System Reliability Analysis of Transmission Line Towers: Pergamon 00457949 (94) E0206-H

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Compufers & Svu~tures Vol. 53. No. 2. pp. 343-350.

Elsevier Science Ltd
Pergamon 00457949(94)E0206-H Pnnted in Great Britain.
0045-7949/94s7.w + 0.00



M. J. Alamt and A. R. Santhakumarj§

TDepartment of Civil Engineering, Bangladesh Institute of Technology, Chittagong-4349, Bangladesh
IDepartment of Civil Engineering, Anna University, Madras-600 025, India

(Received 30 June 1993)

Abstract-Even though methods to estimate system reliability are being studied extensively, the practical
inclusion of system reliability at the level of complex structures has not received much attention. In this
paper, an attempt has been made to implement the system reliability theories and methods with respect
to the transmission line tower using second-order bounding and equivalent linear safety margin
approaches. The paper also discusses important issues related to the non-linear forcedeformation
behaviour of the tower members under buckling failure. The critical safety margins (failable members)
are identified by automatic failure mode generation by matrix formulation with the aid of the member
replacement technique. A complete computer program has been automated to compute the reliability of
transmission towers. Practical towers used to assess the reliability and illustrate the effectiveness of the
methods lead to the adaptation of a system-based reliability analysis procedure.

1. lNTRODUCTION based reliability method which incorporates some

line-based system reliability concepts indirectly [3].
In recent years, there has been a continuous develop-
This paper describes the system reliability analysis
ment of system reliability theories and methods
methods, namely the second-order bounding tech-
capable of analysing large complex structural sys-
nique and equivalent linear safety margin with re-
tems [l]. Even though methods to estimate system
spect to latticed transmission line towers. A brief
reliability are being developed and studied exten-
introduction to the modelling of the tower elements,
sively [2], the practical inclusion of system reliability
tower system and loading responses is given with
to the design of complex systems has not received
respect to the fundamental structural systems. Atten-
much attention. The new generation of reliability-
tion is focused on the idealizations/restrictions
based structural design methods, which have been
that have been imposed by the methods applied
proposed in recent years, for transmission line struc-
on the structural models. Importance is given to
tures [3,4] are essentially component-based, and do
the semi-brittle model of the non-linear force-
not take full advantage of the advances in structural
deformation relation of component failure under
system reliability. There is no direct control, however,
buckling while using the member replacement tech-
of the reliability of a complete structure. The system
nique to identify the critical failable members. The
level reliability of the structure with respect to the
complete system reliability analysis of a transmission
initial failure of any of the structural members is less
tower is composed of four steps: linear structural
than (or equal to) the component reliability. Thus, as
analysis, estimation of component (element) re-
regards initial failure, system effects due to the mul-
liability, automatic identification of critical failable
tiple failure modes reduce the system reliability as
members with their safety margins and system re-
compared to the component reliability. However, a
liability analysis.
redundant structure can be quite safe after an initial
The main computer module SYSRELIA developed
failure mode. System effects due to redundancy or
in FORTRAN 77 for the evaluation of the system
reserve strength thus increase the reliability with
reliability of towers incorporating the above two
respect to the initial failure of any component, and
perhaps even as compared to the component re- methods, uses the exportable output of the linked
liability. Keeping this view in mind, the International module COMRELIA. The linked module
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) has proposed a COMRELIA was used to calculate the component
system level reliability approach for the design of reliability indices and direction cosines of the safety
transmission line structures [5]. The ASCE Trans- margin for each tower member [6]. The identification
mission Line Loading Guide describes a component- of most failable members (critical members) has been
carried out using the computer program STAT-I [7].
The program TLTOWER has been used to find out
QAuthor to whom correspondence should be addressed. the probabilistic loadings and load effects on each

