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demonstrated on a linear array with a symmetric flat-topped ments of the PBG crystals have been explored w4x.

radiation pattern. engineering applications of these structures have been de-
scribed at microwave frequencies, such as microstrip filters
ACKNOWLEDGMENT w5x, high-power components w6x, magnetic conducting surfaces
The authors would like to thank Prof. Francisco Ares-Pena w7x, and substrates for printed antennas w8᎐10x. These struc-
from the University of Santiago at Compostela, Spain, for tures are typically analyzed numerically by calculating the
fruitful discussions on the subject, and for providing com- dispersion diagram Ž ␤ y ␻ . w11, 12x, the transmission and
puter results of synthesized shaped radiation patterns based reflection coefficients w13, 14x, and the reflection phase w7x.
on the original Orchard᎐Elliott algorithm. Recently, 2-D PBG structures that are finite in the third
dimension have been proposed at microwave frequencies w15,
REFERENCES 16x. These structures suppress the surface currents, and serve
1. R.J. Mailloux, Phased array antenna handbook, Artech House, as high-impedance surfaces within the stopband. The PBG
Boston, MA, London, England, 1993. structures presented in w15x and w16x have been analyzed
2. P.M. Woodward and J.P. Lawson, The theoretical precision with numerically. The surface in w15x has also been modeled using
which an arbitrary radiation pattern may be obtained from a an effective medium model with lumped inductance L and
source of finite size, Proc IEEE 36 Ž1948., 120᎐126. capacitance C that can only predict the first resonant fre-
3. H.J. Orchard, R.S. Elliott, and G.J. Stern, Optimising the synthesis quency, but not the bandgaps.
of shaped antenna patterns, Proc Inst Elect Eng 132 Ž1985., In this paper, we explore an analytical model for 2-D
63᎐68. microwave PBG structures, such as those in w15x and w16x. The
4. R.S. Elliott, Antenna theory and design, Prentice-Hall, Englewood impedance of each section of the structures is calculated
Cliffs, NJ, 1981. using transmission-line theory. The whole structure is then
5. M.R. Hestenes, Pseudo-inverse and conjugate gradients, Commun
analyzed using the theory of periodic circuits w17x. Results
ACM 18 Ž1975., 40᎐43.
from this analytic model are compared with previously pub-
6. Y. Rahmat-Samii and E. Michielssen, Electromagnetic optimiza-
tion by genetic algorithms, Wiley, New York, 1999. lished numerical data. The phase of the reflection coefficient
of a wave normally incident on the structures computed with
a finite-difference time-domain ŽFDTD. method is also com-
䊚 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


TRANSMISSION LINE – PERIODIC Figure 1 shows schematic diagrams of the two high-imped-
CIRCUIT REPRESENTATION OF ance surfaces modeled. The lattice in Figure 1Ža. consists of
square metal sheets connected to the continuous ground
plane through thin wires, as in w15x, and the lattice in Figure
BANDGAP STRUCTURES 1Žb. consists of square metal patches with four narrow con-
M. Rahman1 and M. A. Stuchly1 necting branches placed over a ground plane, as in w16x.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering These circuits can be considered as arrays of reactively loaded
University of Victoria resonators coupled by gap capacitors. Each unit cell of the
Victoria, B.C. V8W 3P6, Canada
structures is a half-wavelength microstrip resonator Ž f f

Recei¨ ed 18 January 2001

Ž cr2w ␧eff . if the shorting post wFig. 1Ža.x and connecting
branches wFig. 1Žb.x are disregarded. However, an additional
resonant frequency below the half-wavelength resonance re-
ABSTRACT: Planar photonic bandgap structures ha¨ e been modeled sults from the reactive loading of microstrip resonators w18x.
using the theory of transmission lines and periodic circuits. The method
Shorting pins w19x or narrow connecting branches w20x can
allows for fast and accurate computation of the dispersion diagram, and
thus prediction of the stopbands for two directions of propagation.
provide load reactance. At the resonant frequency, the struc-
Results obtained by the proposed analytic method are in agreement with ture radiates energy into the space above, but a small amount
pre¨ iously published numerical data for two structures. Additional nu- of the energy also propagates along the structure. Thus, the
merical e¨ aluations of the reflection phase with the finite-difference surfaces shown in Figure 1Ža. and Žb. can be considered as
time-domain (FDTD) method confirm the ¨ alidity of the analytic model structures periodically loaded with gap capacitances and reac-
within the limits of its applicability. They also further confirm pre¨ ious tances provided by the shorting pins wFig. 1Ža.x or connecting
obser¨ ations that wa¨ e propagation in directions other than two principal branches wFig. 1Žb.x.
axes results in a narrower stopband. 䊚 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Both the TE and TM modes with respect to the normal to
Microwave Opt Technol Lett 30: 15᎐19, 2001. the surface exist in these structures Žalso called LSE and
Key words: periodic structure; microstrip line; PBG structure; FDTD LSM modes.. The TE and TM modes are coupled, and
neither mode can exist by itself w21x. Each reactively loaded
I. INTRODUCTION resonator of Figure 1Ža. and Žb. can be represented by an
Photonic bandgap structures ŽPBGs. are composite periodic equivalent circuit shown in Figure 1Žc., where Z p is the
structures that exhibit transmission Žpass. and reflection Žstop. reactance of the resonator. The capacitive reactance X c
bands in their frequency response w1x. They can be made of represents the coupling capacitor between the neighboring
dielectric only w2x or of metallic elements embedded in a resonators. These are the two contributions to the total
dielectric material w3x. Two- or three-dimensional arrange- impedance between the two nodes of the periodic circuits
shown in Figure 2 for the wave propagation in the x-direc-
Contract grant sponsor: Commonwealth Scholarship tion. The centrally located shorting pin in Figure 1Ža. pro-
Contract grant sponsor: NSERC Industrial Research Chair vides the inductive loading X l of the resonator, with induc-

