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Load testing of prestressed concrete transmission pole and its concrete footing
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A. S E N K I W
Division, Otlt(lrio Ijytlro, Torotlto, Otit., Cot~trtloM8%5S4
Received June 29, 1977
Accepted Febmary 10, 1978

Full-scale load tests on a centrihrgally spun, prestressed concrete pole installed in a reinforced
concrete footing indicate that this s t r u c t ~ ~can
r e be ~lseclfor transmission lines if some dimensional
changes are made to increase the torsional capacity of the pole to withstand broken-conductor
loading conditions. The results also show that the strength and behaviour of the pole can be
predicted analytically if the actual dimensions and propertiesof the materials are known. Strains
in the reinforced concrete footing are very low and, in this case, indicate no neetl for reinforcing
steel to resist stresses due to exterior loading. Where reinforcement is r e q ~ ~ i r efor d the control of
clxcksdue to temperature and shrinkage. it need be included only in the upper part of the footing.

Des essais d e chargement rialisks s u r u n prototype d e pyl6ne en beton prtcontmint centrifilg6

et encastre dans un massif d e fondation en beton ont montre que cette piece structuralepeut &re
~ltiliseecomme element d'une ligne d e transport d'energie B condition que soient apportees
q ~ l e l q ~ lmodifications
es propres B accroitre la capacite en torsion du pyl6ne appele resister ~ L I X
sollicitations resultant du blisd'unconducteur. Lesessaisont egalenient montrequ'il est possible
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de calculer I21 resistance et le comportement du pyl6ne si les dimensions exactes et les proprietks
du matkriau constitutif de ce dernier sont connues. Les deformations se sont rCveIees tres fuibles
dans le massif d e fondation en beton arme; on peut donc dans ce cas conclure qu'il n'est pas
necessaire d e prevoir des armatures P O L I ~resister aux contraintes engendrees par les charges
exterieures. Lorsque lecontr6ledes fissuresduesaux effets d e la tempe~xtureetau retrait imposc
I'emploi d'armatures, celles-ci peuvent Ptre circonscrites i la partie s ~ ~ p e r i e ude
r e la fondation.
Can. J. Civ. Eng.. 5,274-281 (1978)
[Traduit par la revue]

Introduction 33-m nominal length, which has six steel phase-con-

Centrifugally spun, prestressed concrete poles are ductor crossarms and two steel overhead ground-
an alternative to hollow steel poles, currently used by cable crossarms.
Ontario Hydro. T o determine whether concrete poles The pole was tapered from a diameter of 70 cm a t
of this type are adequate for the support of overhead the butt t o 25 cm at the top, with a minimum wall
transmission lines, full-scale load tests were made thickness of 6 cm. It was reinforced with 13-mm-
on a fully assembled, installed structure. Additional diameter, 1849-MPa pretensioning strands having a n
objectives of the tests were to: demonstrate whether overlay of 3-mm-diameter reinforcing wire spiralled
analysis can predict the actual behaviour of the pole, a t nominal pitch of 18 cm in one direction over the
establish the contribution of prestressing to the tor- entire height. The yield strength of the spiral was 994
sional capacity of the pole and ascertain the signifi- MPa. The base of the pole contained 48 strands, but
cance of the orientation of the spiral reinforcement, the top contained only 16 since four strands were
and measure the actual stresses in the structure and terminated every 3 ni between the 6-m and 27-111
its reinforced concrete footing under external loading levels because of the decreasing diameter. Each
t o determine whether the amount of steel reinforce- strand was pretensioned t o 80 kN. High-strength
ment now used in single-pole concrete footings could (83-MPa) concrete was used in fabricating the pole.
be reduced. The prestressing force was released when the con-
The tests were performed jointly by the Mechanical crete strength reached 28 MPa. The design of t h e
and Civil Research Departments of Ontario Hydro pole called for a 19-mni cover of concrete over the
on the premises of the pole manufacturer. prestressing cables. The mass of the pole, without
crossarms, was about 9090 kg.
Description of Structure and its Footing The concrete footing was constructed by augering
As shown in Fig. 1, the structure comprises a liol- a 1.5-m-diameter hole into soil and rock to a depth of
low centrifugally cast prestressed concrete pole of 4.5 m. The soil and bedrock profile consisted of a
NOTE 275

7 formed bars encircled by 13-mm-diameter spiralled
bars at a pitch of 15 cm, was lowered into the excava-
3 - m CONDUCTOR ARM tion. Before the placing of the concrete, the rein-
forcing cage was instrumented with strain gauges.
Soil-pressure cells were also installed at various loca-
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A L L DIMENSIONS ARE IN tions in the excavation. T h e concrete (28 MPa) was

poured t o within 38 cm of the ground line to facili-
tate cleanup and reinstatement of the site on com-
pletion of the tests.
The pole was tested 20 days after placing the con-
crete footing. The strength of the concrete in the
footing a t the time of testing was 24 M Pa.

