School of Victory Lesson Plan

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Subject : Science
Level/Grade : Primary/G.3/S.1
Topic : Food
Date/Time : August 2020 / 1 x 45 Minute
Standard Competence - Identify the nutrients in different types of food for energy and
Specific Competence - State how different types of nutrients contribute to health
Content - Interactions
Outcome - Students are able to understand that they need food for energy and
- Students are able to understand about nutrients found in fruits.
- Students are able to understand that food gives our body energy
- Students are able to understand different types of nutrients found in
food and how they help body grow well and stay healthy
- Students are able to understand that body needs water in maany
ways and oof also contains water
Assessment - Worksheet
Instrument - Textbook, banana
Project -

Opening Activity
- Students greeting to teacher.
- Teacher do warm up with the students
- Teacher motivate the students to be ready and be attentive to study.
Main Activity
- Have pupils turn to Textbook p. 31 and look at the picture. Give pupils some time to read the
paragraph at the bottom of the page.
- Ask pupils the questions that follow.
- Go through the ‘Let’s find out’ questions.
- Show pupils the banana. Ask pupils how many of them like to eat banana.
- Tell pupils that fruits contain nutrients. Ask pupils to name two types of nutrients that both an
apple and a banana contain.
- Ask pupils why it is important for us to eat fruits every day.
- Have pupils turn to Textbook p. 31.
- Go through the ‘Let’s find out’ questions.
- Ask pupils the key inquiry question or Section 3.1 on Textbook p. 32, Section 3.2 on Textbook
p. 33 and Section 3.3 on Textbook p. 36.
- Have pupils jump up and down. Ask:
o Where does your body get the energy for you to jump?
- Have pupils think about the ‘Explore’ question on textbook p. 32.

Closing Activity
- Summarize the lesson for today.

Bandar Lampung, 2 July 2020

Principal Teacher

Lidia Suhardi, B.Sc. Stevan Kristyogi Barimbing, S.Psi


Subject : Science
Level/Grade : Primary/G.3/S.1
Topic : Food
Date/Time : August 2020 / 1 x 45 Minute
Standard Competence - Identify the nutrients in different types of food for energy and
Specific Competence - State how different types of nutrients contribute to health
Content - Interactions
Outcome - Students are able to understand that they need food for energy and
- Students are able to understand about nutrients found in fruits.
- Students are able to understand that food gives our body energy
- Students are able to understand different types of nutrients found in
food and how they help body grow well and stay healthy
- Students are able to understand that body needs water in maany
ways and oof also contains water
Assessment - Worksheet
Instrument - Textbook, Activity book, a product label of packaged food
Project -

Opening Activity
- Students greeting to teacher.
- Teacher do warm up with the students
- Teacher motivate the students to be ready and be attentive to study.
Main Activity
- Show pupils the product label of a packaged food, which gives the information of the amount of
carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals found in the food.
- Guide pupils to see from the product label to see from the product label that carbohydrates,
proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals are some types of nutrients found in food.
- Have pupils turn to Textbook p. 33 and look at the picture of the sandwich.
- Ask pupils to name the types of food that make up the sandwich.
- Explain to pupils that different types of food contain different types of nutrients.
- Have pupils turn to Textbook p. 34. Explain to pupils what carbohydrates, proteins, fats,
vitamins, and minerals do for our body.
- Have pupils think about ‘Explore’ question on Textbook p. 35.
- Ask pupils how many glasses of water they drink everyday
- Explain to pupils that water is the main component in our body and it is needed by our body in
many ways.
- Go through the ‘Quick Check’ question on Textbook p. 36.
- Explain to pupils that water not only get from drinking, food especially fruits contain water too.
- Conclude that both nutrients and water are important for our body to function properly.
Closing Activity
- Ask pupils the key inquiry questions for Section 3.1, Section 3.2 and Section 3.3 again.

