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Business Overview:

I chose two companies for research purpose from the food industry one is KFC and the other one is McDonald’s.

KFC McDonald’s
Vision: Vision of the KFC is to provide leading food services and Vision: There vision is to move consistently with profitable growth and
maintain quality with customer focused services serve customers delicious food all around the world.
Mission: Improve shareholders wealth, grow sustainably every year. Mission: To the become customers favorite place to eat and drink.
History: KFC was established by Colonel Harland Sanders, a business History: The brothers started first McDonald's restaurant in 1948.
man who decide to sell fried chicken from his roadside restaurant in They purchased machinery for small hamburger restaurant from
Corbin. Sanders thought of the restaurant franchising concept and he salesman Ray Kroc.
opened first Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise in Utah in 1952.
Key Activities: KFC Offers drinks, burgers, rice, desserts. Company also Key Activities: MacDonald’s do the marketing and selling of drinks and
deliver-online. food. MacDonald’s deliver its products through Franchises.
Competitors: competitors of KFC are domino’s, pizza hut, subway etc. Competitors: Burger kings is the largest food competitors of
MacDonald’s here in Pakistan. Burger king had 1.65bn revenue in
2018 whereas MacDonald’s revenue was 21.1bn. so burger king is the
close competitor of MacDonald’s with continuously improving their
Recent Achievements: KFC won excellent marketing award in 2014. And Recent Achievements: MacDonald’s won two awards. One in 2019
They also Won two Silver-awards at Annual Loyalty and engagement and the other in 2020. For best work-life balance company.
Unique selling point: They have a unique taste of chicken. No one can Unique Selling point: They Offer clean food in low prices. They have an
prepare chicken like KFC. So, this is what which makes them apart from extraordinary-services which set them apart from other retailers.
other retailers.


McDonald’s McDonald’s: normally McDonald’s: McDonald’s: It takes place McDonald’s: These are the
: Franchise involved in marketing, Food that is normally online on the youngsters, families, elder and
holders are selling and beverages. served device preferable by the business people.
the main consistently customer.
strategic KFC: There key quality wise KFC: McDonald’s: These are the
partners of activities are local all over the KFC: they provide youngsters, families, elder and
McDonald’s. marketing, logistic world. standard personal business people.
more than management, franchise assistance to customers.
80% of management KFC: There
McDonald’s Key Resources value Channels
restaurants proposition is
were McDonald’s: fast food, McDonald’s: Distribute its
franchised Company’s employees home made products through online
in 2013. and its restaurant chicken and and through its
Company locations are the key secret recipe restaurants.
basically resources. of chicken.
depends on KFC: Distribute its
suppliers, KFC: Company’s products through online
and employees and its and through its
franchisees. restaurant locations are restaurants
the key resources.
KFC: There
key partners
are Pepsi
and food
McDonald’s: It includes raw material, marketing costs, McDonald’s: It includes revenue generated by the franchises
employee salaries etc. itself and its franchises.

KFC: There costs structure includes Branding, storage of KFC: There revenue stream includes Franchising and food sale.
material, raw material, employee costs etc.
Objectives Of the project:
The objective of this project is to find the best strategies, the KFC and McDonald’s adopt to attract and retain people. What kind of trainings and mentoring
they do provide to employees for their talent management so they could perform in a better way and run the company in a competitive Way.

Project Management Plan:

After reviewing the market, this is the first step of the project. A 2 weeks plan has been drawn which address the cost, scope, time involved in the execution
of project and finding the strategies the KFC and McDonald’s adopt for the talent management of their employees.

Budget: A budget of Rs50000 was set for the execution of project and then it came to 60000Rs at the later stages.

Scope: Scope of the Project involved we will visit the KFC and McDonald’s physically. And will communicate with their managers to know what they usually
do for the talent management of their employees. What kind of strategies they usually adopt, What they usually do for the satisfaction of employees and
for their motivation.

Time: Time I set for this project is 2 weeks.

Communications: we will set meeting of all the team members after every 4 days to know the problems encountered by the team members during the
work. And what milestones they have achieved in the execution of project. And major findings will be communicated to the project manager.

