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Cokorda Bagus Darma Kesawa Reading and Concluding Task



How to Become Aircraft Mechanic

The career as an aircraft mechanic is still up and be more exist, because a major aircraft
manufacture need a thousands of aircraft technician, and new model of aircraft is still developed.

An aircraft mechanic has many skill depend on their study background such as, airframe
mechanics, powerplant mechanic and avionic mechanic. But overall, at least an aircraft mechanic has to
master the 3 base knowledge of aircraft.

An aircraft mechanic work in hangar, apron and workshop. They have to work fast and efficiently
without any error also safety.

There are many aircraft engineer school and need 12-24 months to complete it and get license.
License of aircraft mechanic is divided in 2, FAA (Graduated from American Aircraft Engineer School) and
EASA (Graduated from American Aircraft Engineer School), be wise when choose one of they, because it
will determine where do you work.

An aircraft mechanic junior usually can make $28,000 - $33,000 a year and with experience this
can rise to $45,000 and $60,000 a year. Senior engineers can earn $75,000 to $90,000 a year.

There are many requirement in order to be an aircraft mechanic, at least a candidate of aircraft
mechanic have a aptitude of maintenance and can work without error in any hard situation.

You can browse about aircraft maintenance job if you want to make tons of money, travel
around the world, reward your self and the most important is you love aviation world.

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