Speaking - Done Aptis General

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PART 1. 30secs per answer.

 Tell me about your first school

 When’s the last time you visited a friend?
 Who is your favourite singer?

PART 2. 45secs per answer.

 Describe the picture

In this photo I can see a couple /kápol/ seeing a film at the cinema. They are eating
popcorn and they seem to be very relaxed /riláxt/ and having a good time. I’m sure
they’re disconnecting from work. Probably, they’re on their first or second date.
In the background, there are more people seeing the film. It must be a very funny film
since they’re all laughing /láfin/.
They’re wearing…

 Tell me about a time you laughed a lot

I remember a time when I laughed /laft/ a lot. It was two years ago, when I saw my
uncle dressed /drest/ as a woman at a carnival. He was wearing my aunt’s clothes, a
skirt, a bag and a pair /per/ of heels. He couldn’t even /íven/ walk /uók/ so we couldn’t
stop laughing /láfin/ This was very funny and I had never laughed so much. I will never
forget this day.

 Do people from other countries laugh at the same things?

To be honest, it’s a difficult question. In my opinion, there is a common sense of humour

worldwide, including funny films or monologues /mónologs/.
However, it’s a fact that the sense of humour depends not only on the country or culture but
also on the age. Sometimes, in the same country, people from the north have a different sense
of humour from people from the south /sáuz/. For example, in my country, Spain, people in
the south tell jokes about people from the north, saying that they are very stingy /stínyi/.
People from the north, tell jokes about people from the south saying that they are too lazy.
We love stereotypes!

PART 3. 45secs per answer.

 Compare these pictures

Both pictures show different kinds of shops where you can do the shopping.

In the first picture, I can see a huge supermarket, whereas in the second picture I can see a
small traditional shop.

In the first picture, the woman is buying fruit. Probably, she’s on a diet. In the second picture,
the woman has a trolley so she’ll probably buy many more things for her big family.
 What kind of shops do you usually go to and why?

To be honest, it’s a hard question given that I like both of them. However, if I had to choose
one, I’d say the first one since big supermarkets have many more products and they offer a
wide variety of brands. In addition, they’re helpful if you need to buy many different things,
not only food but also cleaning products and so on.

On the other hand, the second option is handier since you don’t need to get the car, so I only
go there if I need something essential like toilet paper or milk. However, these small shops are
usually more expensive than big supermarkets.

 What sort of people usually go to these shops?

All kinds /kains/ of people go to these shops. Families with children tend to go to the first one
since there are many varieties /varáietis/of food, fruits, vegetables /véshtebols/, dairy
products (lacteos), cosmetics and so on. However, many people get stressed at shopping
centres because there are too many people. Therefore, they prefer to go to smaller shops near
their home or buy online, which is very easy and you receive your products at home in the
wink of an eye /ái/.

PART4. 1min to prepare. 2mins to answer the three questions. (You don’t have to describe
the picture)
The last time I went to a restaurant was last month. I was in Pisa with my husband. This trip
was my birthday present. I really wanted to visit Italy so I was really excited when I got this

We were going to the Pisa Tower when we got lost. We had not coverage in our phones so we
only had the map to get there. Suddenly, we noticed that we had taken the opposite way! So
we were lost. We didn’t speak Italian so we couldn’t ask people. We didn’t know what to do.

I felt very scared and embarrassed at the same time. Finally, a very nice woman asked us if she
could help us. She spoke a little bit of Spanish so we understood her indications and
fortunately, we arrived at the Pisa tower successfully.

When people get lost, they usually check the GPS on their phone, or Google Maps. However, if
you have no battery, the best choice is asking people. If you don’t speak the language of the
country, you have to be brave and try to tell them where you need to go. You can make
gestures or use your hands. It’s not a piece of cake but you have to try!

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