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Motors Trippings Analysis June-2021-

Dt. 01/07/2021

Comparative study of Monthly Motor trippings -

Monthly Tripping Unitwise Monthly Tripping

80 30
70 25
60 20
50 15
40 June
30 5
20 0
April May June

1. Total no of motors tripping in last two months are almost same.
2. There are major increases in Unit-03/05/07.
3. There are major decreases in Unit-08 and AHP.
4. There is no change in no.s in unit-06.
Motor Tripping in June
Identification of Major Motor trippings-
30.0 120.0
86.2 90.8 95.4
1. As per last month data 80% of Motor 25.0
trippings are in in units-06/07/08 and AHP. 20.0 64.6 80.0
2. This month 80% of Motor trippings
are in units-03/05/06/07. 15.0 46.2 60.0
10.0 24.6 40.0
5.0 20.0
1. There are continuous motor trippings
in Unit-06/07 as per last two months data. 0.0 0.0

1. UNIT-03 :
Majority trippings are in 03-PC 109B due to Feeder outgoing TB issue and Overload Malfunction. Overload
malfunction may be due to frequent starting of motor within short period of time. Spares for Overload and Feeder
outgoing TB should be maintained.
2. Unit-05 :
Majority trippings are in 05-PC 107A due to overload malfunction. Overload malfunction may be due to ageing.
Overload spares should be maintained.
3. UNIT-06/07 :
Various LT motors tripped on overload due to pump jam. Overload settings and healthiness to be reviewed. Overload
Spares should be maintained.
NOTE – PR made for O/L - 2060041537, 2060040239, 2060040233, 2060040560

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