Figure 1 High-impedance surfaces. Ža. Array of square metal plates with shorting pins w15x. Žb. Array of square metal plates with
connecting branches w16x. Žc. Equivalent circuit of each resonator section

tance equal to w22x zero. of the transmission line, Zl is the loading impedance,
and l is the line length. The transmission line is approxi-
L s 2 = 10y7 t ln ž /
q 0.5 ž /
y 0.75 Ž1.
mated either by a microstrip line or a conductor-backed
coplanar waveguide ŽCPW., depending on the width᎐height
Ž wrt . ratio of the line and the dielectric material used Ž ␧ r ..
where t and d are the length and diameter of the pin, For a width᎐height ratio of wrt G 2, coupling with the
respectively. neighboring resonators on two sides is negligible, and the line
The impedance of each resonator section, for the wave can be considered as a microstrip line. But for a low
propagating in the x- Žor y-. direction, can be calculated width᎐height ratio and low dielectric constant Ž ␧ r F 4., cou-
considering the loading at the center, and using the well- pling with the resonators on two sides becomes significant,
known transmission-line formula and the line is better represented by conductor-backed copla-
nar waveguides. The parameters Ž Z0 and ␤u . of the line are
Zl q jZ0 tan Ž ␤u l . calculated using microstrip-line or CPW approximations, de-
Zin s Z0 Ž2. pending on the dimensions of the structure. Formulas to
Z0 q jZl tan Ž ␤u l .
compute these parameters are given in w23x. The impedance
Z p of each resonator section is calculated in two steps using
where Z0 is the characteristics impedance and ␤u is the
Eq. Ž2. and taking Zl s ⬁ at l s 0 and Zl s X lrrZm at
phase constant Žlosses of the transmission are assumed to be
l s wr2, where Zm is the impedance before addition of the
The coupling capacitor between the resonators has a
capacitance of w24x

w␧ 0 Ž ␧ r1 q ␧ r 2 .

coshy1 ž /

where ␧ r1 and ␧ r 2 are the dielectric constants of the materi-

als above and below the resonators, and a, w, g are the
dimensions shown in Figure 1.
The structure shown in Figure 1Žb. is loaded with four
narrow axial connecting branches. The total inductance pro-
vided by the four branches can be calculated from w22x

Figure 2 Equivalent circuit of the periodic structure

L s 0.25 = 10y7d ln ž /
q 0.2235 ž /
q 1.193 k g Ž 4 .

where k g is a correction factor to account for the ground developed code w27x. The FDTD computations consist of
plane, and is equal to w22x evaluation of the reflection phase for waves normally incident
on the structure. To evaluate the reflection phase, a single

ž /
s cell of the structure is terminated with a periodic boundary
k g s 0.57 y 0.145 ln Ž5.
t on four sides to simulate an infinite planar structure. A plane
wave is launched in the direction normal to the surface, and
where s and d are the width and length of the branch and t the reflected wave from the structure is recorded to compute
is the thickness of the substrate. Once X l is known, Z p can the phase of the reflection coefficient. The computational
be calculated as described for the structure in Figure 1Ža.. domain above the PBG cell is terminated by the perfectly
The coupling capacitor between the resonators for the struc- matched layers Žseven layers, parabolic profile, y80 dB nor-
ture in Figure 1Žb. is mal reflection.. Excitation is with a Gaussian pulse of suffi-
cient width to obtain a solution in the required frequency
2 b␧ 0 Ž ␧ r1 q ␧ r 2 .