Strength Analysis
The pole was analysed for ultimate strength in
accordance with the basic assuniption and require-
PULL L I N E T O WINCH ment given in the American Concrete Institute (1971)
EAST OF POLE Standard 3 18-7 1 , Builclilirlg code requirements ,for
reinforced concrete. The analysis for torsional
moment capacity was based on the tensile strength
of the concrete only. For the bending moment capa-
DUE SOUTH city the pole was analysed a s a tapered member with
combined axial load and bending moment. The anal-
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ysis indicated that the maximum torsional moment

capacity a t the ground-cable arm level and the rnaxi-
mum bending moment capacity at the ground line
would be I I and 1 169 kN.m, respectively. Although
the pole was not expected t o withstand all of the re-
quired loading combinations for compact 230-kV
FIG. 1 . Arrangement for load tests on concrete transn~ission two-circuit transmission lines given in Table 1, it was
pole and footing. decided t o test the pole in order to achieve the ob-
surfacial layer of firm reddish brown silty clay over jectives mentioned earlier.
shale bedrock beginning at a depth of 1.5 rn. T h e
bedrock was a red calcareous shale with occasional Test Program
reddish grey and grey-green calcareous fine-grained The test program was performed in two stages.
siltstone interbeds. A steel reinforcing cage, 1.4 m in Stage A consisted of a combined torsional, bending,
diameter and consisting of 25 35-mm-diameter de- and vertical loading sequence applied a t the end o f
1. Design requirements for compact, 230-kV, two-circuit transmission line (height
of pole above ground assumed to be 29.3 ni)

Load conlbinations Maximum force due to combined loads

Ice buildup pressure Temperature Moment Shear Torsion Axial
(cm) (kPa) (L'c) (k~.m) ( k ~ ) ( k ~ . m ) (kN)
5.1 nil -1 0 0 0 307
nil 1.15 16 1196 57 0 151
1.9 0.48 - 18 945 41 0 171
nil 0.24 16 1559* 54* SO* 151
5 . It nil -1 0 0 0 216
1.97 0.48 - 18 609 27 0 135
Double twist: 0 0 107 151
'Includes effect of 47.6-kN tension on one g r o u n d cable in addition to load combinations cited.
ton phase conduc1ors of one circuit only.
tFrom failure of t w o opposite conductors, one on each side of polc.
C A N . J . CIV. ENG. VOL. 5. 1978


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FIG.2. Instrumentation for load tests on concrete pole and footing.

the south 2-m ground-cable arm at the 28-rn level. Stage B comprised a combined bending and ver-
Masses of 340 kg from each ground-cable arm and tical loading sequence applied directly t o the pole a t
910 kg from each conductor arm were suspended the 20-m level. Stage B tests were performed with
in order to simulate the mass of the overhead ground masses of 910-kg suspended from the lowest con-
cables and phase conductors, respectively. The loads ductor arms. The load was applied t o the pole in
on the ground-cable arm were applied in 2.2-kN 4.5-kN increments to failure, with the load cycled
increments until failure. back to zero at the 27-, 36-, 41-, and 50-kN levels.
NOTE 277

Stage A partially simulated the design require-

ment of the fourth loading condition in Table 1 and
stage B simulated the second loading condition.
The torsional and bending loads were applied by
means of a 134-kN-capacity truck-mounted winch
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stationed 93 m directly east of the pole, as shown in

Fig. 1. In both stages the direction of the pull line
was at right angles to the lengths of the arms of the
pole. The loads were monitored by a strain dyna-
mometer at the point of load application and
checked by a spring dynamometer at the winch.
The concrete pole was instrumented for taking
displacement readings, both lateral and torsional,
and strain readings, a t the locations shown in Fig. 2.
Pole deflection was measured by means of a transit
and graduated scales. The scales were attached to the
pole at about 3-m intervals and the transit was set
31 m directly south of the pole. A pair of false arms
was fastened to the pole immediately above the
ground-cable arms and oriented towards the transit.
Surveyor's rods were attached to the ground-cable
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arms and to the pair of false arms to measure the

