts.
6. Reconciles monthly the subsidiary ledger balance with the cashbook balance of the
disbursing officer/Establishes monthly accountability of the disbursing officer.
7. Prepares monthly bank reconciliation statement for the account of the Procurement
Disbursing Officer.

H. Regular/Special Disbursing Officer

1. Disburses funds in accordance with the herein policies.

2. Issues PR based on WSR.
3. Prepares Abstract of Grains Purchases and Summary of Grains Purchases above
P50,000.00 and from Institutions every end of month and on other dates of
replenishment/liquidation of cash accountabilities.
4. Maintains cashbook for the imprest fund handled.
5. Replenishes/liquidates cash advances as required.

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