Risk and Resources: Risks for the projects is the time. All the findings might not be gathered in this short period of time. And due to the corona, managers
usually don’t allow set meetings with outsiders. And resources involved are we have a team of skilled persons who have a sound knowledge of research and
they know how they can execute this project in a proper way.

Gantt Chart
Tasks Week 1 Week 2
Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri

1 Decide the Arrange Search the Arrange a Understand Prepare Go to the Arrange a Exceed the Make an
scope of work the team different meeting of the questionnaires organization meeting of budget analysis of
meeting multinational project companies to understand and ask project if needed findings,
companies manager HR policies the employee them either manager team
operating in with the by reading motivation they are with the gathered on
the different different their articles level, either satisfied with different the research
industries team on Website they are their team and
members satisfied with employment members discussion
their job. And or not. with the
either management
customer are
satisfied with
the services
provided by
2 Allocate Discuss Decide the Team Understand Go to Ask the Team Discuss with Prepare a
resources all the industry members will what the organization employees members will the team research
tasks communicat company do and ask the what kind of communicate their findings report on it.
involved e the to motivate employees to training the problems
in the problems their fill the form organization they faced
project they faced employee. provided during the
with the during the them execution of
team execution of recently, their task.
their task. what they
learnt from it
3 Decide allocate Decide Project Read about Note the Ask senior Project Discussion Manager will
deadlines duties to companies manager will the recent figures came managers manager will With the read the
different assess either training from the what are the assess either team what report
team the work was companies questionnaire strategies the work was they
members performed provided for Survey they adopt performed understood
according to their talent to motivate according to from their
the managemen and groom the research till
prescribed t their prescribed yet
goals or not. employees. goals or not.
4 Decide Give Read their They will Read about Plot the Discuss with They will Gather all the Document
communication them articles discuss what the figures in a the mentors discuss what documents the report.
timelines deadlines their next company’s graph to make who provide their next team
for all the tasks will be. future plans it more mentoring to tasks will be. prepared
tasks for the presentable the during their
allocated. motivation employees research and
of employee to discussion
and their understand with the
personal their management.
grooming methodology
of providing
trainings to

Project Log Book:

Project Title: Talent management
Date: 10 June 2021
Update on Task Achieved: selected the two companies, did business Overview.
Any issues identified: As the company’s identified were multinational, so most of the data available for these two companies were for foreign branches not
for the local ones.
How to address the issues: I tried to read as much articles for local branches as possible.
Tasks Planned for next: Reading the articles published on the internet to understand their HR policies and meeting with the management and writing a
Projects Planned status to date: I achieved what I planned for this project till yet.

This project aims to identify the strategies that are adopted by KFC and McDonalds for their Talent Management. Talent Management is a human resource
concept which works towards improving the organizational performance.  This is particularly significant where the organization identifies its staff as the
talent of the organization. The focal point of our research is to determine and assess the influence of Talent Management in the performance of
organization. Our research methodology involves conducting a data collection survey with descriptive and inferential tests. The results obtained from these
surveys suggest the HR team to devise a TM scheme for the employees. These findings will help in creating new measures for employee attraction,
retention, learning & development and career development. 

Organization success factor depends on the talent.  Businesses have realized this, that organizations face problems due to talent constraint rather than
capital constraint. Organizations have started to focus on the talent management of their employees. Every organization treats talent management in a
different way, some organizations use talent management for the continuous improvements in the operations of the company. while Some companies used
to motivate employees. Talent management is an important tool in the learning and development perspective. Talent management involves use of IT,
Resource Allocation and performance appraisal. Talent management is very important to develop new talent in Market. 

I did research on two multinational companies KFC and McDonald’s to find what kind of strategies they adopt to improve the morale of employees. And
what are the secrets behind their success in the market? 

Research paper structure involves Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review, Research methodology, Interview questions, Results, Recommendations,
Conclusion, Acknowledgements, Limitation of Research. 

Literature Review:
According to the Braton and Gold (2003:7) Talent management is an approach to manage employee relations and which identifies an approach to identify
the talent of an employee. Which is critical to gain a competitive advantage over other companies. 
In order to give the correct definition of talent management, different authors have defined this concept differently making it complex somehow. A study
by Tansley (2011) defined talent as “an innate giftedness, which is regarded as a gift”. According to the thinking of authors, it is assumed that due to
learning, humans believe that talent is static. However, talent management helps to develop the talent. 

