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Consumer Name Consumer No Supply Release Date Meter No

334001170 16-Jul-2017 15508148
Category Tarrif Code Load Meter Digit, MF
HV-2 Urban Schedule for new supply at
HV-2 / STN-HV 320.0 KVA 8, 4

Previous Financial Year Ledger

CONSUMER LEDGER FROM 01-Apr-2011 TO 31-Mar-2021
Opening Balance: 0
Date Transaction Remarks Reference Debit Credit Balance

01-Nov-2017 OB 00 112017334001170 16,391.72 0.00 16,391.72

17-Nov-2017 BILL BILLDC11/2017 112017334001170 369,151.88 0.00 385,543.60
28-Nov-2017 BILLPAYMENT 161217 77935135 0.00 368,780.00 16,763.60
16-Dec-2017 CHEQUE BOUNCE 161217 77935135 368,780.00 0.00 385,543.60
16-Dec-2017 CHEQUE DISHONOUR CHG 00 77935135 590.00 0.00 386,133.60
19-Dec-2017 BILL 1912170 2432171219249333 147,347.00 0.00 533,480.60
19-Dec-2017 REBILL 1912170 2432171219249333 0.00 147,347.00 386,133.60
19-Dec-2017 BILL 2812170 2432171228291853 147,347.00 0.00 533,480.60
29-Dec-2017 ADJUSTMENT 23322432201712001 0.00 385,542.00 147,938.60
03-Jan-2018 BILLPAYMENT 30118 35243203011813130007 0.00 140,000.00 7,938.60
18-Jan-2018 BILL 1801180 2432180118110774 83,366.00 0.00 91,304.60
18-Jan-2018 REBILL 1801180 2432180118110774 0.00 83,366.00 7,938.60
18-Jan-2018 BILL 2401180 2432180124136159 83,797.00 0.00 91,735.60
18-Jan-2018 REBILL 2401180 2432180124136159 0.00 83,797.00 7,938.60
18-Jan-2018 BILL 302180 2432180203762475 83,797.00 0.00 91,735.60
03-Feb-2018 ADJUSTMENT 23322432201802001 0.00 63,770.00 27,965.60
05-Feb-2018 BILLPAYMENT 50218 35233205021801010015 0.00 29,765.00 -1,799.40
15-Feb-2018 ADJUSTMENT 1502180 2432180215841546 0.00 0.00 -1,799.40
15-Feb-2018 BILL 1502180 2432180215841546 82,319.00 0.00 80,519.60
16-Mar-2018 BILL 1603180 2726180316560503 304,126.00 0.00 384,645.60
12-Apr-2018 BILL 1204180 2726180412409456 645,327.00 0.00 1,029,972.60
12-Apr-2018 REBILL 1204180 2726180412409456 0.00 645,327.00 384,645.60
12-Apr-2018 BILL 2604180 2726180426438063 645,327.40 0.00 1,029,973.00
27-Apr-2018 ADJUSTMENT 27242726201804001 0.00 123,706.00 906,267.00
14-May-2018 BILL 1405180 2726180514073628 385,600.00 0.00 1,291,867.00
15-May-2018 BILLPAYMENT 150518 35272615051804040022 0.00 300,000.00 991,867.00
05-Jun-2018 BILLPAYMENT 50618 35272605061804040043 0.00 400,000.00 591,867.00
11-Jun-2018 BILLPAYMENT 110618 35272611061804040033 0.00 500,000.00 91,867.00
12-Jun-2018 BILL 1206180 2726180612756629 406,137.00 0.00 498,004.00
05-Jul-2018 BILLPAYMENT 50718 35272605071804040023 0.00 490,000.00 8,004.00
17-Jul-2018 BILL 1707180 2726180717491822 484,476.00 0.00 492,480.00
31-Jul-2018 BILLPAYMENT 310718 35272631071804040010 0.00 490,000.00 2,480.00
16-Aug-2018 BILL 1608180 2726180816268639 348,654.00 0.00 351,134.00
30-Aug-2018 BILLPAYMENT 300818 35272630081804040076 0.00 350,000.00 1,134.00
10-Sep-2018 BILL 1009180 2726180910711694 357,944.00 0.00 359,078.00
25-Sep-2018 BILLPAYMENT 250918 33272625091804040001 0.00 359,078.00 0.00
10-Oct-2018 BILL 1010180 2726181010927438 387,975.00 0.00 387,975.00
25-Oct-2018 ADJUSTMENT Rebate Given 33272625101804040001 0.00 3,470.78 384,504.22
25-Oct-2018 BILLPAYMENT 251018 33272625101804040001 0.00 384,504.00 0.22
06-Nov-2018 BILL 611180 2726181106469397 276,114.78 0.00 276,115.00
22-Nov-2018 BILLPAYMENT 221118 35272622111804040044 0.00 273,645.00 2,470.00
02-Dec-2018 BILL 212180 2432181202125939 93,707.00 0.00 96,177.00
02-Dec-2018 REBILL 212180 2432181202125939 0.00 93,707.00 2,470.00
02-Dec-2018 BILL 201190 2726190102174202 93,707.00 0.00 96,177.00
02-Jan-2019 ADJUSTMENT 27242726201901001 0.00 62,654.96 33,522.04
05-Jan-2019 BILL 501190 2726190105184159 90,995.96 0.00 124,518.00
05-Jan-2019 BILLPAYMENT 50119 35272605011904040007 0.00 31,052.00 93,466.00
05-Feb-2019 BILL 502190 2726190205209067 94,243.00 0.00 187,709.00
03-Mar-2019 BILL 303190 2726190303192474 90,239.00 0.00 277,948.00
07-Mar-2019 BILLPAYMENT 70319 35272607031904040032 0.00 64,850.00 213,098.00
03-Apr-2019 BILL 304190 2726190403172961 661,073.00 0.00 874,171.00
03-Apr-2019 REBILL 304190 2726190403172961 0.00 661,073.00 213,098.00
03-Apr-2019 BILL 1804190 2726190418281052 661,073.00 0.00 874,171.00
18-Apr-2019 ADJUSTMENT 27242726201904001 0.00 122,859.00 751,312.00
03-May-2019 BILL 305190 2726190503267350 658,333.00 0.00 1,409,645.00
06-Jun-2019 BILLPAYMENT 60619 35272406061901010001 0.00 1,000,000.00 409,645.00
13-Jun-2019 BILL 1306190 2726190613465443 620,623.00 0.00 1,030,268.00
