Sharkhata World-Disney

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Letter of Transmittal

March 27, 2020

Mohammad Asif Gazi

Department of Management
North South University

Subject: Submission of the business pitch for MGT-368.


With due respect, we humbly present to you our final report on "Sharkatha." This project
has helped us to get plenty of understanding regarding the topics and theories we have
covered in Entrepreneurship. In this report, we have tried to implement the learning from
this course, MGT368 (Entrepreneurship Management). We would like to thank you for
giving the chance to work on this report. Though we have some limitations, but we have
tried our level best to make this report accurate and reliable.

We have to thank you for your help, guidance, and assistance. With all sincerity, we hope
that you will find this report useful and detailed enough. Lastly, if you have any further
inquiries concerning any additional information, we will be very grateful to clarify that.

1. Sayem Bin Kashem
2. Ahashfi Ore Raihan Sabrin
3. Md. Tafsir Ahmed
4. Lowhe Mahfuz Rafi
5. Anika Ashrafee Mahmud
Executive Summary

Sharkatha is the implication of the idea of 5 young entrepreneurs who have a passion for running
a green business that will be environment friendly and sustainable. Each sector of this business
will be well organized very carefully and wants to stand out in the fertilizer industry. The
business has the opportunity of growing quite well, and we hope that with the improvement of
the mindset of the people, we will get a good number of clients. Every department of Sharkatha
will be handled by ambitious individuals whose actual purpose is to make this business
successful in the long run. As young innovative entrepreneurs, the intention of Sharkatha is to
run a green business which will make organic fertilizer from kitchen waste which will be
collected from household and restaurants. Sharkatha is the result of creative thinking and
implication of the research about the current market gap. Sharkatha will also have a Facebook
page through which we will spread the idea of green and sustainability, and many people will be
attracted to the idea of Sharkatha. We are hoping that people who know about sustainability will
strongly appreciate our idea. The establishment of Sharkatha is going to reduce organic waste
and will ensure the best use of these waste materials. Sharkatha is going to introduce raw and
organic fertilizer, which will be beneficial for both crops and soil. It will also reduce the amount
of chemical particles from the environment. Sharkatha wants to spread its business globally so
that besides earning revenue, the company can create an awareness of recycling and reuse and
make the country greener and sustainable.
1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Name & Address of the Business ..................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Name & Address of the Principal ..................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Nature of the Business .................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Statement of the Financing Needed ................................................................................................ 3
1.5 Statement of the Confidentiality of Report ...................................................................................... 4
2.0 Evidence of a Strong Team, with the Relevant Skills ........................................................................ 5
2.1 The Reason for this Venture ............................................................................................................ 7
2.3 Give Justification ............................................................................................................................. 8
3.0 Clear Evidence of Problem worth Solving ........................................................................................ 9
3.1 Commercial Viability ....................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Market Gap ................................................................................................................................... 10
3.3 Justify with Proper Research Data ................................................................................................. 10
4.0 Business Environment Analysis/ Evidence of Market Opportunity: ................................................. 11
4.1 PESTEL Analysis ............................................................................................................................. 12
4.2 Porter's Five Forces ....................................................................................................................... 15
4.3 SWOT Analysis: ............................................................................................................................. 17
4.4 Stakeholder Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 20
5.0 Business Model .............................................................................................................................. 22
5.1 Business Model CANVAS ................................................................................................................ 22
5.2 Pricing Model ................................................................................................................................. 23
5.3 Social Goal ..................................................................................................................................... 23
5.4 Sustainability ................................................................................................................................. 24
5.5 Eco-Friendly ................................................................................................................................... 25
6.0 Description of Ventures................................................................................................................. 26
6.1 Product: ......................................................................................................................................... 26
6.2 Service: .......................................................................................................................................... 26
6.3 Size of Business: ............................................................................................................................. 26
6.4 Office Equipment: .......................................................................................................................... 27
7.0 Production and Service Delivery Model……………………………………………………………………………………………28
8.0 Operational Plan……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………30
9.0 Marketing Plan……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….32
10.0 Organizational Plan……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….35
11.0 Assessment of Risk………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..39
12.0 Financial


1.0 Introduction

Sharkatha (সারকথা): Environmental problem is one of the biggest

problems in the present world. 9 out of 10 people on earth are receiving
polluted air according to a report of World Health Organization (WHO).
Bangladesh is far superior in terms of pollution. Our capital Dhaka is one of the polluted cities in
the world. Dhaka is in the 3 rd position in terms of environmental pollution in the world,
according to the Air Quality Index (AQI). Keeping in mind the harmful effects of environmental
pollution, we are going to take a small step for our country by bringing a new business named

The main idea of Sharkatha is making compost fertilizer from household and restaurant waste.
But there are some unique plans behind making this fertilizer which will help us to reduce
environmental pollution. Our initial target is Dhaka city. First, fixes some certain areas of Dhaka
city, our company's basket will be given in the homes of those areas. They will have a
subscription base contract with us that they put their household waste in our company’s basket.
We will give them some gifts for this contract which will encourage them more to give us more
household waste. Our volunteer team will bring those basket to our production department. We
will prepare organic fertilizers through those wastages. Here the main theme is, we will make the
best fertilizer through our production team by protecting the environment. People may have
dumped the dirt of their homes in different places, which will harm the environment. But we will
work to protect the environment through those wastages. Then the fertilizer generated, we will
sell through our website and Facebook page.

Our main motto is, ‘পরিবেশ িক্ষাই আমাবেি সািকথা’

1.1 Name & Address of the Business


The name of the business which we are going to start is ‘Sharkatha

(সািকথা).' Our main product is fertilizer. So we take the Bengal form
of fertilizer which is ‘সাি’ and ‘কথা’ comes from our tagline which is
‘পরিবেশ িক্ষাই আমাবেি সািকথা.'

Sharkatha’s corporate head office will be located at Ka-3/F-4,

Sajjad Manzil, Basundhara Residential Area, Dhaka. From here, all the office activities will be

Our factory will be in Savar, Dhaka, where the production department will be. Wastebaskets will
go to Savar via our own transportation, and fertilizer will be prepared there.

1.2 Name & Address of the Principal

Name Address
Sayem Bin Kashem 66 Bangsal Road, Dhaka
Ahasfi Ore Raihan Sabrin Block-B, Road-8, House- 71,
Basundhara Residential Area,
Md. Tafsir Ahmed Block- I, Road- 10, House-
Basundhara Residential Area,
Lowhe Mahfuz Rafi Ka-3/F-4, Sajjad Manzil,
Basundhara Residential Area,
Anika Asrafee Mahmud House No 41, Al Amin Road,
Green Road, Dhaka

1.3 Nature of the Business

The main idea of Sharkatha is producing organic compost fertilizer from household and
restaurant waste. Our initial target is Dhaka city. First, fixes some certain areas of Dhaka city,
our company’s basket will be given in the homes of those areas. They will have a subscription
base contract with us that they put their household waste in our company’s basket. We will give
them some gifts for this contract which will encourage them more to give us more household

waste. Our volunteer team will bring those basket to our production department. We will prepare
organic fertilizers through those wastages. Here the main theme is, we will make the best
fertilizer through our production team by protecting the environment. But we will work to protect
the environment through those wastages. Then the fertilizer generated, we will sell through our
website and Facebook page.