CAS 53/2-H 343

344 M. J. Alam and A R. Santhakumar

member using the IEC and ASCE recommended Finally, in many system reliability models the struc-
loads and loading conditions [8]. tural elements are replaced by forces at the failure of
the element. Often this implies that unloading of
failed elements is not accounted for. In the present
study, ideal plastic (ductile) force-deformation for
At the present stage of probability calculation tension failure members and semi-brittle non-linear
techniques, a formulation in terms of a functional force-deformation for compression failure under
relationship between the load history and the state of buckling are taken into consideration for the tower
the structural system is not practicable for life size elements. The value of the post-buckling reduction
structures. Simplifications are obtained if the system factor (q) depends on the slenderness ratio of the
state at each point in time depends only on the member and suggested values of q range from 0.5, for
present values of the physical variables. Further a ratio of 150, to 0.35, for a ratio of 75 [9] and are
simplifications are, of course, achieved if the re- incorporated in the present analysis while using the
liability problem can be described by a fixed surface member replacement technique.
in load space. Two important types of such models
are the limit state surface of a time-independent Limit state
elastic structural system with respect to initial failure The states of the structure are classified into safe
(first non-elastic behaviour) and the limit state sur- states and failure states. Different criteria for this can
face corresponding to the plastic collapse of a rigid be applied. Failure of a structure is characterized
ideal plastic structural system. according to (1) the type, (2) the extent, and (3) the
However, it is only for reliability models of the cause of the failure. Each of the criteria may be quite
random variable type that a practicable calculation of idealized. The term system reliability models refers
the reliability is presently possible for large reliability usually to models of failure involving several struc-
problems, i.e. problems described by, say, at least a tural elements. Of course, initial failure also has an
100 basic variables. Thus, in order to deal with large important system reliability aspect, as mentioned in
size structures, formulations in terms of random the introduction.
variables are preferred. The limitations on the capa-
bility of present reliability calculation methods intro- Load model
duce a number of idealizations in structural system As compared to element (component) level struc-
reliability formulations. Important idealizations are tural reliability where a worst case loading situation
as follows. can be established for each element, a corresponding
concept is not natural for a complete structural
Mechanical model for tower element system. Different load patterns, directions, etc., must
The structural system is described by a discrete be taken into account and for each failure mode a
model in which local failure may take place only in worst (extreme) loading situation may be set up.
a finite number of points. The structure is assembled
by a number of members, each of which is assumed
to behave according to some load-deformation Only static system reliability analyses have been
model. In Fig. 1, typical loadcleformation behaviour performed as regards to the progressive failure of
for truss elements are shown. In most system re- structures with random properties. As regards initial
liability models the strengths are assumed random, failure, some dynamic analyses for deterministic sys-
whereas the geometry and stiffness are deterministic. tems have been carried out under special conditions,



k) SEMI-

Fig. 1. Typical force-deformation behaviour of truss elements.

System reliability analysis of transmission line towers 345

such as broken wire conditions, to get the critical generally not considered since each leg mem-
responses of the system. ber/segment is assumed pinned between two joints.
Redundant members are not included in the analysis
System model since they have very little effect on the forces in the
The modelling used here is based on the assump- load-carrying members.
tion that the total reliability of the structural system The loadings on the transmission towers are con-
can be sufficiently accurately estimated by consider- sidered probabilistically under an extreme value dis-
ing a finite number of failure modes as dominating tribution of the wind. The load criteria which govern
and then combining them in complex system re- the critical member/component load effects are fully
liability theories. It is assumed that structures consist based on IEC recommendations and ASCE manu-
of a finite number of elements and that these struc- als [3, 5, lo]. Thus the transfer model from wind
tural elements are connected by a finite number of speed to wind load in addition to other loads has been
joints. For each of the structural elements a number automated in the computer program TLTOWER [8].
of different failure modes exist and system failure will
in general only occur when a number of element 4. ELEMENT LEVEL RELIABILITY ANALYSIS