03-Jul-2019 BILL 307190 2726190703523925 288,337.00 0.00 1,318,605.00
03-Jul-2019 BILLPAYMENT 30719 33272403071901010005 0.00 1,030,268.00 288,337.00
03-Aug-2019 BILL 308190 2726190803994608 453,167.00 0.00 741,504.00
23-Aug-2019 BILLPAYMENT 230819 33272623081904040012 0.00 741,504.00 0.00
03-Sep-2019 BILL 309190 2726190903702945 425,182.00 0.00 425,182.00
30-Sep-2019 BILLPAYMENT 300919 35272630091904040073 0.00 421,409.00 3,773.00
03-Oct-2019 BILL 310190 2726191003827547 386,206.00 0.00 389,979.00
31-Oct-2019 BILLPAYMENT 311019 35272631101904040028 0.00 386,201.00 3,778.00
04-Nov-2019 BILL 411190 2726191104806903 363,946.00 0.00 367,724.00
05-Dec-2019 BILL 512190 2726191205082272 107,990.00 0.00 475,714.00
04-Jan-2020 BILL 401200 2726200104116568 109,587.00 0.00 585,301.00
04-Jan-2020 REBILL 401200 2726200104116568 0.00 109,587.00 475,714.00
04-Jan-2020 BILL 1501200 2726200115205834 110,643.00 0.00 586,357.00
04-Jan-2020 BILLPAYMENT 40120 33272604012004040063 0.00 475,714.00 110,643.00
02-Feb-2020 CHEQUE BOUNCE 40120 33272604012004040063 475,714.00 0.00 586,357.00
02-Feb-2020 CHEQUE DISHONOUR CHG 00 33272604012004040063 225.00 0.00 586,582.00
02-Feb-2020 ADJUSTMENT 27242726202002001 9,135.71 0.00 595,717.71
04-Feb-2020 BILL 402200 2726200204992333 139,056.24 0.00 734,773.95
04-Feb-2020 REBILL 402200 2726200204992333 0.00 139,056.24 595,717.71
04-Feb-2020 BILL 1302200 2726200213240240 139,056.29 0.00 734,774.00
04-Feb-2020 ADJUSTMENT 402200 RETRO ADJ AMOUNT 11,986.05 0.00 746,760.05
06-Feb-2020 BILLPAYMENT 150220 35272415022032320001 0.00 475,714.00 271,046.05
22-Feb-2020 ADJUSTMENT 27242726202002001 0.00 685,026.00 -413,979.95
Off season amount
22-Feb-2020 ADJUSTMENT 27242726202002001 463,728.00 0.00 49,748.05
charge rs463728
03-Mar-2020 BILL 303200 2726200303213302 126,237.95 0.00 175,986.00
26-Apr-2020 BILL 2604200 2726200426550010 854,716.00 0.00 1,030,702.00
26-Apr-2020 ADJUSTMENT 2604200 Bill Adjustment 0.00 32,000.00 998,702.00
17-May-2020 BILL 1705200 2726200517759933 265,019.00 0.00 1,263,721.00
17-May-2020 ADJUSTMENT 1705200 Bill Adjustment 0.00 96,000.00 1,167,721.00
05-Jun-2020 BILL 506200 2726200605781608 237,387.00 0.00 1,405,108.00
05-Jun-2020 ADJUSTMENT 506200 Bill Adjustment 32,000.00 0.00 1,437,108.00
06-Jul-2020 BILL 607200 2726200706967655 402,600.00 0.00 1,839,708.00
06-Jul-2020 ADJUSTMENT 607200 Bill Adjustment 96,000.00 0.00 1,935,708.00
16-Jul-2020 BILLPAYMENT 280720 35272428072032320005 0.00 850,000.00 1,085,708.00
06-Aug-2020 BILL 608200 2726200806150905 357,355.00 0.00 1,443,063.00
26-Aug-2020 BILLPAYMENT 310820 35272431082032320007 0.00 500,000.00 943,063.00
01-Sep-2020 BILLPAYMENT 30920 35272403092032320002 0.00 600,000.00 343,063.00
03-Sep-2020 BILL 309200 2726200903007865 364,529.00 0.00 707,592.00
03-Oct-2020 BILL 310200 2726201003012072 314,739.00 0.00 1,022,331.00
07-Oct-2020 BILLPAYMENT 81020 35272408102032320001 0.00 500,000.00 522,331.00
05-Nov-2020 BILL 511200 2726201105324044 289,946.00 0.00 812,277.00
11-Nov-2020 BILLPAYMENT 111120 33272411112032320001 0.00 812,772.00 -495.00
04-Dec-2020 ADJUSTMENT 412200 2726201204213372 0.00 0.00 -495.00
04-Dec-2020 BILL 412200 2726201204213372 129,518.00 0.00 129,023.00
04-Dec-2020 REBILL 412200 2726201204213372 0.00 129,518.00 -495.00
04-Dec-2020 ADJUSTMENT 1412200 2726201214331691 0.00 0.00 -495.00
04-Dec-2020 BILL 1412200 2726201214331691 129,518.00 0.00 129,023.00
14-Dec-2020 ADJUSTMENT 27242726202012001 0.00 68,159.00 60,864.00
07-Jan-2021 BILL 701210 2726210107049895 128,207.00 0.00 189,071.00
07-Jan-2021 REBILL 701210 2726210107049895 0.00 128,207.00 60,864.00
07-Jan-2021 BILL 1201210 2726210112109804 128,207.00 0.00 189,071.00
12-Jan-2021 ADJUSTMENT 27242726202101001 0.00 70,060.00 119,011.00
04-Feb-2021 BILL 402210 2726210204901701 123,085.00 0.00 242,096.00
04-Feb-2021 REBILL 402210 2726210204901701 0.00 123,085.00 119,011.00
04-Feb-2021 BILL 602210 2726210206915409 123,085.00 0.00 242,096.00
06-Feb-2021 ADJUSTMENT 27242726202102001 0.00 67,683.07 174,412.93
25-Feb-2021 BILLPAYMENT 250221 35272625022104040030 0.00 174,413.00 -0.07
05-Mar-2021 BILL 503210 2726210305901757 131,972.07 0.00 131,972.00
05-Mar-2021 REBILL 503210 2726210305901757 0.00 131,972.07 -0.07
05-Mar-2021 BILL 903210 2726210309955899 131,972.07 0.00 131,972.00
09-Mar-2021 ADJUSTMENT 27242726202103001 0.00 72,585.00 59,387.00

