(Zoom Thầy Minh) PW: Thầy Châu) PW: (Lms - Vn.edu Link Lớp 10 A01) PW: (Zoom Thầy Trường) PW: Rhythem Discord Commands

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(zoom thầy minh) pw: 800794
https://zoom.us/j/4018584120?pwd=R3RodmRpNFppNIkrSGRiQkZCUEtjQT09 (zoom
thầy châu) pw : 301639
(lms.vn.edu link lớp 10 a01) pw : 6SMY8N
(zoom thầy trường) pw : 026111


play Plays a song with the given name or URL.

Disconnect the bot from the voice channel it

is in.

np Shows what song the bot is currently playing.

aliases List command aliases.

ping Checks the bot’s response time to Discord.

skip Skips the currently playing song.

seek Seeks to a certain point in the current track.

Searches SoundCloud for a song

remove Removes a certain entry from the queue.

loopqueue Loops the whole queue.

search Searches YouTube for the results of a URL.

stats Shows the stats of the bot.

loop Loop the currently playing song.

donate Info about donating to support Rythm!

shard Checks the shard you are on.

join Summons the bot to your voice channel.

lyrics Gets the lyrics of the current playing song

info Info about Rythm!

resume Resume paused music.

settings Change Rythm’s settings.

Moves a certain song to the first position in

the queue or to a chosen position

Forwards by a certain amount in the current


skipto Skips to a certain position in the queue.

clear Clears the queue.

replay Reset the progress of the current song

clean Deletes the bot’s messages and commands.

pause Pauses the currently playing track.

Removes duplicate songs from the queue.

volume Check or change the current volume.

Rewinds by a certain amount in the current


Like the play command, but queues from the

Adds a song to the top of the queue then
skips to it.

invite Links!

shuffle Shuffles the queue.

View the queue. To view different pages, type

queue the command with the specified page
number after it (queue 2).

leaveclean Removes absent user’s songs from the

up Queue.


Owodaily : nhâ ̣n thưởng owo hằng ngày
Owoinv : mở túi đồ
Owouse + số : dùng cái gì trong túi đồ -> sẽ bắt đc nhiều thú hơn khi đi săn thú
Owoh : đi săn
Owob : đi battle
Owocash : xem có bao nhiêu tiền
Owohb : xem bạn có thể bắt đc bao nhiêu thú trong 3 h
Owocf + số tiền : đă ̣t cược tiền để tung đồng xu, thăng thì x2 tiền
Owos + số tiền : đă ̣t cược tiền để quay 3 hàng tiền , thắng đc x4 tiền
Owobj + số tiền : chơi bài blackjack , thắng đc x1 tiền
Owohelp : trợ giúp về lê ̣nh
Owokill/owohug/owokiss/owofuck/owopunch @tên người : gif giết ai đó bằng owo
Owow : xem vũ khí
Owo + weapon id + animals : trang bị vũ khí cho thú
Owozoo : xem zoo có những thú gì
Owoteam : xem team mình có thú gì ,xem lê ̣nh để add thú, bỏ thú
Owopets : xem pets
Owolootbox (all) : mở lootbox
Owowc : mở weapon crates
Owocookie @tên người : tă ̣ng cookie cho ai đó
Owoshop : mở cửa hàng
Owo buy + số của hàng trong cửa hàng : mua đồ
Owopropose @tên + id nhẫn : tỏ tình / cầu hôn ai
Owoquest : nhiê ̣m vụ

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