torsional and lateral displacement of the top of the
pole in stage A of the test program. Movements of
the pole a t the base were measured by dial gauges.
Surface strains were measured by an extensometer
and resistance-type strain gauges installed on the
pole surface at the locations depicted in Fig. 2. The
extensometer had a gauge length of 10 cm.
Translation and rotation of the footing were mea- FIG.3. Diagonal cracks due to combined torsion, shear, and
sured by dial gauges. Pressure cells between the bending in stage A test.
footing and the adjacent rock recorded the stresses in
the bedrock during the tests. Longitudinal and cir- Stage B
cumferential strains within the footing were mea- The strain distribution across the base of the pole
sured by resistance-type strain gauges. and the deflection measurements of the pole for stage
B loading are given in Figs. 4 and 5, respectively.
Test Results After the cracking load was reached the tensile strain
Stage A readings were erratic and meaningless owing to bond
In the stage A test, failure of the top portion of failure causing slip of the prestressing steel.
the pole, just below the ground-cable crossarms, First cracking was observed at 35.2 kN, which
occurred suddenly at a load of 6.7 kN in the inclined produced a moment of 678 kN.m at the ground line.
pull cable. This produced a torque of 12 kN.m, a The cracks closed completely upon release of the
maximum tensile strain of 87 x and a maxi- loads, which would preclude moisture ingress and
mum rotation of the pole at the location of the failure possible corrosion of the prestressing steel. The
of 11 x rad. The horizontal component of the spacing of the cracks was 20 cm. Sudden flexural
load in the cable was used in calculating the twisting failure as seen in Fig. 6 occurred at 5 m above the
moment, tensile strain, and angle of twist. Diagonal footing at a load of 58 k N in the cable. This load
cracks (Fig. 3) in the concrete due to the combined produced a bending moment of 1158 kN.m at the
torsion, bending, and shear extended downward, far ground line and 893 kN,m a t the location of failure.
beyond the point of failure, almost to the lowest pair Both the horizontal and vertical components of the
of conductor arms (about 9 m). The load was applied load exerted by the inclined pull cable were con-
in the opposite direction of the spiral reinforcement. sidered in arriving at the bending moment. Just prior
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FIG.4. Strain distribution across base of pole in stage B test.

circumferential strains were 55 x and 25 x

lo-" respectively, as shown in Fig. 7.
Comparison between Test Results and
Theoretical Calculations
The calculated twist at the tip of the pole for the
maximum torque was 10 x rad compared to
the observed value of 11 x rad. The estimated
maximum diagonal tensile strain was 68 x
compared to the actual value of 87 x A homog-
enous uncracked concrete section was assumed in
arriving a t the angle of twist and strain.
F o r comparison, the theoretical curves for strains
and deflections for two instances during stage B are
presented in Figs. 4 and 5. For the calculation of
--- THEORETICAL strains concrete was assumed to take n o tension and
for the deflection, the flexural cracking along the
length of the pole was ignored. A hollow tapered
tubular section was assumed for estimating both de-
I I I I I flection and angle of twist. A comparison of the cal-
25 50 75 100 125 1
culated and actual ultimate moments for the pole a t
the ground line and at the location of failure are
FIG.5. Deflections of pole in stage B test. given in Table 2.
The maximum longitudinal and circumferential
to failure, the pole deflection was 1.8 m at 20 m above strains in the footing, at the level of the top set of
ground. strain gauges were estimated to be 93 x and
During the tests, virtually no rotation and lateral 48 x respectively. The actual values were
movement took place in the concrete footing and, at 55 x and 25 x respectively, that is,
failure of the pole, the maximum longitudinal and about one half the estimated values. For the theoret-
NOTE 279

2. Coniparison of calculated and actual ultimate
- -

Calculatcd Actual
Property ( (kNm)
Can. J. Civ. Eng. Downloaded from by University of Sheffield - Sub Librarian on 11/15/14

Ultimate torsional moment II 12

Ultimate bending moment at the
ground line 1 169 11%
Ultimate bending moment at the
location of failure 90 1 893
Cracking moment 62 1 678

den and gave no warning, the reason being attributed

to lack of properly oriented and spaced spiral rein-
The prestress failed to increase the cracking torque
capacity probably because of inadequate transfer
length. In calculating the theoretical torsional
moment capacity and strain, the effect of prestress
was not included; only the tensile strength of the
concrete was considered. The capacity would have
been 1.7 times that calculated had the prestress been
effective. The theoretical torsional moment capacity
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of the prestressed pole was calculated by assuming

