Narrative Report On Weekly Accomplishments: Department of Education

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Republic of the Philippines

Region III
Division of Bulacan
Binagbag, Angat, Bulacan




TIME: 7:00 A.M- 3:30 P.M.

The month of March started with a productive Monday for all teachers of
Binagbag National High School. The distribution and retrieval of Self-Learning Modules
continues to suffice the need of every Filipino student for continuous education despite this
pandemic that we are experiencing.
Every Grade level has their respective area and time for the retrieval and
distribution. Parents and guardians were guided by the assigned teachers for an efficient way of
claiming their child’s modules. Most importantly, proper safety and health protocols are
observed as they enter the school premises. Wearing of face mask, disinfecting their hands with
alcohols provided in the entrances and maintaining the social distance were strictly followed. To
ensure the safety of everyone, especially the teachers, every answer sheet and modules that are
retrieved are sanitized through a UV light.
An orientation and conduct of The Survey on The Most Essential Learning
Competencies (MELCS) Implementation was also done on the first day of March. This aims to
ensure that all teachers will be informed in answering the said survey. The orientation was
headed by Ms. Jenine De Belen, FEA Secretary. Ms. De Belen assisted every teacher in
answering the survey.
The following days are the same for teachers wherein we print self-learning
modules, prepare a weekly home learning plan needed for the other weeks of distribution and
construct a summative test and performance task for students. These tasks were the everyday
lives of every Filipino educator.
A work at home setup was followed to ensure teachers’ safety in this pandemic.
All teachers are also following the class schedule wherein we should be online to answer queries
from students and parents regarding the self-learning modules. Every Friday is scheduled for the
packing of needed materials for the succeeding week of distribution and retrieval of modules.
The second and third week of March is the week wherein students will have a
break on answering Self-learning modules but interventions and remediations for some students
are given.
Departmental meetings, SBM group meetings and Faculty meetings were also
done in the month of March. Harmonious communication within the administration, staff and
teachers were very much needed in this time to ensure the delivery of quality education to all the
students that we cater.
And the most important part of this month is the Online In-Service Training for
Teachers (INSET) done last March 15-19. This is a 5-day online seminar wherein teachers are
being trained with different new techniques right in the comforts of their home. This virtual
INSET will help teachers to continue to accept the challenge in nurturing the knowledge of all
Filipino learners despite this pandemic.
And lastly, as a way of releasing the stress and weariness from all the workloads,
a ZUMBA fitness program for all the teachers and staff was pushed through every Friday. This
program will help teachers and staffs to have a healthier lifestyle while enjoying and releasing
their stress through dancing. This just shows that we can find ways to continue with our daily
lives and this world will not stop because of this pandemic. Life goes on.

Prepared by:

Teacher I

Submitted to:

English Coordinator



School Principal II

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