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AE (State PSC)

(01 – 10)

-By Pradeep Rathore

Answer C
Pressure:- SI unit is the pascal. (1 Pa = 1 N/m²)

Viscosity:- is defined as the property of a fluid which offers resistance to

the movement of one layer of fluid over another adjacent layer of the
Dynamic viscosity or absolute viscosity:- SI unit is Pascal second
1. Kg/m.sec 2. N.s/m² 3. Pa.s 4. Poise = 0.1 pa.s
Kinematic viscosity:- Ratio of dynamic viscosity to the density of fluid.
SI unit is the (m2/s) and CGS unit is the stokes.
1 Stokes = 0.01 cm²/sec = 0.0001 m²/s

D. Surface tension:- SI unit is Newton/m and CGS unit is dyne/cm .

Answer B

Ideal fluid:- Which is incompressible and is having no viscosity.

Ideal fluid is only an imaginary fluid and do not exists in nature.
Answer D
Kinematic viscosity:- Ratio of dynamic viscosity to the density of fluid.

SI unit is the (m2/s) and

CGS unit is the stokes.

1 Stokes = 0.01 cm²/sec = 0.0001 m²/s

Answer C
Answer B
Viscosity of fluid depends on the cohesive force.
Higher the temperature, lesser is the cohesion so viscosity ↓

Higher the temperature, more energy possessed by the
molecules and thus greater the momentum of colliding gas
Thus viscosity increases with increases in temperature for gases.
Answer B

Newton’s Law of Viscosity:- States that the rate of shear strain in a fluid is
directly proportional to applied shear stress.

Newtonian Fluid:

1. A fluid, whose viscosity does not

change with the rate of deformation
or shear stain, is called Newtonian fluid.

2. A fluid which obeys Newton’s law of

viscosity is termed as Newtonian fluid.
Answer C
Answer C
Answer A
Surface tension is caused by the effects of intermolecular forces
at the interface.

Surface tension depends on:-

1. Liquids were molecules have large attractive intermolecular
forces will have a large surface tension.

2. In general, surface tension decreases when temperature

increases because cohesive forces decrease with an increase of
molecular thermal activity.
Answer B

(Kilo = 10³, Mega = 106 , Giga= 109 ,

Tera = 1012 , Peta = 1015, Exa = 1018)

1 Pascal = 1 N/m²

Given, 1 Kilo Pascal = ? = 10³ N/m²

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