an effective precompression of 17 M P a in the con-
crete cross section. T h e shear and bending stresses
introduced into the section by the horizontal load
were insignificant and therefore ignored.
The bolt holes and the stress concentration at them
probably contributed significantly towards reducing
torsional resistance of the section, and i11 all likeli-
hood the failure originated at a bolt hole.
The problem of torsion in a prestressed concrete
pole, especially when combined with shear a n d
bending, is quite conlplex, and is further com-
FIG.6. Failure of pole in stage B test. pounded by the presence of bolt holes and inade-
quate transfer length of the prestressing steel rein-
ical calculations, the pole was assumed held in posi- forcement. In fact, n o design code is available at
tion at the base by a cantilevered 1.2 111 long stub present for designing prestressed members subjected
cylinder, that is, the concrete footing with outside to torsion.
diameter 1.5 m, inside diameter coinciding with the
outside diameter of the pole, and one end built in Flexural Failure of Pole
the rock. The explosive nature of the flexural failure, the
Discussion strain distribution across the section, and the load-
It can be seen from Figs. 4 and 5 that, even at high deflection curves indicated that the pole was over-
loads, the correlation was close between the measured reinforced. Because of creep and shrinkage, the
and calculated strains and deflections in the pole. magnitude of the pretension cannot be calculated ac-
Agreement between the calculated and observed curately and hence the cracking moment can only be
torsional moment, angle to twist, diagonal strain, established approximately. However, during the test
and bending moment was also good. it was possible to observe the load a t which cracking
As discussed next, both the torsional and flexural occurred and hence determine the actual cracking
failures were very explosive in nature. moment. The value obtained agreed well with the
predicted value. For a short-term monotonic load
Torsional Failure of Pole test, the cracking load may also be determined from
The torsional failure, in particular, was very sud- the actual load-strain o r load-deflection curves since
C A N . J . CIV. E N G . V O L . 5. 1978


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[ I


I \ - F A C E "A"

'/I j
1 I
\ \ \\I

I I -60 -40 -20 0 -20 0 b20 +40

(X I O - ~ ! ( X 10.6) ELEVATION ix 10-6; (X

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Frc. 7. Strain distribution in concrete footing in stage B test.

this is the load at which the curves deviate from the using the principles and practices of crack-controlled
straight-line relationship. mass concrete.
Behaviour of Footing
In deriving the theoretical strains in the footing, Design Improvement
the resistance offered by the overburden soil was The tests demonstrated that although this par-
ignored. However, the soil resistance seems t o have ticular transmission pole withstood the maximum-
reduced the strains quite significantly. From the re- shear-force design requirement given in Table I for
sults of strain measurements in the footing, rein- compact 230-kV two-circuit transmission lines, it
forcing steel for structural purposes is unnecessary withstood only 75'%,of the required bending-moment
under these particular conditions. However, some capacity and only 10% of the required torsional-
nominal reinforcement may be required, but only in moment capacity. It would appear that the torsional
the upper part of the footing, t o control cracking of moment requirement of 107 kN.m would be the most
the concrete by thermal o r drying shrinkage. The difficult to meet with a concrete pole. However, if the
percentage of such 'temperature' reinforcement, steel spiral reinforcing is installed a t a reduced pitch
which is usually lx of the concrete area, should be in both directions, the torsional capacity would be
calculated only on the outer periphery of the footing greatly improved.
as this is the only area in tension when the concrete Preliminary calculations indicated that a pole
cools initially. Although eventual contraction of the having a t o p diameter of 51 cm, a butt diameter of
interior mass might tend t o propagate the surface 81 cm and a minimum wall thickness of 6 crn would
cracks, the steel will limit their width and therefore satisfy all the design requirements. However, the
not jeopardize the structural behaviour of the foot- adequacy of any new design would need t o be con-
ing. No temperature and shrinkage reinforcement firmed by further tests, especially for torsional capa-
would be required where the footings are constructed cities.

Conclusions and Recommendations Where required to minimize cracking due to thermal

It was concluded from the tests that the actual or drying shrinkage, o r for other reasons, reinforce-
strength and behaviour agreed well with the ana- ment should be confined to the t o p and the outer
lytical predictions, provided that the dimensions and periphery of the footing. Further testing of other rein-
properties of materials are known. However, t o meet forced concrete footings under different foundation
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the design requirements, additional changes are conditions is proposed.

needed. Further tests are required t o confirm the de-
sign, particularly to determine torsional resistance.
Based on the analysis and test results, there was AMERICAN CONCI<II I-I~JII:. 1971. Building code re-
virtually no need for reinforcing steel in this footing. quiscments k ) ~winforced
' concrete. Stanclarcl3 18-71,
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