1.4 Statement of the Financing Needed

We need a total budget of 1500000 taka for one year. The following sectors in which this money
will be spent in a year.

COST Amount
1. Website Making & Maintenance 15,000

2. Facebook Page Boosting 25,000

3. Transportation Cost 50,000

4. Fertilizer Making Cost 200,000

5. Waste Basket Cost 50,000

6. Office Equipment 200,000

7. Customer Gifts 150,000

8. Employee & labor Salary 400,000

Total 1,090,000

In the initial phase, each of the entrepreneurs will give 2 lakh taka. That means, 5*2= 10 lac taka
will raise and rest of the 5 lac we will take from the investors. Our primary cost of 1 year is
almost 11 lakhs, and the rest of the money we will keep for many risk factors.

1.5 Statement of the Confidentiality of Report

• The undersigned readers of Sharkatha, all know that no one knows about the business
plan except them. If there anything to disclose, they must obtain permission from BOD.

• The reader also acknowledges that all information contained herein confidential.

• Whoever reads this report must return the report to the BOD members within a certain
time frame.

• This document consists of a complete business plan. This paper does not offer any

• This plan is following all the laws of 'Government of People's Republic of Bangladesh.'

Sayem Bin Kashem

Ahasfi Ore Raihan Sabrin

Md. Tafsir Ahmed

Lowhe Mahfuz Rafi

Anika Asrafee Mahmud


2.0 Evidence of a Strong Team, with the Relevant Skills / Experience

Entrepreneur’s Relevant Skills and Experience

1. Sayem Bin Kashem

BBA in Finance and Accounting: Fully responsible for the Finance and Accounting sector
of this venture. Also, his additional skills are:

Computer Skills: Good skills in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Good knowledge in
computerized Accounting and Excel calculation of business.

Additional Skills: Holds potential skills to manage accounts and daily business schemes. He can
keep records of business expenses, sales, and all other costs and also is responsible for all
monitory transaction activities like Accounts checking, banking, profit share, and more.

2. Lowhe Mahfuz Rafi

BBA in HRM and Marketing: Fully responsible for the Marketing sector of this venture.
Also, his additional skills are:

Computer skills: Expert in Digital marketing, advanced knowledge in Microsoft Word, and
PowerPoint. Good skill in video editing and graphic design.

Additional Skills: Sub Executive of NSU HR Club, excellent communication skills, and a very
good presenter. A successful event organizer and worked in many NSU events as an active
volunteer. Has a good understanding of coordination and group management.

3. Ahasfi Ore Raihan Sabrin

BBA in Finance: Fully responsible for the Production sector of this venture. Also, her
additional skills are:

Computer Skills: Excellent skills in MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint and software

Additional Skills: High communication skills. Has the ability to work under pressure. Good
presence of mind. Good understanding of the stock market.

4. Md. Tafsir Ahmed

BBA in HRM: Fully responsible for the HRM sector of this venture. Also, his additional
skills are:

Computer skills: Good skill in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint.

Additional Skills: Good in Time maintenance and communication, a good presenter. Good
understanding of management.

5. Anika Ashrafee Mahmud

BBA in HRM and Marketing: Fully responsible for the Research and Development sector
of this venture. Also, her additional skills are:

Computer skills: Good knowledge in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. Advanced skill in
content creation and editing. Good understanding of marketing and management.

Additional Skills: Good presentation skills. Has the ability to work in a group as a conflict
solver. Can work under pressure and knows the agricultural sector.

2.1 The Reason for this Venture

The name of the venture is Sharkatha. We choose this venture as it is one of the most unique
sustainable business idea we came up with. In today's generation, most of the businesses are
facing difficulties for climate change and global warming. To be aware of the fact we want to
bring a revolutionary change to the business industry. This venture will help us to become more
efficient, improve our brand value and reputation, will provide a platform for innovation,
employment will increase the chance to achieve better growth, and most importantly it is totally
pollution less venture. Moreover, we are going to create a platform for women empowerment by
hiring females from distinct areas. Sustainable industry is very rare to find in Bangladesh. We
have chosen this venture as it is very easy to collect kitchen wastage from households and
restaurants, and we are hoping we won't face a lack of resources. We are hoping that this
initiative will be able to reduce waste and make the best use of it. People who are aware of this
concept would love to give their wastage to us. Overall we are assuming that there will be no
scarcity of resources, and Sharkatha will be a successful business plan which will ensure both

profitability and sustainability for the future. The idea and concept of our venture will attract
people to recycle and proper waste management.

2.2 Skills That Can Contribute In the Venture

One of the groupmates, Anika Ashrafee Mahmud, has good knowledge of the concept of green
and sustainability and has enough interest in the field of organic fertilizer industry. Lowhe
Mahfuz Rafi has a strong sense of management, marketing, and distribution. He is also efficient
in management and decision-making sector. Other member Sayem and Tafsir has a good sense of
marketing knowledge, so they will be focusing on business growth and marketing sector along
with their own major sectors for which they are responsible for. Ahafsi Sabrin is a socialized
person and has connections with lots of people. Also, everyone is from different locality and will
be responsible for working and able to convince the local people to contribute to the venture by
giving waste from their own neighborhood and connections in the initial stage. The members of
the venture Sharkatha have different kinds of experiences, which will help our business do better
and will give incentives to work as a strong team. For all of these reasons, we are planning to
start this venture, which will be both productive and profitable in the perspective of Bangladesh.

2.3 Give Justification

All our members have different skills and high connections, as mentioned above. The members
have strong bonding among them. Everybody is dedicated to the venture and has good planning
to make it profitable and productive. By combining all the skills and qualities, we want to create
a very strong position in the market to achieve success in this project.

3.0 Clear Evidence of Problem worth Solving

3.1 Commercial Viability

Since we will provide wastebaskets in certain areas of the city, our volunteer team will collect
those baskets. As we have our own transportation system, there will be no problem delivering the
wastages to Savar. The factory will have a skilled production department. At the initial stage, we
do not take any extra production staff. At the outset, we will have a 7-8 skilled staff who are
skilled in making fertilizer. Many women make fertilizer in the rural areas of our country. We
can take them as our production department employees. This will provide a way for women to
earn money. This will ensure women's empowerment also. Moreover, we will have our own
technological knowledge. Together with, we can make the best quality fertilizer. We can estimate
that, if they work for 8 hours in a day, we can make at least 1000 small to medium sack fertilizer
in a month. Pictures of each fertilizer and their quality will be mentioned on the Facebook Page
and our website. Our website and Facebook page are user friendly also. Customers will get all
the solutions to their problems through our customer service team. Basically, 5 of the
entrepreneurs will work together as a customer service team. In this way, we will mainly publish
our business commercially.

