Key Test 4,5 Ets 2016 p2

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(B) No, she doesn't use it.


(C) At the Fourth Street branch.
31. Why hasn't Jason been in the office all week?
(A) No, I haven't seen him.
(B) Typically until six o'clock or so.
(C) You'll have to ask his manager.


07. What time does the movie start tonight?

(A) We're moving on Saturday.
(B) At seven o'clock.
(C) It was in the theater.
08. Where is the furniture department?
(A) On the tenth floor.
(B) A sofa and two chairs.
(C) I took it apart.
09. Who led the budget presentation yesterday?
(A) Yes, I read it.
(B) The main conference room.
(C) Ms. Varma did.
10. Would you rather drive to the game or take the train?
(A) Let's drive.
(B) On Thursday, I believe.
(C) Please take it with you.
11. When are they announcing the winner of the competition?
(A) At the radio station.
(B) By the end of the week.
(C) A gift certificate.
12. Would you like to make a donation to the arts council fund?
(A) No thanks, I have some.
(B) He's very generous.
(C) Sure, here's five dollars.
13. Who chose the restaurant for the company banquet?
(A) Maybe once last year.
(B) Someone from Human Resources.
(C) Next Friday evening.
14. Are you going to accept the management position?
(A) Everyone else.


(B) They're in finance.
(C) Yes, I start June first.
15. Which spaces are designated for visitor parking?
(A) Only for two hours.
(B) It's alright, I'll take the bus.
(C) The ones with yellow signs.
16. Wouldn't you rather meet in a conference room?
(A) It usually doesn't.
(B) A three o'clock meeting.
(C) It would be quieter.
17. Do you know who this jacket belongs to?
(A) Yes, very expensive.
(B) No, where did you find it?
(C) It won't take too long.
18. Let's work through lunch to finish the project.
(A) A sandwich and an apple.
(B) But I really need a break!
(C) It was this morning.
19. Why does Dr. Yang need another lab assistant?
(A) I didn't know he requested one.
(B) At least three years’ experience.
(C) Yes, we visited the new lab.
20. Dr. Martinez will be free this afternoon.
(A) I've been here before.
(B) What about tomorrow morning?
(C) The pharmacy is just downstairs.
21. Can I write an article on the festival for Tuesday's newspaper?
(A) You're right; it's too long.
(B) The deadline has passed.
(C) He's at the museum now.
22. Don't you want to see the apartment?
(A) West of Main Street.
(B) We had to order a part.
(C) I've found a place already.
23. Should I order the supplies now, or wait until next week?
(A) A total of seventy-five dollars.
(B) Actually, I already sent the order.
(C) It' s in the supply closet.


24. How should I store these photographs?
(A) Mateo is responsible for that.
(B) From the company picnic.
(C) Yes, the staff is very helpful.
25. Where should I set up the equipment for the photo shoot?
(A) That's scheduled for next week.
(B) It was taken in Amsterdam.
(C) I got it from the electronics store.
26. You haven't seen Jennifer today, have you?
(A) I saw her a while ago.
(B) I don't have any yet.
(C) No, my name's Janet.
27. Could you help me find the Murphy Company file?
(A) I'm fine, thanks.
(B) He left a while ago.
(C) I don't work on that account.
28. Why has the workshop been canceled?
(A) About twenty minutes ago.
(B) In room fourteen.
(C) Because many people couldn't attend.
29. You've already signed the contract, haven't you?
(A) I'll do it right now.
(B) Yes, I turned it off.
(C) What does the sign say?
30. I thought the professional development training was really helpful.
(A) I'd be happy to help.
(B) That was my experience, too.
(C) Sure, I'll take care of it.
31. Where did you make the dinner reservation?
(A) Tomorrow at twelve-thirty.
(B) Didn't you make it?
(C) For fourteen people.


07. How long is the movie?

(A) At seven thirty.
(B) I saw it this weekend.


(C) Almost two hours.
8. Which department is on the second floor?
(A) Customer service.
(B) In the conference room.
(C) He didn't arrive on time.
9. When's the next meeting at the town hall?
(A) At the end of the hall.
(B) The last Wednesday of the month.
(C) The park improvement plan.
10. Who booked the airline tickets?
(A) Laura returned the book.
(B) Flights leave every hour.
(C) Someone in the Paris office.
11. Where's the nearest place to get something to eat?
(A) I thought it was good.
(B) Just down the street.
(C) You can put it here.
12. Would you like to pay now, or be billed later?
(A) Please send me a bill.
(B) We're building another office.
(C) Just a few copies.
13. Why has the roadway been blocked?
(A) Don't forget to lock it.
(B) It's being repaired.
(C) In a parking area.
14. How about stopping at that new coffee shop on our way to work tomorrow?
(A) A pound of coffee, please.
(B) By five o'clock, I think.
(C) OK, I've heard good things about it.
15. Which real estate agency did you use to sell your house?
(A) The fees were reasonable.
(B) I like that property.
(C) The one that Luis recommended.
16. Aren't there any direct flights to London from here?
(A) The director will arrive late.
(B) No, not anymore.
(C) For a business trip.
17. Can you drop this packet off at the accountant's for me?


(A) You won't need a jacket.
(B) Sure, I'm heading there now.
(C) No, it's not broken.
18. These new trains are so much faster.
(A) I already completed my training.
(B) Sorry, I don't have any.
(C) They really are.
19. I'd like a refill of this medication, please.
(A) About a hundred pills.
(B) When would you like to pick it up?
(C) You ’re welcome.
20. You haven't seen my mobile phone anywhere, have you?
(A) I've been there before.
(B) I'd check in the break room.
(C) I don't know her number.
21. Isn't the museum closed now?
(A) Nine dollars.
(B) Not too far.
(C) Well, it is after nine.
22. I can 't reach the boxes on this top shelf.
(A) Shall I get a ladder?
(B) More packaging materials.
(C) It stopped a while ago.
23. When will the safety inspector check the emergency exits?
(A) Over there, on your right.
(B) He'll be here on Tuesday.
(C) He can't open the safe.
24. Will the fliers be ready today, or do you need more time to finish them?
(A) I'll start work on them now.
(B) I don't know who's going.
(C) Her flight 's late
25. Didn't you submit an article to the business journal last month?
(A) Why? Has it been published?
(B) Can I renew it?
(C) It' s always been that way.
26. Do you have flowers for sale?
(A) Birthdays and graduations.
(B) I expect to have some soon.


(C) Are those for me?
27. Could you possibly change the time of the marketing meeting?
(A) But Mr. Cho is only available this morning.
(B) No, I've been to the market.
(C We had a great tie.
28. Who'd like to volunteer to be a tour guide?
(A) I've done it before.
(B) That's very helpful.
(C) Two weeks ago.
29. Do you have this same T-shirt design, but in blue?
(A) Thanks, I'll tell the designer.
(B) We have it in purple.
(C) To meet the company dress code.
30. The rental car has been returned, hasn't it?
(A) Thanks, I'm ready to order.
(B) I did it myself.
(C) Four hundred miles.
31. Why isn't the vegetable soup on your lunch menu today?
(A) It suits you well.
(B) The same amount of water.
(C) We're offering French onion soup.

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