CONSUMER LEDGER FROM 01-Apr-2021 TO 30-Jun-2021

Opening Balance: 59,387.00
Date Transaction Remarks Reference Debit Credit Balance

07-Apr-2021 BILL 704210 2726210407930776 788,931.00 0.00 848,318.00

12-May-2021 BILL 1205210 2726210512850767 316,660.00 0.00 1,164,978.00
05-Jun-2021 BILL 506210 2726210605539959 306,088.00 0.00 1,471,066.00
08-Jun-2021 CANCELED 80621 35272608062109090002 848,318.00 0.00 2,319,384.00
08-Jun-2021 BILLPAYMENT 80621 35272608062109090002 0.00 848,318.00 1,471,066.00
08-Jun-2021 BILLPAYMENT 80621 35272608062109090003 0.00 848,318.00 622,748.00
26-Jun-2021 BILLPAYMENT 260621 35272426062132320004 0.00 400,000.00 222,748.00
29-Jun-2021 CHEQUE BOUNCE 80621 35272608062109090003 848,318.00 0.00 1,071,066.00
29-Jun-2021 CHEQUE DISHONOUR CHG 00 35272608062109090003 225.00 0.00 1,071,291.00
29-Jun-2021 ADJUSTMENT 27242726202106001 2,380.00 0.00 1,073,671.00
Closing Balance: 1,073,671.00

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