3.2 Market Gap

A review of the market shows that we are the 1 st mover of this business plan according to our
idea. There are many fertilizer businesses in the market, but nobody's plan is like ours.
Environmental protection is not monitored in most businesses in Bangladesh. So, in this case, we
think there is a gap in environmental protection in the Bangladesh market. We can call our
business a sustainable business because we will produce the fertilizer through household and
restaurant wastages. Moreover, we will also ensure the women's empowerment. We will hire
female staff in our production team. But our main focus is mainly on protecting the environment.
Our fertilizer will be made in almost natural ways. No unnecessary chemicals will be used in our
fertilizer. Fertilizer will be prepared by the skilled production team. Due to which the quality of
fertilizers will be maintained properly. Also, we will give the customer some gifts to give their
household wastages. This idea is also unique in the market. So our unique idea is basically to
protect the environment, we will provide the highest quality fertilizer to our customers.

3.3 Justify with Proper Research Data

In the report of the Ministry of Agriculture, the yearly demand for fertilizer in Bangladesh is
approximately 5 million tons, but production is much lower in Bangladesh. On the other hand, in
the urban area of Bangladesh, almost 16,380 tons of wastages are generated in a day. If we can
recycle it and prepare an organic fertilizer, it will reduce the price of raw materials and recover
some demand for agriculture also. In Bangladesh, per head vegetable consumption is increased
from 42 grams to 70 grams by the year of 1994-2013. So vegetable growers are also increased
with which the demand for organic fertilizer is increasing. To capture this opportunity, sufficient

strategies, knowledge, and plans are needed. Sharkatha wants to exploit this opportunity. We will
now look at both environmental protection and organic fertilizer production. The Bangladesh
Organic Products Manufacturers Association (BOPMA) already tries to convince farmers to
make compost fertilizer by using their cow-dung, kitchen wastage, food wastage, vegetable
wastage, etc. We are going to transform this idea into a business.

4.0 Business Environment Analysis/ Evidence of Market Opportunity:

Bangladesh is an agricultural country. If we consider the opinion of the Ministry of agriculture,

we will get to know that Bangladesh needs approximately 5 million tons of fertilizer. Fertilizer
consumption of Bangladesh is increasing day by day. Bangladesh imported around 13,133 tons
of fertilizer in 2017. So we can consider there is a market gap of enough fertilizer in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh is also facing different environmental problems like waste disposal, air pollution,
water pollution, improper waste management, etc. Bangladesh is producing around 22.4 million
tons of waste materials per year.80 % of this wastage is organic, like food waste. So here,
Sharkatha comes up with a unique concept; the goal of Sharkatha is to make organic fertilizers
from raw kitchen waste. This initiative will be helpful for Bangladesh because Sharkatha is going
to take steps to reduce waste, and also it is going to introduce chemical-free organic fertilizer,
which is good for both crops and soil.

Fertilizer Consumption and Sales Unit over the past five years,

Date Value(kg per hectare)

2016 289.4
2015 299.0
2014 279.2
2013 254.6
2012 260.4

According to the perspective of Bangladesh, the fertilizer industry is a booming industry.

Bangladesh has six urea fertilizer companies that are producing and distributing urea and other
chemical fertilizers. We consider them as our main competitors because we want to introduce
organic fertilizer, which is environment friendly. As the concept of Sharkatha is new, and we are
going to be the first mover in the organic fertilizer making industry so these commercial
chemical fertilizer companies are our nearest competitors. If we analyze the market, we can see
the sales of our major competitors is steady. The strength of these fertilizer companies is that

they are operating in the industry for a very long time. The weakness of these companies is they
are running their business with a very traditional concept. The innovative idea of Sharkatha is
going to create a difference between Sharkatha and other organizations. Educated Conscious
people will be more interested in buying fertilizer from Sharkatha. People who are interested in
the concept of green and sustainable business, they will also be interested in buying the organic
fertilizer from us rather than traditional chemical fertilizer. Sustainability is the most practiced
word of the modern era. Now people are searching for something green and sustainable, so a sort
of fertilizer that is chemical-free and also reducing the waste will catch up everyone's mind. We
are hoping to launch our business with a prominent goal, and that is sustainability. Our business
can be better than the plan if we get adequate response and delighted the customer, so here is a
brief analysis to figure out the core issues and strategies related to our venture.

4.1 PESTEL Analysis

• Political Factors: Political factors cover a broad area, including trade guidelines and
strategies, government rules and policies, foreign exportation procedures, labor
assumptions and environmental theories, and political unpredictability. The current
political condition of Bangladesh is stable, but Bangladesh is a developing country, and
the political condition may get wrong at any time. Political instability can affect the

business of Sharkatha in many ways; the manufacturing rate, functional system, and the
interest margin may get affected. Changes in political roles, strategies, and new laws can
create a bad impact on the operation process and profitability.

• Economic Factors: Economic factors contribute the most significant part in the
development of a firm. Bangladesh has a growing economy and already in a good
position. Economic factors include personal earnings, monetary theory, and procedure
economic extension and economic stagnation, exchange values, etc. All these factors can
create an impact on running a business like Sharkatha. Economic recession can make the
earnings down, which can badly affect the advisability of the companies like Sharkatha.
If Sharkatha can cope up with the changing economic factors, it can create a competitive
position in the market.

• Social Factors: The term social factor focuses on the mindset and attitude of individuals.
Lifestyle, personal choice, age, trends, Population extension, demographic division, etc.
are included in social factors. The main focus of Sharkatha is to run an
environmentfriendly business plan and ensure the proper recycling of kitchen waste. The
target market of Sharkatha is mass-market, so social factors may not create any bad
impact. Educational level and individual preference of individuals will be able to attract
towards buying the fertilizer of Sharkatha.

• Technological Factors: Technological factors can bring revolutionary changes in the

business industry. Automation, security, cryptography, fast internet connection, auto
calculation of computers, 3D technology, etc. are involved in technological factors.
Technological innovation can bring changes in traditional production and distribution
process. Automation can bring a complete change to replace human production functions
with the help of auto-generated machines. Modern technological innovations can improve
the way of maintenance and financing of Sharkatha. So positive changes in technological
factors will help Sharkatha to establish a stronger position in the market.
• Environmental Factors: Environmental factors refer to environmental conventions,
forecast, resource limitations, meteorology, weather, pollution level, and. The intention of
Sharkatha is to run a sustainable and recyclable business. So, environmental factors are
important in the perspective of a business organization like Sharkatha. Sharkatha is an
eco-friendly and sustainable company, so focusing on environmental factors is very
important to run the business effectively.

