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7/22/2019 ems tutorial.


7/22/2019 ems tutorial.pptx

Introductory Concepts,
Definition and Units 2/43
7/22/2019 ems tutorial.pptx

1.) 100g of water is mixed to 150g of alcohol

(ρ=790kg/m3). Calculate a) the specific
gravity (RD) of the mixture; b) the specific
volume of the solution. 3/43
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2.) A 45cm cube of ice melts, the liquid water

is placed in a spherical container filling it. If 
the specific volume of ice at 0⁰C is
1.094cm3/g and of water is 1.002cm3/g,
determine the diameter of the spherical
vessel used. 4/43
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3.) A two compartment vessel contains a fluid

in each section. For the first compartment the
fluid density is 1200kg/m3 and of the second
is 500kg/m3. The partition is removed and
the fluid mix. Determine the density of the
mixture if 
a) the fluid masses are equal;

b) the fluid volume are equal. 5/43
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4.) A student on vacation went to scale Mt.

Apo. His weight at the base of the mountain,
where g=9.8m/s2 is 540N, on the top he
weight 539.5N. Note that gravity acceleration
decreases by 0.003m/s2 per 1000m ascent.
Find the height in meters if 
a) Mt. Apo;

an aobject
point decreases
above the by
2%.where the weight of 6/43
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5.) A balloon is descending with a constant

acceleration of 3.5m/s2. The mass of the
balloon with its basket and content is 80kg.
What mass of the ballast must be released so
that the balloon will accelerate upward with a
constant acceleration of 3.5m/s2? Neglect air
resistance. 7/43
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6.) A 40kN tank weighs 64kN when filled with

kerosene and 70kN when filled with the same
volume of water. Find the specific gravity of 
kerosene. 8/43
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7.) A solid cube material is 0.75cm on each

side. If it floats in oil of density 800kg/m3 
with 1/3 of the block out of oil, what is the
density of the material of the cube? 9/43
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8.) The system shown is in equilibrium.

Determine the diameter of the outside sphere
if the submerged sphere has a diameter of 
35cm. 10/43
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9.) A block of wood with uniform horizontal

section floats in water with 20cm projecting
above the surface. The same block when
placed in a body of oil (SG=0.8) floats with
18cm projecting above the oil surface.
Determine the specific gravity of the wood. 11/43
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10.) Determine the maximum weight W which

could be carried by the 45kg composite
piston shown, if the pressure of gas A is
350kPa, gas B and C have pressure of 170
and 500kPa, respectively. 12/43
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11.) For the open manometer shown in the

figure, what is the pressure in kPa at A
(a=30cm; b=48cm; RDHg=13.59) 13/43
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12.) For the differential manometer shown in

the figure, determine the pressure difference
between points X and Y when: Fluid X and Y is
brine (RD=1.15), gage fluid is oil (RD=0.9)
and z=90cm. 14/43
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A cubical block of wood 0.1m on a side and
with a density of 550kg/m3 floats in a jar of 
water. Oil with a density of 750kg/m3 is
poured on the water until the top of the oil
layer is 0.035m below the top of the block.
a) How deep is the oil layer?

b) What
lower is the gauge pressure at the block’s 
face? 15/43
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Conservation of Mass and

Energy 16/43
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1.) Air flows through a compressor under

steady flow condition. A suction:
ν1=0.75m3/kg, υ1=30m/s. At discharge
ν2=0.25m3/kg, υ2=40m/s. determine the
diameter ratio of the discharge pipe to that of 
the suction pipe. 17/43
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2.) A 200g apple is thrown from the edge of a

tall building with an initial speed of 20m/s.
What is the change in kinetic energy of the
apple if it strikes the ground at 50m/s? 18/43
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3.) What retarding force is required to stop a

0.45 caliber bullet of mass 20g and a speed
of 300m/s as it penetrates a wooden block to
a depth of 2 inches? 19/43
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4.) A 40g rifle bullet is fired with a speed if 

300m/s into a ballistic pendulum of mass
5kg suspended from a chord 1m long.
Compute the vertical height through which
the pendulum rises. 20/43
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5.) A force F inclined at 30⁰ with the

horizontal moves an object horizontally a
distance of 8m. Determine the work done if 
F=7.5x+0.4x2, where F is in Newton and the
x is in meter. 21/43
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6.) A wooden spherical ball with specific

gravity of 0.42 and a diameter of 30cm is
dropped from a height of 4.2m above the
surface of the water in a pool. If the ball
barely touches the bottom of the pool, what
is the water level in the pool at that point? 22/43
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7.) A project engineer notices the site of a

former sawmill along a river. Ruins of the
original dam used as a hydropower source is
still visible. The engineer decided to make
some measurements to determine the
maximum power that can be generated if the
site were rehabilitated; the stream flow is
found to be 25m3/s and the change in
elevation is 4.87m. Determine the maximum
power that could be produced. 23/43
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8.) A 3kg block initially at rest us dropped

from a height of 0.5m onto a spring whose
scale is 2940N/m. Find the maximum
distance x that the spring will be
compressed. Assume g=9.8m/s2. 24/43
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9.) A gas contained in a piston cylinder has

following initial properties: 3000kPa, 0.03m3.
The gas is compressed during the process
where PV1.4=C to a pressure of 9000kPa. The
heat transfer from the gas is 3kJ. Determine
the change in internal energy, neglect
changes in kinetic and potential energies. 25/43
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10.) Steam enters the turbine with a pressure

