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Australian Ideal College

Registered as Australian Ideal College Pty Ltd

RTO No.: 91679 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G
Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
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Develop an action plan for treating risks

Question 1
Review the scenario in Appendix 4 (Student Workbook) under the heading ‘research findings’ and select an issue and then
apply the hierarchy of control to develop options.

Hierarchy of control Options
Can you eliminate the risk
Can you reduce the risk?
Can you isolate the risk?
Can you reduce the risk by administrative control?
Then provide personal protection according to
AS/NZ standard.

Question 2
What risk control options might you select for the following risks.

Question 3
Research what type of risk reduction or sharing strategies may be applied or are available if you are looking to address the risk
of litigation from the actions or inactions of you or your staff.

Question 4
Volunteering Australia uses a one page risk action plan, which can be found at <
content/files_mf/1377053059VAManagersrunningtherisk.pdf >. (Link working on 23 Apr 2020)
Review the form, and describe when or how you could use a similar form in an organisation where you are the risk manager.
The key issue to describe is whether you think this form is suitable for all risk planning and management process, including your

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