• Legal Factors: Employment law, consumer rights, seller laws, some specific laws and
strategies, patent and copyright policies, license, and product safety legislation, etc. are

included in legal factors analysis. Sharkatha will have to face legal legislation to ensure
the perfect maintenance of the company. So legal factors can influence the total operation
and management of the company. We are going to maintain the legal laws of consumer
rights strictly. We are planning to maintain the legal rights of our authorized suppliers,
distributors, and consumers with full legality.

4.2 Porter's Five Forces

• Threats of New Entrants: Sharkatha is going to make fertilizers within a cost-efficient

range. A considerable good amount of revenue can be earned by starting with a minimum
capital. Some moderate knowledge about the fertilizer industry and the application of
organic fertilizer is enough to start a venture like this. So Sharkatha can face a high risk
of new competitors in the market.

• Bargaining Power of Buyer: Sharkatha will make fertilizers from kitchen waste, which
will be collected from households and restaurants. So these households and restaurants
will be our main suppliers. Bangladesh is producing approximately 5000 tons of food
waste daily. So we will get a lot of waste providers. So the suppliers will not have high
bargaining power.

• Threat of Substitute Product: There are a lot of indirect competitors in the market.
Many fertilizer companies are commercially distributing their chemical fertilizer, but

Sharkatha is making organic fertilizers from waste, which is chemical-free and less risky.
Sharkatha is going to create a competitive position in the market by properly
implementing the feasible plan of it, and it will create a potential difference between
Sharkatha and other companies.

• Bargaining Power of Buyer: There are a lot of buying and selling platforms in the
market, so the bargaining power of buyers is high. Sharkatha is determined to provide the
amazing product with mind-blowing service so that the customers get the highest benefit,
and no issue of bargaining arises.

• Rivalry among Existing Competitors: The direct and indirect competitors of Sharkatha,
who are present in the market, have different business models and different strategies to
move on. They are more of a commercial business organization. Sharkatha is going to run
a green and sustainable business by reducing waste. We might get rivalry from big
fertilizer companies, but our innovative strategies will help us to move on effectively in
the market.

4.3 SWOT Analysis:



• One of our strength is that we are the first mover in the organic fertilizer industry. No
other company has taken the initiative to make organic fertilizer and distribute them
commercially in the market.

• The main goal and intention of Sharkatha is to reduce waste and run a sustainable
business. This unique strategy is one of the biggest strength of the company to create a
competitive position in the market.

• Sharkatha will have an amazing production team. We will hire the farmers and women of
distinct areas who have special knowledge in the making and application of organic
fertilizers. So we will be able to maintain a skilled labor team at minimum cost

• We will pay some extra focus on our marketing and sales team so that our customers will
be able to enjoy amazing product quality with great service. We will provide efficient

distribution and customer care service so that our product reaches to each corner of the

• Sharkatha is new to the organic fertilizer making industry. So there are no previous
competitors, and we don't have the opportunity to learn from the previous competition
and take further initiatives.

• Since Sharkatha is a startup business, and we will make fertilizer from organic kitchen
waste, so initially, it will be a little tough to manage enough resources.

• People of Bangladesh are now well known about green and sustainable products. Their
acceptance level is rising, so the idea of reducing waste and making fertilizer will attract
the customers easily.

• At the same time, customers will get effective products and services at a lower price. So
it’s an opportunity for Sharkatha.

• Knowledge about making organic fertilizers is easily available, and there are a lot of
opportunities to work with this idea.

• The mindset of consumers is changing day by day, and they are looking for innovative
products that will meet their needs and also won't create risk for the environment, and
Sharkatha is determined to make up the demand.

• Our target customers will be in distinct areas of Bangladesh, so to communicate with
each of them effectively is a little bit tough sometimes.

• Environmental problems like global warming and climate change are increasing the risk
to mankind. So different business organizations are thinking of bringing green and
sustainable products in the market. So depending on the situation, our potential
competitors can be increased in the market. So it can be a threat to Sharkatha.

4.4 Stakeholder Analysis


• Keep Satisfied: This section mainly refers to high power, less interested people.
Salesforce, technicians, governments, senior executives, customers, these are the people
who have low interest in the business, but they hold high power in our business to sustain
and run in the industry. The intention of Sharkatha is to satisfy them and boost them up to
give their best performance.

• Keep Informed: The people in this category are our sales support, consulting, analysts,
and trade associations, who help to run the business efficiently with their good
performance, but they don't have much control over the internal decisions of Sharkatha.
We need to inform them about the major issues and decisions about Sharkatha because
they can be very helpful with effective suggestions.

• Monitored: This section includes the people who will have a minimal amount of power
or interest in our business, but indirectly they have some significant effect on business.
The people under this group should be monitored consciously so that according to our
situation, we can do proper role play in the industry.

• Manage Closely: The people in this section have high power over our business and also
high interest over the business. These people are needed to be fully engaged in the
business. We need to manage them closely and should give the highest effort to satisfy

5.0 Business Model

5.1 Business Model CANVAS

Key Partners: Key Activities: Value Customer Customer
1. Househol 1. Collect Propositions: Relationships Segment:
d Waste 1. Green & 1. 24/7 1. Farme
2. Restauran 2. Transfer Sustaina customer rs
t waste to b service 2. Garde
3. Investor Savar le 2. Provide ner
4. Software 3. Manufac 2. Proper Expert 3. Whol
& t uring usages Opinion e
Website Fertilizer of 3. Long Term salers
Develope 4. Selling wastages Relationship
r that 3. Custome
s fertilizer r can
5. Delivery buy
Agencies from
Key Resources: distinct Channels Website
1. Faceboo : Faceboo
1. k
k 4. Create
2. Email
2. Website Awarene Volunte
3. Factory 3.
ss er
4. Producti 5. Chemica Team
on l Free 5. Delivery
Team fertilizer Team
5. Financial 6. Dedicate 6. Delivery
Investme d online Truck
nt Custome
Support 7.
6. Corporat r
e Office Care
7. Custome
r Care
Cost Structure: Revenue Streams:
1. Website Making & Maintenance- 15,000 Estimated Sell-
2. Facebook Page Boosting- 25,000 Per Month,
3. Transportation Cost- 50,000
2500 Pieces* 60 Taka= 150,000
4. Fertilizer Making Cost- 200,000
5. Waste Basket Cost- 50,000 Taka
6. Office Equipment- 200,000 Yearly,
7. Customer Gifts- 150,000 150,000*12= 1,800,000 Taka
8. Employee & labor Salary- 400,000 That Mean, Yearly Revenue 18
Total 1,090,000 lac Taka. Earning from ad
15000(Monthly)*12= 180,000

5.2 Pricing Model

The pricing model of Sharkatha is determined to consider the value of the product that we are
going to offering to our customers, depending on its current condition, market price, as opposed

to the cost we will incur to make the products. Our initial plan is to offer the products at a low
cost (80 Taka) because it is not so easy to focus on huge profit-making being new in the market.
We are the first mover in the organic fertilizer industry, so initially, we plan to gain customers'
attraction by offering the products at a lower price. Once we get an adequate response, we will
try to expand our market area. We have researched a lot about our products and the pricing. After
doing a lot of exploration, and we came to know the amount that the potential consumers want to
spend for each packet of organic fertilizer. We are planning to gain the customers' trust and
attract them more into our products. Sharkatha has the goal of providing their customers with the
best products and services within a reasonable price range.