failures occur simultaneously. A transmission tower

In order to avoid lengthly expressions, a brief
structure, in a conservatively theoretical sense, can be
overview of the component level reliability analysis is
taken as a parallel system (redundant), although
given based on the extreme type-1 distribution (non-
strictly speaking, it falls somewhere in between the
normal) and normal distribution for strength. The
series (non-redundant) and parallel types. For
failure of a component with random strength R and
example, consider the situation where, for some
subjected to a random load effect Q can be
reason or other, the main supporting leg of the tower
represented by the event
collapses and the event is theoretically descriptive of
a total failure, and a series type, though in reality
R-Q<O. (1)
such a thing rarely happens. A parallel classification
can be modelled as a transmission tower failure
Again, we can write eqn (1) as
occurs only at a limit state defined by many members
reaching theirs. In the present case, towers are mod-
R - F[WIND] < 0, (2)
elled as a series system consisting of the primary
members alone. With this assumption, the failure of
where F[ .] represents a complicated function, not
any primary component in the tower is assumed to
available analytically. Equation (2) can be rewritten
cause the failure of the tower where the components
are failure modes and failure modes are modelled as
parallel systems.
g[R, WIND] < 0, (3)
Probability calculation
where g[ . ] is a function of the two variables con-
The calculation of the exact reliability correspond- sidered. The failure of a component is therefore
ing to a selected model for the limit state behaviour equivalent to the function g[ .] taking zero or nega-
of a structural system must, in general, be determined tive values. g[ .] is called the failure function. The
within some approximation. Bounding techniques, design point technique is a numerical procedure for
failure tree analysis, equivalent safety margin analy- calculating the probability that g[ .] becomes nega-
sis, etc., can be used for reliability evaluation of large tive. The details of this technique is described else-
complex systems. However, in many cases, approxi- where [ll]. COMRELIA is a component reliability
mate results obtained by FORM/SORM or by con- analysis program which uses the design point method
sidering some approximate event formulation must (DPM) [6]. It is capable of performing component
be introduced to calculate a reliability measure. In the reliability analysis or the design of any type of
present study, the failure mode approach (FMA) has transmission structural component made of steel and
been implemented by two methods, namely the subjected to any type of loading as per IEC rec-
bounding technique and the equivalent safety margin ommendations and ASCE loading guides [5, lo]. The
method. output of the program COMRELIA gives the re-
liability indices with the direction cosines at the
3. FIRST-ORDER LINEAR ELASTIC ANALYSIS design point and can be exported to the main com-
puter module SYSRELIA to compute the system
In structural analysis, the actual complex structure
reliability of a transmission line tower.
and loading are modelled mathematically, using sev-
eral simplifying assumptions. In the analysis of a
transmission tower, the non-linear (second order) (MEMBER REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE)
effect (geometric) is not taken into consideration
and the tower is analysed as a space truss. For complex structural systems, the total number
Moments produced by the continuity of members are of mechanically possible failure modes and sequences
346 M. J. Alam and A. R. Santhakumar

is very large, but only a small fraction of these are can be also expressed by using the safety margins of
likely to occur and a crucial step in the process is to the failed members:
identify the most-likely-to-occur modes and se-
quences. Currently, matrix formation with member Z,(rl,rz ,..., r,_,)<O @=1,2...P,). (7)
replacement technique is available that can efficiently
help to identify these modes. The failure criteria of a The automatic generation of failure modes or
statically indeterminate truss structure are systemati- identification of the most failable members for the
cally generated by using a matrix method [12]. In the tower has been done using the SPACE TRUSS
case of a highly statically redundant structure, failure ANALYST program (STAT-I) [7]. This is a first-
in any one member does not necessarily result in order elastic space truss analysis program incorporat-
structural failure. Structural failure is defined to ing the member replacement technique.
occur when the structure is turned into a mechanism.
A failure mode is generated as in the following 6. SYSTEM LEVEL RELIABILITY OF TRANSMISSION
manner. When any one member fails, redistribution TOWER

of the internal forces arise among the members in The system failure event may be formulated as the
survival and the member next to fail is determined. union and/or intersection of individual events, the
After repeating the similar process, structural failure latter corresponding to the failure of a component or
results when the member upto some specified number a failure of the system. The union of events is used
Pk, e.g., members r,, r2, , and rpk are lost. The in a series system, where the system fails if any of its
formation of a mechanism is determined by investi- component fails or any of the potential failure modes
gating the singularity of the total structural system occurs. On the other hand, the intersection of events
stiffness matrix [K’Pk’]formed with (n - Pk) members is used in a parallel system, where the system fails
in survival. That is, a criterion for structural system only if all its constituent components fail. It is not
failure is given by uncommon for practical structures to exhibit the
behaviour of a combination of series and parallel. In
1[IP’] I = 0, (4) the present investigation, the tower system considered
as a series system and the two approximate methods
where I[. ]I = the determinant of a matrix [ .I. namely the equivalent hyperplane method and second
Now introduce the expression for the safety margins order Ditlevsen’s bounds method have been applied
for the members in survival after some members are to compute system reliability of the transmission
in failure. For instance, when members r,, rz.. , tower. Both the methods are based on a first-order
and r,, have failed, their stiffness matrices are put approach and the only difference is in the compu-
to zero and their post-failure strengths are applied to tations of the probability of a union of events. In the
the nodes as artificial forces, corresponding to the equivalent hyperplane method, an equivalent hyper-
type of failure. When a member of a ductile material plane approximating the system failure surface is
fails in tension, the yield strength of the member obtained while in the Ditlevsen’s bounds method, an
is taken as the residual or post failure strength while upper and a lower bound to the system failure
for a semi-brittle material failing in compression, the probability are obtained. The main features of the
post failure strength is some percentage of the ulti- methods are discussed below.
mate strength of the element. The post-buckling 6.1. Second-order Ditlevsen’s bounds method
reduction factor (r~) used here is as in [9]. Then, a
In this method, the method of second-order
stress analysis of the structure is carried out once
bounds, Ditlevsen’s bounds [13] are used to estimate
again by using the matrix method, and the internal
the system reliability. The bounds for the probability
forces of the members in survival are determined as
of the union of events, say Ai, i = 1, n, can be given
in terms of the probability of each event and the
pairwise intersections. The expressions for the lower
S,(r,,r2,...,rp)= i &jL,(P)+ C h,R,, (5)
and upper bounds are respectively:
/=I q = i.j

where suffix (r,, r2,. , r,,) denotes a set of failed

II (8)
members and the sequential order of failure. Conse-
quently. the safety margins are given by + i 0, P(A,) - 2 P(A,fl A,)
,=2 iQi