Bandar Lampung, 2 July 2020

Principal Teacher

Lidia Suhardi, B.Sc. Stevan Kristyogi Barimbing, S.Psi


Subject : Science
Level/Grade : Primary/G.3/S.1
Topic : Food
Date/Time : August 2020 / 1 x 45 Minute
Standard Competence - Making healthy choices
Specific Competence - Know how to make healthy food choices
Content - Interactions
Outcome - Students are able to understand that they should eat to stay healthy
- Students are able to find out what makes up a balanced diet
Assessment - Worksheet
Instrument - Textbook, Activity Book
Project -

Opening Activity
- Students greeting to teacher.
- Teacher do warm up with the students
- Teacher motivate the students to be ready and be attentive to study.
Main Activity
- Ask a pupil to name the types of food he/she ate yesterday.
- Ask:
o How much of each type of food should you eat every day to stay healthy?
o Which types of food should you eat more?
o Which types of food should you eat less?
- Ask pupils to the key inquiry question for Section 3.4 on Textbook p. 37.
- Have pupils turn to Activity 3.1 on Activity book p. 16.
- Discuss the answer to Activity 3.1
- Have pupils turn to Textbook p. 37 and look at the diagram of a food pyramid;
- Highlight to pupils that the food pyramid is wider at the bottom and thinner at the top. Explain
that this is to show us that we should eat more of foods at the bottom of the food pyramid and
less of foods at the top of the food pyramid.
- Have pupils look at the ‘We Care’ feature on Textbook p. 37.
- Have pupils turn to Activity 3.2 on Activity Book p. 18
- Discuss the answers
Closing Activity
- Ask pupils the key inquiry question for Section 3.4 again.

Bandar Lampung, 2 July 2020

Principal Teacher

Lidia Suhardi, B.Sc. Stevan Kristyogi Barimbing, S.Psi


Subject : Science
Level/Grade : Primary/G.3/S.1
Topic : Food
Date/Time : August 2020 / 1 x 45 Minute
Standard Competence - Recognize that humans grow two sets of teeth
- Caring for our teeth
Specific Competence - State the function of each type of tooth.
- Know how to take care of our teeth
Content - Systems
Outcome - Students are able to understand the types of teeth they have
- Students are able to know the function of different types of teeth

- Students are able to take care of their teeth
Assessment - Worksheet
Instrument - Textbook, A mirror, Activity book
Project -

Opening Activity
- Students greeting to teacher.
- Teacher do warm up with the students
- Teacher motivate the students to be ready and be attentive to study.
Main Activity
- Have pupils open their mouth wide and look at the mirror.
- Have pupils observe their front teeth and tell pupils that it called incisors. Teeth that found in the
front corners of their mouth called canines. Teeth at the back of their mouth called molars.
- Ask pupils the key inquiry section for Section 3.5 on Textbook p. 38
- Have pupils turn to activity 3.3 on Activity book p. 20.
- Explains to pupils the difference between milk teeth and permanent teeth.
- Tell pupils that premolars are only found in permanent teeth and premolars grow behind canines.
- Have pupils to think about the ‘Explore’ question on Textbook p. 38.
- Go through the ‘Quick Check” question on Textbook p. 39.
- Have pupils complete Activity 3.4 on Activity book p. 22
- Discuss the answer
- Have pupils to Textbook p. 40 and look at the picture
- Tell pupils that the yellowish substance that sticks to the teeth is called plaque.
- Explain to pupils the harmful effects of plaque.
- Ask pupils the key inquiry question for Section 3.6 on Textbook p. 40.
- Have pupils think about the ‘Explore’ question on Textbook p. 40.
- Have pupils work in groups to discuss ways to take care of their teeth and present their ideas.
- Go through the ‘Quick Check’ question on Textbook p. 41
- Summarize the unit by going through the concept map in ‘At a glance’ on Textbook p. 42
Closing Activity
- Ensure that pupils have understood by going through the ‘Self-Check’ activity on Textbook p.

Bandar Lampung, 2 July 2020

Principal Teacher

Lidia Suhardi, B.Sc. Stevan Kristyogi Barimbing, S.Psi


Subject : Science
Level/Grade : Primary/G.3/S.1
Topic : Food
Date/Time : August 2020 / 1 x 45 Minute
Standard Competence - Recognize that humans grow two sets of teeth
- Caring for our teeth
Specific Competence - State the function of each type of tooth.
- Know how to take care of our teeth
Content - Systems
Outcome - Students are able to understand the types of teeth they have
- Students are able to know the function of different types of teeth
- Students are able to take care of their teeth
Assessment - Worksheet
Instrument - Textbook
Project -

Opening Activity
- Students greeting to teacher.
- Teacher do warm up with the students
- Teacher motivate the students to be ready and be attentive to study.
Main Activity
- Quiz 3
Closing Activity

Bandar Lampung, 2 July 2020

Principal Teacher

Lidia Suhardi, B.Sc. Stevan Kristyogi Barimbing, S.Psi

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