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Mariecris B.

BSA – 1B



1. Instrumental good- ultimate good
- An instrumental good is a thing that is good because it facilitates some other good. We
might say money is an instrumental good because it allows us to buy the things that we
need to live Ultimate Good is also called as intrinsic good. An intrinsic good is a thing
that is good for its own sake. Some might say pleasure is an intrinsic good.
2. Pleasure - Happiness
- Pleasure is found in various form of activity and a proper pleasure or pain may belong to
an any activity. The pleasure which is found in some forms of activity maybe good, and
the pleasure which is found in other forms of activity maybe bad. Pain may similar be
good or bad. According to Aristotle, pleasure is not the aim of every human action,
because not every pleasure is good. Happiness is virtues activity, which is guide by
intellect and by reason thus happiness is also a contemplative activity. Happiness is not
merely a means to an end but is an end. Happiness is a unity of will and action, of
intellect and reason. Happiness is not merely a feeling of pleasure or contentment but is
a fulfillment of the human soul. Aristotle says that human beings are happiest when
they are guided by reason. Thus, the happiest life is that of the philosopher. Perfect
happiness is achieved by a unity of practical and theoretical wisdom.
3. Virtue - Vice
- According to Aristotle, a virtue was a mean between two vices, for Smith and Hume,
virtue was just the aspect of our emotion/sentiments/feelings that compelled us to act
positively, to Aquinas, it was an attribute bestowed upon us by God. Although we can,
we should not just understand virtue as some floating metaphysical form. Instead,
virtue should be understood as any positive sentiment that leads to the happiness of us
and others. Likewise, vice is simply the absence of virtue that which does not lead to
happiness consider bad qualities.
4. Intellectual virtue - Moral virtue
- Aristotle distinguishes between two kinds of virtues, intellectual virtue and moral virtue.
Aristotle says that moral virtues are not innate but that they are acquired by developing
a habit of exercising them. An individual becomes truthful by acting truthfully or
becomes selfish by acting unselfishly. Aristotle notes that it may be difficult for an
individual to become virtues if he or she has not acquired the habit of acting virtuously.
According to Aristotle, the moral virtues include courage, temperance, self-discipline,
moderation, modesty, humility, generosity, friendliness, truthfulness, honesty and
justice. The moral vices include cowardice, self-indulgence, recklessness, wastefulness,
greed, vanity, untruthfulness, dishonesty and injustice. Acts of virtue bring honor to an
individual, Acts of vice bring honor to an individual.
5. Science and Technology – The good life
- Science and technology further progress and development like in upraising the
goodness of the next medical procedure, the new social media trend, the latest mobile
device, or the upcoming technology for food safety will plays in the pursuit of the
uniquely human experience of happiness. Good life is a state of being happy, healthy
and prosperous in the way one think, live, and act. The path of good life is understood
as happiness brought by living a virtuous life.

Exercise 2
1. Good life
2. Eudaimonia
3. Happiness
4. Aristotle
8. Virtue
9. Moral virtue
10. Intellectual virtue
Exercise 3
1. A good life is not one where you have a lot but where you need very little to be happy
and content. A good life is when you learn to enjoy every minute of it. When you learn
to be happy NOW. When you realize that you don’t need to wait for something outside
of yourself to make you happy in the future. A good life is when everyone you know
associates your name or your image with kindness, goodness, warmth and love. Just
think how precious the time is you must spend with your family or loved ones and that’s
why every minute should be enjoyed and savored. A good life is inevitable when you
stay healthy, positive and happy. When you work hard and never give up hope. A good
life is when you are open to criticism and keep learning every day. Anyone who stops
learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. When you keep learning you stay young
and the greatest thing in life is to keep your mind always young. A good life is when you
surround yourself with loving, happy, warm, and genuine people. A good life is one
where you have someone to share it with. A good life is when your heart is full of love,
and you have someone to give that love to. A Good Life is a series of trials and errors
and the sooner you accept that the better. What looks like a mistake to others has been
a milestone for me. Even if people have betrayed me, even if my heart was broken, even
if I was misunderstood or judged, I have managed to learn from everything and never
lost the lesson, even when I lost everything else. We are human, we are flawed, and we
all make mistakes but learning from them, not losing the lesson, is what makes all the
difference in the world. Learning life’s lessons is not about making your life perfect but
about seeing life as it was meant to be.

2. Aristotle was a philosopher and a scientist who believed good life for humans is
ultimately about happiness and this happiness can be achieved by virtue or high moral
standards. In the contemporary world, generally, everyone's goal is still to be happy but
achieving this feat by being virtuous or having a high moral standard is fading away in
our contemporary world as people just want to be happy by any means possible. Some
amass wealth illegally just to be happy while others do things that are considered
immoral (by the society) to be happy hence people still want a good life but not a way
described by Aristotle.

3. Science and technology have helped us evolved in the many civilizations that have
passed. Although not yet called Science in the past, the many inventions that had
brought us to where we are right now in the digital age is brought about by Science and
Technology. The below items are just some of the benefits we experience in the current
age through Science and Technology.
1. Internet and communication across the country are easier compared to before. This
gave way to jobs being outsourced to other countries helping other developing
countries in its economy,
2. Innovations in Engineering and Construction gave way to the predictable timetable and
3. Research on medicine have given other people more time to live a happy I feel.
4. Through inventions, life has become easier through invented household machines.

Exercise 4
The sugar I found in this product is
glucose. Glucose is the primary fuel
used by most cells in the body to
generate the energy that is needed to
carry out cellular functions. Too much
glucose will lead to serious health
problems. When taking too much
glucose the effect of this to our body
is it increases our blood sugar level
which may cause problem to our
pancreas in producing insulin.

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