Mis Group Project Report: Requirement 5

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Mis Group Project Report

Requirement 5 –

In today's economy, information is one of the most important assets of an organization, probably
second only to human resources. Information has become important both as input and output.
Hence information security is of great concern to companies that want to implement e-business.
E-business depend solely on IT sectors, which is why it has to consider a lot of risk factors. The
chances of IT getting hacked is a massive threat to any e-business. Our company OragBran is
such an e-business with the focus of replacing plastic materials and using more eco-friendly
products. But plastic materials are used by the mass population on a regular basis. It will be
tough enough already to replace such a popular, high demanded material. So, to get a hold of a
successful, stable position in market, potential IT risks should be dealt with at all cost. Ensuring
secured transaction is an effective way to grab customers and dodge market threat. The
suggested probable solutions to manage two of the business threatening IT security risks are-

Security and Confidentiality :

In e-business, the way of commutation is electronic links that can be in any form - private leased
lines, third-party networks, or the Internet. The risk of an unauthorized access or hacker is
exposed either of these. Any sort of unauthorized network break-in is a matter of security breach
that, obviously, repels customers. In this case, ensuring security is of top-most importance to
grab new potential customers and keeping current loyal customers. Authentication while
accessing the system is the most popular way of terminating break-ins. It is important for both,
the buyers and the sellers, to get access after being authenticated to ensure security. The use of
user IDs, passwords, and authority tables are intended to limit access to authorized users and
to limit authorized users to only those files or records they must access to perform their assigned
duties. This is basically for B2B marketing system, for vendors who would collect our product as
their raw materials as a substitute for plastic. Computer logs help management monitor user
access and to discover unauthorized access and any resulting security breaches. A firewall helps
monitor incoming and outgoing network traffic and decide whether to allow or block specific
traffic based on a defined set of security rules. Securing the IT of OragBran with proper
authentication system will ensure the security of confidential information of the business and the

Availability :

For e-business, it is mandatory to ensure availability since the business will fail miserably
without proper access of the customers. IT systems failure could hamper the business. Such
failure can be the result of hacking or virus and worm attacks. It can end up in losing data. To
prevent that from happening, a business continuity planning is needed. Back up data and
systems will ensure the proper storage of data and will help recover lost data. Vulnerability
assessment process will define, identify and classify the security holes in information
technology systems. To prevent any attacker from exploiting a vulnerability to violate the
security of the system.

Implementing the e-business of OragBran in Bangladesh will definitely not be as welcome as we

would hope since its mission is to use eco-friendly substitute of the most popular material,
plastic. The project is bound to face some threats and take the risks. The IT systems failure will
end up being the failure of the overall project. Dodging these IT risks will help ensuring the
success of the e-business company, OragBran.

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