5.3 Social Goal

The goal of Sharkatha is to provide a safer, reliable and efficient market for organic fertilizer
which will be beneficial for the society in two ways, this initiative will reduce the amount of
waste, and it will help to motivate everyone towards the concept of sustainability. Every business
model should contribute to fulfill the social responsibilities to meet the social target and its
objectives. By fulfilling the social aims, Sharkatha will able to create a better relation with
societal concepts, and a preferable position will be ensured. Our plan is to help the society by
doing the business. Sharkatha is going to create a platform for women from rural areas; they will
work in our labor team as fertilizer makers. Ultimately it helps to improve the image of the
company. This shows the image to the consumers that Sharkatha is accomplishing its goal and
also contributing to the society the way it operates. We are going to do some acts like:

• Conduct ethical business

• Donate on Charity
• Focus on equal opportunity
• Sponsoring social events
• Provide jobs  Give tax

5.4 Sustainability

Access to Capital

Initially, each of us need some money to start the business with proper financing, but we can’t
take any loan initially. We will take the help of investors to run the business. We will convince
the investors with our environmentally friendly concept. We are hoping the unique concept of
green business and sustainability will be able to attract potential investors. For the collection of
raw materials, we are dependent on households and restaurants. Initially, we will collect the
kitchen waste from households and restaurants by giving them some gifts. It will not cost that
much money. Since we are making organic fertilizers we don't need any electrical heavy
machines. Otherwise, no profits will be taken from the business for 6 months. By doing this we
will invest our own capital, this will help us to grow our business.


As in the initial stage, we are not planning to make high profits, for the first few months it will be
a little bit tough for us to cover up the cost and make revenue. We do believe that if we run the
business with patience and loyalty, it will open up many opportunities in the future, and we will
be able to run a productive and profitable business by earning a good amount of profits.


The financial plan of Sharkatha is has made in a feasible way which will support to adopt in the
market changes and taking the advantages of new opportunities. As we are first mover in the
market we have a lot of opportunities to capture in the market. We will be much aware of not to
get into any kind of danger and unsustainable environment as well. Our plan is to operate the
business by creating enough value for potential customers.

5.5 Eco-Friendly

Renewable Energy

We will use food waste to make fertilizers. Kitchen and food waste are a great source of
renewable energy. This idea definitely leads us to a sustainable approach. This concept motivates

towards waste recycling. It has a tax advantage. Government offers tax breaks to the companies
that use renewable energy. It will also help to reduce the electricity cost.

Eco-Friendly Behavior:

We will provide products to the customer with handmade paper bags instead of plastic bags. This
will be an effective way to keep the environment fresh and healthy. Sharkatha will give an
utmost try to dump the wastage in a proper way so that it helps to keep the environment polished
and fresh. The idea of Sharkatha is also going to introduce the idea of proper recycling and waste
management. The implication of our business idea is going to reduce environmental pollution,
health risk and also the waste burden of the environment.


Our plan is to follow the ethical rules set by the company at all means. Sharkatha is going to use
its business idea to properly innovate and execute solutions for different kind of environmental
distress. We will ensure the satisfaction of customers by giving a proper value of their money.

The commercial products and business affairs definitely won’t cost any mistreat to environment.
Our focus is to run our business in such ways that will inspire others as well as give the solution
for environmental problems like air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution, etc. We will run our
business by ensuring sustainability.

6.0 Description of Ventures

6.1 Product:
Product and service create the most significant effect on any sort of business. Cost-effective and
quality full products catch the market quickly because customer always need best quality product
with minimum price. Our raw materials source is very much cost-efficient so that we can make
fertilizer within a competitive market price.

Sharkatha gives natural manure from kitchen squander; we utilize numerous sorts of kitchen
wastages, for example, vegetables, organic products, eggshells. We won’t utilize any sort of oil,
oil, greasy meats, and milk items to our treating the soil materials. The organic fertilizer which

will be made from the food and kitchen wastage is both good for the soil and crops. These unique
sorts of fertilizers will also going to help the environment.

6.2 Service:
Sharkatha is going to provide service to the customers through online order and the online web
page. We have a page on Facebook which is called “Sharkatha”. Customers can order the
product for 24 hours and 7 days. We will provide cash on delivery service within a short time.
Even we are planning to have customer care numbers, so client can make a phone call to order
the product. It will also be helpful for the customers who are not utilizing Facebook or online
system. We will have expert opinion service through which an expert will provide depth
knowledge about the proper usage of organic fertilizer and he will be available for giving
suggestions to the customer to make the best use of it.

6.3 Size of Business:

Initially, our business size is not that big but we have a plan to make it a giant profitable
company by providing our best quality product and better customer service. In present, we do not
have any physical outlet. We are going to operate our business through online. So we will put
some fixed cash individually and by using this we rent 2 room offices flat from which one room
will be used to keep our product and another room will be used for our administration work. Our
main production house will be in Savar and the place is the right choice because Savar is known
as the commercial and industrial area and we will be able to make fertilizer without harming the
residential area. A small physical place will be there to use for keeping our collecting materials
and manufacturing product.

6.4 Office Equipment:

Initially, we will be operating our business through online so we need computers with high-speed
internet connection. We have some machines to make the organic fertilizer. We will have phones
to make calls with customers. And we need some little things to run the office like table, chair,
light, fan, etc. We will have shelves and storage space to store fertilizers in inventory. An expert
in this area will contribute to the expert opinion panel to run our business. Our total office will be
covered by cc camera. By this system, admin can see the total office in their phone or computer
with an internet connection. We need some electrical equipment to ensure the best packaging and
finishing of the fertilizer. All the equipment will be purchased by us.

Production Plan/Service Delivery Model

In Sharkatha, we are responsible for all of our manufacturing processes. As we are in the initial
phase of business, we don't need any subcontract now. We will make our products through our
own production department with a little number of employees. Our main elements of making
fertilizer are household and restaurant waste. Rather than this, we need some small instruments to
make the fertilizer.

