Lec 6-Solution Thermodynamics - Applications

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Thermodynamics II

Lec 6-Solution Thermodynamics:

Applications-part 1

Dr.-Eng. Zayed Al-Hamamre

Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888


Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888
VLE data collection

 The temperature T and P are uniform throughout the

vessel, and can be measured with appropriate
 Vapor and liquid samples may be withdrawn for
analysis, and this provides experimental values for
mole fractions in the vapor {yi} and mole fractions
in the liquid {xi}
vapor mixture and a liquid
solution coexist in
vapor/liquid equilibrium

Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888

Liquid phase property from VLE data

 For species i in the vapor mixture fˆi v  yiˆiv P (Fugacity cannot be measured directly)

 The criterion of vapor/liquid equilibrium, as given by Eq.

(11.48), is that
fˆi  fˆi
l v

fˆ li  y i ˆiv P

 VLE measurements are very often made at pressure low enough (P ≤ 1 bar) that the vapor
phase may be assumed an ideal gas

fˆ l
i  fˆ v
i  yiP

Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888
Liquid phase property from VLE data
 Thus, the fugacity of species i (in both the liquid and vapor phases) is equal to the partial
pressure of species i in the vapor phase.
 Its value increases from zero at infinite dilution to Pisat for pure species i. this is illustrated by
the data of Table 12.1 for the methyl ethyl ketone(1)/toluene(2) system at 50Ԩ

Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888

Liquid phase property from VLE data

 The fugacities are plotted as solid lines.

 The straight dashed lines represent the
Lewis/Randall rule which expresses the
composition dependence of the constituent
fugacities in an ideal solution:

fˆ idi  x1 f i
 The Lewis-Randall rule provides the simplest
possible model for the composition dependence,
to which actual behavior may be compared

Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888
Liquid phase property from VLE data
Activity Coefficient
 The activity coefficient as defined by Eq. (11.90) formalizes this comparison:
fˆi fˆi
i   id
xi f i fˆi

 Thus the activity coefficient of a species in solution is the ratio of its actual fugacity
to the value given by the Lewis/Randall rule at the same T, P, and composition
 For the calculation of experimental values, both fˆi and fˆi are eliminated in favor of

measurable quantities:
yi P yP
i   i sat (i  1, 2,  , N ) (12.1)
xi f i xi Pi

 This is a restatement of Eq. (10.5), modified Raoult’s law, and is adequate for present
purposes, allowing easy calculation of activity coefficients from experimental low pressure
VLE data. Values from this equation appears in the last two columns of Table 12.1. 7

Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888

Liquid phase property from VLE data

 Experimental VLE data (measured P xi yi ) and vapor
pressures of pure-species determine activity coefficient
 The solid lines in both Figs 12.2 and
12.3, representing experimental values
of fˆi , become tangent to the
Lewis/Randall rule lines at xi = 1.
 This is a consequence of the
Gibbs/Duhem equation.
 Thus, the fˆi xi is indeterminate in
this limit, and application of
L’Hopital’s rule yields:
fˆi  dfˆi  (12.2)
lim   Ή
x i  dx i  x  0
xi  0
i 8

Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888
Liquid phase property from VLE data
 Equation (12.2) defines Henry’s constant Hi as the limiting slope of the fˆi  xi curve
at xi = 0. as shown by Fig. 12.3, this is the slope of a line drawn tangent to the curve
at xi = 0.

fˆi  xi H i
 It is of approximate validity for small values of xi

 Lewis-Randall rule (or Rault’s law) is for very rich component while Henry’s law is for dilute

Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888

Liquid phase property from VLE data

 Henry’s law is related to the Lewis/Randall rule through the Gibbs/Duhem equation.
ˆ by Gˆ i  μi gives:
 Writing Eq. (11.14) for a binary solution and replacing M

x1 d1  x2 d2  0 (const T, P)

 Differentiation of Eq. (11.46) at constant T and P yields: d  RTd ln fˆi

x1 d ln fˆ1  x2 d ln fˆ2  0

Divide by dx1 and use: dx1 = -dx2

d ln fˆ1 d ln fˆ2 (12.4) OR

x1  x2 0
dx1 dx2
This is a special form of the Gibbs/Duhem equation.

Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888
Liquid phase property from VLE data

See Eq. (12.4)


Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888

Liquid phase property from VLE data


Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888
Excess Gibbs Energy

 For a binary system

 x1 ln  1  x2 ln  2

lim ln  i  ln  i
lim ln  i  0 xi  0
x i 1
 i : infinite dilution activity
lim  (0) ln  1  (1)(0)  0
x1 0 RT
lim 0
x1 1 RT 13

Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888

Excess Gibbs Energy

 The limiting values of are equal to the infinite dilution limits of ln  1 and
x1 x2 RT
ln  2

lim  ln  1 lim  ln  2
x10 x x RT x1 1 x x RT
1 2 1 2

x1  0 L’Hopital’s rule gives

d G E / RT 
GE G E / RT dx1
lim  lim  lim
x1  0 x x RT
1 2
x1  0 x1 1 x1  0 1

Differentiating  x1 ln  1  x2 ln  2 with respect to x1
RT 14

Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888
Excess Gibbs Energy

d (G E / RT ) d ln  1 d ln  2
 x1  ln  1  x2  ln  2 (B)
dx1 dx1 dx1

Recalling that the Gibbs-Duhem equation is

x1 d ln  1  x2 d ln  2  0 (const T, P)
Dividing by dx1 (It is not differentiation !)

d ln  1 d ln  2
x1  x2 0 (const T, P)
dx1 dx1
( 1 and 2 are related to each other)

Substituting into (B) d (G E / RT ) 

 ln 1
dx1 2

Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888

Excess Gibbs Energy

 The limiting behaviors is to be

 lim

d G E / RT 
 lim ln 1  ln  1
x1 0 x x RT
1 2
x1 0 dx1 x1 0 2

lim  ln  2
x2 0 x x RT
1 2

 Because the activity coefficient of a species in solution becomes unity as the species becomes
pure, each ln i (i  1,2) tends to zero as xi → 1.
 At the other limit, where xi → 0 and species i becomes infinitely dilute, ln i approaches a
finite limit, namely, ln i 


Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888
Liquid phase property from VLE data


Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888

Liquid phase property from VLE data


Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888
Data Reduction with Margules Equation
One-parameter Margules equation

 A = constant
x1 x2 RT
 This symmetric behavior is not sufficient for most nonideal mixtures)

Two-parameter Margules equation

 A21 x1  A12 x2
x1 x2 RT (12.9a) a linear composition dependence
 (A 21 x1  A12 x2 ) x1 x2
A21, A12 fitting constants for experimental VLE data
A reasonable approximation for many types of binary mixtures
A commonly used empirical model of solution behavior 19

Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888

Data Reduction with Margules Equation

 Expressions for ln1 and ln2 are derived from Eq. (12.9b) by application of Eq.

  nG E / RT 
ln  i  

 ni  P,T ,n j
 Converting mole fractions into mole numbers in the two-parameter Margules equation

2 2
nG E A21n1 n2  A12 n1n2
  A21n1  A12 n2 

RT n1  n2 2 n1  n2 2
Differentiating with respect to n1

ln  1  

  nG E / RT   
2 A21n1n2  A12 n2
A21n1 n2  A12 n1n2

 n 1  P ,T ,n2 n1  n 2 2
n1  n2 3

Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888
Data Reduction with Margules Equation
Converting to mole fractions
 2 2

 2 A21 x1 x2  A12 x2  2 A21 x1 x2  A12 x1 x2  x2 A12  2 A12 x1  2 A21 x1 

  nG E / RT 
ln  1  
  x22 A12  2( A21  A12 ) x1 

 n1  P ,T ,n2


  nG E / RT 
ln  2  

 x12  A21  2 ( A12  A21 ) x 2 

 n 2  P ,T , n1
 For the limiting conditions at infinite dilution
ln  1  A12 (as x1 0)
ln  2  A21 (as x2 0)

 Infinite dilution activity coefficient has a significant meaning ! 21

Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888

Data Reduction with Margules Equation

A12 = 0.372 A21 = 0.198

MEK / toluene system

Fig. 12.6


Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888
Data Reduction with Margules Equation
MEK / toluene system A12 = 0.372 A21 = 0.198

nG E
  0.198 x1  0.372 x2  x1 x2
RT 23

Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888

Data Reduction with Margules Equation


Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888

Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888

Correlation of P-x-y data

Modified Raoult’s law

P  x1 1 P1sat  x2 2 P2sat

x1 1 P1sat
y1  (at fixed T )
x1 1 P1  x2 2 P2
sat sat

 Vapor phase is assumed to be an ideal gas mixture

 Liquid phase nonideality is described by two-para
meter Margules equation
ln  1  x22  A12  2( A21  A12 ) x1 
( solid lines obtained from
ln  2  x12  A21  2( A12  A21 ) x 2  BUBL P calculation )
 Optimal values of A21, A12 reproduce experimental Pxy data 26

Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888
Correlation of P-x-y data

Margules equation with A21 = –0.72 A12 = –1.27


Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888

Correlation of P-x-y data


Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888
Models for the excess Gibbs energy

