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1. Turner’s definition of  « the Frontier », is the advancing border between, the « civilised »
society and developped land where Europeans have settled and lived, and the « wild » land
where the native americans lived.

2. The American Frontier, has moved throughout the years towards the far west. The evolution
of american frontier can be devided into three parts, the first frontier, the second frontier,
and the last period. The first frontier is when pioneers left the european colonies along the
east coast, to conquer land in the backcountry where they fought the natives, and obtained
lands like Michigan, Ohio, to cite a few. The second frontier is the continuation of the west
conquest into the heart of the country. One of the most memorable event was the purchase
of Louisiana from the French which doubled the size of the United States. The third period
also called the trans-mississipi frontier, is the last push of the migrants towards the west and
the remaining areas of the continent, to the Pacific Ocean.

3. The westward movement of the frontier, can be criticised because of its consequences on
the natives. The definition of the frontier given by Turner, makes it appear like the native
population and their land are non civilised, and preaches an idea of a european and white
society supremacy, as well as the idea that native people are wild and need to be tamed. The
movement westward can then also be criticised as stealing the native americans’ land and as
an exploitation of the already settled native population, and the environment, in order to
develop white americans’societies. The westward movement of the frontier can also be
perceived by some as contributing to the imperialist mindset of the US.

4. The «  Manifest Destiny »,may be the idea that america will be the country that will surpass
and be superior to every other nation, in terms of justice, morals, values and progress. John
L. O’Sullivan claims that the United States, have not been tainted by the sins of the past that
other nations have, such as wars, domination of oppresive regimes, and by the political and
moral errors that they have faced. For this reason, the U.S is as he calls it the country of
futurity and thus can only be destined to move forward, towards greatness and progress. Its
destiny is also set this way because the U.S foundation is equality. America’s destiny is also
blessed by God, and has to be a country in the image of God, a form of heaven, with perfect
moral compasses,where freedom, justice and progress reins. To quote the text : « the nation
of many nations is destined to manifest to mankind the excellence of divine principles; to
establish on earth the noblest temple ever dedicated to theworship of the Most High -- the
Sacred and the True. Its floor shall be a hemisphere -- its roof the firmament of the star-
studded heavens, and its congregation an Union of many Republics, comprising hundreds of
happy millions, calling, owning no man master, but governed by God's natural and moral law
of equality, the law of brotherhood -- of "peace and good will amongst men ». (Paragraph 6,
line 2-8)

5. « The New Frontier », that JFK is talking about, is not a physical frontier as it was in the 19th
century, but an intellectual frontier. The Frontier here is the border between knowledge and
the unknown. JFK here speaks of the new challenges that need to be faced by the americans,
and all the unconquered, knowledge of justice, science, unsolved questions of peace and
social issues and justice. Instead of a conquest of land, the New Frontier is a conquest of
social and intellectual progress.

6. The Frontier for Americans and America, is the border between what is known and right to
them and the unknown. It is also the source of their progress and their power. It first started
as a need for land conquest, and expanding their societies and civilisation through the
wilderness. The Frontier is also what is considered to them the cause of their political and,
economical development and one of the roots of America’s greatness. The Frontier is what
sets aside America and the other nations, as it is the cause of the american development. It is
where their values, caracteristics, and traits have emerged from, thus allowing them to break
from the influence of the other nations, making them the American nation. Later on, after
the conquest of land was over, the frontier, the border of intellectual knowledge. It became
the need for intellectual progress. The conquest wasnt materialistic anymore but it was the
conquest for better knowledge, justice, better morals and values. What those two frontiers
have in common, is the strive for progress. The frontier for america and the americans, is the
epitome of their nation’s destiny for better things, and the bearer of progress, of the strive
towards the future, and the cause for America’s greatness and superiotity.

-PEN Bophavatey TG5

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