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Search Engine Optimization Report

1. SEO Audit ......................................................................................................................................
1. Site Crawl ..................................................................................................................................
2. Cano nical URL ch eck .............................................................................................................
3. Check for use of Flash/Frames/Ajax ...............................................................................
4. Goo gle Banned URL check ..................................................................................................
5. Sitemap ......................................................................................................................................
6. Site Ind ex Ratio ......................................................................................................................
2. Site Analysis .................................................................................................................................
1. Title and Description Tags ..................................................................................................
2. Keywords Meta Tags .............................................................................................................
3. Keyword Density..................................................................................................................... 5
4. Header Tags .............................................................................................................................
5. Robots Tag ................................................................................................................................
6. Navigation .................................................................................................................................
3. Competitor Analysis .................................................................................................................. 7
1. Identified top 5 key words ...................................................................................................
2. Tra ffic Details ...........................................................................................................................
3. Sear ch Engine Ranking Position .......................................................................................
4. Back links ..................................................................................................................................
5. Presence on Onl ine Social Media ......................................................................................
4. About Regalix ...............................................................................................................................
1. SEO Audit

Search engine optimization (SEO ) is the pr oc ess of improving the volume and
quality of tr affic to a web site from search engines via "natural" ("organic" or
"algorithmic") search results.

Search engine optimization improves the organic traffic to the website by

increasing the search engine ranking position (SERP) an d also it helps the crawler
index all th e pages of the website.

SEO ca n be used to gen erat e tr affic thr ough organic listings over the long te rm.

We have condu cted an SEO audit for your website and below are the observations
fr om the same. We have analyzed your h ome page

1. Si te Crawl
The site is check ed wi th a site crawler simulator to che ck if the site can be crawled
by the search engine bo ts. If the web pag es are not crawled then the web pag es
won’t be listed out in the search engine databas e and web page won’t be show n up
in the search engine res ults like Google and Yahoo.


Recomm endations:

2. Canonical URL check

A canonical problem exists were a site ca n be f ound by using the www .
version (http ://ww w.yoursite and the non www . version
(http ://yoursite This cre ates a problem beca use it can be seen as duplicate
content by the search engines and one version can be rem ov ed fr om their indexes
– the problem arises when the wr ong version is deleted (this is usually the non
www . version)


Recomm endati ons:

3. Check for use of Flash/Frames/Ajax

Search engines cann ot crawl and index flash, frames and Ajax. Excess usa ge of the
above mentioned techn iques tampe r the visibi lity and perf orm ance of the website in
search engine results.

Recomm endati ons:
4. Goog le Bann ed URL check
This check looks to see if a URL has been ban ned from the Goo gle, this can be for a
variety of reasons and ac tion needs to be taken if it has been remo ved from the


Recomm endations:

5. Sitemap
A site map is ess ential for every we b site in order to keep the site linked well; each
page should at least be linked to the sitemap. A good site infrastr ucture allows the
search engine spiders to crawl the entire site and therefore en sure all pages of the
site are pres ent in the indexes of the major search engines .


Recomm endati ons:

6. Si te In de x Ratio
If the site has many web pages and on ly few pages have been indexed th at means
all the pages are n ot reachable by crawler. This number can be increased
by submitti ng site map to search engines and crea ting search engine friendly

Res ult:

2. Site Analysis
1. Title an d Description Tags
Title tag is an element which defines the title of the doc ument. Tit le tag defines the
web pag e; it holds ut mos t importance in search engines. Title tag is the on e which
appe ars during search results in bold letters. The primary keyw ord of the webp age
should be pre sent in the title tag and it ca n have 2 – 3 keywords.


Recomm endati ons:

2. Keywords Meta Tags

The meta keywords tag is a tag which can be used to highlight keywo rds and
ke yword phras es whi ch the web page is targeting.


Recomm endati ons:

3. Keyword Density
A measure of search engine relevancy bas ed on how prominent keywords app eared
within the co nt ent of a page. Ideal keyword density for ke yword is 3 – 5%. Keyword
density as sures the co ntent is keyw ord rich and it increases the content an d meta
tag relevancy.


Recomm endati ons:

4. Header Tags
Header tags are heading tags in HTML. There are 6 predefined headings, ranging
from <H1> to <H6> which tells a visitor and search engines the topic of the
web p age.


Recomm endati ons:

5. Robots Tag
This tag enables you to control whether a web page is to be indexed or not. This
tag is optional hen ce a web pag e will be spidered by a se arch engine spider if this
tag is missing.


Recomm endati ons:

6. Navigation
Navigation indicate s whether site is crawl able me ans each and every webpage can
be reachable by search engines or not at the sa me time it shows how user friend ly is
the navigation of the website.


Recomm endati ons:

3. Competitor Analysis
1. Ide ntif ied to p 5 keywords
The SEO audit of the site has shortliste d 5 ke ywords from the website co ntent and
the spac e that the business oper ates. These keywords have bee n shortlisted based
on their respe ctive search volumes on Google.

Sr.No. Keywords Goo gle Search Volume


2. Traffic Detai ls
Traffic indicates the number of visitors coming to a website. More traffic indicates that the
website is a popular website. Website Popularity is one of the criteria used by search engines to
gauge the position in the search results. Site popularity is also indicated by Alexa rank, the lower
the rank the more popular the website.

3. Se arch Engine Ran king Position

For the shortlisted five keywords we have determined the position of your website

Sr.No. Keywords Google SERP


4. Ba ck links
Back links indicate the incoming links to a website. Back links help in SERP, indicating the
popularity of the website by the number of users linking to the page. This forms one of the
factors considered by the Search Engines for positioning on the search engine result page.

5. Presence on On li ne Social Media

Social media is taking precedence in the online world. Social media is favored by people and
crawlers. People spend a lot of time on social media like facebook, linkedin, digg, twitter and
crawlers/search engines like to follow people.
Presence of a website on social media indicates that the business is at par with the technology
and provides more visibility to the business. It helps people to find business on internet and
crawlers to visit your site easily and regularly.

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