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Beyond Your Boundaries

Good morning, my gorgeous little pet,

This is what is going to happen when you get home from your work. As soon as you enter our
domain, you are going to undress completely. I want you naked.
Find your house collar and apply it.
On our bed together, you will find my favourite lingerie of yours waiting for you. Dress into
that, lay on your stomach – and message me you are ready. We’re going to wait ten minutes
before I leave the study. Ten minutes for you — and no phone! No scrolling Facebook or
Insta, you’re going to sit and wait in total silence.

And then…I will come to you.

You don’t need to know why you’ll be doing this. You’ll do what I want when I want, but we
both know I delight in your torture – and there will be torture throughout the day, I
guarantee this – so I’ll say this.

I know you’ve had a stressful week, rushing around to make others happy, that is why I adore
you. And that is why I am going to take, why I want to take you beyond the boundaries of
your pain threshold.

Where we go exactly, I cannot possibly know, but I just know…I want to give that to you. I
want to see you sweat out everything boiling in your mind, I want to hear you let out a howl
that is so rough and unlike you that it claws your throat and leaves you breathless. I want to
smack your ass, see you flinch, see you jolt, see your mind grasping at registering what is
pleasure and what is pain and getting tangled in the distinctions.

I’m not just going to use my hand, as much as I delight in the sound of that CRACK on your
bare skin, on my open palm. I’m going to use our paddle. Our whip. Our cane.

On your ass first. So, I can watch you ever so slightly rise your hips as you beg for a
thorough cleansing, a cathartic beating. The type that you will feel when you go out to
brunch with your girlfriends on the weekend. Oh, how you’ll wince as you sit down. My
goodness. How I lick my lips at that idea.

But then I’ll move to your cunt. To your tits. I’ll take my time, marking every inch of you,
grabbing my cock while I do, thinking of you soak yourself while you squirm into the bed like
a helpless, defensive girl.

I’m curious about The Other. What comes out of you at the height of your desperation, of
your frustration. You know the one. When we feel and react without processing, when we
don’t have time to analyse a response that’s fitting, when we are stripped free of our armour,
in this case the lingerie, my dear girl, and vulnerable to my every action.

spitting bratty venom at me, one eyebrow cocked in my direction, your words barbed and
laced with poison, your voice distinctly different then my everyday goddess, sultry and

Most of all, I want to take you to such dizzying heights that the world melts away, that we’re
high high HIGH in the sky, in shadow of the moon, bathed in monochrome. Or is that
monochromatic. I’m no artist. I just want the troubles to wash away and slip off into
uncharted space. Like warm water off our bodies from the shower we’ll take together after I
have my way away from you, after I fuck you from behind, pulling you by the hair, running
my hands over your nipples. Squeezing them till they explode in pain, till I hear you cry lot in
said pain.

I want to give you a release. And I don’t want you to hold back.

I will see you soon, gorgeous girl. This Sir is very lucky to have you. Have a beautiful day.
‘For My Own Amusement’

She steps out of the shower, wearing nothing but a white tank top, no bra and plain grey
panties — and he can’t help himself.

A change takes over him.

He seizes her by her wrists; she cries out in surprise – a series of squeals that’s a sonata to his
Before either of them realises it, she’s up against the wall, her lovely hips and thighs pinned,
her right leg bent at the knee.

He thinks of her ass up against the wall — and feels himself growing hard, can feel the ache
with every passing second.

‘What are you d- ‘

He raises the water bottle he has in his right hand — and squeezes it. Water comes squirting
out. Like paint to a canvas, it paints the image of her curvaceous tits, adding shading to where
her areola is, adding lines of depth in the drenched fabric where her nipples are hardening.

But the best part is not how the now-soaked cotton tank top clings to her tits, to the frame of
her body, it’s the shifting expressions across her face. The fury, the shock, the indignation.
She turns her hazel eyes onto his dark brown eyes, shaped in her shifting moods, and he can’t
stop the smile that comes to his face.

‘Play with yourself for me, little pup. For my own amusement.’