Z,(r,,r* ,.... r,,)bC,.,A,-S,(r,,r2,...,rp). (6)

Structural system failure occurs when all of the Pk
members, e.g., r,, r2,. . and r,,, are subjected to
failure. Hence, a criterion for structural system failure
System ~~iabj~ity analysis of transmission line towers 347








2. Schematic of program the system analysis.

The depend on the order in which the indices and p is the correlation matrix of the com-
events are considered. It is recommended that the ponent safety margins. Again, we can write from eqn
events be arranged in the order of increasing re- (12) as in [14]:
liability to produce narrower bounds [14]. The pair-
wise intersections of events are calculated using the
bivariate normal cumulative density function (CDF)
using the correlations calculated as:
The following procedure is used in this method:
Pij = {ailTIaj)9 (10)
(i) The direction cosines and the reliability indices
of the most critical failable components are arranged
where {ui) is the vector of direction cosines for the in order of increasing reliability.
failure hyperplane for component i, aI that of com- (ii) Equivalent linear safety margins for the union
ponent j and p,, the correlation between the safety of pairs of most critical failable components are
margins of components i and j.

6.2. Equivalent linear safety margin method

As mentioned earlier, many lattice transmission
towers can be modelled as series systems consisting of 1 7.62m
the primary members alone. With this assumption,
the failure of any primary component in the tower is
assumed to cause the failure of the tower. The system
probability of failure is the union of the events of t
component failures. The probability of failure of a
tower, prScan be expressed as using the linear tangent
hy~~lanes defining the failure of the components
calculated using the computer program COMRELIA
34.15 m

1y (11) I T

where [a,) is the vector of direction cosines for the

failure hyperplane for component i (from the output M-06 m 1
of COMRELIA), {Z} is the vector of basic random s !blem
variables in standard normal space and pi is the
reliability index for component i (from the output of
COMRELIA). Equation (11) can be simplified to:

Pr,=I--n(&Pk (12)

where, @,( * ) is the CDF of the multivariate standard

normal distribution, /3 is the vector of reliability Fig. 3. A 230 kV double circuit medium angle tower.
348 M. J. Alam and A. R. Santhakumar

(0) (b) (C) Cd)

Fig. 4. Tower with primary member tags.

found. The pairs are: components 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, those components are considered ((n - 1)/2 pairs + 1,
etc. The reliability index p’ of the union of the failures if n is odd), and n/2 equivalent linear safety margins
of critical components i and j failure is obtained as are determined. These n/2 hyperplanes can be paired
follows: again and combined with n/4 hyperplanes. The re-
sulting single linear safety margin represents the
B’ = -@-‘fl - @2(BirBj; Pij)l, (14) failure of the tower. The probability of failure of the
tower is then @[-/I’].
where /I, and 8, are the reliability indices of the The main computer program SYSRELIA uses the
components i andj and pij the correlation between the above two methods to perform a system reliability
safety margins of components i and j. analysis. The reliability indices and their direction
(iii) In the initial operation, if there are n critical cosines used in this program are important from the
failable components in the structure, n/2 pairs of output of COMRELIA. The schematic layout of the