7.1 Manufacturing Process

Our manufacturing process is not hard enough. As Sharkatha is an environmentally friendly

company, we will naturally produce the fertilizers. The manufacturing process are given below-

• The first is to split the dry and wet wastages into two different containers
• Then
Whenneed to take
the wet it in another
wastages bigbecomes
container container,
it's dry leaves
mouth should
should be poured
be closed into the
for a while
container equivalent to the wastages

The humidity of the container must be maintained properly. If the moisture is reduced,
then water should be added to it.

After that, the container should be left open for 20-25 days for composting

In a month, the fertilizer will be ready for sale

For this
manufacturing process, we have estimated that it may cost around 200,000 taka for one year.

7.2 Physical Plant

In the initial phase, we don't need any big physical plant for producing fertilizers. We will make a
small production house in the area of Savar. There all the production activities will happen. The
fertilizer will be kept there also. The order placed on the website will then be delivered to the
customer's home from here.

7.3 Machinery and Equipment

At the initial phase of business, we don't need any big machineries to make fertilizers. As we
don't want to give any harm to the environment, which is one of our mission of the company, we
want to make fertilizers in a natural way. Rather than this, we need some equipment to produce
fertilizers. Those are- Raw wastages, some big sized containers, buttermilk, cow dung,
temperature measurement instruments, enough supply of waters and dry leaves, etc.

7.4 Name of the Suppliers of Raw Materials

Our raw material is household and restaurant wastages. As we initially want to start our business
in Dhaka city, we have our volunteer team. They keep our company's baskets in different
locations of Dhaka city. People of those particular areas will pour their wastages in our baskets.
That is why our main suppliers are home-grown people and various restaurants. For taking
organic materials, we will take help from farmers or rural women. That's why they are our
secondary suppliers.

8.0 Operational Plan:

8.1 Description of Company’s Operation:

Our main target is to deliver quality products at a reasonable cost. The main goal of the company
is to produce fertilizer innovatively and to operate in the market. So, we are going to follow the
push market strategy. Under push market policy we will try to introduce our product to the
customers so that the customers may know about our products. By that policy, we will be able to
present our products to our target audiences. Until our product can reach the target market we
will follow the push market strategy and will try to reach the fertilizer in the customers' doorstep.
Otherwise, customers may not be able to know about us and we will fail to introduce our
company to the potential market.

Initially we will use online platforms for taking orders. We are going to create a Facebook and an
Instagram page which is called by AMADER SARKATHA. Customers will be able to place
orders through phone calls and our website also. After receiving the orders, we will take time
from customers to deliver the desired amount of fertilizer. For confirming order we won't take
any advance just we will request to send them the number of their desired amount, name address,
phone number. When the desired amount of fertilizer is ready to deliver then we will send a
message to the customer that their products are going to reach them soon and we will inform

Receive orders through 1 day for procurement


It will take 1 day to deliver the Replacement the fertilizer

fertilizer within Dhaka and 3 within 7 days after delivery
to 4 days in the case of outside date, if there is any error
Dhaka. occurred in the product.

them that our delivery man is going to connect to them for confirming the delivery time. For the
outer regions of Dhaka we will take the help of courier companies.

8.2 Flow of Orders:

8.3 Technology Utilization:

Nowadays each and everybody in this modern world is deeply connected with technology and
advanced implication of it. Sharkatha wants to take this opportunity to make a better position in
the market. Initially, Sharkatha is going to operate through the Facebook and Instagram page,
which will be named by AMADER SARKATHA. We will have a website also where customers
can easily do their shopping without any hassle. Thus we will do a strong implementation of
digital marketing and affiliated marketing. The implication of modern technology is going to
create a competitive position for Sharkatha in the market and will be able to reach the highest
number of consumers.

9.0 Marketing Plan (7 P’s)

9.1 Product
Our main product is fertilizer, which is made naturally. No harmful pesticides or drugs are given
to our fertilizer. We always maintain the quality of the product for the convenience of the
customers. Such is our plan at the early stage of business. At the development stage, we can
increase our fertilizer variability a bit more, and our products will also increase.

9.2 Price

As we are a new business, we will use the intermediate approach when determining price. At the
early stage of business, we put a price of 80 taka per fertilizer packet. Over the three years, we
intend to keep this price intact. Then the later years, we will increase its price to 85 taka. Because
we will believe that the quality needs to increase to compete in the market. This is how we will
determine the price of our product at the development stage.

9.3 Place

Sharkatha’s corporate head office will be located at Ka-3/F-4, Sajjad Manzil, Basundhara
Residential Area, Dhaka. From here, all the office activities will be performed.

Our factory will be in Savar, Dhaka, where the production department will be. Wastebaskets will
go to Savar via our transportation, and fertilizer will be prepared there.

In the early stage of business, we will have no outlet. We will sell our product through the
website and Facebook page. According to the calculation, we will not give any outlet at the
development phase also. Even then, if our sell will increase beyond our calculation, we want to
give an outlet then.

9.4 Promotion

Promotional activities are important for any kind of business. Since this is the business, we are
just about to start. That is why we are not going to do any physical promotion in the 1st year of
business. In the 1st year, we will spend money on Facebook boosting. In the 2nd and subsequent
years, we will gradually be relegated to physical promotion.

9.5 Packaging

We are an environmentally friendly company; we will not use any polythene bags for packaging.
We will use bags which will made of jute. Jute bags can be reused, and it's perfectly

9.6 Positioning

We expect our positioning statement to be very strong in the market. Our main positioning
statement is, ‘পরিবেশ িক্ষাই আমাবেি সািকথা.' Further how we can occupy the place in the customer's
mind are-

• We are the 1st in the market to start business keeping in mind about the environment

• We will prepare fertilizers from wastages found in households and restaurants. This
concept is also new in this country

• We are doing to do a sustainable business, which will reduce the pollution of Bangladesh

• We give people free mugs or gifts for giving us the wastages

• There are no harmful ingredients in our fertilizers. We will make it completely in a

natural way

9.7 People

In our business, we value every human being. Yet if we mention some of the people segment,
they are-

Production Team Executives(Entrepreneurs)
(Household & Restaurants)

Volunteer Team Delivery Team

At the early stage of business, we will have these segments of people. We hope when we will go
to the development stage, we will increase the department, and the people segment will increase

10.0 Organizational Plan

10.1 Form of Ownership:


Sharkatha will consist of five partners. It will be a partnership company where all the partners
will share the same amount of profit equally. All the administrative works of Sharkatha will be
divided by equal consideration. Initially, all five members will have the same influence on the
managerial activities. We will hold different positions in the administrative sections. There will
be an agreement among the members. The deal will have the explicit rules and regulations of the
company, the process of solving internal conflicts, and the process of adding new partners. Our
partner "Sayem Bin Kashem" will be the financial manager so, he will have the check signing
authority. We will share the profit equally from the initial phase of our business. We will invest
in the company equally. So the profit-sharing process will be done in an equal manner. Initially,
the five founding members of Sharkatha will play the role of principal shareholders, and
everybody will own an equal amount of stock according to the investment.

