Femoral Triangle: Laterally Medially

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 Femoral triangle :
It is a triangular depression on the front of the upper one third of the thigh
immediately below the inguinal ligament.
 Boundries : The femoral triangle is bounded.

Laterally Medially
Medial border of the sartorius By the medial border of the
adducter longus.
Apex Base
Formed by the point where the medial & Formed by the inguinal ligament
lateral boundries meet
Roof Floor
Formed by Formed medially by adeducter
I) Skin longus pectineas & laterally by
II) The superficial inguinal lymph nodes irriacttus & psoas major.
the femoral branch of the
genitofemoral nerve, branches of the
inguinal nerve, superficial branches
of femoral artery & upper great
saphenous vein & the deep fascia
with the saphenous opening & the
libriform fascia.

 Contents :
1) The femoral artery & its branches – The femoral artery transverses the
triangle from its base to the apex. In the triangle it gives off six branches,
three superficial & three deep. The superficial branches are the superficial
external pudendal the superficial epigastric, superficial circumflex iliac. The
deep branches are the profunda femoris, the external pundendal & muscular
branches. The profunda femoris artery is the largest branches of the femoral
2) Femoral vein & it’s tributaries : The femoral vein accompanies the femoral
artery & medial to the artery at the base of the triangle.
3) The femoral sheath : It encloses the upper 4 cm. Of the femoral vessels.
4) Nerves – 4 nerves

Femoral The nerve to Genitofemoral Lateral

Nerve The pectineous Nerve Cutaneous nerve

A) Femoral nerve :
Lies lateral to the femoral artery, outside the femoral sheath, in the groove
between the iliacus & psoas major muscles. It is formed by the dorsal
divisions of the anterior primary rami of the spinal nerves, L2, L3, L4.
It enters the femoral triangle by passing behind the inguinal ligament just lateral
to the femoral artery.

Muscular Cutaneous Articular Vascular

B) The nerve to the pectineous –

Arises from the femoral nerve just the inguinal ligament. It passes behind the
femoral sheath to reach the anterior surface of the pectineus.
C) The femoral branch of the genitofemoral nerve –
Occupies the lateral compartment of the femoral sheath. It supplied most of
the skin aver the femoral triangle.
D) The lateral cutaneous nerve –
It crosses the lateral angle of the triangle.
E) The deep inguinal lymph nodes –
Lie deep to deep fascia.

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