Gone is the fury, the indignation.

But shock remains, so does humiliation. Kind of like how the T-1000 shifts through its
multiple forms upon its destruction in the sea of molten steel.

But there’s something else written in those deep hazel eyes. Understanding.

Her mouth is open, cute little lips glistening with saliva in the light of the hallway, but only a
guttural click is coming out, as the words are trying – and failing – in her throat.

As her left hand runs down the frame of her body and slips ‘Neath her cotton panties,

He says to her, ‘Look at me while you play. I want to watch you.’

And still, she cannot talk. She merely nods her head in understanding, knocking loose strands
of her wet dark brown hair down around her forehead.

Her hand starts to move from under her panties, knuckles taking shape against the thin cotton.
It’s a sight that takes hold of him – he slips his own hand under his jeans; grabs hold of his
cock and squeezes out the ache. It only helps for a few seconds. The ache returns almost

Her eyes don’t leave his. He sees her wavering breath in them, sees the struggle to control her
breathing, sees her FEEL her own knees buckling as she touches herself.

‘And what are we doing, hm?’

Her mouth – still open – tries to form the words.

She cuts off as her eyelids flutter. She fights them open, keeps her eyes focused, tries again to
speak. But he can see the struggle in her eyes.

‘I’m…playing…w-w-ith m-my clit.’


He knows that she’s a little shy even after all their time spent in their shared multiverse of
darkness. He pushes her what feels like the right amount.

‘How’s it feels?’

She swallows – it’s an audible click in her throat.

‘So…. g…’

Again, her eyelids flutter as her fingers works her delightful slit. Again, he can’t help himself.
How has he ever managed to be a dominant around this wild untamed brat when he can’t
discipline himself? He yanks her panties, exposing creamy pale thighs and her hand parting a
bare, beautiful slit.

Her eyes bulge, almost turning golden from hazel as she looks at him, that shock registering.
But she doesn’t look away, she keeps going. Her fingers are working smoothly, delicately –
she has this rhythm down pat.

She doesn’t even register her delight when he tears down his own pants and reveals his
throbbing, pulsating cock.

Which wants her as desperately as he does – it bobs in the air, eager to rid itself of that
maddening ache.

That ache that he can feel like cobwebs across his arms, like butterflies fluttering about in his
stomach, like chills creeping down his spine.

As he watches her, he can hear his own heart in his ears, pump pump pumping away.

With his right hand on his cock, he reaches out and pulls at her tank top. It comes down in the
most humiliating fashion, with her left breast slipping out, her nipple looking achingly hard.

Her pale face flushed a shade of red as she kept her eyes on him. She sucks in her lower lips
and bites down.

And he can’t handle it. He breaks his own rule, breaks eye contact, he needs to taste her. He
pins her to the wall further as he presses against her, his cock hitting her thigh.

As he grabs her left breast and squeezes it violently, his fingers catching her stiff nipple and
pinching, he feels her hand brush against his cock and grip it firmly. He lets her grab it.

He continues where she stops, spreading her lovely lips with his fingers and finding her clit.
By then he presses his lips to hers – and they both exchange a rushed, throaty moan, the scent
of their breath appealing to one another in a strange, primal way.

She breaks the kiss to let out another moan, a frenzied moan, a hurried gasp. He gets the
message, he quickens his assault on her lovely slit, gliding his thumb over her clit, slipping
his fingers inside her soaked pussy.

She’s muttering something in his ear but he’s focused on the rhythm, the feel of her thickened
arousal on his fingers.

Then she cries out, sharp and loud in his ear but he doesn’t care one bit, he’s grinning, he’s
admiring her, he’s enamoured with this wild beautiful woman that has chosen him to bare
herself to.

Her body jolts in a series of spasms as a shy smile creeps across her face, as she pants in his

They lock eyes.

He grins.

‘My turn.’