Table I. Member groups with their statistical strength properties

Nominal Mean Nominal Mean
strength strength strength in strength in
Member Members Section in camp. in camp. tension tension
group in group (mm x mm x mm) W)- W)- (W (W
14 55 x 55 x 5 29.47 38.78 68.90 90.66
5-12 70 x 70 x 5 38.62 52.13 88.90 116.97
13-24 90 x 90 x 8 106.42 140.02 180.60 237.63
25-36 110x 110x 10 189.64 249.52 275.62 362.66
37-40 110x 110x 10 212.67 279.83 275.62 362.66
41-44 130 x 130 x 12 320.05 421.11 390.60 513.95
4548 150 x 150 x 12 384.43 505.82 453.60 596.84
8 49&l 50 x 50 x 5 25.66 33.76 62.34 82.02
9 65-88 55 x 55 x 5 31.68 41.68 68.90 90.66
10 89-112 65 x 65 x 5 35.80 47.10 82.03 107.93
11 113-120 75 x 75 x 6 58.73 77.27 113.40 149.21
12 121-128 65 x 65 x 5 31.87 41.93 82.03 107.93
13 129-136 70 x 70 x 5 33.98 44.71 88.90 116.97
14 137-160 50 x 50 x 5 24.55 32.30 62.34 82.02
15 161-172 50 x 50 x 5 13.40 17.63 62.34 82.02
16 173-180 65 x 65 x 5 17.13 22.54 68.90 90.66
17 181-188 70 x 70 x 5 18.04 23.74 88.90 116.97
18 189-194 50 x 50 x 5 12.77 16.80 62.34 82.02
System reliability analysis of ~nsmission line towers 349

program SYSRELIA with its auxillary programs and Insulator string length = 2500 mm
routines comprising the structural system reliability Insulator string weight =12OON
analysis package is presented in Fig. 2. No. of insulator discs = 13.

7. EXAMPLE The primary member tags of the tower are as

shown in Fig. 4. The members of the tower are
The tower shown in Fig. 3 is a medium angle steel grouped with respect to their sectional properties and
lattice transmission tower and part of an existing are tabulated along with the nominal and mean
230 kV line [15]. The specifications of the line and strengths in Table 1. The nominal strengths of the
tower are given as: steel angle members are calculated using the formulae
in [lo, 161.
Type = Double circuit The inffuence coefficients were obtained by first
medium angle order linear structural analysis under different load-
Angle of deviation =30” ing conditions. Accordingly, component load effects
Normal span =350m were obtained using the computer program
Mean wind pressure on = 1400 N/m* TLTOWER. A detailed description of the
tower TLTOWER is given eisewhere[8]. The governing
Mean wind pressure on =410 N/m2 load considered is wind load at a probabilistic ex-
conductor/earthwire treme annual mean wind speed of 25 m/set at the site
of tower for a 50 years return period at optimum risk
Earthwire data level of 0.63, having a coefficient of variation, (COV)
Diameter of earth wire = 10.65 mm of 0.17 following Extreme type I distribution [17].
Area of earth wire = 74 mm2 During the reliability analysis of members, due to the
Weight per metre run = 5.45 N/m transfer model of wind speed to load effect, the COV
Ultimate tensile strength =62,510 N for the wind load effect on members was taken as
Maximum working tension = 25,000 N double of that of the wind speed [18].
Young’s modulus of = 19,330,OOON/cm2 The reliability indices of the tower components
elasticity were calculated using the program COMRELIA and
Coefficient of thermal =0.0000115/“c a summary of the output according to the member
expansion grouping is tabulated in Table 2, mentioning the
critical loading conditions. Results from Table 2
Conductor data indicate that the leg members are most critical due to
Diameter of conductor = 26.797 mm broken wire loading conditions and these member
Area of conductor =423.57 mm* groups will contribute substantially to the total sys-
Weight per metre run = 12.76 N/m tem failure of the tower, followed by the diagonals
Ultimate tensile strength =95,100 N and bracings. The buckling failure under com-
Maximum working tension = 38,040 N pression governs the failure of most of the failable
Young’s modulus of = 7,570,OOON/m2 members. In most cases, there is a member that has
elasticity the lowest safety index. However, there are a few
Coefficient of thermal = o.oooo21sl/0c notable exceptions. The governing members are
expansion assumed to be the leg members, although some
diagonals and bracings have a somewhat tower safety
Insulator data index. This ass~ption was made because
Insulator skirt diameter = 254 mm buckling of the leg member will definitely result in a
Insulator skirt diameter = 254 mm collapse of the tower, whereas the buckling of the

Table 2. Critical members with governing load and failure sequences

Member tag Failure sequence with most Governing load
Members range critical failable members cases
Leg/body l-48 39-+35+23-r 11 Broken wire conditions
Diagonals 49-l 12 85-93-69 Broken wire conditions

Diagonal 113-136 117-+125-+133-t127+122-+130 Normal and broken wire

bracings condition

Cross 137-160 152~144-rl60-rl57~149~141 Normal and broken wire

bracings condition

Horizontal 161-188 18S-r176+188 Normal and broken wire

bracings condition
350 M. J. Alam and A. R. Santhakumar

Table 3. System reliability index or probability of failure of tower

System reliability index System probability of
Method fB..1 failure (P,)
Equivalent safety margin 2.10 1.786 x IO-’
Ditlevsen’s bounds 1.98 2.385 x IO-’

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