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Text Assignment 1 – International Projects

Intro (0:20)
Community Map: (2:00)
Okay, I'll start now. So as you already know, Karantina is a low income residential
neighbourhood located at the port of Beirut. To better understand the community of
Karantina we would like to show you our community map first. In the bottom left corner, you
can see the different social groups we identified. These are composed of the locals and
immigrants or refugees. Most of them belong to low-income families, divided between
Christian and Muslim religions. As you can see in the map, the two religions are physically
divided within the community, what causes a big social problem in Karantina, but more
about this later. Another social group are the fishermen, the fishery workers and the
Workers of the Port of Beirut. Most of them are young or middle-aged male refugees. They
also belong to the low-income class. However, for us, the children are the most important
social group, as they are the most vulnerable in the community. This is why the inner circle
of the challenges on the right of the map is the most relevant for us.

Besides the communities, there are the stakeholder entities as an additional important
element, as you can see in the top left corner of the community map. The stakeholders are
mainly the industries and factories, the small and medium-sized companies and the
nightclubs managed and owned by business people from outside of Karantina. Since the
army is based in Karantina, the army men belong to the stakeholders as well. These are
mainly middle-aged men from Lebanon. Besides the main stakeholders just mentioned,
NGOs and the government are further elements with high power and authority.

So now Lana is going to start with the Stakeholder Analysis. (1:00)

Empathy Map Children (1:50)

As briefly mentioned before: our main target group are the children of Karantina, so we will
now focus on them for a better understanding.
- So first who are they: They are Children from Locals and Rafugees. They are from
Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Armenia and Kurdistan aged from 6 to 18 Years with a low
financial background. They are the most vulnerable member of the community and they
don't have a voice.
- So what do they need: They need a better quality of life without poverty. They need a
better education to have a future perspective and they need a safe home and proper
playing areas.
- But what they actually do is, that they play on the streets, in playground and public
garden with their friends. Only 50% of them visit the school, located outside of
Karantina. Others are involved in labor work in metal factories
- So what do the children say? Some of them ask for help for their family whenever they
see people from social organizations in the street.
- What do they hear and see?: They hear that they should go to school and avoid playing
around in insecure areas or on the streets. They don't really see that if nothing improves
in Karantina, they will have a difficult time in the future.
- And lastly, what are their pains or fears and what are their gains?
- They fear the poverty suffered by their families. Some are afraid of being abused, the
older children are concerned of not being able to find a job due to their lack of
education. On the other hand, the gains are a life without poverty, a safe home with
their family and protection from child labor and violence against them.

Now Celine is going to talk about another important stakeholder group. (1:30) (0:36) (1:45)

Theory of Change: (30 seconds) (2:00)

So who is our Key Audience: The most important target group for us are the children, as they
are the most vulnerable residents. Besides, we would also like to include the residents of
Karantina that are willing to integrate into the community (and want to learn new things.)
So what is our Entry point to reach this audience: Firstly, we want to generate awareness
through small campaigns with flyers and posters. We assume that it will spread quickly by
word of mouth. In addition, we want to invite families by organising small local events with
educational or entertaining activities to connect the community. And now Celine continues
with the steps.

Reflection (30 seconds)

- What kind of space do we need?
- How are we going to connect the neighborhoods to the park?
- What types of awareness campaigns could be started to allow the educational sector
to bloom? And then we have some questions we want to ask our audience group. So
we want to ask what they would like to learn more about?
- Do they know how to play any instruments, paint, plant…?
- What do you want to be when you grow up?

Empathy Map Residents

- Who are they: They are the residents aged 18 to 55 from Syria, Palestine, Armenia,
Kurdistan, Lebanon and South Asia. They belong to the lower or middle class and hold a
Muslim or Christian religion.
- What do they need to do: They need to learn how to create a community within
Karantina that is not divided between religions. They need to learn how to help and
interact with each other in a better way.
- What do they do? They work at the port, in the factories, some own a small store, many
have an unstable job. They use the streets or balconies for interacting with others
- What do they say? They ask for help from either Lebanese residents or the foreign
workers of Karantina.
- What do they hear: They hear Criticism such as lack of education, spaces and social
interaction but some people also offer to help them and aid in their recovery after the
- What do they see? They don't see the extent of problems that exist in Karantina. They
don't see the pollution that is taking place there. They tend to see themselves as being
the outsiders of Beirut.
- What are their pains: They are afraid of not recovering after the explosion, of becoming
homeless when others buy the land or of increased prices due to gentrification. Their
fear is to live in poverty of not being able to protect their children and provide them with
a decent future. Industrial side of Karantina creates no exposure to the residential spaces
- What are their gains: They hope for an end of poverty, a settled life with a proper job
that brings a stable income. They hope for better education as well as more secure play
areas for their children.

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