10.2 Identification of Partners or Principal of Shareholders:

All our five partners are the students of North South University, and we also have some past part-
time job experiences. With our knowledge and expertise, we will try to give our best to run the
business smoothly.

Current Partners of the Business:

Name of partners Position Ownerships Profit distribution

Sayem Bin Kashem Financial manager 20% 20%

Lowhe Mahfuz Rafi Marketing manager 20% 20%

Ahasfi Ore Raihan Production manager 20% 20%

Md. Tafsir Ahmed HRM manager 20% 20%

Anika Ashrafee Research and 20% 20%

Mahmud Development manager

10.3 Authority of Principles:

• Every important decision of our business will be taken by the mutual decision of all the

• For any debt loss, financial or managerial crisis, every partner will bound to carry the
same amount of responsibilities.

• Our members will have the right to make decisions within their respective departments.
But in case of taking the major decision, all the members will sign on an agreement

The venture investors will be involved in providing new ideas and advice as well if a partner
wants to withdraw his/her entity from the venture he/she has to give prior notice before

10.4 Management Team Background

Name Background

Sayem Bin Kashem BBA in Finance and Accounting

Lowhe Mahfuz Rafi BBA in Marketing and HRM

Ahasfi Ore Raihan Sabrin BBA in Finance

Md. Tafsir Ahmed BBA in HRM


Anika Ashrafee Mahmud BBA in HRM and Marketing

10.5 Roles and Responsibilities of Members of the Organization:

Sayem Bin Kashem

• He will manage all the accounting and finance-related activities of Sharkatha.

• He will analyze and monitor all the financial decisions of the venture.
• He will in charge of keeping and tracking records of all the financial documents and

Lowhe Mahfuz Rafi

• He will be responsible for the entire marketing and promotional sector of Sharkatha.
• He will handle the marketing strategy, social and online marketing, marketing research,
and product promotion.
• He will fulfill the responsibility of creating a brand image of Sharkatha in the market by
ensuring proper marketing and promotion.

Ahasfi Ore Raihan Sabrin

• She is going to handle the production department of Sharkatha

• She will lead the production team and will ensure the quality of the product.
• She will ensure the proper coordination of production activity control and will
responsible for product quality and improvement.

Md. Tafsir Ahmed

• He will manage the HR department of Sharkatha

• He will handle all the HR-related decisions like recruitment sessions, the salary of
workers, and training policy for new employees.

• He will also make decisions like overtime of workers and managing the employees and

Anika Ashrafee Mahmud

• She will superintend the research and development team of Sharkatha.

• She will make decisions to develop and update the products according to the market gap.
• She will gather information through proper market research and will increase the quality
of the product.

11.0 Assessment of Risk

11.1 Evaluate Weakness (es) of Business

As a first-mover in the commercial organic fertilizer industry, Sharkatha might face some
weaknesses to carry on. Such as,

• Since our business Sharkatha is a very new business idea we came up with, it will be very
tough for us to make people understand how it will work.

• Also, it will be tough to convince investors to trust in us. It will also be tough to raise
cash and capital since we are very new to the market.

• Sharkatha's concept is very new and unique so we might face a lack of competition; also
we will lose the opportunity to learn from any of the existing competitors as we are very
new in the organic fertilizer market.

• We might suffer from a lack of awareness of the benefits of organic agriculture. Initially,
it will be a little bit tough to convince households and restaurants to collect kitchen waste.

11.2 New Technologies

Sharkatha will operate through online platforms at its initial stage. We will create the website and
Facebook, which will be named by ‘Amader Sharkatha,' where customers can easily submit their
orders. Those who are not familiar with the internet can submit their order through phone calls.
We will reward all our regular waste suppliers and customers with different awards or gifts
monthly to motivate them. In the future, we will try to use different types of machineries to
achieve economies of scale. Our main target is to spread this business all over in Bangladesh and
to reach the massive production level. We will try to use every possible advanced technology like
chain crusher, drum screener, simple compost turning machine, polishing machine, etc. after
reaching to a better position in the market which will suit our business to achieve all the benefits
to grow more.

11.3 Contingency Plans

There a lot of risks that every business has to face to create a better position in the market. So
there should be some contingency plans which will work in any case of business-related
problems. Like other businesses, we have some effective plans to move on in the market.

• Initially, we have one warehouse which will be used for both production and storage, but
later, when we reach into a better position, we will create a separate storehouse to store
the ready products. So, in case of fire and accidents, our inventories will be safe.

• When Sharkatha reaches to a better financial position, we will try to create an insurance
policy for the workers. So in case of accidental hazards, they won't be deprived of their
basic right.

• We have an advanced plan to cover the entire production and corporate office area with
CCTV cameras to track all the production functions and delivery mechanisms. Thus we
will be able to provide quality products to our customers

• Moreover, One of Our unique contingency plans is to create a good impact on society.
People of Bangladesh are now well known about green and sustainable products. Their
acceptance level is increasing. So the idea of reducing waste and making fertilizer will be
eye-catching for everyone. Customers' perspective is started to change gradually day by

day, and they are looking for innovative products that will meet their needs and also
won't create risk for the environment. Sharkatha is determined to make up that demand.

Thus, we are looking forward to making successful contingency plans which will be effective in
making our business long term, efficient and sustainable.

12.1 Assumption

We have projected the pro forma income statement, pro forma cash flow, balance sheet and horizontal
growth analysis of Sharkatha. We have also identified the upcoming situations for the business. We have
analyzed the performance of Sharkatha for straight five years. The first two years of business will be the
struggling period for us. It will take two years to properly execute the idea and concept of Sharkatha.
Then the early three years will be considered as the growth and expansion period of Sharkatha. In that
period we will get to know the growth, maturity and profitability of our business. After conducting the
business for straight 5 years in the market, in the sixth year, probably we will decide whether our
business needs a decline or rejuvenation.