I Am Watching
I am standing outside your window


Watching you peel up your favourite pair of panties. They fit snugly around your delicious

I am watching you stand before your full-length mirror, gazing at your breasts as they heave
with every breath. Why do you hesitate?
You bend down and open a drawer, your tight panties reveal the curves of your ass. My
mouth waters. You pull out a bra – lacy and black – and start to pull it on. Then follows a
loose light blue top. Then you leave the bedroom.

I wait till dark. You come back to the bedroom, slink off your clothing, your nude body is
divine against the backdrop of this sunset. You turn out the light.
Minutes later, you softly snore. It is time.
I sneak to the backdoor, left ajar. Creep up the stairs, like a shadow in the moonlight.
Your bedroom door swings open thanks to a gentle breeze.

I glide into your bedroom

over you...

You stir. And that’s when you see me. You start to squeal. But I hold you down by the throat
and roughly force you up on your hands and knees. You squirm. Oh my, how you squirm.
But I hold you tight. You still wiggle – you try to throw a punch but i have you tight and
when you know it’s too late, you give up. Suddenly, you’re more still. Your knees prop up,
your ass is raised.
Your cunt glistens in the moonlight. You are aroused, my my!
I grip your hips, tug the fuck out of your hair and slide myself in..

you gasp in the darkness..a small, strained and guttural moan.

I watch you love it.

I need breathless shower sex. The panting, the scalding water trickling down our bodies
amplifying the sensations we feel. I need a pet to wrap my hands around. I’d grip her hips and
scratch down her back. A person who I can use as a toy, pumping myself into. Like the
cliche, you know? Warm butter – I just want to slip into her and hear her struggle to breathe.
Those delicious guttural moans.
I want to come, shooting my warm load in thick spurts up her back. I want to feel her react to
my come hitting her bare skin.

And as I come down from my orgasm, I want to kneel before this magnificent woman who
has given herself to me – the greatest gift I could ask for – and I want to devour her. Feast
upon her. I want to feel her hands grip my hair, I want to hear her scream.
I want to look up at her, her eyes closed, her hands brutalising those poor nipples of hers.
I don’t care about the water that would hit my face, stinging my cheeks because I need to eat
her out like I need air to breathe.
My reward would be feeling her come spurt, gush, run across my face.
And then we would wash off again and step silently into the bedroom.
Maybe another time, I’d go again with her but right now, I just want to pull her into a cuddle
and treat her like the princess she deserves to feel like. Maybe we’d fall asleep in a cuddle.
That’d be nice.

One of These Days
One of these days, she’s going to come home from work to me sitting on the bed. She’s going
to go to say hello – then she is going to notice my stern look and slip immediately into the
role of my submissive. That’s when she’ll notice the items beside me – first, her eyes will fall
upon the ball gag, in her favourite colour. Then her eyes will dart across to the next item on
display – a frilly pair of lacy knickers, a dazzling emerald colour with black tips around the
edges. I will catch that uneasy smile she flashes from time to time and my own stomach
muscles will tighten in anticipation as I think: Wait till she sees what I have in store for her

That’s when her eyes will move along the bed and she will notice it – the main event, the
riddle that my own darkened mind has conjured forth. She’ll eye off the outfit, she’ll gasp –
maybe she might even hesitate, weighing over what I’m asking of her. You see, laying before
her, next to her ball gag and the panties I picked out for her, will be a Tinkerbelle outfit –
frilly, very short and just the right size for her. You see, she’s a Disney fanatic. She has been
since she was a little girl and her journey into adulthood has not seen that passion for the
characters and animation fade away, it has only gotten stronger.

And the best thing about this outfit? It is going to take that very innocence – this cute
character, this childhood fan favourite – and it is going to be violated. When I write these
words just now, my heart pounds away. I feel that darkness surging within me. I feel the grin
spread across my face, twisting my lips just thinking about her slipping out of her dress and
standing naked before me. Her eyes will be wide and slightly scared. She will know what
needs to be done and without a word, she will slip into her dazzling emerald panties, her pale
and delicious bum slipping away from view.