Davis et al., (2007) noted that the recruitment and development of talented staff was the most important for the success of the organization. Authors
(2013) also gave importance to the need for learning and development by saying that organizations need to adopt talent management in order to stay
competitive in the fast-moving world. The importance of learning and development was emphasized in these circumstances because staying competitive
means organizations developing new skills.
KFC finds top talents by finding three things , smarts, character and ambition. So, the person should be smart and intellectual to be a great leader
within an organization. Are they the right kind of people, do they fit within an organization's culture? Because culture is the most important thing at
KFC, and people don’t get success within an organization unless they fit in our culture. So, finding people that do value addition to that culture is
most vital. Even if someone is the smartest person in the world, if they don't fit in the culture then they don’t get success when they are here. And
then the last thing is ambition, do they have ambitions to get success within an organization. 
McDonald’s does not have any definition for talent management within the organisation. Their aspiration is to develop the employees in such a way
that they can be successful elsewhere as well.

 Behavior Maintenance Model

BMM is the model presented by cumming and Swabs. This model shows how people become motivated to perform better within an organization.
This model shows the results of motivation within an organization.

Research Methodology:
The main objective of this research was the impact of talent management on the organizations and finding their strategies for talent management.
Primary research methodology was used to collect the data, A questionnaire approach was used and then made analysis on this. Secondary research
method was also used to find the literature from internet. Read different articles to find the right strategies that KFC and McDonald’s adopt for the talent
management of their employees. Hypothesis of results are.
 There is major effect of L&D on the organization’s performance
 There is a major effect of talent attraction and organizational performance
There is a significant effect of career management and organizational performance.

Interview Questions:
There were following questions that were used in the Survey.
 Does Talent management within an organization increases the productivity of employees?
 Does talent management within an organization helps the employees to keep motivated?
 Does talent management within an organization increases the revenue and profitability of employees?
 Does talent management within an organization boost any kind of talent within an employee?
 Does talent management help the employees to stay competitive within an industry?

Frequency Valid
Gender Male: 203 53%
Female: 181 47%
Total: 384 100%
Age Below 30 85 22%
31-40 114 30%
41-50 131 34%
Education Graduated 241 68%
Post Graduated 113 32%
Total 354 100%
Experience Less than 3- Years 51 14%
Less than 5- Years 79 22%
Less than 10 Years 152 43%
More than 10 years 71 20%

The objective of the study was to identify the effect of talent retention on organization performance in KFC and McDonald’s. The results show that talent
management is important in determining the performance of KFC and McDonald’s. The study aligns with those of cross-sectional study on multinational
companies and with study for Talent Management on Organizational Performance in Kenya which also found a positive and significant relationship between
talent retention and the success of the companies. The findings identify that service KFC and McDonald’s companies could significantly benefit from
employee retention programs because of a direct effect on an organization performance.

On the basis of my Research, I would recommend that organization should give favorable working conditions to its employees for the better performance of
the company. It will help the company to attract new employees for their career progression. Organization should develop different strategies in order to
retain its employees. According to my research, different talent management methods like career counselling facilities, career mentor, career planning and
career development plans should be adopted by an organization so it would lead to improved performance.

It is recommended that management should develop learning practices like mentoring, Coaching, in house development programs to improve their
performance. Overall Its, recommended that talent management strategies should be adopted by an organization to improve organizational performance.

I came to a conclusion that talent management has positive impact on the organization’s growth. It is also designed that these two companies have
designed different talent retention policies. The Research showed that company’s having strategies on the growth and progression of employee, having
well developed career paths and counselling facilities and retirement preparation programmes contributed positively to organization performance.

I would like to express my gratitude to my teachers and my colleagues who gave this amazing opportunity to learn Talent Management. Along with helping
me in the project work, I also got to learn about different concepts like the different talent management strategies that the organizations adopt.   

Lastly, I thank my parents and friends for being understanding and cooperative and gave me the space to work on it. 
Limitation Of Research:
As the company’s identified were multinational, so most of the data available for these two companies were for foreign branches not for the local ones.
Due to the corona, we were not being able to carry out detailed discussion with the management to assess the talent management strategies of KFC and

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