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Hero :

Mercy : It is a fabulous point . Indeed , hero always risk themselves for the others. However, it is their
benevolence which make them to sacrifice consciously . with that being said , Hero are always
tenderhearted and merciful. They sympathizes to other’s suffering regardless of the identities. For
instance, Florence Nightingale who is born in a noble family, nurses millions of soldier in the Crimean
War. She live in the hospital under nasty environment. Nightingale’s mercy make herself a hero in all
hearts. ( 40s)
驳 miller 赞 Upham
1. Well, you ‘ve mentioned that miller is a hero because he put his life at risk . However, can hero kill the
innocent ? Do you know how to extinguish between superhero and an evil ? Batman ‘ s principle is
never kill , he said :” once I kill , I become the evil .”therefore,
A hero should always keep his benevolence and sympathy whereas miller killed millions of people .

2. In the movie , when all menders in the team decided to kill that German salves, Upham stand in-front
of him and release him . He save him because the German surrender is alone and unarmed . To give
people a second chance and protect the weak is a sense of mercy . However, miller said “ I kill this men
because I want to save more .” Doesn’t it sounds a it ridiculous form a hero ’s mouth?
反驳 Upham 导致人死赞 miller 更真实
No one is born as a hero or a soldier. We need to pass through fear and weak in order to gain
courage . This is the process of growing , same as miller. His hands were shaking during the
whole journey , he also afraid of dying . Upham is closer to a realistic hero .

反驳 upham 是普通人 :
During the war- time period , Americans and Germans had to kill each other in any way they could,
otherwise , they would be killed. However, Upham does not distort his own humanity at all time . If
everyone is Upham ,then the abnormality of war will be replaced by the normality of human nature, the
loss of war will be replaced by the rationality of sympathy , and the war will not happen . This is a real
job of a hero, not killing enemy form their own stance.

反驳 upham 没有杀战俘:
If you were Upham , will you become a hero if you kill that German soldier ? Not really , Killing doesn’t
make you heroical. On the contrary , Upham is respectful to all lives, no matter what nationality or
political stance they are in, he never attend the massacre. In the movie, Upham save the life of German
soldier when American ‘ s airplane were slaughtering . He won’t kill all the German just because one of
them kill wards. Thus , Upham respect all lives which makes him a hero .

反驳 upham 杀了最后那个德国兵 :
The reason why he killed this soldier is because he bit the hand that feeds him . In the movie, the
German prisoner promise to surrender, but he attend the massacre again .with that being said, he is
no longer innocent , he kill because of his brutality .

反驳 miller 的 overall view :

Did miller truly minimize the number of loss? He sacrifice 8 men to accomplish one job given by his
officer. That said, His objective is not saving more people but to get a reward .It is selfish and utilitarian.

He said :” when you ending up killing a men , you tell yourself , it happens because you could save 10
more people.” However, he could’t save 10 more people ,the historical background told us American is
the invader. Would hero invade others countries and tell them :” I am saving you .”? Absolutely not, from
German ’s perspective, miller Is an invader but not hero.


Hero :
1. Quality of hero ( 无关电影角色 )( 一人 20s )
- sacrifice (Betty )
- 接 sacrifice + Mercy (eve)
- Courage ( k w )
- Summarize mercy and sacrifice + responsibility (can)
Summarize : kw

2. 电影角色如何配对 / 争论
- miller : responsibility ( can)
- Miller : sacrifice (Betty )
- Upham : mercy (eve)
- Upham : brave ( k w )

题目一 :
point 1 ( 1.5Mins )
Point 2:
1. plot ( can + Betty )
3. Miller : Leadership (k w)
4. Ryan ( responsibility )
5. Sacrifice ( Betty )
6. Responsibility ( 军人的使命)(can )
7. 过渡: Courage : Upham ( 成长 )(eve) - 珍惜和平

point 3:
1. Upham VS miller ( 无勇气 vs 成长 )
8. Kate Wong 反驳 Upham 的 responsibility ( eve :没有做到儿子的责任)
9. 总结带出 miller ( 所以 Upham Ryan 都不好,我们要看 miller)
10. Upham ( 没有军人的职责 ) vs 他有仁慈

出来讲的目的是什么 ?+ summary
—— peace -领会- Kate ( 用这些品德去创造更好的社会: plot + 特点 )
—— 特点学到什么

What teenagers could learn from the character ?

Upham : courage to face fear . During the whole journey , he was a weak coward. He cannot held his
gun to save his comrade-in-arms , he has too much mercy that release the captured slaves which
causes the death of his comrade-in-arms.However, he actually symbolizes a realistic , vivd human act in
all -sides. In the end, he overcome his fear , held his gun and kill that German betrayed and revenge for
his friends . His story will perfectly resonate with our students . We are not as impeccable as miller, we
are always as fearful as Upham . However, we can always beat our enemy by overcoming the fears.

Teenagers learning ( 努力变成一分半 )

1. Besides all these remarkable character and their heroic undertaking , I still want to teach our
teenagers about the important of peace and love.
Every on is a hero / a model in this movie , they inspire the whole generation . However , when I finishes
watching this film , the scene of red body , men finding his left arm , soldier with his lung outside his
body . ( 带出战争的残酷 )(30s )

Candace :
2. Yes, just like the soldier crying for more morphine, the movie give me miserable heartache .
Indeed, we should teach teenagers how to cherish their nowadays life. Today's peace was bought by
the blood of the past. We should never forget that shame of history , how brutal a war can be and learn to
cherish peace. ( 所以我要铭记历史 )
(1mins )
3. I am glad you raise this point out . Nowadays teenagers is living with excess of comfort . They didn’t
notice the preciousness of their life, some of them even attend riots. For example , during the social
movement in 2019 Hong Kong, students Set fire to an old men in Ma On Shan . This is bloodcurdling
that makes me sick. ( 现实情况 )

4. Op the top of this situation ,we should teach teenagers the preciousness of their life and cherish their
felicity .( 教育他们珍惜 )
- 学习以上特质 ,改变社会

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