Then she will step into the outfit timidly and I will sit back on the bed and tell her to put her
hands behind her back. The outfit runs to just above her knee, showing off those incredible
legs of hers. From there my eyes will travel upwards, over her breasts, which threaten to spill
out of her outfit. Time will pass as she stands there, waiting for my order. I will drag out the
minutes just to watch her squirm. How long could she stand there for, I wonder as I write
these words. How long can she hold that position?

Before she becomes agitated, I would beckon her towards me, so that she is standing between
my parted legs. The animal in me wants to lift up her outfit, gaze upon her in the panties I
picked out. However, there isn’t a moment to waste and I will take her ball gag and fit it
across her mouth accordingly. She might whimper then and there and if so, I would comfort
The journey we are going to take is safe, I will say. I promise.

Maybe the animal in me, The Beast I am not sure I can trust, will still be grinning, no doubt
thinking I am going to shoot my load all over little slutty tink’s outfit.

But I will shake that thought – file it under “TBC” in my head – and direct her to get on all
fours on the bed. If she hesitates, I’ll spank her. If she stutters, I’ll mark her lily-white ass so
hard she will whimper.

She will get on all fours; regardless of the day she’s had. The animal in me concurs

I want my slutty little tink. Don’t deny me this. We both know what will happen.

When she is on all fours, I will proceed to my wardrobe and one by one, take out my ties.
Two for each hand, so that her hands may be bound to the headrest and another two for each
leg. Ties are so personal, don’t you think? She’ll think about this when I am dressing up.
She’ll see my tie and remember this moment

This moment where I fill her tight little ass with my cock till, she’s whimpering, till my come
dribbles out of her sweet hole.

My animal is restless as I write these words. It needs her. I know it’ll beg me to unleash on
her, the helpless sweet thing. But when she will be tied down and restricted, I will test the
strength of my ties. When she whimpers back to me, I will be sitting there and admiring the
curves of her ass that show because the outfit is too short and cannot cover her properly.

Maybe her cunt is glistening at you from where you sit, tempting us. We need to take her.

But what to do with her body now that she is helpless? Ah. That is what I’ll do – exactly! I
will move across to the bedside drawer, where she keeps her toy – her favourite toy she likes
to use for me – and I will grab it. In my mind, this is how I want to use it: I will turn it on to
her favourite setting, a medium buzz, and I will drag it down her body…. over her breasts
from below…down her back…I will tease her ass…circling the tip of her toy around and
around so that it tickles the nerve endings. Then I will plunge into her. Hard – then harder.

And again.

And again.

And Again.

Maybe I’ll let it rest on her clit. Maybe I’ll use the toy and slide it down to her nerve endings
around her ass. If she whimpers through the gag, I’ll spank her. If she continues to protest,
I’ll spank her harder. I can hear my animal’s voice now

She’s never had her ass taken; maybe I might squeeze an inch in just for good measure, just
to feel her wince. But I really want to do is make her edge. Once. Then twice. Again.

And again.
And again.

Till there are tears streaming down her pretty face. I can feel my cock grow just writing this,
anticipating plunging deep into her cunt. How long I will make her edge, listen to her sobs,
her muffled cries beneath the gag that will be music to my ears…I do not know. I want to
bring her to the brink of insanity; I want to hear her become savage and violent. Maybe
beneath the gag she’ll be screaming

You motherfucker, you piece of shit. I want to come. Let me fucking come.

I want to see her devolve just for the sake of this release. I want to drive her to madness, to
feel this elation. And maybe I’ll say she can come just to plunge the toy into her… get her to
ride the wave…and then deny her…

And then…

Well, then I will mount her. I will ride her from behind till she comes around me, washing
my cock in her delightful juices. I’ll ride her till she comes again...maybe a third time. I know
how she likes to come when I am on top of her and inside her deep. But we won’t stop…oh
no…we’ll keep going till she’s exhausted, till her head hurts from me tugging on her hair, till
I come and pull out to shoot the rest up her back and then tell her how my come is dribbling
out of her slutty little cunt...

One of these days, she’s going to get what’s coming to her.

In the Moonlight

In the moonlight, she lays before me.

The pale goddess rests her head.