P=4800kPa, u=2950kJ/kg, h=3300kJ/kg,
and with a flow of 6kg/s. Steam leaves with
h=2300kJ/kg, u=2100kJ/kg and P=22kPa.
The radiative heat loss is equal to 24kJ/kg of 
steam. Determine a) the power produced; b)
the adiabatic power; c) the inlet specific
volume; d) the exit velocity if the exit area is
0.5m2. 26/43
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11.) Carbon Dioxide (ρ=1.8kg/m3) having an

enthalpy of 96.5kJ/kg enters a compressor. It
leaves with an enthalpy of 175kJ/kg. There is
35kJ/kg of heat lost from the compressor as
CO2 passes through it. Neglecting changes in
kinetic and potential energies, determine the
power required for a flow rate of 0.2225m3/s. 27/43
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12.) CHALLENGE! A centrifugal compressor

compresses 5.7m3/min of air from 83kPaa to
620kPaa. The initial density is 1.27kg/m3 and
the final density is 4.8kg/m3. The inlet
suction line is 10cm in diameter and the
discharge line is 5cm in diameter. Determine
a) the mass flow rate; b) the change in flow
energy between boundaries; c) the kinetic
energy change. 28/43
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Ideal Gas and Specific Heat 29/43
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1.) If the initial volume of an ideal gas is

compressed to one-half its original volume
and twice its original temperature, the
pressure is? 30/43
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2.) A rigid vessel initially contains helium at

105kPaa and 15⁰C. Two kilograms of helium
are then added to the contents so that the
final pressure and temperature are 200kPaa
and 20⁰C. Determine
a) the volume of the vessel;
b) the final mass of helium. 31/43
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3.) A rigid vessel initially contains hydrogen

at 200kPaa and 20⁰C. Two kilograms of 
hydrogen are then pumped out so that the
final pressure and temperature is at 105kPaa
and 15⁰C. Determine
a) the final mass of hydrogen;
b) the volume of the vessel. 32/43
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4.) A 1500L tank contains nitrogen at a

pressure of 400kPag and a temperature of 
320K. Later, because of a leak, it was found
that the gage pressure has dropped to
320kPag and the temperature has decreased
to 300K; determine
a) the initial mass of nitrogen;
b) the remaining nitrogen;
c) the amount of nitrogen that has leaked
out. 33/43
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5.) A bicycle pump is full of air at

atmospheric pressure. The length of stroke of 
the pump is 45cm. At what part of the stroke
does the air begin to enter the tire in which
the gage pressure is 310kPag? Assume
compression is isothermal. 34/43
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6.) An air bubble rises from the bottom of a
well where the temperature is 27⁰C. Find the
percentage increase in volume of the bubble
if the depth of the well is 5m. Atmospheric
pressure is 101.528kPaa.
 35/43
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7.) A 15cm diameter x 100cm length

cylindrical steel vessel contained nitrogen at
1315kPag and 28⁰C. After some of the
nitrogen was used the pressure and
temperature dropped to 480kPag and 22⁰C.
a) What proportion of nitrogen was used?
b) What volume would the used nitrogen
occupy at 1atm and 15.5⁰C? 36/43
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8.) A 0.8m diameter sphere contains helium

at 20bar and 28⁰C. How many cylindrical
drums 12cm in diameter and 70cm long,
which is initially devoid of any gas, can be
filled to a pressure of 3bar at 18⁰C? Assume
the helium in the sphere remains at 28⁰C. 37/43
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9.) Complete the following ideal gas table: 38/43
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10.) 8kg of a gas, R=280J/kg.K and

Cv=0.78kJ/kg.K undergo a reversible non-
flow constant pressure process from
V1=1.2m3, P1=700kPaa to a state where
T2=480⁰C. Find
a)ΔU, ΔH, Q, Wnf ;
b) if the process has been a reversible steady
flow type with ΔP=0 and ΔK=0, find W .
sf 39/43
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11.) A 0.064kg of octane vapor (MW=114) is

mixed with 0.91kg of air (MW=29) in the
manifold engine. The total pressure of the
manifold engine is 86.1kPa and the
temperature is 290K. Assume octane behaves
ideally. What is the partial pressure of the air
in the mixture in kPa? 40/43
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12.) 5kg of O2, 0.5kg of CO2 and 8.5kg of N2

are mixed at constant temperature until the
mixture pressure is constant at 690kPaa.
a) the partial pressure of each gas;
b) the molecular weight of the mixture; and
c) the gas constant of the mixture. 41/43
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13.) It is desired to produce a gas mixture

containing 35% by volume of CO2 and 65% by
volume of oxygen. If there is 1.4kg of CO2 in
the mixture, find
a) mass of O2 in the mixture;
b) the gas constant of the mixture. 42/43
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14.) CHALLENGE! A valve joins a two

compartment adiabatic tank. 0.75 kg of 
nitrogen dioxide at 4500kPaa and 400K is
contained in one compartment while 0.45kg
of air at 550kPaa and 300K is contained in
the other compartment. The valve is opened
and the gasses mix. Determine
a) the gas constant for the mixture;
b) the final temperature and pressure of the
mixture. 43/43

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