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See also John 3:1-2

Name and Description Agreement Disagreement
Selected with Jesus with Jesus
PHARISEES Strict group of reli- Respect for the law, Rejected Jesus’ claim
Matthew 5:20; gious Jews who belief in the resur- to be Messiah because
Matthew advocated obedience rection of the dead, he did not follow all
23:1-36; to the most minute commitment to obey- their traditions and
Luke 6:2; portions of the Jewish ing God’s will. associated with notori-
Luke 7:36-47 law and traditions. ously wicked people.
Very influential in the
SADDUCEES Wealthy, upper class, Showed great Denied the resurrection
Matthew 3:7; Jewish priestly party. respect for the five of the dead. Thought
Matthew Rejected the authority books of Moses, as the Temple could also
16:11-12; of the Bible beyond well as the sanctity be used as a place to
Mark 12:18 the five books of of the Temple. transact business.
Moses. Profited from
business in the
Temple. They, along
with the Pharisees,
were one of the two
major parties of the
Jewish high council.
TEACHERS OF Professional interpret- Respect for the law. Denied Jesus’ authority
RELIGIOUS ers of the law—who Committed to obey- to reinterpret the law.
LAW especially emphasized ing God. Rejected Jesus as
Matthew 7:29; the traditions. Many Messiah because he
Mark 2:6; teachers of religious did not obey all of their
Mark 2:16 law were Pharisees. traditions.
SUPPORTERS A Jewish political Unknown. In the Afraid of Jesus causing
OF HEROD party of King Herod’s Gospels they tried political instability. They
Matthew 22:16 supporters. to trap Jesus with saw Jesus as a threat
Mark 3:6; questions and to their political future
Mark 12:13 plotted to kill him. at a time when they
were trying to regain
from Rome some of
their lost political power.
ZEALOTS A fiercely dedicated Concerned about Believed that the
Luke 6:15; group of Jewish the future of Israel. Messiah must be a
Acts 1:14 patriots determined Believed in the political leader who
to end Roman rule Messiah but did would deliver Israel
in Israel. not recognize Jesus from Roman occupa-
as the one sent by tion.
ESSENES Jewish monastic Emphasized justice, Believed ceremonial
none group practicing ritual honesty, commit- rituals made them
purity and personal ment. righteous.

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