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Task 1) Answer :

Due to the current situation created by the global pandemic, there has been a booming increased
rate of online shopping. And because of this popularity of online shopping, we see a lot of
advertisements of a variety of different shops and their websites. Most brands have a website of
their own to operate their business online. Such as A’reve, owned by Mr. David. The main thing
that Mr. David’s clothing brand needs to focus on, to solve the decline in sales rate, is Customer
The high ‘Bounce Rate’ his Google analytics found can be because of a mundane website.
A’reve has a very simple and unembellished website. A basic online business strategy is, to
make your website not too flashy but just enough catchy. An extremely plain website might look
a bit boring to potential customers, discouraging them to move to the next page to even see the
available products. Thus, resulting in Bouncing. To decrease the ‘Bounce Rate’, Mr. David
should ensure the enrichment of the website of A’reve. The website should be adorned enough to
be able to catch the attention of visitors and make them browse further. They should include
extra contents and trigger words in their website to work as stimuli to the visitors’ interest.
The reason why most visitors just browse through and do not buy anything could be the results
of wrong advertising. To grab the right customers, Mr. David should take age, climate etc. in
account. For example - If they advertise their Winter collection is Summer, possibilities are the
visitors will only browse and not buy anything. Also, the website pages should be in order. Most
popular or trendy products should be displayed on the front page to make potential customers
buy. By bringing these few changes, Mr. David surely will see improvement in his brand website
Task 2) Answer :

The issues Walton is dealing with, being one of the largest companies in Bangladesh that
operates worldwide, can be considered quite serious. To solve these issues Walton must use
certain Tools and Technologies. Such as – Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) is
one of the tracking devices that Walton must consider using. These are small chips that use radio
transmission to track inventories. With this device, it will be much easier to track the inventories
as manufacturing plants are unable to keep track of inventories. The accuracy in RFID is very
high and the investment for such technology is very reasonable. Previously, RFID has proven to
be very useful in such cases and decreased the stockout incident rates. Moreover, since direct
connection EDIs are messy, they should start using indirect connection EDI. They must install
EDI translator software that is compatible with the VAN so that the communication gets easier.
They can gives updates on inventories to the raw materials suppliers.
Another issue includes the fact that Walton frequently runs low on raw materials. In such cases,
to ensure the flow of raw materials, they should use a B2B e-commerce tool like Private
Company Market Places. By using this tool, Walton can exert power in purchasing
negotiations from relatively small vendors. They can also use Private Stores and Customer
Portals and limit the entrance by password protection. By letting only selected members in, they
can offer negotiated price reductions on limited product selection. Thus, saving raw materials
and stock.
Intershop. (2020, August 25). The Future of B2B Commerce: Your Digital Customer Portal. Retrieved from

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