RightSleep Sleep Myths

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The REAL Reason You Siriiggle with Sleep: The Truth Behind the 5 Most Common ith “You're not sleeping hecause you're stressed.” “There are two common scenarios where you might think youre still awake because you'e “thinking toomuch’: 1) When you'renct easily falling sleep and 2) When you wake up in the middle ofthe night and cant fall back to sleep. We've mistaken this experience of insomnia and thinking to mean that thinking isthe cause of not sleeping, This is simply not true ‘The real reason youre nat sleeping easily or wells that you dont have the right chemical mixin your brain to support easy and deep sleep. When your brain has this ideal chemical mix, you wil fll asleep regardless of your “thinking” or how stressful your day was. In fact, when yout not sleeping well, ‘especially over along period of time, you ae being robbed ofthe normal repairs that happen during sleep and promote overall well being and calm. So, this negative cycle only feeds your feelings of ‘overthinking and worry and is perhaps why so many people think (in error) that your overthinking or ‘ory isthe root ofthe problem. “You sleep a lot, or hit the snooze alarm, because you're k Coot on the previous myth, you leamed the solution to most sleep problems: helping your brain achieve the right chemistry so your body can do what itis meant to do best- sleep well Sosleepinga lt orhiting the snooze alarm in most cases isnot a symptom of laziness, butrather a symptom Cee SOT ed a ee ee eke eae only does your body and brain achieve healing and restoration everynight, but you wake up energized! Yes, that'sright. You wake up inthe morning and dontt want (or need) to hitthe snooze alarm because you got what ee ere “You cant sleep because you're a ‘Light Sleeper.” ‘Your sleep problems may have led you to believe that you are a “Light Sleeper” and that's ust “how you are” But what would it be lke if you fell asleep and slept through the night, without outside sounds or your bed partner's snoring disturbing you? If your bran chemistry is normal you will sleep through little noises and even loud snoring. In other words, being a “Light Sleeper” is a sign of a deeper problem that can be solved, and not a permanent situation! ddrgominak.com | © Stasha Gominak, MO. Another identity you may have adopted due to your sleep challenges is considering yourself to be a “Night Owl” Maybe you dont feel sleepy when thers commonly go to bed, orits typical for you to sleep during the day But just like with being a "Light Sleeper” the "Night Ow” identity is neither permanent nor healthy I's yet another sign of sub-optimal brain chemistry and poor sleep that could lead to a variety of other health problems if left tunaddressed. When you have the proper brain chemistry, you wil fel sleepy around 10pm and wake up energized and rested around 6am. This is evidence cof a normal and healthy sleep cycle and what will beter support your health cover the long term, So, whatis the and how can you achieve it to ‘Surprisingly, optimal brain chemistry fo sleep is achieved with healthy levels of vitamin D and by restoring your bodys intestinal microbiome, which soften damaged by vitamin D deficiency, and contributes ta poor sleep, The RightSleep method is a year-long program that helps you restore your sleep naturally through the use of vitamins that support a healthy sleep cycle and intestinal microbiome, You can learn the complete, step-by-step program with the RightSleep Workbook. The RightSleep Workbook will show you exactly what the optimal brain chemistry is (and how to ‘measureit), how to know what vitamins to take and when, and how to maintain healthy vitamin levels for optimal sleep that lasts. You can leam more and purchase the © Stasha Gominak, MO.

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