English Cigarette Presentation

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Good evening, first introduce my name Risa, my name is Nabila, my

name is Yuliana, and my name is Diana. We, from group two, will present the
tasks we have created.

Risa: Hi Nabila,Yuli,Diana ,sorry I just came, how are you guys?

Nabila : Of course I’m good

Yuli : I am also fine

Diana : I am also very good, and yourself Risa?

Risa: Hmm, not too bad.

Nabila : We've been waiting here for a long time Risa

Risa : I'm sorry I kept you waiting, the road was very jammed because of an accident

Yuli : Are you alright?

Risa : Take it easy I'm fine on the way here

Diana : Thank goodness if you are fine

Nabila Oh where this kind of smoke comes from? I can’t breath well. 

Risa: From that guy, let us go. We will breathe the toxin if staying here for a long time.

Yuli: That’s a good idea. Hey, do you think smoking is cool?

Diana: I don’t think so. Smoking is a kind of habit that can harm our body.

Risa : I agree with you. There are so many kinds of toxin and it will not be a good choice for
every person.

Nabila : But, I am wondering why the government does not close every single company of

Yuli : The government will not close the company, because there are many workers hang
their life up on the tobacco company.

Diana : So, you mean that when the government closes the tobacco’s factory, there will be so
many employees that become the unemployment.

Risa: That’s right. Tobacco’s factory is a dilemma for Indonesia. We cannot let it develop
more and more, but we also cannot close it.

Nabila : Do you have any idea?

Yuli : I think, we need to provide smoking area for those people who smoke. It makes them
will not smoke in every place.

Diana : Good, so they will not disturb us, right?

Risa : That’s the point.

Nabila : Yeah, sometimes I also see a pregnant woman smokes.

Yuli : Really? Where?

Diana : Not far from my home. She is my neighbor.

Risa : Oh my god, she must be crazy.

Nabila : Yeah, the toxin will not only harm her life, but also her child’s life.

Yuli : Why don’t you advise her?

Diana : There have been many people done that.

Risa : And?

Nabila : Unfortunately, she does not want to listen us.

Yuli : Hmmm, her life is her choice.

Diana : Yes, you’re right.

Risa : The food has come ,let’s eat first guys

Nabila : Okay, have a nice meal friends.

That's the presentation from group two, thank you for your attention.

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