Her curves capture my attention,

down my eyes travel to her greatest treasure,

bare and warm, it is for my taking.

In the moonlight, the goddess stretches outward.

We meet, skin kissing skin,
treasure to treasure.
In the moonlight, she waits for my command.

Savage Desires

Note: I want to do a bit of a free form writing here. As I write this, I have no idea what I want
to put out there, I just know that I have ideas swirling around and feel like writing. So be
kind if it’s dodgy.

I have this desire within me.

The Beast wants to tear itself out of my skin and hunt you down, as if you’re some puny
See, I don’t just want to tear your clothes off the minute you walk through that door: I want to
drag you by the arm into the bedroom, I want to peel off those slutty lil’ panties you’re
getting away with wearing. The folks at work might not know your wild streak. But I do. Oh

I know you crave another woman. And I know your loyalty is to me and for that, I am
eternally grateful. But to deny your animal impulses is to deny your humanity. Which is why
I have her waiting completely naked in the corner. Our toy to play with. Except…I knew you
would get jealous if I played with her. Thing is, I have no desire to do that. Merely, I wanted
to take you from behind. I want to pound you into submission, to reach dizzying heights
together. I want to fuck you till we are breathless, till you are soaking wet so much that we
are soaking our sheets. The sheets that might be already soaked in our sickly-sweet sweat.
I want to see you get turned on at performing in front of this stranger, I want to hear you
moan for her, you little bitch. Get the horrible work day out of your system and show off that
delicious darkness that’s inside of you. Let out that animal of yours because tonight, we let
loose. And when we’re finally done, when I pull out to shoot my load onto your sweet ass in
quick, short spurts, I am going to cuff you at your hands and legs so you can’t move when
you find out what I am about to do next.

I know you’re a sensitive being. I know you are going to buck as your favourite toy slips
inside you. But tonight, I want to show this pet of ours how well behaved you are at keeping
still and taking the pleasure, all because you’re a good little girl, aren’t you?

So you’ll take our toy. You’ll take our toy on the highest setting. I want to hear you coo. I
want to see those delicious goosebumps travel across your hard nipples. I want to tease the
fuck out of our mutual friend in the corner, who will no doubt be eyeing you with extreme

My aim is to have her mouth-watering as I make you come… again…and again. As much as
your body can handle the sensation. And I expect to see a nice puddle beneath your sweet
thighs by the time I am done pushing you to the limit.

And then, you might ask? What then, Sir? What do I require of you?

I will break our mutual friend’s heart. For as much as you enjoy a woman, I want her to know
that you will always enjoy my cock more than anything.  I want to see her face sink as you
suck greedily at my cock – your reward for being a good girl.

The Night Brings Out My Beast

It’s 3am in my part of the world and I feel the slightest ache of arousal. Savage thoughts
about my pet roam my mind. My hand on her bare and white ass, tears streaming down her
face. Why is that sexually stimulating more so in the night? Any other time, I would shelter
her and comfort her. But I have this rage almost, this side to my dark persona. It’s
fascinating. I’m wired this way though. Do we develop these savage moments or are we
instilled with them by birth? The cosmic questions matter not – the end result is I’m in this
environment and the night brings out my beast. I want to bound her. I want to take her sweet
ass. I want to growl into her ear that tonight she’s my instrument and I’ll play her till I’m

The darkness, I think, is the quality I’ve come to be fascinated by and to enjoy — and I fully
believe if I didn’t have a D/s relationship in my life then it would consume me. Which…
come to think of it, sounds quite enticing right now.
Submissive’s Prayer

Allow me:
Strength to answer question I can’t fathom
The spirit to know his needs
The serenity to serve him in peace
The love to show him myself
The tenderness to comfort him
The light to show us the way
The wisdom to be an asset to him

Let Me:
Show him each day may love of service to him
Open myself to completely belong to him
Learn to please him beyond myself
Accept my punishment with grace
Have the power to give myself to him

Give me the strength to please us both

Permit me to love myself, in loving him
It is my greatest wish, my highest power
To make him complete, as he makes me

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