12.2 Pro forma Income Statement

Items 2021 2022 2023

Sales Revenue 2400000 3072000 4320000
COGS 850,000 900000 1100000
Gross Profit 1550,000 2172000 3220000
Operating and

Transportation cost 50,000 80000 120,000

Facebook page 25000 25000 30000
boosting cost

Website making 15000 15000 25000

Promotional cost 20000 25000

Gift and utility 160,000 180,000 200,000


Total operating 240,000 320,000 400,000

Net income 1300,000 1852000 2820000

Sales Revenue Explanation

Year 1: 2500packets*80tk per packet*12 months = 2400000tk

Year2: 3200packets*80tk per packet*12 months = 3072000tk

Year 3: 4500packets*80tk per packet* 12 months = 4320000tk

Pro forma Income Statement

Items 2024 2025

Sales Revenue 6120000 7956000
COGS 1350000 1500000
Gross Profit 4770000 6456000
Operating and

Transportation cost 180000 220,000

Facebook page 30000 35000
boosting cost

Website making 25000 30000

Promotional cost 80000 120000

Gift and utility 250000 300000


Total operating 565,000 705000

Net income 4205000 5751000

Sales Revenue Explanation

Year 4: 6000packets*85tk per packet*12 months = 6120000tk

Year 5: 7800packets*85tk per packet*12 months = 7956000tk

12.3 Pro Forma Cash Flow Projections

Pro Forma Statement of Cash Flows

Operating Activities 2021 2022 2023

Net Income 1300,000 1852000 2820000

Changing in working

Accrued Expense 0 0 5000

Cash Flow from

operating activities 1300,000 1852000 2825000

Investing Activities:

Increase ( Decrease) 260000 370400 564000

in Owner’s Equity

Financial Activities:

Increase in cash 210000 552000 968000

Cash and cash

Equipment beginning 90833 101667 125000
of the year

Cash and cash

Equipment End of the 300833 653667
year 1093000

Pro Forma Cash Flow Projections

Pro Forma Statement of Cash Flows

Operating Activities 2024 2025

Net Income 4205000 5751000

Changing in working
Accrued Expense 10000 15000
Cash Flow from
operating activities 4215000 5766000
Investing Activities:
Increase ( Decrease) 841000 1150200
in Owner’s Equity
Financial Activities:
Increase in cash 1385000 1546000
Cash and cash
Equipment beginning 159583 183750
of the year
Cash and cash
Equipment End of the 1544583 1729750

12.4 Pro forma Balance Sheet


Pro Forma Balance Sheet

Assets: 2021 2022 2023

Current Assets:
Cash or Cash 1300000 1550000 2000000
Inventories 200000 250000 400000
Total current assets 1500000 1800000 2400000
Property plant and
Total Property, Plant 60000 130000 160000
and equipment
Less: Accumulated 10000 300000 60000
Total Assets 1550000 1900000 2500000

Liabilities And
Owners’ Equity
Current Liabilities: 2024 2025
Current Assets:
Cash or Cash
Account Payable 400000 3300000 500000 4400000 700000
Accrued expense 0 500000 0 700000 5000
(wages) Total current assets 3800000 5100000
Property plant and 400000
Total Liabilities 500000 705000
Total Property,
Owners’ Equity : Plant 300000 550000
and equipment
Retained earning
Less: Accumulated 1150000 100000 1400000 150000 1795000
Total Liabilities and
Total Assets 15500000 4000000 1900000 5500000 2500000
owners’ equity
Liabilities And
Owners’ Equity
Current Liabilities:

Account Payable 1000000 1300000

Accrued expense 10000 15000

Total Liabilities 1010000 1315000

Owners’ Equity :

Retained earning 2990000 4185000

Total Liabilities and 4000000 5500000

owners’ equity

12.5 Break Even Analysis:

Break even analysis mainly describes the current stage of the company and its product. It
determines the profitability and advisability of the company. For Sharkatha, fixed cost includes
equipment costs, warehouse maintenance cost and utility cost etc. Unit sales price is 80tk which
is the selling price of the fertilizer.
Breakeven point = Fixed cost / (Unit sales price – unit variable costs)
= 600000 / (80 - 40)
= 15000
Break even sales in Tk is equal 15000* 80 = 1200000 TK.

12.6 Horizon/ Growth Analysis

Ratios 2021 2022 2023


Currents Ratio 3.50 3.6 3.40

Quick ratio 3.25 3.1 3.0
Inventory Turnover 1.7 1.28 2.75
ROA .83 .97 1.12
Asset Turnover 1.54 1.61 1.72

Ratios 2024 2025

Currents Ratio 3.76 3.89
Quick Ratio 3.16 3.34
Inventory Turnover 2.78 3
ROA 1.05 1.06
Asset Turnover 2.44 2.50

We have calculated the different ratios which are related to our business growth. If we can
analyse we will see that the first two years of our business are the early stage financing period for
our business. We need around 11 lakhs as capital in the first year to run our business. As
consistently we need around 13 lakhs to run the business in 2nd year. If we consider the time
range of growth and expansion period, we will see that from 2023 to 2025 is considered as our
growth and expansion period. With the consistent net income and revenue we will increase the
amount of investment gradually. Our expenses will also increase as per the production. Thus we
can a get a brief overview of our business growth. We haven’t show any acquisition period for
our business. After the performance of sixth year in the business, we will decide whether our
business needs a rejuvenation or decline.

12.7 Sources and Application of Funds

Sharkatha is an implementation of the idea of five young entrepreneurs. We are planning to

invest our own money as the capital for the business. Since we are going to invest our own
money as capital, we won't need any debt financing or bank loan. After managing the early-stage
financing of our business, we will convince the potential investors with our unique idea and
concept to invest in our business. So that Investors get proper incentives to invest in our business
and thus Sharkatha will grow bigger. So we can conclude, at the beginning period, we are going

to execute the plan with our own capital. Then after reaching to a certain position, we will apply
to our potential investors to invest in our business.

12.8 A Specific Investment Deal Proposal for the Investors


Mr. X

Company Y Location

Dear Mr. X,

We have the honour to write that we are the owners of "Sharkatha," which is an organic
fertilizer making company. The main goal of Sharkatha is to run a long term business that will be
both profitable and sustainable. The main reason for writing to you is an investment opportunity

in Sharkatha, which you might be interested in. We, the five young entrepreneurs, are going to
create an organic fertilizer company called Sharkatha. The main idea of Sharkatha is to make
organic compost fertilizer from household and restaurant waste materials. We have completed
our research on the market gap and market acceptance, and we are expecting that this idea will
catch everyone's mind in the industry. We need some investments to grow our company.

If you are interested, we will disclose the mission statements, agreement documents, contract
paper to you for your convenience. Hope you will be interested and convinced to invest in


Sayem Bin Kashem

Ahasfi Ore Raihan Sabrin

Md. Tafsir Ahmed

Lowhe Mahfuz Rafi

Anika Ashrafee Mahmud

Sharkatha is the implication of an innovative idea of five entrepreneurs. We are assuming that we
will be able to run our business with profitability without creating any distress to the
environment. As owners our main goal is to create a potential brand image for Sharkatha in the
organic fertilizer industry. We want to run a convenient business which will be cost-effective and
remunerative. The business will help the environment in the long run by ensuring proper usage of
waste materials. The idea will encourage the potential entrepreneurs to execute some sustainable
ideas that will create awareness of reprocess and recycle. We are strongly determined to provide
the best quality products of the market and thus one day we will be the future market leaders to
run the industry.


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