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Week 11


1 CSC 103L OOP – Paint Application in Java Using NETBEANS

1. Objectives:
(a). Creating a Paint application in NetBeans
(b). Creating and embedding canvas in a paint window
(c). Running, branding and packaging the project
2. Time Required: 3 hrs
3. Programming Language: Java
4. Software Required:
(a). Windows OS
(b). NetBeans
5. Paint Application:
You will create a simple application on the NetBeans Platform. The application allows
the user to paint on the screen:

This initial version is far from a full-fledged paint application, but it demonstrates a
very simple case of creating an application on top of the NetBeans Platform.
6. Creating the Application Skeleton: The "NetBeans Platform Application" template will
create your application's skeleton. The skeleton will consist of a set of modules that
work together to form the basis of your application. You will use the Project Properties
dialog to assign your application's splashscreen, application name, and the type and
number of NetBeans modules that you want to use. You can also take advantage of
such actions as creating a ZIP distribution and building a Java WebStart (JNLP)
application, which are important tools in making your application available to other
(a). Choose File > New Project. Under Categories, select NetBeans Modules. Under
projects, select NetBeans Platform Application: Click Next.

2 CSC 103L OOP – Paint Application in Java Using NETBEANS

Web Resources:
Summary: This lab allows the students to practice making a paint application using the built-in
Netbeans modules.

3 CSC 103L OOP – Paint Application in Java Using NETBEANS

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