 GE/RT is a function of T, P and composition, but is a very weak function of P

( almost independent)

 g x1 , x2 ,, xN  const T

Redlich/Kister expansion (power series)

 A  B x1  x2   C  x1  x2   
const T
x1 x2 RT

If B = C = ··· = 0
A one-parameter Margules equation
x1 x2 RT

Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888

Redlich/Kister expansion

ln  1  Ax22 ln  2  Ax12 symmetric

Infinite dilution activity coefficient

ln  1  A ln  2  A

If C = ··· = 0
 A  B x1  x2 
x1 x2 RT
GE/x1x2 RT is linear in x1. It is equivalent to

 A21x1  A12 x2 two-parameter Margules equation
x1 x2 RT

Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888
Van Laar equation
Two-parameter model

 The first theoretical model for activity coefficient

 A  Bx1  x2   Ax1  x2   B x1  x2    A  Bx1   A  Bx2

x1 x2
G E / RT

A  B  1 A21
 A  B  1 A12

x1 x2 x x
 1  2 GE A12 A21

 or 
G / RT
A21 A12 x1 x2 RT A12 x1  A21 x2

From 
  nG E / RT 
ln  i  

 ni  P,T ,n j


Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888

Van Laar equation

2 2
 A x   A x 
ln  1  A12 1  12 1   1  21 2 
ln  2  A21
 A21 x2   A12 x1 
Infinite dilution activity coefficient
ln  2  A21

ln   A12


Concept of local composition models

 In liquid solutions, local compositions are different from overall mixture composition. Local
compositions account for the short-range order, nonrandom orientations of molecules resulting
from differences in molecular size and intermolecular forces.


Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888
Concept of local composition models

Bulk composition Local composition Red(1) / Blue(2)

x1 = 10 / 25 x11 = 2 / 4
x11  x1
 Nonrandom behavior caused by intermolecular interaction ( e.g.
red-red pairing is more favored than red-blue pairing)

Wilson equation
  x1 ln  x1  x2 12   x2 ln  x2  x1 21 
 12  21 
ln  1   ln x1  x2 12   x2   
x 
 1 2 12
x  x 2  x 
1 21 

 12  21 
ln  2   ln x2  x1 21   x1   
x 
 1 2 12
x  x2  x 
1 21 

Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888

Concept of local composition models

 For infinite dilution

ln  1   ln 12  1   21 ln  2   ln  21  1  12

 Local composition models can be generalized to multicomponent systems only with binary
NRTL equation (Non-Random-Two-Liquid)

GE G21 21 G12 12
 
x1 x2 RT x1  x2G21 x2  x1G12

  G 
G12 12    G 
G21 21 
ln  1  x2  21   
2 21
 ln  2  x1
 12  12
  
  x1  x2G21   x2  x1G12     x2  x1G12   x1  x2G21  
2 2


Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888
Concept of local composition models

G12  exp  12  G21  exp  21 

b12 b21
 12   21 
, b12, b21 are parameters independent of T and composition
 Infinite dilution activity coefficient

ln  1   21   12 exp 12  ln  2   12   21 exp  21 

 


Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888

Thermodynamic Consistency Tests

 The Gibbs–Duhem equation provides a general relation for the partial molar properties of
different species in a mixture that must always be true.
 The activity coefficient of different species can be related to one another.
 Such interrelation can be used to judge the quality of experimental data.
 The development that follows is based on the relation between activity coeffi cients in a
binary mixture of species a and b

the excess Gibbs energy for a binary mixture can be written as:


Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888
Thermodynamic Consistency Tests


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Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888

Thermodynamic Consistency Tests

 Therefore, to evaluate experimental data for thermodynamic consistency.


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Thermodynamic Consistency Tests


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Bubble point calculations


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Bubble P calculations


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Bubble T calculations


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Dewpoint caclulations


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Dew p calculations


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Dew T calculations


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Flash caclulations


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Flash caclulations


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Flash caclulations


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Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888
The experimental VLE data for 2-propanol (1)/Water (2) at 45 oC are given in the table
1- Check the consistency of these data using the
area test.
2- Is it possible to use the two-parameters
Margules model for such system? Why? If yes,
estimate the best parameters: A12 and A21.
3- Is it possible to use Van Laar model for such
system ? Why? If yes, estimate best parameters:
 and A21
A12 .
4- Construct the P-x-y diagram from the above
two models and using the experimental data .
5- Plot ln1, ln2 , and GE/RT versus x1 from the
above two models and using the experimental data

- Comment on the results.


Chemical Engineering Department | University of Jordan | Amman 11942, Jordan

Tel. +962 6 535 5000 | 22888

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