coshy1 ž /
. Ž6. range.
Figures 3᎐5 illustrate the analytical model and FDTD
results for the two structures shown in Figure 1. Figures 3
Equation Ž6. is obtained by modifying Eq. Ž3., replacing w and 4 show the results for the structure with shorting pins for
with 2 b and a with wc . Once the impedance of the resonator wrt s 2 and wrt s 1.4, respectively, and Figure 5 shows the
Ž Z p . and the coupling capacitor Ž X c . are known for a particu- results for the structure with connecting branches Ž wrt s 2.2..
lar direction of propagation, the structures in Figure 1Ža. and The dispersion diagrams in Figures 3Ža. and 5Ža. have been
Žb. can be treated as a transmission line periodically loaded computed using a microstrip approximation, and in Figure
with a lumped impedance Z consisting of Z p in parallel with 4Ža. using a conductor-backed CPW approximation. Table 1
X c with a period of a. The equivalent circuit for the wave provides the summary of results and a comparison with
propagating in the x-direction is shown in Figure 2, and previously published data in w15x and w16x. The table also gives
an analogous circuit corresponds to the propagation in the the ratio R of the stopband determined from the reflection
y-direction. The propagation constant ␥ along the infinite phase to that computed analytically.
periodic structure is w25x

cosh Ž ␥ a. s cos Ž ␤u a. q j sin Ž ␤u a. Ž7.
2 Z0

where Z0 is the characteristic impedance, and ␤u is the

phase constant for the unloaded structure. The characteristic
impedance Ž Z0 . and the phase constant Ž ␤u . in Eq. Ž7. are
considered the same as those of the resonators. With ␥ s
␣ q j ␤ , Eq. Ž7. can be rearranged as

cosh Ž ␣ a. cos Ž ␤ a. q j sin Ž ␣ a. sin Ž ␤ a.

s cos Ž ␤u a. q j sin Ž ␤u a. . Ž8.
2 Z0

Since the right-hand side of Eq. Ž8. is real, and since Z is

imaginary for lossless resonators Žas assumed., either ␣ s 0
or ␤ s 0, n␲ra. Condition ␣ s 0 corresponds to a nonatten-
uated propagating wave on the periodic structure, and defines
the passband of the structure. Equation Ž6. reduces to

cos Ž ␤ a. s cos Ž ␤u a. q j sin Ž ␤u a. Ž9.
2 Z0

which can be solved for ␤ if the magnitude of the right-hand

side is less than or equal to unity. Condition ␤ s 0, n␲ra
describes an attenuated wave along the x-direction, and this
defines the stopband of the structure.
For the periodic structures, the propagation constant
within the stopband is zero or n␲ra. Within the passband,
the propagation constant ␤ is computed using Eq. Ž9. for
different frequencies Ž ␤u is a function of frequency..


Since the structures shown in Figure 1 have been evaluated Figure 3 Ža. Dispersion diagram Ždashed line represents the wave
numerically and experimentally in w15x and w16x, these pub- in a microstrip line.. Žb. Reflection phase for the structure in Figure
lished results are used for comparison. Additionally, limited 1Ža. with dimensions a s 3.25 mm, w s 3.0 mm, g s 0.25 mm,
FDTD modeling w26x has been performed using an in-house t s 1.5 mm, d s 0.5 mm, and ␧ r s 2.2

Figure 5 Ža. Dispersion diagram Ždashed line represents the wave
Figure 4 Ža. Dispersion diagram Ždashed line represents the wave in a microstrip line.. Žb. Reflection phase for the structure in Figure
in a conductor-backed CPW.. Žb. Reflection phase for the structure 1Žb. with dimensions a s 3.048 mm, w s 2.794 mm, g s s s 0.254
in Figure 1Ža. with dimensions a s 2.4 mm, w s 2.25 mm, g s 0.15 mm, g 1 s 0.508 mm, b s 0.762 mm, t s 1.27 mm, d s 1.651 mm,
mm, t s 1.6 mm, d s 0.36 mm, and ␧ r s 2.2 w15x and ␧ r s 10.2 w16x

TABLE 1 Comparison of Analytic Model Predictions with Numerical Computations

Analytic Reflection Phase Previously

Structure Stopband "␲r2 Band Published Data R

Patches with pins, 3.76᎐5.44 GHz 3.95᎐4.95 GHz ᎏ 0.225r0.365 s 0.62

Figure 1Ža.
wrt s 2, ␧ r s 4.2
Patches with pins, 9.86᎐14.4 GHz 9.99᎐13.77 GHz ᎏ 0.318r0.374 s 0.85
Figure 1Ža.
wrt s 2, ␧ r s 2.2
Patches with pins, 9.88᎐16.7 GHz 10.1᎐14.77 GHz 10᎐14.5 GHz a 0.376r0.513 s 0.73
Figure 1Ža.
wrt s 1.4, ␧ r s 2.2
Patches with branches, 5.7᎐8.1 GHz 7.4᎐8.1 GHz ᎏ 0.091r0.348 s 0.26
Figure 1Žb.
wrt s 2.17, ␧ r s 4.2
Patches with branches, 8.9᎐12.7 GHz 11.85᎐12.7 GHz 11.4᎐12.8 GHz b 0.069r0.352 s 0.20
Figure 1Žb.
wrt s 2.2, ␧ r s 10.2 9᎐12.8 GHz c
From w15 x, computed ŽFEM . stopband for all directions of propagation Ž approximate values from Fig. 10 ..
From w16 x, computed ŽFDTD . stopband for all directions of propagation.
From w16 x, computed ŽFDTD . stopband for x- Žor y-. direction of propagation Žapproximate values from Fig. 5 ..

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